PTM General Engineering Services, Inc.r r r ■ r ry■ ■ r r r r ■ r r BIDDER. PTM General Engineering Services Inc. BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR FEDERAL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ENCHANCEMENT PROJECT SRTSL- 5358(016) once Gin CCI4FnII1 F VNO UNIT OF EST. UNIT ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE QTY. PRICE COST 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LS 1 3ocO.c�o 'a3000.Go TRAFFIC CONTROL AND LS 1 2 BMPS /SWPPP ytom.ec� N�.�ora5 3 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION CY 264 1b5,00 ?.SC�4000 4 COLD MILL 2- INCHES SF 6,800 Lgo 12, 2vm.00 EXISTING PAVEMENT CONSTRUCT ASPHALT 5 CONCRETE PAVEMENT (2' TON 186 IZZ. oo 1Z G;).Z. Co THICK) CONSTRUCT P.C.C. CROSS 6 GUTTER PER SPPWC STD. SF 135 fig. pp 2430. o0 122 -2. CONSTRUCT 4" P.C.C. DRIVE 7 APPROACH PER SPPWC SF 440 N1 00 to .eO STD. 110 -2 CONSTRUCT4 "PCC SIDEWALK INCLUDING 8 EXCAVATION, EXPORT. AND SF 5,000 Sb 32Soo_�o DRIVEWAY APRONS PER SPPWC STD. PLAN 113 -2. CONSTRUCT P.C.C. CURB 9 PER SPPWC STD. 120 -2 AND LF 1,325 �-�a' 111 -5 3041S.o0 CONSTRUCT ADA CURB 10 RAMP PER SPPWC STD. 111- EA 3 ?,d00 p� 9wo N 5 INSTALL STREET LIGHTS LS 1 11 INCLUDING ALL CONDUITS 113Otb co k 3 o 12 LANDSCAPE PLANTING AND LS 1 Ib�gOOm I"eg�,.Fy> IRRIGATION CBF -1 w r i 1 1 i A 1 1 A 1 i i� 1 BIDDER. PTM General Engineering Services Inc. SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT t 13 WALNUT GROVE AVE. AND LS MARSHALL ST. PER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCT TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT 14 WALNUT GROVE AVE. AND LS 1 4S94Aoc tas9 rcl VALLEY BOULEVARD PER SPECIFICATIONS INSTALL SIGNAGE, STRIPING, AND PAVEMENT LS 15 MARKINGS AT VARIOUS 4it)�' y1OpO� LOCATIONS TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$ 1 Zla 02�P.00 - ou n Dollar amt in written form ADDITIVE ALTERNATE A UNIT OF ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE EST. UNIT QTY. PRICE ITEM COST CONSTRUCT6 "COLORED RPORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CROSS WALK on SF 3250 i10 8• CLASS 11 AT WALNUT "ec' $2CP0- GROVE AND MARSHALL STREET TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATE A BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$ S LQQQ - QP Dollar a n written form The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm offer to the Owner which cannot be withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids from and after the bid opening date, or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third party, whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price, the written amount shall govern. CBF -2 PTM General Engineering Services BIDDER. - Fn If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid items, the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above. The owner can choose to include one or more of the alternates in the Total Bid Price of the Project. If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner, the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project. Attached hereto is a certified check, a cashier's check or a bid bond in the amount of teopercent of total bid amourpollars ($ to% ) said amount being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total Bid Price. The undersigned agrees that said amount shall be retained by the Owner if, upon award, we fail or refuse to execute the Contract and furnish the required bonds, certificates and endorsements of insurance and other certifications within the time provided. M 1 1 r c t CBF -3 BIDDER_ PTM General Engineering Services Inc. ' If awarded a Contract, the undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contract, which will be prepared by the Owner for execution, within five (5) Calendar Days following the Letter of Award for the Contract, and will deliver to the Owner within that same period the necessary original Certificates of Insurance, Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond, Payment Bond and all other documentation and certification required by the Contract. The undersigned offers and agrees that if this bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to he Contractor. Bidder understands and agrees that, when requested by Owner, he shall provide: (1) evidence satisfactory to the Owner of Bidder's California contractor's license(s) in good standing; (2) evidence that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resulting therefrom; and (3) any other information and documentation, financial or otherwise, needed by Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. Bidder understands and agrees that liquidated damages shall apply to this Contract in the amounts of five hundred dollars ($500.00) if proiect is not completed in forty -five (45) working days. The Contract Time will begin to run ten (10) Working Days from the date of the Notice of Proceed and sub act to the terms and conditions described in the Contract Form and the Contract Documents ■ ■f� • I Bidder understands and agrees that liquidated damages shall apply to this Contract in the amounts and subject to the terms and conditions described in the Contract Form and the Contract Documents. Bidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contract Bid Forms which it requires to be incorporated into a Contract arising out of this Submittal has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder further acknowledges that the Owner may, at its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data submitted herewith into a contract arising out of this Bid. The undersigned acknowledges receipt, understanding and full consideration of the following addenda to the Contract Documents. Addenda Nos. The Bidder understands and agrees that the Total Bid Price is inclusive of all labor, materials, and equipment or supplies necessary to complete the Work as described in the Bid Documents. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and execute the Contract with the necessary bo s and accept the Total Bid Price as compensation in full for all Work under the contract. By. 5942 Acorn St. Signature Business Street Address Elizabeth H Mendoza de McRae Riverside, CA 92504 Type or Print Name City, State and Zip Code President /CPO Title CBF -4 951.710.1000 telephone Number BIDDER. PTM General Engineering Services Inc. Bidders /Contractor's State of Incorporation: California Partners or Joint Venturers: Elizabeth H. Mendoza de McRae President /CFO Brian Mendoza Secretary /V.P. Bidder's License Number(s): 891265 NOTES: 1) By its signature on this Bid, the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms. 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address 3) If Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint venturers. As further discussed in the Instructions to Bidders, Bidder will be required to provide evidence that the person signing on bebalf of the corporation, partnership or joint venture has the authority to do so. N131>11111RI CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE RESOLUTION j Brian Mendoza 'Secretary of RIM General Engineering Services Inc. (Corporation) do hereby certify that at a duly constituted meeting of the Stockholders and Directors of the Corporation held at the office of the Corporation on December 30 , 2007(year), it was upon motion duly made and seconded, that it be VOTED: Elizabeth H. Mendoza de McRae, President /CFO ..... OR.... Brian Mendoza, Vice President /Secretary Authorized to sign & execute contracts and submit bids with either one of the corporate officer's signatures. It was upon further motion made and seconded that it be further VOTED: That Elizabeth 11 wcaaovi le Mcaee, eresidenJCol ..... oa____ Brian Menla , Vice President /secretary in the capacity as of the Corporation is empowered, authorized and directed to execute, deliver and accept any and all documents and undertake all acts reasonably required or incidental to accomplish the foregoing vote, all on such terms and conditions as he in his discretion deems to be in the best interests of the Corporation. I further certify that the foregoing votes are in full force this date without rescission, modification or amendment. Signed this Grd " day of /),_,,,_,� , a,e{r/ (yeer>. A TRUE RECORD ATTEST (Corporate Sea]) Si / > Brian Mendoza Sec tary/Clerk Vice President /Secretary BIDDER: PTM GENERAL ENGINEERING Bidder shall submit its Bid data in accordance with the format shown on each of the following Bid Data Forms. Bidders shall prepare and use as many sheets as are necessary to adequately provide the information required. Bidder shall ensure that every page of its Bid Data Forms are properly identified with the Bidder's name and page number. 2.A BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT PTM GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. , as Principal, and INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY. , as Surety, are held firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter called the OWNER) in the sum of TEN PERCENT OF AMOUNT BID DOLLARS (S L being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total Bid Price; for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, said Principal has submitted a bid to the OWNER to perform all Work required for the Federal Safe Routes to School Walnut Grove Avenue Enhancement Pro'ect as set forth in the Notice Inviting Bids and accompanying Bid Documents, dated 913/14 NOW THEREFORE, if said Principal is awarded a Contract for the Work by the OWNER and, within the time and in the manner required by the above - referenced Bid Documents, enters into the written form of Contract bound with said Bid Documents, furnishes the required bonds (one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials) furnishes the required insurance certificates and endorsements, and furnishes any other certifications as may be required by the Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the OWNER andjudgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the OWNER in such suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court. SIGNED AND SEALED, this 22ND day of AUGUST 20 14 PTM GENERAL E IGINEERING SERCIES, IN�SE Q Principal Hlzabaeb H. Mendo <o d� MeR-- By RESIDENT /CFO By Signature CBF -6 INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY Tel (973) - POWER OF ATTORNEY INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY ONE NEWARK CENTER, 20TH FLOOR NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 -5207 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Slate of New Jersey, and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, having their principal office in the City of Newark, New Jersey, do hereby constitute and appoint KEVIN E. VEGA, BRITTON CHRISTIANSEN, PHILIP E. VEGA, MYRNA SMITH Covina. CA their true and lawful adorney(sl -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writinggs obligatory In the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute rule, repulalion, contract or otherwise, and the color ion of such instrumenQs In Pursuance of Ness presents, shall be as binding upon the said IN1'ERNA ONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUAL COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by their regularly electetl officers at their principal offices. Y yry Y q This Power of Afforni is executed and May be revoked, pursuant to and of (INTERNATIONAL F FIDELITY INSURANCE oCOMPANYdat is a treetop dolly held on the 201th day of July 2010randlby the Board of Direcctto Board f ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY at a meetlng duly held on the 15th day of August, 2000. Corporation, to be valid and binding upon the Corporation with the same torte one occur as maugn neimeny auueu. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY havesach executed and attested these presents on his 12th day of March, 2012. 1 CD STATE OF NEW JERSEY County of ESSex /J��/��� // ROBERT W. MINSTER Executive Vice PresldemChief Operating Officer N<•x4 (International Fidelity Insurance Company) YLY and President (Allegheny Casualty Company) On this 12th day of March 2012, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said he Is the therein described and authorized officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY that the seals affixed to said instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies: that the said Corporate Seals and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m hand affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Newark, New Jersey the day and year Xrst above written. MAAQL NOTARY � O � "x PUBLIC 'A' ♦ A NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY My Commission Expires Nov. 21, 2015 `�^�Jease CERTIFICATION L the undersigned officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Sections of the By -Laws of said Companies as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the originals on file in the home once of said companies, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this / %'�' day of XA7 1 ;v 141 MARIA BRANCO Assistant Secretary t = e...'sI r et$Hy%dP �, f 1v ^u��U 1c,d�C�k'•etl3yPtUG�'�a SA rba.iY� 3 tale C1 C =j6 'nla Gouo't' at ORANGE On �_��'2-01Y before me, Philip Vega, Notary pubhc personally appeared ELIZABETH H. MENDOZA de MCRAE '.... PHILIP VEGA COMM, A 1977M !3 IvmuY VInLIL.rxra9lM 3 Dr LOsnn'GE1E5[OIMtt My Comp. EIW%MAY81.4018 e „-o No” sas 1".o who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the pereorri% whose name's) is/gre subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowlecip to me that we ii6Atlllyy executed the same In hi�In� kIair authorized capacity(it), and that by hldlt>'e�Meir stgnI on the instrument the persen(g), or the entity upon behalf cf which the personO acted, executed the Instrument. I cartiry under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Californiy that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. 