CC - 12-22-70CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 22,1970 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemead was held in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard and called to order by Mayor Taylor at 8:05 o'clock p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Hunter. The Invocation was delivered by Reverend Kenneth Harry of the First Baptist Church. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor Absent: Councilmen: None Ex officio: Andersen, Contreras, Foutz, Gunn, Keeler, Street 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: DECEMBER 8, 1970 - REGULAR MEETING. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried, that the minutes of December 8, 1970, be approved as printed. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. ELLIS LANE (W/S) MARSHALL TO DE ADALENA STREET. CURB, GUTTER, DRIVEWAY APPROACHES. Assistant City Manager Street reported that petition contains signatures of 100% of the property owners and that notices advising of this hearing were mailed. Mayor Taylor requested anyone wishing to be heard to please stand and be sworn in. No one responded. The hearing was declared open at 8:07 o'clock p.m. No one responded and it closed immediately. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Pike, and unanimously carried, that we proceed with this improvement as funds are available. 5. ORDINANCE NO. 301. AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE M-1 ZONE. INTRODUCTION. Planning Director Contreras summarized the proposed amendments. Mayor Taylor requested anyone wishing to be heard to please stand and be sworn in. No one responded. The hearing was declared open at 8:14 o'clock p.m. No one responded and it closed immediately. Discussion by the Council included the proposed side and rear setbacks and following consideration it was agreed that Section 9114.3 (C) be deleted in its entirety, and that Section 9114.3 (B) be revised as follows: P 6. Page Two C/C 12/22/70 B. Side and Rear Yard Minimum. No setback require except where si e or rear of lot. abuts side or rear of residential "R",zone, school or park, in which case a setback equal to side yard setback of residential "R" zone shall be required for building ; line of main structure. Setback area may be used to comply with parking require- ments. The Council also made reference to Section 9122.13, Parking Requirements, and agreed that second paragraph shall not apply in the M-1 Zone. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE M-1 ZONE OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. Attorney Keeler presented this ordinance by title only. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Ordinance No. 301 be introduced. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor None None UNFINISHED BUSINESS ORDINANCE NO. 300. PROVIDING FOR THE GRANT OF CATV FRANCHISES. SECOND READING. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROVIDING FOR THE GRANT OF CATV FRANCHISES AND AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. Attorney Keeler presented this ordinance by title only and stated that due to the questions raised at the last meeting revisions had been made. The Council referred to Section 6703, Uses Permitted by Grantee, and concurred that there should be a clause requiring that all new construction be in accordance with the City's Underground Utility District Ordinance, and further, that CATV may at no time delay any under- grounding program underway by the local utility companies. Mr. Keeler stated he would prepare an amendment for consideration at the next meeting. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Ordinance No. 300 be adopted, Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 7. ORDINANCE NO. REGULATING SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING. INTRODUCTION. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD REGULATING SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING AND AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. Page Three C/C 12/22/70 b • Attorney Keeler presented the foregoing ordinance by title only. Mr. Keeler also presented bn.acld'Itiona.l ordinance stating its purpose is to renumber certain sections of the Zoning Code so that the Sign Ordinance may be properly inserted. ORDINANCE NO. 302. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CHANGING THE TITLE OF ARTICLE IX OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING A TITLE FOR CHAPTER I OF SAID ARTICLE IX, AND RENUMBERING VARIOUS PARTS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN SAID CHAPTER 1 OF ARTICLE IX, AND THEREBY AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Ordinance No. 302 be introduced. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Mr. John Glyn of Foster & Kleiser and Mr. Ron Cipriani of Pacific Outdoor Advertising, were in attendance and stated they had no objections to the proposed Sign Ordinance: Discussion amongst the Council indicated that the proposed ordinance could be too restrictive in specific areas, and following consideration Mr. Gunn was requested to schedule another study session with the Planning Commission. 