CC - Item 4A - Mid-Year Budget AmendmentsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 13, 2015 SUBJECT: MID -YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS SUMMARY The City Council will consider adjustments to the current Budget for the 2014 -15 Fiscal Year. During any fiscal year, unforeseen financial needs and opportunities typically arise which require Council approval of adjustments to projected revenues and expenditures. At this time there are several items that will require appropriations as well as projected revenue adjustments. The net impact of all recommended adjustments to the General Fund operating budget are positive, reflecting more anticipated revenues than expenditures. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve Resolution No. 2015 -03 approving various appropriations for the remainder of the current fiscal year. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS OF OPERATING BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS During any fiscal year unforeseen financial needs and opportunities may arise which require City Council approval of additional appropriations. Without the additional appropriations various auditors could have cause to make an adverse finding in the annual audit reports, a circumstance that is certainly unwanted. Additionally, the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) includes a comparison of budget versus actual, and the City's actions to provide regular updates to the budget demonstrate that careful oversight of the budget has occurred. Such actions are important to ensure transparency and sound financial management practices. The needed mid -year adjustments to the current operating budget include the following. • Parks & Recreation Department. Recently two (2) full -time Recreation Coordinator positions became vacant. The Department proposes to fill these vacant positions as follows: 1. Refill one Recreation Coordinator position by conducting an internal ,.promotional only" competitive selection process. This action would result in cost savings to the City for the remainder of the current fiscal year as it will result in the promotion of an existing 3/4 time employee enabling the elimination of one' /, time position. ITEM NO. C\ City Council Meeting January 13, 2015 Pace 2 of 3 2. Instead of refilling the other vacant Recreation Coordinator position at that level, an open- competitive recruitment will be conducted for a Management Analyst. As department staffing levels have shrunk in recent years and Recreation Coordinators are fulfilling a direct service role, the need for additional administrative support has become apparent. The Management Analyst would assist the director with staff supervision and training, program development, promotion, and evaluation, grant procurement and oversight, budget, capital project oversight, interdepartmental coordination /assistance, and report writing. This action will result in additional incremental costs for the balance of the current fiscal year. The result of these staffing adjustments will be a net total cost savings of $29,900 annually. This cost savings may be slightly more in the current year due to the months between employee departure and replacement. • Community Development Department. Due to increased workload and additional projects in the City, the City needs to elevate the 3/< time Assistant Planner to full time Assistant Planner. This will require an increased appropriation of $15,900. This amount will be partially offset by increased revenues of $4,990 in Planning Fees. (The incumbent Assistant Planner was hired in October of 2014 through an open- competitive recruitment process with the intention and understanding that the position would eventually be made full- time.) • Public Works Department. The Garvey Avenue street medians will be retrofitted with drought tolerant landscaping including new synthetic turf and river rock. This will enhance the appearance of these medians and keep them green year round with reductions in water consumption. This median renovation project will result in an additional appropriation of $100,000. • Public Safety Department. The Los Angeles County Sheriff Department (LASD) has notified the City that as of January 1, 2015 the Liability Trust Fund amount paid through our contract will increase from 4% to 5% resulting in a $37,000 increase for the remainder of the fiscal year. • Human Resources Expenditures. Due to a recent personnel matter that required investigative work and witness correspondence, the City incurred $10,000 in additional professional /technical services. • Homeless Encampment Clean -up. Safety and beautification is a focus for 2014 and as a result, the City will be clearing out and cleaning up the homeless encampment under the Garvey Bridge. Infrastructure modifications will also be made to discourage future intrusions. Both the County and the Army Corps have each agreed to pay an equal amount on this project. The City's portion will be $25,000 and a budget adjustment is necessary for this project. City Council Meeting January 13, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Building and Public Works Permit Revenues. The City has seen increased development over the past year and, as a result, Building Permit revenue has increased significantly. This will result in increased projected revenue of $178,100 to the General Fund. Also, several large infrastructure projects by SCE and the Gas Company has resulted in large one -time fees. Therefore, Public Works Permits revenue has increased. Projected revenues from this source are projected to increase by $93,900 over initial projections. • Administrative Citation Revenues. Productivity has increased recently in Administrative Citations for code violations under the supervision of our new Public Safety Supervisor. An increase of $20,900 to these projected revenues is in order. The total Additional Appropriations is $187,900 and the total Additional Revenues is $297,890. POTENTIAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FOR REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION In addition to the above listed adjustments to the annual operating budget, the City is currently negotiating for the potential acquisition of real property on River Avenue for use as a corporate yard maintenance facility for the Public Works Department. Acquisition of real property for this purpose will enhance the organization's capabilities to maintain the City's infrastructure and it will provide enhanced security of the City's vehicles, equipment and other capital assets. If the City is successful in completing this real property transaction, the Council will make a separate capital appropriation from the unallocated fund balance of the General Fund in the amount of approximately $1.85 million. An action to acquire real property for a corporate yard maintenance facility would be consistent with the "Fiduciary Responsibilities Guiding Principles" listed in the Fiscal Policies section of the City's Budget document (page 14). The pertinent principle in this case is: Use "reserves" only for one -time expenditures or temporary stop -gap measures. Acquisition of real property is a one -time expenditure for a public purpose. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by Ceti Carolyn A. Chu Acting Finance Director Attachments: Resolution 2015 -03 RESOLUTION NO. 2015 -03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VARIOUS APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, appropriations are the legal authority for a City to spend its funds, and WHEREAS, from time to time it is necessary to amend the budget with additional appropriations, and WHEREAS, purchases charged to the line items requiring additional appropriations have received prior City Council approval. NOW THEREFORE, $187,900 is appropriated in the General Fund for Expenditures and $297,890 for Revenues as defined below: Expenditures $ 15,900 101 -5105 -5005 Community Development Salaries & Benefits $ 100,000 101 - 3030 -5330 Grounds Repair & Maint — Garvey Median Project $ 37,000 101 - 2010 -5515 Law Enforcement- Liability costs $ 10,000 101- 1310 -5299 Human Resources — Professional Costs $ 25,000 101 - 3010 -5299 Prof Services — Cleaning Homeless Camp Revenues $ 178,100 101 - 5110 -4125 $ 93,900 101- 3035 -4130 $ 4,990 101 - 5105 -4355 $ 20,900 101 - 0000 -4635 Building Permits Public Works Permits Site Plan Fees Administrative Citations — Code The additional appropriation is made a part of the approved FY 2014 -15 Budget as though it were a part of the initial approved budget fully set forth and the City Manager is authorized and empowered to expend such sum for the purpose of such account, but with no expenditure by any office or department for any item within an account shall exceed the amount budgeted therefore without prior written approval of the City Manager. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of January 2015. ATTEST: Gloria Molleda City Clerk William Alarcon Mayor APPROVE AS TO FORM: Rachel Richman City Attorney