1 WITNESS my hand AVAic!al seal Signature OPTIONAL Tho;;gh;heinformation bebwe not=ninrd by law, If may prove veovCit, to person relying on Me d0nument and could proven: it odelent removal and roa'Whmenl of thla Form to anothor document, Descripfion of Attached Document Title or T1'Pe of Document Daculnant Date: Number of Pages: Sonsus) Other Than Nerved Above. Capacityhes) Claimed by Signer(y) Slgnar's Name, '. Signer's Name ❑ Individual D Indwidual ❑ Corporate Cificer— TIOe(s): ❑ C Orpo rate OHlocr — Titles) ❑ Paurra— LA LIn -Fud ❑ General _ _ ❑ Partner—O Umiied ❑ Ceneral ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Attorney in Fact Top of mumb note iop of Inumutlere n Trustee 4Trustee ❑ Goardlan or C000a,,Qtor Q Gcardlao or Conservator ❑ Other: D Other: Signer is Represen ing:_T Signer is Repr.... ing: D2LOI N8110n8I II 111m .Jem 9a50 Da Sme `0 Bad 2902. CFe 0CI1, CA 9139.31CR• cartµ tellor,tollasno Ism h 590 neonfac Cats ron- Pm" GOO 8 %999 CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE 1189 fi State of California l 11 C County of Los_Anaelgs On AUG 2 2 2014 before me Monica Blaisdell, Notary Public ° neo man ue,e e em neoiee� - personally appeared Philip E_ Vega_ — e N�metstTs�e�aa7l who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person)K whose name( is/Elea- MohICA 6LAI60ELL subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged Commission Is 1970845 to me that he /s`pE/tAey executed the same in �'' °` his/ r authorized ca acit z Notary Orange -Cal items, i P Y(868 and that by Orange Counly s his/her /th%c- signature(b�- on the instrument the M Comm. Expires Mar 26,20,6 PersoniKj, or the entity upon behalf of which the personWacted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal . r,aeN, ay s. nmle Signature:._��w+t, jy� y ,e N11 BIDDER: PTM General Engineering Services Inc. ' 23 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act," Sections 4100 through 4114 of the California Public Contract Code, and any amendments thereto, each Bidder shall provide the information requested below for each subcontractor who will perform work, labor or render service to Bidder in or about the construction of the Work in ' an amount in excess of one -half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) of the Bidder's Total Bid Price, or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractors total bid or ten ' thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, and shall further set forth the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor. Bidder shall list only one subcontractor for any one portion of the Work. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104, the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty -four (24) additional hours after the deadline for submission of bids to submit ' the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor, other than the name and location of each subcontractor. If the Bidder fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the Work to be performed ' under the Contract, it shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion itself, and shall not be permitted to subcontract that portion of the Work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth below. Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the Work in excess of one half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) of the Total Bid Price or, in the case of bids or offers forthe construction ' of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, for which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public ' emergency or necessity, and then only after Owner approval. 1 CBF -7 I 1 i BIDDER. PTM General Engineering Services Inc. 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) I o�Plca�e NeX�z Pages rtneedea rorusonq aadn�onal s�e�onlm�m�s ^i Name and Location Description of Work Of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: 104'0 SC-V42 Ql+�- 0410+s15(u.QQ Address \ X81 -VUGy, - _A. Cjg„H, ll fp 911pb Lit, tc. Sdotzt Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Superior Pavement Markings Name: 14656 Indus" Circle, La Mirada, CA 90638 Q 5 e1 Address. License No, 716306 Earn 8/31/13, Class C32, C31 TE1:)14)562 91ee ras:7141995 -9400 Name and Location of Subcontractor Name. Address Name and Location of Subcontractor Name. Address: Name and Location of Subcontractor Name: Address CBF -10 Description Of Work to be Subcontracted Description of Work to be Subcontracted Description of Work to be Subcontracted I BIDDER: PTM General Engineering Services Inc. 1 2.0 REFERENCES ' The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two (2) years. ' 1. City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Name and Address of Owner ' Mr. Sean Sullivan Tel: 626.569.2189 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project ' $655.045.00 Safe Routes to School 01/2013 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed ' 2. City of Garden Grove, 11222 Acacia Pkwy Garden Grove, CA 92840 Name and Address of Owner Mr. Dai C. Vu Tel: 714.741.5186 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project $22,465.00 Traffic Signal 12/2013 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 3. City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Name and Address of Owner Mr. Craig Cruz, Tel: 909.477.2740 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project ' $809,503.00 Traffic Signal at 3 Locations 09/2012 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed ' 4. City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658 Name and Address of Owner ' Mr. Brad Sommers, TeL 949.644.3326 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project ! ■ $547,050.00 Traffic Signal Rehabilitation 11/2012 ■ Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed CBF - 11 Brian Mendoza P.O. Box 7745 Riverside, CA 92513 -7745 Email: BrianaIpim- eng.com • Cell 951.722.5755 Chief Estimator and Supervisor of Outside Operations Supervisor of outside operations with over IS years of experience. Electrician with over 20 years of experience. An effective communicator and team leader; experienced in coordinatingand executing large and fast -paced projects. CAREER EXPERIENCE Freeway Electric /PTM General Engineering Senices, Inc. Riverside, CA 06/2006 to Date Chief Estimator /Supervisor of Outside Operations In charge of managing the estimating department and finalizing bid packages; coordinating the beginning phase of an awarded project between the company and agency. Project submittals, contract review. Coordinated and managed crews California region; handled various sized projects ranging in size from $1,000 to $4.5 million dealing with dry utilities, wet utilities, traffic signals, and road improvements. Maintained coordination Freeway Electrie/PTM General Engineering and subcontractor, and project owners. In charge of handling project's administrative work; monthly gross estimates, project progress schedule, materials requisitions, contract change order negotiations and equipment purchase and rentals. High Light Electric Ioe. /Pete & Sons Construction Inc. Riverside, CA 10196 to 06/20116 Chief Estimator In charge of managing the estimating department and finalizing bid packages. Coordinating the beginning phase of an awarded project between the company and agency or prime contractor; project submittals, contract review. Successfully bid on projects totaling $12 million with an average spread 6 %. Area Supervisor Coordinated and managed 10 crews consisting of 6 members per team in the southern California region; handled various sized projects ranging in size from $1,000 to $4.5 million dealing with dry utilities, wet utilities, traffic signals, and road improvements. Maintained coordination between High Light Electric Inc and subcontractor, general contractor and project owners. In charge of handling project's administrative work; monthly gross estimates, project progress schedule, materials requisitions, contract change order negotiations and equipment purchase and rentals. Continued... BRIAN MENDOZA • Page 2 CAREER EXPERIEW E CONTINUED MBE Electric Inc. in Riverside, CA 10/1998- 10/1996 Vice President and Head of Outside Operations Managed outside operations for all projects ranging in size from $1 to $2.5 million. Headed an around the clock electric crew and coordinated with CC Meyes to repair the 1 -10 Santa Monica Freeway after it collapsed during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake to complete the fast paced project in 66 days. Maintain coordination hemeen MBC Electric and subcontractors, general contractor and project owners; implemented and enforced safety guidelines. Handled administrative work; monthly progress estimates, material requisitions, contract change order negotiations. Vasco Corporation in San Fernando, CA 10/1987 - 06/1998 Foreman (Part Time) Managed day to day operations of work crews and various projects ranging in size from $1,000 to $5,000 in Eastern Los Angeles County; traffic signals, street lighting, signal interconnect. Raymor Electric in Rosemead, CA 06/1986 - 10/1987 Crew Leader (Part Time) In charge of work crew on projects ranging from $25,000 to $250,000 through out Los Angeles County. WORK SHILLS • Capable of operating heavy equipment such as skip loaders, cranes, and baekhoes; • Hands -on experience with hand tools and power tools; • Capable of overseeing fast -paced and high profile projects; • An effective communicator and leader; EDUCATION • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Completed training course (1988 -1989) in street lighting and traffic signal installations, code enforcement and blue print reading. • South Gate High School Received High School diploma in 1988 BRIANMENDOZA • Page3 CAREER (EXPERIENCE CONTINUED PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (1BEW) • National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) ACCREDITATION • IBEW- tomneyman Wireman; CSLB - Electrical Contractors; Certified french Safety Coordinator. • English (Native) • Spanish (Fluent) LANGUAGES AWARD RECEIVED • Recipient of the U.S. Small Business "Young Entrepreneur of the Year" Award in 1996, nationally. • Recipient of the Certificate of Recognition by the City of Los Angeles for "Small Business" in 1997. • Recipient of the Certificate of Recognition by the City of Riverside for "Small Business' in 1997. • Recipient of the Certificate of Recognition by the State Assembly, Assemblyman Mr. Rod Pacheco, for the "top 500 Inland Empire Small Business" in 1997. • Ranked among the "Top 500 hiland Empire hispanic Owned Companies" since 1997. • Certification of Appreciation for our participation and maximization in the "Century Freeway Affirmative Action" by CFAAC. PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL REFERENCES Caltrans project #07- 1224U4 (Electrical contract amount $4.5 million) Project completed in 2005 Description of project: installation of traffic signals, ramps metering, sign illumination, Highway lighting, fiber optic communication, and electrical irrigation along the I -10 Freeway in Los Angeles County. • Doug Dwason- Project Manager for prime contractor, Balfour Beatty Cell (949)232 -3276 and Office (909)397 -8040 • Patty Galvan- Resident Engineer. Office (909)594 -4270 • Veronica Ross - Electrical Inspector. Cell (714)606 -6311 BRIAN MENDOZA • Page CAREER EXPERIENCE CONTINPED City of Redlands Contract #208300 - 72304/41008 (Electrical contract amount is $2185800) Project completed in 2003 Description of'projecC Installation of traffic signals, modification of ramp metering, lighting and sign illumination. • Bill Hensley- Senior Civil Engineer- Office (909)798 -7586 ext 2 • Juali Olvera- Project Manager for general contractor, H &H Construction- Cell (951)453 -7712 and Office (909)473 -7331. Caltrans project #08- 4567V4) Electrical contract amount is $938,238) Project completed in 2005 Description of project: installation of lighting system along the 1 -5 Freewav in San Bernardino Comnv. • Gary Vogel- Project Manager form prime conk actor, Granite Construction Cell: (661)549 -3953 and Office (661)726 -4447 Sanbag Projects, Segment 1, 2, 3, early segment 9, segment 9, and alder Ave. (Total electrical contract amount was $3.2 million) Project completed in 2004. Description of projects: Installation of traffic signals, ramp metering, sign illumination, highway lighting, fiber optic communication, and electrical irrigation along the 1 -10 Freeway in San Bernardino County. Harold Lantis- Sanbag Contract Manager- Ccll (760)802 -7730 and Office (909)875 -8029 ext213. Tim Ilanable- Caltrans Inspector -Cell (951)712 -0021 Al Ortega- Project Manager for prime contractor, Yeager Shanska- Cell (714)240- 5333. City of Indio Project #ST0137 (E'lectrical contract amount was $1.4 million) Project completed in 2005 Description of project: Installation of street lighting system, traffic signals, electrical irrigation, acrd dry utilities. • Gary Baxter -Area Manager for prime contractor, Yeager Shanska Construction - Cell (909)721 -9749 and Office (760)343 -5472 • Tommy Young - Project Manager for prime contractor- Cell (951)232 -6618 and Office (760)343 -5472 • Mehran Sepebri-City Engineer- Cell (760)250 -2201 Additional Professional References: • Zale Harris - Caltrans Inspector- Cell (951)289 -0047 • Ray Robles - Caltrans area supervisor- Cell (909)799 -0646 J a• } %r / \, . ! \§ ( \ }/ \ (( \( ( \\( . !&2 �f u) §P !