8. AWARD OF CONTRACT. HOUSE DEMOLITION AT 2759 N. DEL MAR AVENUE. Mr. Gunn reviewed Council's action of the last meeting stating owner was required to remove two garages and post $2500.00 before an extension would be granted, in order to complete necessary work on the house. Mr. Gunn advised that the garages have been removed and that the City has received a check for $2500.00. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that we grant the owner of property at 2759 N. Del Mar Avenue a g5-day extension, in which to complete the necessary work and bring said structure up to code as required. NEW BUSINESS 9. RESOLUTION NO. 70-117. CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $151,737.37 AND DEMANDS NUMBERS 9925 - 10003. City Treasurer Foutz presented this resolution by title only. It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 70-117 be adopted. lJ Page Four C/C 12/22/70 10, Il, Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: HEARING OFFICER REPORTS: A Andersen, Hunter, Maude; Pike, Taylor None None A. CAPTAIN'S PLAYPEN, 3219 N. SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD. DANCE, ENTERTAINMENT AND BILLIARD LICENSES. Mr. Gunn presented report of Hearing officer and recommended issuance of the licenses subject to certain conditions. Mr. Gunn stated inasmuch as a new applicant is taking over this establishment that Condition No. 1 requiring two uniformed security officers be on duty during the hours of dance and entertainment, not be put into effect until notification is given by the City or the Temple City Sheriff's Department. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that we accept the report of the Hearing Officer, issue the licenses, and that Condition No. 1 be enforced at the discretion of the City Manager or the Captain of the Temple City Sheriff's Depart- ment. B. PAUL'S STEAK HOUSE, 9632 VALLEY BOULEVARD. BILLIARD LICENSE. Mr. Gunn presented the report of Hearing officer and recommended issuance of the license subject to conditions. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried, that we accept the report of the Hearing Officer and issue the license sub- ject to the recommended conditions. C. CANDY'S. 8942 E. GARVEY AVENUE. DANCE, ENTERTAINMENT AND BILLIARD LICENSES. Mr. Gunn presented the Hearing officer's report and recommended issuance of the licenses subject to conditions. Councilman Pike questioned if applicant meets the parking requirements and Mr. Gunn replied in the negative stating he could not recall exactly how short the applicant is in complying, but that parking has not been a problem in the past. It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing licenses be denied on the grounds of insufficient parking. AWARD OF CONTRACT. ARCHITECTURAL PROPOSAL FOR ROSEMEAD PARK SNACK BAR AND RESTROOM FACILITIES. Mr. Gunn advised of the proposals received and recommended the quotation of Fred P. Turton be accepted. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Pike, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing recom- mendation be approved. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None • • 12, 13* Page Five C/C 12/22/70 USE OF ROSEMEAD POOL BY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Mr. Gunn presented this letter from the El Monte Union High School District, requesting an agreement to rent the Rosemead pool for a total of 46 full days @ $85.00 per day for a sub total of $3,910.00, plus 47 half days C@ $50.00 per day for a sub total of $2,350,00, making the total rental $6,260.00. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing rental request be approved as presented. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 1970 STORM DRAIN BOND ISSUE PROJECTS. Mr, Harry Scott of H.M. Scott & Associates, 9143 E. Valley Boulevard, addressed the Council and introduced Mr. George Jenkins, Vice-President and Project Manager. Mr. Jenkins outlined the six storm drain projects which are to be completed over an eight year period and advised of the progress made in pre- liminary plans thus far. 14, JOINT AGREEMENTS WITH CITIES OF EL MONTE AND.SAN GABRIEL FOR MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL DEVICES AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS. Mr. Gunn stated the agreement with E1 Monte pertains to a traffic signal at Easy Street and Valley Boulevard, and the agreement with San Gabriel is for a signal at Delta Street and Valley Boulevard. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing agreements be approved and the Mayor authorized to execute. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: 14A_ LIABILITY INSURANCE. Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor None None Mr. Gunn presented a memorandum pertaining to the above and recommended Council increase bodily injury coverage to $3,000,000.00 and authorize payment of $850.00 for the balance of the fiscal year. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Andersen, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing recom- mendation be approved and funds authorized as requested. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Andersen, Hunter, Maude, Pike, Taylor NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Page Six C/C 12/22/70 COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS 15. PLANNING COMMISSION: NONE 16. TRAFFIC COMMISSION: A. NEW AVENUE SOUTH OF GARVEY AVENUE - RESTRICTED PARKING. Mr. Envall, Traffic Engineer, made reference to Commission referral regarding the need for restricted parking on the east side of New Avenue southerly of Garvey Avenue. Mr, Envall stated that the Council recently approved the placing of a left turn pocket on New Avenue at its southerly approach to Garvey Avenue. This pocket has restricted northbound traffic to one lane without restricting the east side of New Avenue, and it is therefore recommended that red curb markings be placed on the east side of New Avenue from a point 37 feet south of the south curb line of Garvey Avenue to a point 126 feet south of said south curb line excluding the driveway. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing recom- mendation be approved. B. SAN GABRIEL BLVD. & NEWMARK - RED CURB MARKINGS. Mr. Envall made reference to a request from Mr. E.B. Buck, 2622 Falling Leaf Avenue, requesting restricted parking on the west side of San Gabriel Boulevard, north of Fern Avenue, to eleviate a sight problem. Mr. Envall advised that following field investigation it is recommended that 30 feet of red curb be placed on the west side of San Gabriel Boulevard extending north of Newmark Avenue, as it is believed this will sufficiently open visibility at this corner. It was moved by Councilman Andersen, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing recom- mendation be approved. C. BURTON AVENUE - RAMONA TO GARVEY - WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS. Mr. Envall made reference to a letter from the Southern California Automobile Club, requesting weight limit regula- tions at the above location for a Mr. Elmer Webb at 3160 Burton Avenue. Mr. Envall advised that field investigation disclosed that Burton Avenue has recently been improved between limits to 36 feet wide, 90% sidewalks with a pre-mix of 3-1/2 inches. Engineering analysis has indicated that this is not a sufficient thickness to carry heavy truck traffic, and it is therefore recommended that three-ton weight limit restric- tions be placed on Burton Avenue between limits, with the placement of a sign on the east side north of Garvey, and on the west side south of Ramona Boulevard. Mr. Envall further recommended that 30 feet of red curb be placed on the west side of Burton and 16 feet on the east side north of Garvey to eliminate congestion at the inter- section of Garvey Avenue. Page Seven C/C 12/22/70 During course of discussion the Council indicated they were opposed to placing weight limit regulations on just one particular street, but were in accord with the pro- posed red curb markings. It was moved by Councilman Hunter, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that we approve the fore- going placement of red curb markings as recommended. It was moved by Councilman Maude, second by Councilman Hunter, and unanimously carried, that the recommendation with regard to weight limit regulations be referred back to the Traffic Commission for consideration of the quadrant north of Garvey Avenue and east of Walnut Grove Avenue, COMMUNICATIONS 17, A. CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, 18, Mr. Gunn presented this communication along with a copy of a resolution requiring cities and counties to notify the Regional Board of the filing of development proposals which involve a major waste discharge. Mrs Gunn recommended that we request the County Engineer, acting as our City Engineer, to take this notification into account in examining all future subdivisions within the City. It was moved Councilman Andersen, second by Councilman Maude, and unanimously carried, that the foregoing recom- mendation be approved, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE. A. Mr.' Doug Stone, Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Manager, addressed the Council reviewing Chamber activities and accomplishments of the past year, B. Mr, Gilbert Barron, 7464 Melrose Avenue, addressed the Council requesting investigation be made of the traffic problem on Garvey Avenue between New and Del Mar Avenues, due to street construction, Mr. Gunn replied that the total traffic plan with regard to detours, etc., had been reviewed by the Engineer, and since this is a County Flood Control District project there isn't much more that can be done to improve the situation, 19, MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A. Mayor Taylor presented notification from the United States/Mexico Sister Cities Association, urging city officials attend the annual membership meeting in San Diego on January 16 and 17, 1971. B. Councilmen Pike and Maude commented on the number of trees damaged by the rain and suggested in the future the Park Maintenancemen assist in the replacing and replanting of said trees in order they be saved, C. Councilmen Maude and Pike also questioned when the report pertaining to the proposed theatre admission tax would be ready. Mr. Keeler replied it would be on the next agenda. Page Eight C/C 12./22/70 D. City Manager Gunn advised the Council of a joint meeting with the Garvey and Rosemead School District Boards which is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., January 5, in the Conference. Room of City Hall, There being no further business to come before the Council. Mayor Taylor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m, CITY CLERK ' M Y R '