� *g _! ) /m} / \ ` :. ' CITY OF ROSEMEAD i FEDERAL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT SRTSL- 5358(016) I E4tjALu� �? L°NT 13 w A c D a 0 s m 0 m N O Fa h W A t a 0 U o � $ v N P O N` 9 6 w m E o° m5 �a No 0 roa ti o W e „ c o� �r CY O 3 � s O U. N � 3q w c q 's c o c o Aq m q c `o e A P O _V 3 `u 5 q � Y � N � I I 9ppp❑ 3 3 I o I e E � I I ! II a° I 7 O w O C G F F G C C C C G C G 0 0 0 O C F O O O G C O O O F C O O O v v v v n v v V v n v v v v n v v v v n ❑ ❑ Em 11 El N � L w J 9 Eam m�mm I n LL U ' C U N c 5 c W v N u F M W 0 m w Q 0 T w Q a f Q F /O U h N a 0 a F 1' Q v U 5 o � v V oa o H w m 6 o = � h 4' 6 u � Q O In �a c- '" a 0 o o c o � N t n � c 7 O VI h � C tL wF o= o c � a _ A L a O y } n t F' F L 9 a � U a �' Ji- I 54 i 79 E! ��� \ � ���� ��'�� �, �� � \ ��!�� � ��; /� i�� 22 - i: E ==m2= \/f V A /3399 o 77 El [] \ \� \ \ � ;� :� 0 1 G V m G W n `v G UI, H a. 0 O F f a H 0 a e L H Q F 0 O C v av `� v� oa G a W a� 0 v, s.. O T O P O W L as e F. o� po- C k O Na O N O y N q�. C � N f^ V 0 0 H m , LL m U , rThe Bidder shall list the name and address of each subcontractor to whom the Bidder proposes to subcontract portions of the work, as required by the provisions in Section 2 -1.01, "General," of the tspecial provisions. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CERTIFICATION The bidder PTM General Engineering Services Inc. ,proposed ' subcontractor , hereby certifies that he has x , has not _, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the equal ' opportunity clauses as required by Executive Orders 10925, 11114, or 11246, and that, where required, he has Bled with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, a Federal Government contracting or administering agency, or the former President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, all reports due under the applicable filing requirements. NOTE: The above certiBcationis required bythe Equal Employment Opportunity Regulationsof the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR 60 -1.7 (b) (1), and must be submitted by bidders and proposed Subcontractors only in connection with contracts and Subcontracts which are subject to the Equal Opportunity Clause. Contracts and subcontracts which are exempt from the Equal Opportunity Clause are set forth in 41 CFR 60 -1.5. (Generally only contracts or subcontracts of $ 10,000 or under are exempt). Currently, Standard Form l00 (EEO -1) is the only report required by the Executive Orders or their implementing regulations. Proposed prime CONTRACTORS and Subcontractors who have participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Executive Orders and have not Cited the required reports should note that 41 CFR 60 -1.7 (b) (1) prevents the award of contracts and subcontracts unless such CON 'I RACTOR submits a report covering the delinquent period or such other period specified by the Federal Highway Administration or by the Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance, U.S. Department of Labor. L EEOC -1 ■ ' CITY OF ROSEMEAD FEDERAL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT SRTSL- 5358(016) 0 ■ NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT L7 Noncollusion Affidavit (Title 23 United States Code Section 112 and Public Contract Code Section 7106) To the City of Rosemead, Los Angeles County DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. In conformance with Title 23 United States Code Section 112 and Public Contract Code 7106 the bidder declares that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; ' that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone ' else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the ' bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, orto fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage againstthe public body awarding the contract ff of anyone interested in the proposed contract, that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, ' any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. ' Note -. The above Noncollusion Affidavit is part of the Bid. Signing this Bid on the signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this Noncollusion Affidavit. Bidders are cautioned that making a false certification may subject the certifier to criminal prosecution. NA -1 i r r r 1 i CITY OF ROSEMEAD i FEDERAL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL i WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ENHANCEMENT i PROJECT SRTSL- 5358(016) i i DEBARMENT AND i r SPENSION CERTIFICATION 1 1 1 i i 1 DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION rTITLE 49, CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, PART 29 ' The bidder, under penalty of perjury, certifies that, except as noted below, he/she or any other person associated therewith in the capacity of owner, partner, director, officer, and manager: • is not currently under suspension, debarment, voluntary exclusion, or determination of ineligibility by any federal agency; • has not been suspended, debarred, voluntarily excluded or determined ineligible by any federal agency within the past 3 years; ' does not have a proposed debarment pending: and • has not been indicted, convicted, or had a civil judgment rendered against it by a court of competent jurisdiction in any matter involving fraud or official misconduct within the past 3 years. If there are any exceptions to this certification, insert the exceptions in the following space. Exceptions will not necessarily result in denial of award, but will be considered in determining bidder responsibility. For any exception noted above, indicate below to whom it applies, initiating agency, and dates of action. Notes: Providing false information may result in criminal prosecution or administrative sanctions. The above certification is part of the Proposal. Signing this Proposal on the signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this Certification. I I DSC -1 r 1 i 1 1 1 i CITY OF ROSEMEAD 1 FEDERAL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL i WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT SRTSL- 5358(016) 1 i 1 I QNLQBBYING C�I��,,I�peT10N i i 1 1 rNONLOBBYING CERTIFICATION rFOR FEDERAL -AID CONTRACTS ' The prospective participant certifies, by signing and submitting this bid or proposal, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: r 1) No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of r any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2) If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any r person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or r cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form -LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this r transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than r$10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. The prospective participant also agrees by submitting his or her bid or proposal that he or she r shall require that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier subcontracts, which exceed $100,000 and that all such sub recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. r r r I I NLGI r 1 1 1 i i CITY OF ROSEMEAD FEDERAL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL 1 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ENHANCEMENT 1 PROJECT SRTSL- 5358(016) 1 1 1 I DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING II l00 its *Cfi t I I N /A= Not Applicable nlgr-%"SIIRF. OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES 1. Type of Federal Action: 2. Status of Federal 3. Report Type: Action: N/A N/A a. conuact N/A a. blNatl6dapplicmion 1 u. Initial b gam h. Inlfiol mvard h. roatcrial change a <oopermivc agreement c Pox -a.vmd J. bun For Material Change Onl}: _loan guanine, year _ _ 9pIll _. C Joao tuanrnnce dale nt lost report_ 4. Name and Addre<of Reporting Entity S. If Reporting "lit, in No.4 is Subawardee, Enter Name and Antilles, of Prime: Prime Sun,,.rdce N/A Mier , itknuwn N/A Congressional District, it "n"n 6. Federal DepartmentlAgency: N/A 8. Federal Action Number, if knmen: N/A 10. in Name and Address of Lobby Entity (11 individual, lost name. fink name. h11) N/A Congressional District, if knave 0. Federal Program Namelt esrription: N/A ( FDA Number, itappholl 9. Award Ammmylfknown: N/A I. lndrvidmik Perfarming Services findudmg Adruas it Jlllercnt from No. IOU) (last name, lint mm", hit) N/A (nonce Conllnoat... bhed(3) Itnccc,'a" ) II. Amount ofps,.,.( (check all thatoppiy) 13. 'Pype of P.ymentichcck all that a ppll) 5 [] dnual [] plwmcd a. rctaine, N/A b. one-time fee N/A 12. Form of Payment (check all that applyl: c. cnilon.lnn 8 a. cash N/A — d. eomir,crl fee b. in -kind: specitj•'. nature a deferred value r call, s,,eify 14. Brief Description of Service Performed or to be performed and Date(s) of Serrice, including officer(s). employee(s), or mcmber(s) contacted, for Payment Indicated in Item If: N/A (mtaen Commnmmn snevt( >) ira,ao 1 15. Continuation Sheet(s):dtarhed: Yes [] No 9 16. Iir—r fion.,oned thma5h this form iv mnulnuN 6y I all 3lnSC.Sicion 1352 iris dodosufc of lobbymg Signmum: ,than was plbaed by the tic above when bi, tre lliclon made nreamred Lao. lms a,.nn,nl to nyaned ram Names Elizabeth H.Mendoza.deM( lonto It to 31 It S C. 1352 This inf rtua on will be rcponedt C. ge, .en us-ocwl, and nfll 6e aixlabtefcr rae President /CFO reb m el ,prno rs n Any reonwho frl. r Jill d enulrlJ _. ._..... __— a,deo are shall to Ill ill to a civil'o,tt" of not Ilse arv: 8-.2 S 10,000 mLI a,.' m:n c unm$' 100,000 f,, ,,h,c,h fanare . -t 1,,h,,., Nn.: 951.770_1000 uma_ _ Federal Use Only: DI A -1 Authodad Ibr i.ncel Reprudell on Standard POrm - LLL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF SF -LLL, DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entity, whether sutrawardee or prime Federal recipient, at the initiation or receipt oleavered Vetleral action nr a material change m previous fling pursuant,, title 3I O.S.C- scclior 1352. The fling of,, form is required for such payment or agreement to make payment to lobbying army for influencing or anempfing m influence an olTiaror employee of may agency. n Member of Congress an o�eer or employee of Congress or as employee of Member of C" ngress in cornecion still n o red Fad ml action. Attach a confirmation sheet for additional information If the space on the form is 'mid 1 ate, consplete all it en" that apply h both the initial tiling and material change report Refe I th bap) ..citing gt Wan ce published by the office of M1lanabement and Budget for additional information. I. Identify the type of covered Federal action for which lobbying activity is amber has been Secured to influence, the outcome of a covered Federal action. 2. Identify the status ofthe covered Federal action. 3. Identify the appropriate classification of this report. If lfis is a tidlow -up report caused by a material change to the information Previously repmral enter the year and quaner in which the changeoccu, ed. Enter the date of the last, previously submitted report by this reporting entity for this covered Federal action. 4- Enter the fill name, address, city, state and zip code of the reporting entity. Include Congrustonel Uistnct if known. (heck the appropriate classification of the reporting entity that designates if it is or expects to be a prime or si baward reelpie t. Identify the tier of the subawardee, cg.. the first subawardce of prune is the first tier - Subawards include but are not limited to subcontracts, od,,n nits and contract awards under grants. 5. If the mganizmian fling file report in Item 4 checks "Subawardee" then enter the Poll name, address, cily, slate and zip code of the prime Fedcml recipient. Include Congressional District, if knmvn. 6. Enter thename of the federal agency nmking the award or luau commitment. hiclade al least umc olgaurzation level below agency name, if known, For example, Department of "I7ansportation, United Stains ('rust C,te,d. 7. Fate, the I cdcral program name or description for the covered Eedeml action l item 1). If known, enter the But Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance I FDA) .... tuber for grant,, eooperallve agnremehts, Inm,, and an commitments. 8. Enter the most appropriate Iideral identifying number available for the Fedcml acnon identification in man 1 (cg., Request for Proposal ❑iFPI number, lactation for Bid (1FB) nenbe, grant announcement number, file contract grant. or loan award number, the application proposal control number assigned by the federal agency). Include prefixes, e.g., "It[ P- DE- 90 -00I:' 9. For a covered Federal action where there has been an award or loan commitment by the Federal agency, enter the Federal amount of the awurdlloan commitments for the prime entity identified in ilea 4 or 5. 10. (a) Enter the tall name, address, city. ,rate and zip code of the lobbying entiy engaged by the reporting entity identified in item 4 to influenced the covered Federal action. (b) Enter the (ill names al the individual(,) performing services and include full address ifdillbrcnt Ito. 10 (a)- Hater Last Name. First Name and Middle Initial (MI). 11. Enter the amount ofcompeumion paid or n- emaably expected to be paid by the reporting entity (item 4) to the lobbying entity (item 10). Indicate whether the payment has been made (actual) or will be made (planned). Check all boxes that apply. If this is a material change report, enter the cumulative amount of payment made or planned to be made. 12. Check the appropriate box. Check all boxes that apply. If payment is made through an in -kind contribution, specify the name cad cut. fthe in -kind payment. 13. Check the appropriate box Check all boxes that apply. [father, specify nature. 14. Provide o specific and detailed description of the services that the lobbyist has performed or will he expected to perform and the date(,) of any services rendered. Include all preparatory and related acts,ity not just time spent in actual contact with Federal officials. Identlfv the Federal omcerls) or entployee(s) contacted or the officer(i) employees) or Members) ill Congress that were contacted. 15. Check whether or not a confirmation ,heeds) is attached. 16. The certifying official shall sign and fiat, the font- print his/her same title and telephone number. ' Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including rime for reviewing off ruchot, searching existing data sources, gathering and muintuining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of inhanication . Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any othe aspect atlas collection oflnforrnabon, including suggestions for reducing this holden, to the Office of Mnnagem nt and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0148-0046). Washington, D.C. 20503. 11 till - - ""i, 'M�mu'o' 1 DLA -2 f 1 f �1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD f FEDERAL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT f SRTSL- 5358(016) fl I QBE COMWTMENT f 71 I r LJ 1 I i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOCAL AGENCY BIDDER DBE COMMITMENT (CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS) NOTE: PLEASE REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM LWAI, AGENCY. City of Rosemead I O ATION. _- Rosemead CA PROJECT DESCRIrr ]ON . SR2S Walnut Avenue EnhanC eme1112rnjerl. — TOTALCOWRACrAMOUNTa_. BID DATE. 9.03.14 BIDDER'S NAFE. PTM General En g eer�in Services Inc. - - - - - -- --- CONTRAQ DBE GOAL: _ •� -- _ .......o...+ +cunvw.nuaaun DnCORIvrION BECERTNO. AMEOF EACH DBC )UldeVt AMOUNT _ NO kl,WFRIALS nmtrackd If the For Local Agency to Complete: Loral .Agmey Cmtrxt N=n " Fe*oEaid Noiccl Number _ Fedora! Shvc. Conerw Award Date Lo Alarc anif— that all DBE cenilcations have ban vmiGed and itJotm& ion u complete v ac.a. 4 Prip N m Sigwh a - -- Dale (Aeea Curie) Tekphotn Number be anlfed on the dma bId ned - include DBI: address 1'ol11cd DBF S Faniapa en io _.�1L —_ S'gnamn M Bidder 8.28.14 951.710.1000 Uam (NCaCdc)Tc No aabeth H. Mendoza de McRae President /CFC pee4on 10 Contact (Please TYpeor Pnm) I —1 1ym11 uiadn IabP c'omnmmen ll'.mmu'uon Cwnrsu) IRN 6tdh�W1 Uktribittipn' (O Cop + -FU Oe scanampy mlM Calt(mu U' V I1. 1A We 1' gm (DIAF) ithinII tys ! mtrma e. vtioa Failuelo xltd soapy to the Dl AL within 30tl - f mraa a «m on may a. It inJ btb'i dhmd f Iti.p 1jcot (1)Copy- Imlttde In oword eto Cdoans Dlslnn Iswl Assiawna' (J)Originnl -Loral ogcnry files DBEC -1 INSTRUCTIONS - LOCAL AGENCY BIDDER DBE COMMITMENT (CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS) ALL BIDDERS: PLEASE, NOTE: This information may be submitted with your bid. If it is not, and you are the apparent low bidder or the second or third low bidder, it must submitted and received as specified in the Special Provisions. Failure to submit the required DBE commitment will be grounds for finding the bid nonresponsive 'File form requires specific information regarding the construction contract: Local Agency, Location, Project Description, Total Contract Amount, Bid Date, Bidder's Name, and Contract DBE Goal. The form has a column for the Contract Item Number and Item of Work and Description or Services to be Subcontracted or Materials to be provided by DBEs. Prime contractors shall indicate all work to be performed by DBEs including, if the prime is a DBE, work performed by its omen forces, if a DBE. Mlle DBE shall provide a certification number to the Contractor and expiration date. linter the DBE prime's and Subcontractors' certification numbers.The form has a column for the Names of DBE contractors to perform the work (who must be certified on the date bids are opened and include the DBE address end phone number). IMPORTANT: Identify all DBE firms participating in the project regardless of tier. Names of the Pint -Tier DBE Subcontractors and their respective items) of work listed should be consistent. where applicable, with the names and items of work in the "List of Subcontractors" submitted with your bid. There is a column for the DBE participation dollar amount. Enter the Total Claimed DBE Participation dollars and percentage amount of items of work submitted with your bill pursuant to the Special Provisions. (If 1000% of item is not to be performed or furnished by the DBE, describe exact portion of time to be performed or furnished by the DBE.) See Section "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE):' of the Special Provisions (construction contracts), to determine how to count the participation of DBE firms. Eshibil IS -G must be signed and dated by the person bidding. Also list a phone number in the space provided and print the name of the person to contact. Local agencies should complete the Local Agency Contract Award, Federal -aid Project Number, Federal Share, Contract Award Date fields and verify that all information is complete and accurate before signing and filing. l�I r UBEC -? r CITY OF ROSEMEAD FEDERAL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT SRTSL - 5358(016) I J7 GOOD FAITH EFFORTS H 0 7 DIRE INFORMATION —GOOD FAITH EFFORTS DBE INFORMATION - GOOD FAITH EFFORTS Federal -aid Project No. SRTSL 5358(0161 Bid Opcning Date e oa Ll Rosemead /Los Angeles Tfm (CityiCimmv op established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of %for this project. The information provided herein shows that a good faith effort was made. Lowest, second lowest and third lowest bidders shall submit the following information to document adequate good faith efforts. Bidders should submit the following information even if the "Local Agency Bidder DBE Commitment" form indicates that the bidder has met the DBE goal. "this will protect the bidder's eligibility for award of the contract if the administering agency determines that the bidder failed M meet the goal for various reasons, e.g., a DBE firm was not certified at bid opening, or the bidder made a ntalhcmatical error. Submittal of only the "Local Agency Bidder DBE Commitment" torm may not provide sufficient documentation to demonstrate that adequate good faith efforts were made. The following items ate listed in the Section entitled "Submission of DBE Commitment" ofthe Special Provisions: A. The names and dates of each publication in which a request for DBE participation for this project was placed by the bidder (please attach copies of advertisements or proofs of publication): Publications Dates of Advertisement Goals Met B. The names and dates of written notices sent to certified DBEs soliciting bids for this project and the dates and methods used for following up initial solicitations to determine with certainty whether the DBEs were interested (please attach copies of solicitations, telephone records, fax confirmations, etc.): Names of DBEs Solicited Date of Initial Follow Up Methods and Dates Solicitation Goals Met ■ GFE -1 C. The items of work which the bidder made available to DBE firms including, where appropriate. any breaking down of the contract work items (including those items normally performed by the bidder with its nWn forces) into economically feasible units to facilitate DBE participation It is the bidder's responsibility to demonstrate that sufficient work to facilitate DBE participation was made available to DBE firms. Items of Work Bidder Normally Breakdown of Amount Percentage Performs Item Items ($) Of (YEN) Contract _ Goals Met D. The names-, addresses and phone numbers of rejected DBE firms, the reasons for the bidder's rejection of the DBEs, the firms selected for that work (please attach copies of quotes from the firms involved), and the price difference for each DBE if the selected turn is not a DBE: Names, addresses and phone numbers of rejected DBEs and the reasons for the bidder's rejection of the DBEs: Goals Met Names, addresses and phone numbers- of firms selected for the work above: E. Efforts made to assist interested DBEs in obtaining bonding, lines of credit or insurance, and any technical assistance or information related to the plans, specifications and requirements for the work which was provided to DBEs: Goals Met ■ GFGZ ■ I� �I I L 1 1 F. Efforts made to assist interested DBEs in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials or related assistance or services, excluding supplies and equipment the DBE subcontractor purchases or leases from the prime contractor or its affiliate: Goals Met G. The names of agencies, organizations or groups contacted to provide assistance in contacting, recruiting and using DBE firms (please attach copies of requests to agencies and any responses received, i.e., lists, Internet page download, etc.): Name of Agency /Organization MethodlDate of Contact Results Goats Met _— H. Any additional data to support a demonstration of good faith efforts (use additional sheets if necessary): NOTE: USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS OF PAPER IF NECESSARY. GFG3 \I \1'1113: City y ® f r yAdmQr8y9eyp// \i \ \'ON PRO f4D1; Mnxceiter Rnnv �* 1, 1 8833 EAD, C A BOULEVARD P.O HC).0 399 ('OIINCII. TIGJIBCRS: 1I IA I PI ION C'ALIFOANIA 91310 SANUxA AxtfxerA 'I I31 I "PIIONr. (636)569 -21011 11AR Ha¢ EA %(626) 30] -9'_I8 I'ous lury CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA ADDENDUM No. 1 FEDERAL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT PROJECT No. SRTSL -5358 (016) To All Prospective Bidders: Please note the following revisions on the specifications for the above project: 1. In the Section: "Prevailing Wages" has been updated and shall be replaced with the following attachment of General Decision No. CA140033, Modification No. 16. Dated: 08/2212014. 2. In the Section: "Technical Provisions" has been updated with an addition page "TP- 20. The updated page will include the description for "Unclassified Excavation" for Bid Item No. 3. The quantity shown on the plan for unclassified excavation is an estimate only, and is only to be utilized if applicable to this project. The Addendum No. 1 forms a part of the Contract Documents for the above project and shall supplement or supersede reference sections of original specifications. This Addendum No. 1 must be signed, acknowledge on Page CBF — 4 of the Contract Bid Forms of the Specifications and submitted along with the Bidder's Proposal. BY ORDER OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ,.,,._ .. Date: August 28, 2014 /":7 By �-r Rafael M. Fajardo Associate Civil Engineer Acknowledgement: Bidder: Title: Ehbah H. M—L,, e, Date: ' 2 - %OJ y PRESIDENT /CFO Page I of I Addendum 1 wages General Decision Number: CA140033 08/22/2014 CA33 Superseded General Decision Number: CA20130033 State: California construction Types: Building, Heavy (Heavy and Dredging) and Highway county: Los Angeles County in California. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS; DREDGING PROJECTS (does not include hopper dredge work); HEAVY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (does not include water well drilling); HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS modification Number Publication Date 0 01/03/2014 1 01/10/2014 2 01/24/2014 3 01/31/2014 4 02/21/2014 5 03/14/2014 6 05/09/2014 7 05/23/2014 8 06/06/2014 9 06/20/2014 10 07/04/2014 11 0711112014 12 07/18/2014 13 07/25/2014 14 08/01/2014 15 08/08/2014 16 08/22/2014 ASBE0005 -002 06/30/2014 Rates Fringes Asbestos workers /Insulator (Includes the application of all insulating materials, protective coverings, coatings, and finishes to all types of mechanical systems) ..... % 35.44 19.36 Fire Stop Technician (Application of Firestopping materials for wall openings and penetrations in walls, floors, ceilings and curtain walls ) ...........................$ 24.34 16.09 --------------------------------------------------------- ASBE0005-004 06/24/2013 Rates Fringes Asbestos Removal worker /hazardous material handler (Includes preparation, wetting, stripping, removal, scrapping, vacuuming, bagging Page 1 Addendum 1 wages and disposing of all insulation materials from mechanical systems, whether they contain asbestos or not) .... $ 16.95 10.23 BOIL0092 -003 10/01/2012 Rates Fringes BOILERMAKER ......................$ 41.17 28.27 * BRCA0004 -007 05/01/2014 Rates Fringes BRICKLAYER; MARBLE SETTER ........ $ 37.74 13.85 °The wage scale for prevailing wage projects performed in Blythe, China lake, Death valley, Fort Irwin, Twenty -Nine Palms, Needles and 1 -15 corridor (Barstow to the Nevada state Line) will be Three Dollars ($3.00) above the standard San Bernardino /Riverside county hourly wage rate BRCA0018 -004 06/01/2014 37.35 Rates Fringes MARBLE FINISHER ..................$ 28.45 11.38 TILE FINISHER ....................$ 23.78 9.84 TILE LAYER .......................$ 35.14 14.33 BRCA0018 -010 09/01/2013 Bargeman, Bridge or Dock Rates Fringes TERRAZZO FINISHER ................$ 26.59 10.34 TERRAZZO WORKER/SETTER ........... $ 33.63 11.13 CARP0409 -001 0710112010 Rates Fringes (1) carpenter, cabinet Installer, Insulation Installer, Hardwood Floor worker and acoustical installer ...................$ 37.35 11.08 (2) Millwright ..............$ 37.85 11.08 (3) Piledrivermen /Derrick Bargeman, Bridge or Dock Carpenter, Heavy Framer, Rock Bargeman or Scowman, Rockslinger, shingler (Commercial) ................$ 37.48 11.08 (4) Pneumatic Nailer, Power Stapler ...............$ 37.60 11.08 (5) sawfiler ...............$ 37.44 11.08 (6) scaffold Builder ....... $ 28.55 11.08 (7) Table Power Saw operator ....................$ 37.45 11.08 Page 2 Addendum 1 wages FOOTNOTE: work of forming in the construction of open cut sewers or storm drains, on operations in which horizontal lagging is used in conjunction with steel H -Beams driven or placed in pre- drilled holes, for that portion of a lagged trench against which concrete is poured, namely, as a substitute for back forms (which work is performed by piledrivers): $0.13 per hour additional. CARP0409 -002 07/01/2008 Rates Fringes Diver (1) wet ..................... S 663.68 9.82 (2) Standby .................$ 331.84 9.82 (3) Tender ..................$ 323.84 9.82 (4) Assistant Tender ........ $ 299.84 9.82 Amounts in "Rates' column are per day CARP0409 -005 0710112010 Rates Fringes Drywall DRYWALL INSTALLER/LATHER .... $ 37.35 11.08 STOCKER/SCRAPPER ............ $ 10.00 6.67 CARP0409 -008 08/01/2010 Rates Fringes Modular Furniture installer ...... $ 17.00 7.41 * ELECO011 -004 07/28/2014 Rates Fringes ELECTRICIAN (INSIDE ELECTRICAL WORK) Journeyman Electrician ...... $ 39.70 25.66 ELECTRICIAN (INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Street Lighting, Traffic Signals, ccTv,and Underground systems) Journeyman Transportation Electrician .................$ 39.45 25.90 Technician ..................$ 29.59 25.61 FOOT NOTE: CABLE SPLICER & INSTRUMENT PERSON: Recieve 5% additional per hour above Journeyman Electrician basic hourly rate. TUNNEL WORK: 10% additional per hour. SCOPE OF WORK - TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ELECTRICIAN: installation of street lights and traffic signals,including electrical circuitry, programmable controllers, pedestal- mounted electrical meter enclosures and laying of pre - assembled multi- conductor cable in ducts, layout of electrical systems and communication installation, Page 3 Addendum 1 wages including proper position of trench depths and radius at duct banks, location for man holes, pull boxes, street lights and traffic signals. installation of underground ducts for electrical,telephone, cable television and communication systems. Pulling,termination and splicing of traffic signal and street lighting conductors and electrical systems including in terconnect,detector loop, fiber optic cable and video /cable. TECHNICIAN: Distribution of material at job site, manual excavation and backfill, installation of system conduits and raceways for electrical, telephone, cable television and communication systems. Pulling, terminating and splicing of traffic signal and street lighting conductors and electrical systems including interconnect, detector loop, fiber optic cable and video /data. * ELEC0011 -005 05126/2014 COMMUNICATIONS & SYSTEMS WORK (excludes any work on Intelligent Transportation Systems or CCTV highway systems) Rates Fringes communications system Installer ...................$ 28.30 12.43 Technician ..................$ 30.10 12.48 SCOPE OF WORK The work covered shall include the installation, testing, service and maintenance, of the following systems that utilize the transmission and /or transference of voice, sound, vision and digital for commercial, education, security and entertainment purposes for TV monitoring and surveillance, background foreground music, intercom and telephone interconnect, inventory control systems, microwave transmission, multi- media, multiplex, nurse call system, radio page, school intercom and sound, burglar alarms and low voltage master clock systems. A. Communication systems that transmit or receive information and /or control systems that are intrinsic to the above listed systems SCADA (supervisory control /data acquisition Pcm (Pulse code modulation) Inventory control systems Digital data systems Broadband & baseband and carriers Point of sale systems VSAT data systems Data communication systems RF and remote control systems Fiber optic data systems B. sound and voice Transmission /Transference Systems Background - Foreground Music Intercom and Telephone Interconnect systems sound and Musical Entertainment systems Nurse call Systems Radio Page systems school Intercom and sound Systems Burglar Alarm Systems Low- voltage Master clock systems Multi- Media /Multiplex systems Telephone Systems RF Systems and Antennas and wave Guide C. *Fire Alarm systems- installation, wire pulling and Page 4 Addendum 1 wages testing. D. Television and video systems Television Monitoring and Surveillance systems video security systems video Entertainment systems video Educational Systems CATV and CCTV E. Security Systems, Perimeter security systems, vibration Sensor Systems sonar /Infrared Monitoring Equipment, Access Control Systems, card Access Systems 'Fire Alarm Systems 1. Fire Alarms -In Raceways: wire and cable pulling in raceways performed at the current electrician wage rate and fringe benefits. 2. Fire Alarms -open wire systems: installed by the Technician. ELEC1245 -001 06/01/2013 ELEV0018 -001 01/01/2014 Rates Fringes ELEVATOR MECHANIC ................$ 49.03 26.785 FOOTNOTE: PAID VACATION: Employer contributes 8% of regular hourly rate as vacation pay credit for employees with more than 5 years of service, and 6% for 6 months to 5 years of service. PAID HOLIDAYS: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. --------------------------------------------------------------- ENG10012 -003 07/07/2014 Rates Fringes OPERATOR: Power Equipment (All other work) GROUP 1 ....................$ 39.05 22.25 Page 5 Rates Fringes LINE CONSTRUCTION (1) Lineman; cable splicer..$ 50.30 15.00 (2) Equipment specialist (operates crawler tractors, commercial motor vehicles, backhoes, trenchers, cranes (50 tons and below), overhead & underground distribution line equipment) ........... $ 40.17 14.56 (3) Groundman ...............$ 30.73 13.48 (4) Powderman ...............$ 44.91 13.48 HOLIDAYS: New Year's Day, M.L. King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day ELEV0018 -001 01/01/2014 Rates Fringes ELEVATOR MECHANIC ................$ 49.03 26.785 FOOTNOTE: PAID VACATION: Employer contributes 8% of regular hourly rate as vacation pay credit for employees with more than 5 years of service, and 6% for 6 months to 5 years of service. PAID HOLIDAYS: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. --------------------------------------------------------------- ENG10012 -003 07/07/2014 Rates Fringes OPERATOR: Power Equipment (All other work) GROUP 1 ....................$ 39.05 22.25 Page 5 PREMIUM PAY: $3.75 per hour shall be paid on all Power Equipment operator work on the followng Military Bases: china Lake Naval Reserve, Vandenberg AFB, Point Arguello, Seely Naval Base, Fort Irwin Nebo Annex Marine Base, Marine Corp Logistics Base Yermo, , Edwards AFB, 29 Palms Marine Base and Camp Pendleton workers required to suit up and work in a hazardous material environment: $2.00 per hour additional. combination mixer and compressor operator on gunite work shall be classified as a concrete mobile mixer operator. SEE ZONE DEFINITIONS AFTER CLASSIFICATIONS Page 6 Addendum 1 wages GROUP 2 ....................$ 39.83 22.25 GROUP 3 ....................$ 40.12 22.25 GROUP 4 ....................$ 41.61 22.25 GROUP 5 ....................$ 41.86 22.25 GROUP 6 .................... S 41.83 22.25 GROUP 8 ....................$ 41.94 22.25 GROUP 9 .................... S 42.19 22.25 GROUP 10 ....................$ 42.06 22.25 GROUP 11 ....................$ 42.31 22.25 GROUP 12 ....................$ 42.23 22.25 GROUP 13 ....................$ 42.33 22.25 GROUP 14 .................... S 42.36 22.25 GROUP 15 ....................$ 42.44 22.25 GROUP 16 ....................$ 42.56 22.25 GROUP 17 ....................$ 42.73 22.25 GROUP 18 ....................$ 42.83 22.25 GROUP 19 ....................$ 42.94 22.25 GROUP 20 ....................$ 43.06 22.25 GROUP 21 ....................$ 43.23 22.25 GROUP 22 ....................$ 43.33 22.25 GROUP 23 ....................$ 43.44 22.25 GROUP 24 ....................$ 43.56 22.25 GROUP 25 .................... S 43.73 22.25 OPERATOR: Power Equipment (cranes, Piledriving & Hoisting) GROUP 1 ....................$ 40.40 22.25 GROUP 2 ....................$ 41.18 22.25 GROUP 3 ....................$ 41.47 22.25 GROUP 4 ....................$ 41.61 22.25 GROUP 5 ....................$ 41.83 22.25 GROUP 6 ....................$ 41.94 22.25 GROUP 7 ....................$ 42.06 22.25 GROUP 8 ....................$ 42.23 22.25 GROUP 9 ....................$ 42.40 22.25 GROUP 10 .................... S 43.40 22.25 GROUP 11 ....................$ 44.40 22.25 GROUP 12 ....................$ 45.40 22.25 GROUP 13 .................... S 46.40 22.25 OPERATOR: Power Equipment (Tunnel work) GROUP 1 ....................$ 40.90 22.25 GROUP 2 ....................$ 41.68 22.25 GROUP 3 ....................$ 41.97 22.25 GROUP 4 ....................$ 42.11 22.25 GROUP 5 ....................$ 42.33 22.25 GROUP 6 ....................$ 42.44 22.25 GROUP 7 ....................$ 42.56 22.25 PREMIUM PAY: $3.75 per hour shall be paid on all Power Equipment operator work on the followng Military Bases: china Lake Naval Reserve, Vandenberg AFB, Point Arguello, Seely Naval Base, Fort Irwin Nebo Annex Marine Base, Marine Corp Logistics Base Yermo, , Edwards AFB, 29 Palms Marine Base and Camp Pendleton workers required to suit up and work in a hazardous material environment: $2.00 per hour additional. combination mixer and compressor operator on gunite work shall be classified as a concrete mobile mixer operator. SEE ZONE DEFINITIONS AFTER CLASSIFICATIONS Page 6 Addendum 1 wages POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS CLASSIFICATIONS GROUP 1: Bargeman; Brakeman; Compressor operator; Ditch witch, with seat or similar type equipment; Elevator operator- inside; Engineer oiler; Forklift operator (includes loed, lull or similar types under 5 tons; Generator operator; Generator, pump or compressor plant operator; Pump operator; Signalman; switchman GROUP 2: Asphalt- rubber plant operator (nurse tank operator); Concrete mixer operator -skip type; Conveyor operator; Fireman; Forklift operator (includes loed, lull or similar types over 5 tons; Hydrostatic pump operator; oiler crusher (asphalt or concrete plant); Petromat laydown machine; PJu side dum jack; Screening and conveyor machine operator (or similar types); Skiploader (wheel type up to 3/4 yd. without attachment); Tar pot fireman; Temporary heating plant operator; Trenching machine oiler GROUP 3: Asphalt- rubber blend operator; Bobcat or similar type (skid steer); Equipment greaser (rack); Ford Ferguson (with dragtype attachments); Helicopter radioman (ground); stationary pipe wrapping and cleaning machine operator GROUP 4: Asphalt plant fireman; Backhoe operator (mini -max or similar type); Boring machine operator; Boxman or mixerman (asphalt or concrete); chip spreading machine operator; concrete cleaning decontamination machine operator; Concrete Pump operator (small portable); Drilling machine operator, small auger types (Texoma super economatic or similar types - Hughes 100 or 200 or similar types - drilling depth of 30' maximum); Equipment greaser (grease truck); Guard rail post driver operator; Highline cableway signalman; Hydra- hammer -aero Stomper; Micro Tunneling (above ground tunnel); Power concrete curing machine operator; Power concrete saw operator; Power - driven jumbo form setter operator; Power sweeper operator; Rock Wheel Saw /Trencher; Roller operator (compacting); Screed operator (asphalt or concrete); Trenching machine operator (up to 6 ft. ; vacuum or much truck GROUP 5: Equipment Greaser (Grease Truck /Multi shift). GROUP 6: Articulating material hauler; Asphalt plant engineer; Batch plant operator; Bit sharpener; concrete joint machine operator (canal and similar type); concrete planer operator; Dandy digger; Deck engine operator; Derrickman (oilfield type); Drilling machine operator, bucket or auger types (Calweld 100 bucket or similar types - Watson 1000 auger or similar types - Texoma 330, 500 or 600 auger or similar types - drilling depth of 45' maximum); Drilling machine operator; Hydrographic seeder machine operator (straw, pulp or seed), Jackson track maintainer, or similar type; Kalamazoo Switch tamper, or similar type; Machine tool operator; Maginnis internal full slab vibrator, Mechanical berm, curb or gutter(concrete or asphalt); Mechanical finisher operator (concrete, Clary - Johnson- Bidwell or similar); Micro tunnel system (below ground); Pavement breaker operator (truck mounted); Road oil mixing machine operator; Roller operator (as halt or finish), rubber -tired earth moving equipment (single engine, up to and including 25 yds. struck); Self - propelled Page 7 Addendum 1 Wages tar pipelining machine operator; skiploader operator (crawler and wheel tyype, over 3/4 yd. and up to and including 1 -112 yds.); slip form pump operator (power driven hydraulic lifting device for concrete forms); Tractor operator - bulldozer, tamper- scraper (single engine, up to 100 h.p. flywheel and similar types, up to and including D -5 and similar types); Tugger hoist operator (1 drum); Ultra high pressure waterjet cutting tool system operator; vacuum blasting machine operator GROUP 8: Asphalt or concrete spreading operator (tamping or finishing); Asphalt paving machine operator (Barber Greene or similar type); Asphalt- rubber distribution operator; Backhoe operator (up to and including 3/4 yd.), small ford, Case or similar; Cast -in -place pipe laying machine operator; Combination mixer and compressor operator (gunite work); compactor operator (self - propelled); concrete mixer operator (paving); crushing plant operator; Drill Doctor; Drilling machine operator, Bucket or auger types (calweld 150 bucket or similar types - Watson 1500, 2000 2500 auger or similar types - Texoma 700, 800 auger or similar types - drilling depth of 60' maximum); Elevating grader operator; Grade checker; Gradall operator; Grouting machine operator; Heavy -duty repairman; Heavy equipment robotics operator; Kalamazoo ball iste regulator or similar type; Kolman belt loader and similar type; Le Tourneau blob compactor or similar type; Loader operator (Athey, Euclid, Sierra and similar types); mobark Chipper or similar; Ozzie padder or similar types; P.c. slot saw; Pneumatic concrete placing machine operator (Hackley- Presswell or similar type); Pump Crete gun operator; Rock Drill or similar types; Rotary drill operator (excluding caisson type); Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator (single engine, caterpillar, Euclid, Athey wagon and similar types with any and all attachments over 25 yds. up to and including 50 cu. yds. struck); Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator (multiple engine up to and including 25 yds. struck p; Rubber -tired scraper operator (self- loading paddle wheel type -John Deere, 1040 and similar single unit); Self - propelled curb and gutter machine operator; shuttle buggy; skiploader operator (crawler and wheel type over 1 -112 yds. up to and including 6 -1/2 yds.); soil remediation plant operator; surface heaters and planer operator; Tractor compressor drill combination operator; Tractor operator (any type larger than D -5 - 100 flywheel h.p. and over, or similar - bulldozer, tamper, scraper and push tractor single engine); Tractor operator (boom attachments), Traveling pipe wrapping, cleaning and bendng machine operator; Trenching machine operator (over 6 ft. depth capacity, manufacturer's rating); trenching machine with Road Miner attachment (over 6 ft depth capacity): Ultra high pressure waterjet cutting tool system mechanic; water pull (compaction) operator GROUP 9: Heavy Duty Repairman GROUP 10: Drilling machine operator, Bucket or auger types ( calweld 200 B bucket or similar types - Watson 3000 or 5000 auger or similar types- Texoma 900 auger or similar types - drilling depth of 105' maximum); Dual drum mixer, dynamic compactor LDC350 (or similar types); Monorail locomotive operator (diesel, gas or electric); motor patrol -blade operator (single engine); multiple engine Page 8 Addendum 1 wages tractor operator (Euclid and similar type- except Quad 9 cat.); Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator (single engine, over 50 yds. struck); Pneumatic pipe ramming tool and similar types; Prestressed wrapping machine operator; Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator (single engine, over 50 yds. struck); Rubber tired earth moving equipment operator (multiple engine, Euclid, caterpillar and similar over 25 yds. and up to 50 yds. struck), Tower crane repairman; Tractor loader operator (crawler and wheel type over 6 -1/2 yds.); woods mixer operator (and similar Pugmill equipment) GROUP 11: Heavy Duty Repairman - welder combination, welder - Certified. GROUP 12: Auto grader operator; Automatic slip form operator; Drilling machine operator, bucket or auger types (Calweld, auger 200 CA or similar types - watson, auger 6000 or similar types - Hughes super Duty, auger 200 or similar types - drilling depth of 175' maximum); Hoe ram or similar with compressor; Mass excavator operator less tha 750 cu. yards; Mechanical finishing machine operator; Mobile form traveler operator; Motor patrol operator (multi- engine); Pipe mobile machine operator; Rubber -tired earth- moving equipment operator (multiple engine, Euclid, caterpillar and similar type, over 50 cu. yds. struck); Rubber -tired self- loading scraper operator (paddle - wheel -auger type self - loading - two (2) or more units) GROUP 13: Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator operating equipment with push -pull system (single engine, up to and including 25 yds. struck) GROUP 14: canal liner operator; Canal trimmer operator; Remote- control earth - moving equipment operator (operating a second piece of equipment: $1.00 per hour additional); wheel excavator operator (over 750 cu. yds.) GROUP 15: Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment o� erator, operating equipment with push -pull system (sing a engine, Caterpillar, Euclid, Athey wagon and similar types with any and all attachments over 25 yds. and up to and including 50 yds. struck); Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating equipment with push -pull system (multiple engine -up to and including 25 yds. struck) GROUP 16: Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating equipment with push -pull system (single engine, over 50 yds. struck); Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating equipment with push -pull system (multiple engine, Euclid, caterpillar and similar, over 25 yds. and up to 50 yds. struck) GROUP 17: Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating equipment with push -pull system (multiple engine, Euclid, caterpillar and similar, over 50 cu. yds. struck); Tandem tractor operator (operating crawler type tractors in tandem - Quad 9 and similar type) GROUP 18: Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating in tandem (scrapers, belly dumps and similar types in any combination, excluding compaction units - single engine, up to and including 25 yds. struck) Page 9 Addendum 1 wages GROUP 19: Rotex concrete belt operator (or similar types); Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating in tandem (scrapers, belly dumps and similar types in any combination, excluding compaction units - single engine, caterpillar, Euclid, Athey wagon and similar types with any and all attachments over 25 yds.and up to and including 50 cu. yds. struck); Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating in tandem (scrapers, belly dumps and similar types in any combination, excluding compaction units - multiple engine, up to and including 25 yds. struck) GROUP 20: Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating in tandem (scrapers, belly dumps and similar types in any combination, excluding compaction units - single engine, over 50 yds. struck); Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating in tandem (scrapers, belly dumps, and similar types in any combination, excluding compaction units - multiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar and similar, over 25 yds. and up to 50 yds. struck) GROUP 21: Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating in tandem (scrapers, belly dumps and similar types in any combination, excluding compaction units - muptiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar and similar type, over 50 cu. yds. struck) GROUP 22: Rubber -tired earth- moving equipment operator, operating equipment with the tandem push -pull system (single engine, up to and including 25 yds. struck) GROUP 23: Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating equipment with the tandem push -pull system (single engine, Caterpillar, Euclid, Athey wagon and similar types with any and all attachments over 25 yds. and up to and including 50 yds. struck); Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating with the tandem push -pull system (multiple engine, up to and including 25 yds. struck) GROUP 24: Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating equipment with the tandem push -pull system (single engine, over 50 yds. struck); Rubber -tired earth- moving equipment operator, operating equipment with the tandem push -pull system (multiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar and similar, over 25 yds. and up to 50 yds. struck) GROUP 25: Concrete pump operator -truck mounted; Rubber -tired earth - moving equipment operator, operating equipment with the tandem push -pull system (multiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar and similar type, over 50 cu. yds. struck) CRANES, PILEDRIVING AND HOISTING EQUIPMENT CLASSIFICATIONS GROUP 1: Engineer oiler; Fork lift operator (includes loed, lull or similar types) GROUP 2: Truck crane oiler GROUP 3: A -frame or winch truck operator; Ross carrier operator (jobsite) Page 10 Addendum 1 wages GROUP 4: Bridge -type unloader and turntable operator; Helicopter hoist operator GROUP 5: Hydraulic boom truck; stinger crane (Austin- western or similar type); Tugger hoist operator (1 drum) GROUP 6: Bridge crane operator; Cretor crane operator; Hoist operator (Chicago boom and similar type); Lift mobile operator; Lift slab machine operator (vagtborg and similar types); Material hoist and /or manlift operator; Polar gantry crane operator; Self Climbing scaffold (or similar type); shovel, backhoe, dragline, clamshell operator (over 3/4 yd. and up to 5 cu. yds. mrc); Tugger hoist operator GROUP 7: Pedestal crane operator; shovel, backhoe, dragline, clamshell operator (over 5 cu. yds. mrc); Tower crane repair; Tugger hoist operator (3 drum) GROUP 8: Crane operator (up to and including 25 ton capacity); crawler transporter operator; Derrick barge operator (up to and including 25 ton capacity); Hoist operator, stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type (up to and including 25 ton capacity); shovel, backhoe, dragline, clamshell operator (over 7 cu. yds., M.R.C.) GROUP 9: Crane operator (over 25 tons and up to and including 50 tons mrc); Derrick barge operator (over 25 tons up to and including 50 tons mrc); Highline cableway operator; Hoist operator, stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type (over 25 tons up to and including 50 tons mrc); R -crane operator; Polar crane operator; Self erecting tower crane operator maximum lifting capacity ten tons GROUP 10: Crane operator (over 50 tons and up to and including 100 tons mrc); Derrick barge operator (over 50 tons up to and including 100 tons mrc); Hoist operator, stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type (over 50 tons up to and including 100 tons mrc), Mobile tower crane operator (over 50 tons, up to and including 100 tons M.R.C.); Tower crane operator and tower gantry GROUP 11: Crane operator (over 100 tons and up to and including 200 tons mrc); Derrick barge operator (over 100 tons up to and including 200 tons mrc); Hoist operator, stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type (over 100 tons up to and including 200 tons mrc); Mobile tower crane operator (over 100 tons up to and including 200 tons mrc) GROUP 12: Crane operator (over 200 tons up to and including 300 tons mrc); Derrick barge operator (over 200 tons up to and including 300 tons mrc); Hoist operator, stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type (over 200 tons, up to and including 300 tons mrc); Mobile tower crane operator (over 200 tons, up to and including 300 tons mrc) GROUP 13: Crane operator (over 300 tons); Derrick barge operator (over 300 tons); Helicopter pilot; Hoist operator, stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type (over 300 tons); Mobile tower crane operator (over 300 tons) TUNNEL CLASSIFICATIONS Page 11 Addendum 1 wages GROUP 1: Skiploader (wheel type up to 3/4 yd. without attachment) GROUP 2: Power- driven jumbo form setter operator GROUP 3: Dinkey locomotive or motorperson (up to and including 10 tons) GROUP 4: Bit sharpener; Equipment greaser (grease truck); Slip form pump operator (power- driven hydraulic lifting device for concrete forms); Tugger hoist operator (1 drum); Tunnel locomotive operator (over 10 and up to and including 30 tons) GROUP 5: Backhoe operator (up to and including 3/4 yd.); Small Ford, case or similar; Drill doctor; Grouting machine operator; Heading shield operator; Heavy -duty repairperson; Loader operator (Athey, Euclid, Sierra and similar types); Mucking machine operator (1/4 yd., rubber - tired, rail or track type); Pneumatic concrete placing machine operator (Hackley- Presswell or similar type); Pneumatic heading shield (tunnel); Pumperete gun operator; Tractor compressor drill combination operator; Tugger hoist operator (2 drum); Tunnel locomotive operator (over 30 tons) GROUP 6: Heavy Duty Repairman GROUP 7: Tunnel mole boring machine operator ENGINEERS ZONES $1.00 additional per hour for all of IMPERIAL County and the portions of KERN, RIVERSIDE & SAN BERNARDINO Counties as defined below: That area within the following Boundary: Begin in San Bernardino County, approximately 3 miles HE of the intersection of I -15 and the California State line at that point which is the NW corner Of Section 1, T17N,m R14E, San Bernardino Meridian. Continue w in a straight line to that point which is the SW corner of the northwest quarter of Section 6, T27S, R42E, Mt. Diablo Meridian. Continue North to the intersection with the Inyo county Boundary at that point which is the NE corner of the western half of the northern quarter of Section 6, T25s, R42E, MOM. Continue W along the Inyo and San Bernardino County boundary until the intersection with Kern County, as that point which is the SE corner of Section 34, T24s, R40E, MOM. Continue W along the Inyo and Kern County boundary until the intersection with Tulare County, at that point which is the Sw corner of the SE quarter of Section 32, T245, R37E, MON. continue w along the Kern and Tulare County boundary, until that point which is the NW corner of T25S, R32E, MON. Continue S following R32E lines to the NW corner of T31s, R32E, MDM. Continue w to the NW Corner of T31S, R31E, MOM. Continue S to the SW corner Of T32s, R31E, MOM. Continue w to sw corner Of SE quarter of Section 34, T32s, R30E, MOM. Continue S t0 SW corner of T11N, R17w, SBM. Continue E along south boundary of T11N, SBM to SW Corner of T11N, R7w, SBM. Continue S to Sw corner Of T9N, R7W, SBM. Continue E along south boundary of T9N, SBM to SW Corner of T9N, R1E, SBM. Continue S along west boundary of R1E, SMB to Riverside County line at the Sw corner of T1S, R1E, SBM. Continue E along south boundary of TIS, SBM (Riverside county tine) to sw corner of Page 12 Addendum 1 wages TIS, R10E, SRM. Continue S along west boundary Of RIDE, SBM to Imperial County line at the Sw corner of T8S, R10E, SBM. Continue W along Imperial and Riverside county line to NW corner of T9S, R9E, SBM. continue 5 along the boundary between Imperial and San Diego Counties, along the west edge of R9E, SBM to the south boundary of Imperial county /California state line. Follow the California state line west to Arizona state line, then north to Nevada state line, then continuing NW back to start at the point which is the NW corner of Section 1, T17N, R14E, SBM $1.00 additional per hour for portions of SAN LUIS OBISPO, KERN, SANTA BARBARA & VENTURA as defined below: That area within the following Boundary: Begin approximately 5 miles north of the community of cholame, on the Monterey county and San Luis Obispo county boundary at the NW corner of T25S, R16E, Mt. Diablo Meridian. continue south along the west side of R16E to the SW corner Of T305, R16E, MOM. Continue E to SW corner of T30S, R17E, MOM. Continue S to SW corner of 1-31S, R17E, MDM. Continue E to SW corner of T31S, R18E, MDM. Continue S along West side of R18E, MDM as it crosses into San Bernardino Meridian numbering area and becomes R30W. Follow the west side of R30w, SBM to the Sw corner of T9N, R30W, SBM. Continue E along the south edge of T9N, SBM to the Santa Barbara county and Ventura county boundary at that point whch is the SW corner of Section 34.T9N, R24w, SBM, continue S along the Ventura County line to that point which is the Sw corner of the SE quarter of section 32, T7N, R24W, SBM. Continue E along the south edge of T7N, SBM to the SE corner to T7N, R21w, SBM. Continue N along East side of R21W, SBM to Ventura County and Kern county boundary at the NE corner of T8N, R21w. Continue w along the Ventura County and Kern County boundary to the SE corner of T9N, R21W. Continue North along the East edge of R21w, SBM to the NE corner of T12N, R21W, SBM. Continue west along the north edge of T12N, SBM to the SE corner of T325, R21E, MOM. ET12N SBM is a think strip between T11N SBM and T32S MDM]. Continue North along the East side Of R21E, MDM to the Kings county and Kern County border at the NE corner of T25S, R21E, MDM, continue West along the Kings County and Kern County Boundary until the intersection of San Luis Obispo County. Continue west along the Kings County and San Luis Obispo county boundary until the intersection with Monterey County. Continue West along the Monterey County and San LUIS Obispo County boundary to the beginning point at the NW corner of T25s, R16E, MDM. $2.00 additional per hour for INYO and MONO Counties and the Northern portion of SAN BERNARDINO County as defined below: That area within the following Boundary: Begin at the intersection of the northern boundary of Mono County and the California state line at the point which is the center of Section 17, T10N, R22E, Mt. Diablo Meridian. Continue s then SE along the entire western boundary of Mono county, until it reaches In yo county at the point which is the NE corner of the western half of the Nw quarter of section 2, T85, R29E, MDM. continue SSE along the entire western boundary of Inyo county, until the intersection with Kern County at the point which is the SW corner Of the SE 1/4 Of Section 32, T24S, R37E, MDM. Continue E along the Inyo and Kern County boundary until the intersection with San Bernardino county at that point which is Page 13 Addendum 1 wages the SE corner of section 34, T24S, R40E, MUM. Continue E along the Inyo and San Bernardino County boundary until the point which is the NE corner of the Western half of the NW quarter of Section 6, T25S, R42E, MOM. Continue 5 t0 that point which is the SW corner of the Nw quarter of Section 6, T27S, R42E, MUM. Continue E in a straight line to the California and Nevada state border at the paint which is the NW corner of section 1, T17N, R14E, San Bernardino Meridian. Then continue NW along the state line to the starting point, which is the center of Section 18, T10N, R22E, MOM. REMAINING AREA NOT DEFINED ABOVE RECIEVES BASE RATE ENG1O012 -004 08/01/2014 Rates Fringes OPERATOR: Power Equipment (DREDGING) (1) Leverman ................$ 48.60 22.40 (2) Dredge dozer ............ $ 42.63 22.40 (3) Deckmate ................$ 42.52 22.40 (4) winch operator (stern winch on dredge) ............ $ 41.97 22.40 (5) Fireman - Oiler, Deckhand, Bargeman, Leveehand ...................$ 41.43 22.40 (6) Barge Mate ..............$ 42.04 22.40 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * IRON0377 -002 07/01/2014 Rates Fringes Ironworkers: Fence Erector ...............$ 26.58 17.74 Ornamental, Reinforcing and structural ..............$ 33.50 26.74 PREMIUM PAY: $6.00 additional per hour at the following locations: China Lake Naval Test Station, Chocolate Mountains Naval Reserve- Niland, Edwards AFB, Fort Irwin Military Station, Fort Irwin Training Center - Goldstone, San Clemente Island, San Nicholas Island, Susanville Federal Prison, 29 Palms - Marine Corps, U.S. Marine Base - Barstow, U.S. Naval Air Facility - Sealey, Vandenberg AFB $4.00 additional per hour at the following locations: Army Defense Language Institute - Monterey, Fallon Air Base, Naval Post Graduate school - Monterey, Yermo Marine Corps Logistics Center $2.00 additional per hour at the following locations: Port Hueneme, Port Mugu, U.S. Coast Guard Station - Two Rock Page 14 LA800300 -001 07/01/2014 Addendum 1 wages Rates Fringes Brick Tender ..................... S 29.12 15.78 ---------------------------------------------------- LABo030o -003 07/01/2014 Rates Fringes LABORER (TUNNEL) GROUP 1 .....................$ 35.74 16.48 GROUP 2 .....................$ 36.06 16.48 GROUP 3 ..................... S 36.52 16.48 GROUP 4 .....................$ 37.21 16.48 LABORER GROUP 1 .....................$ 30.19 16.48 GROUP 2 .....................$ 30.74 16.48 GROUP 3 .....................$ 31.29 16.48 GROUP 4 .....................$ 32.84 16.48 GROUP 5 .....................$ 33.19 16.48 LABORER CLASSIFICATIONS GROUP 1: cleaning and handling of panel forms; concrete screeding for rough strike -off; concrete, water curing; Demolition laborer, the cleaning of brick if performed by a worker performing any other phase of demolition work, and the cleaning of lumber; Fire watcher, limber, brush loader, piler and debris handler; Flag person; Gas, oil and /or water pipeline laborer; Laborer, asphalt- rubber material loader; Laborer, general or construction; Laborer, general clean -up; Laborer, landscaping; Laborer, jetting; Laborer, temporary water and air lines; Material hose operator (walls, slabs, floors and decks); Plugging, filling of shee bolt holes; Dry packing of concrete; Railroad maintenance, repair track person and road beds; streetcar and railroad construction track laborers; Rigging and signaling; scaler; slip form raiser; Tar and mortar; Tool crib or tool house laborer; Traffic control by any method; window cleaner; wire mesh pulling - all concrete pouring operations GROUP 2: Asphalt shoveler; Cement dumper (on 1 yd. or larger mixer and handling bulk cement); cesspool digger and installer; chucktender; Chute handler, you n ng concrete, the handling of the chute from readymix trucks, such as walls, slabs, decks, floors, foundation, footings, curbs, gutters and sidewalks; concrete curer, impervious membrane and form oiler; Cutting torch operator (demolition); Fine grader, highways and street paving, airport, runways and similar type heavy construction; Gas, oil and /or water pipeline wrapper - pot tender and form person; Guinea chaser; Readerboard person - asphalt; Laborer, packing rod steel and pans; Membrane vapor barrier installer; Power broom sweeper (small); Riprap stonepaver, placing stone or wet sacked concrete; Roto scraper and tiller; sandblaster (pot tender); septic tank digger and installer(lead); Tank scaler and cleaner; Tree climber, faller, chain saw operator, Pittsburgh chipper and similar type brush shredder; underground laborer, including caisson bellower GROUP 3: Buggymobile person; Concrete cutting torch; Concrete pile cutter; Driller, jackhammer, 2 -112 ft. drill steel or Page 15 Addendum 1 Wages longer; Dri- pak -it machine; Gas, oil and /or water pipeline wrapper, 6 -in. pipe and over, by any method, inside and out; High scaler (including drilling of same); Hydro seeder and similar type; Impact wrench multi - plate; Kettle person, pot person and workers applying asphalt, lay -kold, creosote, lime caustic and similar type materials ( "applying" means applying, dipping, brushing or handling of such materials for pipe wrapping and waterproofing); Operator of pneumatic, gas, electric tools, vibrating machine, pavement breaker, air blasting, come- alongs, and similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein; Pipelayer's backup person, coating, grouting, making of joints, sealing, caulking, diapering and including rubber gasket joints, pointing and any and all other services; Rock Slinger; Rotary scarifier or multiple head concrete chipping scarifier; steel headerboard and guideline setter; Tamper, Barko, Wacker and similar type; Trenching machine, hand - propelled GROUP 4: Asphalt raker, lute person, ironer, asphalt dump person, and asphalt spreader boxes (all types); Concrete core cutter (walls, floors or ceilings), grinder or sander; Concrete saw person, cutting walls or flat work, scoring old or new concrete; Cribber, shorer, lagging, sheeting and trench bracing, hand - guided lagging hammer; Head rock slinger; Laborer, asphalt- rubber distributor boot person; Laser beam in connection with laborers' work; oversize concrete vibrator operator, 70 lbs. and over; Pi elayer performing all services in the laying and installation of pipe from the point of receiving pipe in the ditch until completion of operation, including any and all forms of tubular material, whether pipe, metallic or non- metallic, conduit and any other stationary type of tubular device used for the conveying of any substance or element, whether water, sewage, solid gas, air, or other product whatsoever and without regard to the nature of material from which the tubular material is fabricated; No -joint pipe and stripping of same; Prefabricated manhole installer; sandblaster (nozzle person), water blasting, Porta shot -Blast GROUP 5: Blaster powder, all work of loading holes, placing and blasting of all powder and explosives of whatever type, regardless of method used for such loading and placing; Driller: All power drills, excluding jackhammer, whether core, diamond, wagon, track, multiple unit, and any and all other types of mechanical drills without regard to the form of motive power; Toxic waste removal TUNNEL LABORER CLASSIFICATIONS GROUP 1: Batch plant laborer; Changehouse person; Dump person; Dump person (outside); swamper (brake person and switch person on tunnel work); Tunnel materials handling person; Nipper; Pot tender, using mastic or other materials (for example, but not by way of limitation, shotcrete, etc.) GROUP 2: chucktender, cabletender; Loading and unloading agitator cars;; vibrator person, jack hammer, pneumatic tools (except driller); Bull gang mucker, track person; Concrete crew, including rodder and spreader GROUP 3: Blaster, driller, powder person; chemical grout jet person; Cherry picker person; Grout gun person; Grout mixer Page 16 Addendum 1 wages person; Grout pump person; Jackleg miner; Jumbo person; Kemper and other pneumatic concrete placer operator; Miner, tunnel (hand or machine); Nozzle person; operating of troweling and /or grouting machines; Powder person (primer house); Primer person; Sandblaster; shotcrete person; steel form raiser and setter; Timber person, retimber person, wood or steel; Tunnel Concrete finisher GROUP 4: Diamond driller; sandblaster; Shaft and raise work --------------------------------------------------------------- LAB00300 -005 01/01/2014 Rates Fringes Asbestos Removal Laborer ......... $ 28.00 15.25 SCOPE OF WORK: Includes site mobilization, initial site cleanup, site preparation, removal of asbestos - containing material and toxic waste, encapsulation, enclosure and disposal of asbestos- containing materials and toxic waste by hand or with equipment or machinery; scaffolding fabrication of temporary wooden barriers and assembly of decontamination stations. --------------------------------------------------------------- LAB00345 -001 07/01/2014 FOOTNOTE: GUNITE PREMIUM PAY: workers working from a Bosn'n's chair or suspended from a rope or cable shall receive 40 cents per hour above the foregoing applicable classification rates. workers doing gunite and /or shotcrete work in a tunnel shall receive 35 cents per hour above the foregoing applicable classification rates, paid on a portal -to- portal basis. Any work performed on, in or above any smoke stack, silo, storage elevator or similar type of structure, when such structure is in excess of 75' -0" above base level and which work must be performed in whole or in part more than 75' -0" above base level, that work performed above the 75' -0" level shall be compensated for at 35 cents per hour above the applicable classification wage rate. GUNITE LABORER CLASSIFICATIONS GROUP 1: Rodmen, Nozzlemen GROUP 2: Gunmen GROUP 3: Reb0undmen ----------------------------------------------"'-- LAB01184 -001 0710112014 Rates Fringes Page 17 Rates Fringes LABORER (GUNITE) GROUP 1 .....................$ 34.79 17.92 GROUP 2 .....................$ 33.84 17.92 GROUP 3 .....................$ 30.30 17.92 FOOTNOTE: GUNITE PREMIUM PAY: workers working from a Bosn'n's chair or suspended from a rope or cable shall receive 40 cents per hour above the foregoing applicable classification rates. workers doing gunite and /or shotcrete work in a tunnel shall receive 35 cents per hour above the foregoing applicable classification rates, paid on a portal -to- portal basis. Any work performed on, in or above any smoke stack, silo, storage elevator or similar type of structure, when such structure is in excess of 75' -0" above base level and which work must be performed in whole or in part more than 75' -0" above base level, that work performed above the 75' -0" level shall be compensated for at 35 cents per hour above the applicable classification wage rate. GUNITE LABORER CLASSIFICATIONS GROUP 1: Rodmen, Nozzlemen GROUP 2: Gunmen GROUP 3: Reb0undmen ----------------------------------------------"'-- LAB01184 -001 0710112014 Rates Fringes Page 17 Laborers: (HORIZONTAL Addendum 1 wages DIRECTIONAL DRILLING) (1) Drilling Crew Laborer ... $ 31.65 (2) vehicle Operator /Hauler.$ 31.82 (3) Horizontal Directional Drill Operator ..............$ 33.67 (4) Electronic Tracking Locator .....................$ 35.67 Laborers: (STRIPING /SLURRY SEAL) GROUP 1 .....................$ 32.56 GROUP 2 .....................$ 33.86 GROUP 3 .....................$ 35.87 GROUP 4 .....................$ 37.61 LABORERS - STRIPING CLASSIFICATIONS 13.33 13.33 13.33 13.33 16.28 16.28 16.28 16.28 GROUP 1: Protective coating ppavement sealing, including repair and filling of cracks by any method on any surface in parking lots, game courts and playgrounds; carstops; operation of all related machinery and equipment; equipment repair technician GROUP 2: Traffic surface abrasive blaster; pot tender - removal of all traffic lines and markings by any method (sandblasting, waterblasting, grinding, etc.) and preparation of surface for coatings. Traffic control person: controlling and directing traffic through both conventional and moving lane closures; operation of all related machinery and equipment GROUP 3: Traffic delineating device applicator: Layout and application of pavement markers, delineating signs, rumble and traffic bars, adhesives, guide markers, other traffic delineating devices including traffic control. This category includes all traffic related surface preparation (sandblasting, waterblasting, grinding) as part of the application process. Traffic protective delineatingg system installer: removes, relocates, installs, permanently affixed roadside and parking delineation barricades, fencing, cable anchor, guard rail, reference signs, monument markers; operation of all related machinery and equipment; power broom sweeper GROUP 4: Striper: layout and application of traffic stripes and markings; hot thermo plastic; tape traffic stripes and markings, including traffic control; operation of all related machinery and equipment '--------------------------------------------- LA601414 -001 08/07/2013 Rates Fringes LABORER PLASTER CLEAN -UP LABORER .... $ 27.45 16.36 PLASTER TENDER ..............$ 30.00 16.36 work on a swing stage scaffold: $1.00 per hour additional. " ---- PAIN0036 -001 0710112014 Rates Fringes Page 18 Addendum 1 wages Painters: (including Lead Abatement) (1) Repaint (excludes San Diego county) S 26.89 12.28 (2) All other work .......... $ 30.27 12.28 REPAINT of any previously painted structure. Exceptions: work involving the aerospace industry, breweries, commercial recreational facilities, hotels which operate commercial establishments as part of hotel service, and sports facilities. ----------- -- - PAIN0036 -006 01/01/2014 ------ -- Rates Fringes DRYWALL FINISHER /TAPER Antelope valley North of the following Boundary: Kern County Line to Hwy. #5, south of Hwy. #5 to HWY. N2, East on N2 to Palmdale Blvd., to Hsy. #14, south to Hwy. #18, East to Hwy. #395...........$ 29.83 15.41 Remainder of Los Angeles County ......................$ 34.03 15.41 PATNO036 -015 06/01/2014 Rates Fringes GLAZIER ..........................$ 37.95 22.69 FOOTNOTE: Additional $1.25 per hour for work in a Condor, from the third (3rd) floor and up Additional $1.25 per hour for work on the outside of the building from a swing stage or any suspended contrivance, from the ground up - ------ ---- ------ -------------------- PAIN1247 -002 01/01/2014 Rates Fringes SOFT FLOOR LAYER .................$ 29.85 12.56 _ _______________________________ * PLAS0200 -009 08/06/2014 Rates Fringes PLASTERER ........................$ 37.43 13.28 PLAS0500 -002 07/07/2014 Rates Fringes CEMENT MASON /CONCRETE FINISHER ... $ 31.85 19.55 PLUM0016 -001 0710112014 Rates Fringes Page 19 Addendum 1 wages PLUMBER /PIPEFITTER Plumber and Pi efitter All other work except work on new additions and remodeling of bars, restaurant, stores and commercial buildings not to exceed 5,000 sq. ft. of floor space and work on strip malls, light commercial, tenant improvement and remodel work ....................... S 44.71 20.36 work ONLY on new additions and remodeling of bars, restaurant, stores and commercial buildings not to exceed 5,000 sq. ft. of floor space .......... .....$ 43.33 19.38 work ONLY on strip malls, light commercial, tenant improvement and remodel work ........................$ 34.59 17.71 ---------------------------------------------------------------- PLUm0345 -001 07/01/2014 Rates Fringes PLUMBER Landscape /Irrigation Fitter.$ 29.27 19.75 Sewer & Storm Drain work .... $ 33.24 17.13 ROOF0036 -002 08/01/2014 Rates Fringes ROOFER ........................... S 35.02 13.57 FOOTNOTE: Pitch premium: work on which employees are exposed to pitch fumes or required to handle pitch pitch base or pitch impregnated products, or any material containing coal tar pitch, the entire roofing crew shall receive $1.75 per hour "pitch premium" pay. SFCA0669 -013 07/01/2013 DOES NOT INCLUDE THE CITY OF POMONA, CATALINA ISLAND, AND THAT PART OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY WITHIN 25 MILES OF THE CITY LIMITS OF LOS ANGELES: Rates Fringes SPRINKLER FITTER .................$ 34.19 19.37 --------------------------------------------------------- SFCA0709 -005 01/01/2014 THE CITY OF POMOMA, CATALINA ISLAND, AND THAT PART OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY WITHIN 25 MILES OF THE CITY LIMITS OF LOS ANGELES: Page 20 Addendum 1 wages Rates Fringes SPRINKLER FITTER (Fire) .......... $ 40.61 24.02 SHEE0105 -002 07/01/2014 LOS ANGELES (South of a straight line between gorman and Big Pines including Catalina Island) Rates Fringes SHEET METAL WORKER (1) Light Commercial: work on general sheet metal and heating and AC up to 4000 sq ft .......................$ 24.47 9.32 (2) Modernization : Excluding New Construction - under 5000 sq. ft. Does not include modification, upgrades, energy management, or conservation improvements of central heating and AC equpment ....................$ 40.79 23.75 ---- ------------ - - ---- _-----__--------__- SHEE0105 -003 07/01/2014 LOS ANGELES (South of a straight line drawn between Gorman and Big Pines)and Catalina Island, INVO, KERN (Northeast part, East of Hwy 395), MONO ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, AND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTIES Rates Fringes SHEET METAL WORKER (1) Commercial - New construction and Remodel work ........................$ 40.79 23.75 (2) Industrial work including air pollution control systems, noise abatement, hand rails, guard rails, excluding aritechtural sheet metal work, excluding A -C, heating, ventilating systems for human comfort ... $ 40.79 23.75 ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHEE0105 -004 07/01/2014 KERN ( EXcluding portion East of Hwy 395) & LOS ANGELES (North of a straight line drawn between Gorman and Big Pines including Cities of Lancaster and Palmdale) COUNTIES Rates Fringes SHEET METAL WORKER ...............$ 30.91 23.71 ---------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM0011 -002 07/01/2013 Page 21 Addendum 1 wages Rates Fringes TRUCK DRIVER GROUP 1 ....................$ 27.59 22.69 GROUP 2 .................... S 27.74 22.69 GROUP 3 ....................$ 27.87 22.69 GROUP 4 .................... S 28.06 22.69 GROUP 5 ....................$ 28.09 22.69 GROUP 6 ....................$ 28.12 22.69 GROUP 7 ....................$ 28.37 22.69 GROUP 8 ....................$ 28.62 22.69 GROUP 9 ....................$ 28.82 22.69 GROUP 10 ....................$ 29.12 22.69 GROUP 11 .................... S 29.62 22.69 GROUP 12 ....................$ 30.05 22.69 WORK ON ALL MILITARY BASES: PREMIUM PAY: $3.00 per hour additional. [29 palms Marine Base, Camp Roberts, China Lake, Edwards AFB, E1 Centro Naval Facility, Fort Irwin, Marine Corps Logistics Base at Nebo & Yermo, Mountain Warfare Training Center, Bridgeport, Point Arguello, Point Conception, Vandenberg AFB1 TRUCK DRIVERS CLASSIFICATIONS GROUP 1: Truck driver GROUP 2: Driver of vehicle or combination of vehicles - 2 axles; Traffic control pilot car excluding moving heavy equipment permit load; Truck mounted broom GROUP 3: Driver of vehicle or combination of vehicles - 3 axles; Boot person; cement mason distribution truck; Fuel truck driver; water truck - 2 axle; Dump truck, less than 16 yds. water level; Erosion control driver GROUP 4: Driver of transit mix truck, under 3 yds.; Dumperete truck, less than 6 -1/2 yds. water level GROUP 5: water truck, 3 or more axles; Truck greaser and tire person ($0.50 additional for tire person); Pipeline and utility working truck driver, including winch truck and plastic fusion, limited to pipeline and utility work; slurry truck driver GROUP 6: Transit mix truck, 3 yds. or more; Dumperete truck, 6 -1/2 yds. water level and over; vehicle or combination of vehicles - 4 or more axles; Oil spreader truck; Dump truck, 16 yds. to 25 yds. water level GROUP 7: A Frame, Swedish crane or similar; Forklift driver; Ross carrier driver GROUP 8: Dump truck, 25 yds. to 49 yds. water level; Truck repair person; water pull - single engine; welder GROUP 9: Truck repair person /welder; Low bed driver, 9 axles or over Page 22 GROUP 10: Dump truck pull - single engine GROUP 11: Water pull with attachments; Wi when operating winch Addendum 1 wages - 50 yds. or more water level; water with attachment - twin engine; water pull - twin engine ich truck driver - 81.25 additional or similar special attachments GROUP 12: Boom Truck 17K and above WELDERS - Receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to which welding is incidental. unlisted classifications needed for work not included within the scope of the classifications listed may be added after award only as provided in the labor standards contract clauses (29CFR 5.5 (a) (1) (ii)). The body of each wage determination lists the classification and wage rates that have been found to be prevailing for the cited type(s) of construction in the area covered by the wage determination. The classifications are listed in alphabetical order of "identifiers" that indicate whether the particular rate is union or non - union. union identifiers An identifier enclosed in dotted lines beginning with characters other than "SO" denotes that the union classification and rate have found to be prevailing for that classification. Example: PLUM0198 -005 0710112011. The first four letters , PLUM, indicate the international union and the four -digit number, 0198, that follows indicates the local union number or district council number where applicable , i.e., Plumbers Local 0198. The next number, 005 in the example, is an internal number used in processing the wage determination. The date, 0710112011, following these characters is the effective date of the most current negotiated rate /collective bargaining agreement which would be July 1, 2011 in the above example. Union prevailing wage rates will be updated to reflect any changes in the collective bargaining agreements governing the rates. 0000/9999: weighted union wage rates will be published annually each January. Non -Union Identifiers Classifications listed under an 'Su" identifier were derived from survey data by computing average rates and are not union Page 23 Addendum 1 wages rates; however, the data used in computing these rates may include both union and non -union data. Example: SULA2004 -007 5/13/2010. SO indicates the rates are not union majority rates, LA indicates the State of Louisiana; 2004 is the year of the survey; and 007 is an internal number used in producing the wage determination. A 1993 or later date, 5/13/2010, indicates the classifications and rates under that identifier were issued as a General wage Determination on that date. survey wage rates will remain in effect and will not change until a new survey is conducted. WAGE DETERMINATION APPEALS PROCESS 1.) Has there been an initial decision in the matter? This can be: • an existing published wage determination • a survey underlying a wage determination * a wage and Hour Division letter setting forth a position on a wage determination matter a conformance (additional classification and rate) ruling on survey related matters, initial contact, including requests for summaries of surveys, should be with the wage and Hour Regional office for the area in which the survey was conducted because those Regional offices have responsibility for the Davis -Bacon survey program. If the response from this initial contact is not satisfactory, then the process described in 2.) and 3.) should be followed. with regard to any other matter not yet ripe for the formal process described here, initial contact should be with the Branch of construction wage Determinations. write to: Branch of construction wage Determinations wage and Hour Division U.S. Department of Labor 200 constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 2.) If the answer to the question in 1.) is yes, then an interested party (those affected by the action) can request review and reconsideration from the Wage and Hour Administrator (See 29 CFR Part 1.8 and 29 CFR Part 7). Write to: wage and Hour Administrator U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 The request should be accompanied by a full statement of the interested party's position and by any information (wage payment data, project description, area practice material, etc.) that the requester considers relevant to the issue. 3.) If the decision of the Administrator is not favorable, an interested party may appeal directly to the Administrative Review Board (formerly the wage Appeals Board). write to: Page 24 Addendum 1 wages Administrative Review Board D.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 4.) All decisions by the Administrative Review Board are final. END OF GENERAL DECISION Page 25