CC - Item 3A - Minutes of October 28, 2014Minutes of the City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting October 28, 2014 The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Alarcon at 7:01 p.my Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California.r . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Council Member /Board Member Low INVOCATION: Council Member /Board Member Ly PRESENT: Mayor /Chair Alarcon, Mayor Pro Armenta, Low and Ly Community I City Council STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Richman, As '6i #nt City Manager /Public Works Director Hawkesworth, Community DevelopmehCDj ector Ramirez, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery- Scott, Acting Finance Director i oliclnformation and Communications Molleda � 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ft;01rJ),JEAUDIENCE Bob Bruesch – invited�&, j- y Counci(o the Mayor's Player Breakfast at the Garvey Community Center and encouraged the public'to attend. A196 he invited Councji fiitembers to attend a reception at the Garvey School District Office to welcome`ieW� rlrrte Oprit_AnO Chu. tiff Brian Lewm stated is <' cams oNak rcent incident that occurred on September 30, 2014, of that a Wal- Mart securi guard chased a Shoplifter into' .residential area and got into a physical altercation in front of senior resldgt's front yard. His c,pcerns'fioned the authority and the position of that security guard. Isaac Castillo ,stated his liking z a a skate park in the city due to the abundant of times the skaters were ousted from their anal chosehiNSkatinq locations. Council Member /BoarANW Armenia arrived to the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Manuel Castillo – stated that the city needs a skate park in order to minimize the chances of skaters having to take the buses to go to other cities for a skate park. He also mentioned a skate park will help lessen the chances of children getting lost and roaming the streets. Jeremiah Gris – indicated that the City of Rosemead needs to generate more revenue and suggested a way of doing so is through a skate park. He also recommended that Valley Boulevard will be a perfect destination due to the plentiful of businesses and the bus stops that surrounds the area. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2014 2A_ Page 1 of8 Item No. Anthony Calderon — Expressed his support for a skate park in the City. Frank M iller — Reiterated the need and importance of building a skate park. City Manager Allred announced the matter of a skate park will be discussed in the upcoming City Council meeting on Monday, November 10, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Council Member /Board Member Armenta reiterated that since the subject of skate park isn't on the agenda, further discussion will take place on the upcoming scheduled meeti ,l,l�� L � 2. PRESENTATIONS National Family Caregivers Month City Manager Allred announced that the month of Novemb" Lin to receive a proclamation from the City Council. Xing Zhou Lin — Emphasized on the importance of increasing Rosemead from the approximate amount of $9,65 to $15.00. City Manager Allred read and explained the proclhp�iQet expressed the vital care the homecare workers pr vide. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR fi; IIMV� Caregiver of homecare providers in ing to Month. He Mr. A. Resolution No. 2014 — 52, entitled: A RESOLUTION O0 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE #UI M OF $1,524,303.67 NUMBERED 86508 THROUGH 86665 INCLUSIVELY No. 2014 — 21 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2014 — 21, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $100,981.52 NUMBERED 100 INCLUSIVELY Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2014 Page 2 of 8 B. Amendments to Employment Agreement for City Clerk/Director of Communications and Management Salary and Benefits Resolution The City Council will consider an amendment to the employment agreement for the City Clerk/Director of Communications and the adoption of a Resolution formally placing this position into the Management Service of the City. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve a modification to the Employment Communications; and 2. Approve Resolution No. 2014 -53,: A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 2014 -13 THAT ESTABLISHES BENEFITS FOR CLASSIFICATI( SERVICE OF THE CITY Council Member /Board Member Steven Ly Member Polly Low to approve Consent Cal 4. MA Yes: Alarco,,� ta, Clark, No: None ` 9 Willdan in: City Clerk/Director of THE CITY OF ;OLUTION NO. 2ANGES AND MANAGEMENT Member /Board Building and Plan Check Services City Coung1 ,,III consider whether to enter into a new agreement with Willdan neering for 66 ding inspection and plan check services, or direct staff to initiate a ketitive Req6st for Proposal (RFP) process. Over the years, the Willdan Building i l6pd ir)sp@ctors have established positive relationships with residents and developers ighhhl' =q =quality service delivery and significant institutional knowledge of the Rosemead munity: To effectuate a contract extension, Willdan is offering a 5% reduction in its fee structure. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a new three (3) year agreement with Willdan Engineering with the option to extend the agreement for up to two (2) additional years, consistent with the City's purchasing policy. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2014 Page 3 of 8 Community Development Director Michelle Ramirez reviewed the staff report. Council Member Low asked for verification on an extension of the Willdan Engineering contract that took place a year and a half ago. City Manager Jeff Allred confirmed that there was such an extension. The extension was for 2 years, but also a bid was put into action. Council Member Low suggested that though there was an extension in the past, it s:,best to open a bid in order to see other proposals that may be of a better budget for the City City Manager Jeff Allred stated that was the direction staff was going "` kith at this tile. Mayor Alarcon described this as a unique situation based o interactions he had en6bdi jgred that define the experiences with Willdan Engineering as satisfying He is.co' cerned about the process of�tatting,gver if the bid allows the City to find a lower cost contract for the buildh nd plan check services. Council MemberArmenta restated from a previous meeting that tf dussions of an extension with Willdan j r, . Engineering reoccur, a bid will be put into action,. She emphasized h4( ILCity Council Members should move on with a bid in order to remain consistent with ttjetr stilted actions. Mayor Pro Tem Clark agreed with Mayor Alarcomtbat the'responses from tlia'public of Willdan Engineering are positive. She advised that the City should continue and extend its contract with Willdan Engineering to avoid the process of hiring a new�dbmpany. ' � Council Member Low ro(terated that iti important to car out with their previous statements of going out to bid. h ,'s�. f . Nancy Eng i�gesled #hat the ct y%onduct ac p titive request for proposals for building and plan check services under the reasot?'ing of seekirf for the latest and best practices in the industry. The request for ✓f proposals will allow the City 4o realize ks' s and rate schedules for other related services from Willdan are indeed petitive. She `rriightioned they 'sh holler services have yield tremendous benefits in terms of cost saving evels of servic"r residents and businesses_ Brian Lewin — State0the responssble thing for the City to do is to go out for bid. He defined that though Willdan's proposal is appealing;Kterms of discounts, there might be a change in Willdan's contract terms if there was competition Council Member/Board Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member /Board Member Polly Low for direct staff to begin a Request for Proposal for the building and plan check process. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Low, Ly No: Alarcon, Clark Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2014 Page 4 of 8 Abstain: None Absent: None B. Discussion of Complaints Regarding Private Bus Patrons Parking on Residential Streets The City Council will discuss resident complaints of casino bus patrons parking on residential streets for long periods of time, which precludes use of street parking by residents. To address these concerns, staff will suggest that the Council rsue'actions at a future Council meeting to delete provisions in the Municipal Code that enI� buses to load and unload passengers on private properties. �t''< Recommendation: That the City Council an item on the agenda for consideration at City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report. Council Member /Board Member Ly agreed with the approach bVd, cti claimed that it is important to revoke any previ %s agreements betwe n 1 companies. Banning the practice of utilizing rekg6ht� "i l streets will elim permitted work such as trash collecting, nearby facie esabr even loitering City Attorney Richman claimed that the two current`b surrounding residents will be rtin f8 eyed in, if they to following the law, in order to execute,0arevocation, Community and Developme in front of a hearing with the Council will bekpec osse r Cify M tS s er Allred asked questioned the Visibility of City Attomey Richm! permitted use. She also buses, an extension will on to staffir"6'g� placement of Council meetirlgh made by the City Manager. He residents and the bus interferences with any city pafildiat have an agreement with the any chat q s to the codes. She instructed that as nq will tie hosted in front of the City Council. he process of a revocation will be first hosted was an appeal, then a meeting with the City for a finite period of time. )r RarfliYez replied that business licenses are renewed annually and future business license renewals from these bus companies. that there will not be an extension to the business licenses if it is not a it if within this year there are any problems with the locations of these lined as an evaluation will be put into action. Council Member /Board Member Ly asked the staff for the exact authorized locations of the two bus companies and if they have a contract with the property owners and bus operators. Community and Development Director Ramirez replied with the locations and stated that these two bus companies do have a contract with the property owners and bus operators. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2014 Page 5 of 8 Council Member /Board Member Ly suggested amending the ordinance and to work with the City Attorney in order to define a legal solution of a relocation of the buses or to wait for the expiration of the business licenses. Mayor Pro Tern Clark was concerned about a temporary solution for the time being prior to the expiration date. She referenced back to a previous meeting where there was a discussion of requiring the bus companies to make available parking spaces in the rented parking lots. City Attorney Richman stated the bus companies are allowed to be at these lq a ko i clue to their business licenses and that there can be no inputs of changes. ' Council Member /Board Member Ly suggested a revocation. " ", City Attorney Richman indicated that it will be dealing with dye�j�focess rights and that ther must be evidence of a violation in the requirements. She expresse "fat it is possible for a rev ocafr_1, lut�here will be a process seeking out sufficient findings and a holding aji64&atiion hearing. However, as an then' option, the City can add additional conditions to the revocation hearing but ,,phancfes'a're made towardstfhe current ordinance, it will not affect the three bus businesses that have th9t1tnses. It is impossible to add more additional items due to the grandfather clause Council Member /Board Member Low reiterate`, ti�iAflj is i option to let the P&ess license expire and wait for the new laws to take effect. City Manager Allred restated froWl tall report tha u,nn ]er the city �i ing code the parking of buses on private property is not a peilted Us e would like t6'Uetermme if ikese buses are parking in these private properties for a substaptV of timfe. If that is the case, it is not consider a permitted use and could be used as a reason to not renewsthe bus Hess licenses In addition, he mentioned code enforcers are trying to determine if the buses are coin I ith tf , restriction &.relatively to times. He explained that a complaint was made in re gar io�q s passeh ers being eiea�� qn residential areas after 10:00 p.m. causing disruptive nnis'e. He assuled<1 t the i y is in the process of monitoring this situation and if there are violations , n it will lead to fevocation ff ; City Attorn�j�,ichman agreed wtihe statement made by the City Manager. She commented that though the above reasoould be used X fr a revocation, it may not be enough. The final decision of action may be to wait for the expir IQn these business licenses, but before doing so, she must evaluate the terms of the licenses in order to d�f ingjf is acceptable to not issue these licenses again. Mayor Pro Tem Clark w 11 concerned about the timeframe of waiting for the business licenses to expire, which can be a year. City Attorney Richman explained that the entire process of a revocation hearing can take several months. Mayor Pro Tern Clark stated she would like staff to look into the possibility of permit parking on the streets in the specific locations that are affected by the situation, only if residents vote for this action. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2014 Page 6 of 8 Council Member /Board Member Ly considered permit parking as poor public policy. He suggested talking to property owners and informing them that the City is in the process of determining if the entire situation is illegal and also, to ask the property owner to discontinue any contracts or agreements with the bus companies. Community and Development Director Ramirez explained that during the time of approval of these contracts, the bus companies signed an affidavit which listed conditions that they would abide by. Within the conditions, a suggestion was made for the City Attorney to evaluate the condition that statesfany changes made by City Council should be abided by. rj ry Council Member /Board MemberArmenta expressed that the real issue "is fro# #the buses parking in the streets for a long duration; instead it is the people who ride these bus;who uEil f ese residential streets for parking. She suggested to first verifying the conditions listed o,." affidavit bet ,"e'Wc ceeding with other possible solutions.` Council Member /Board Member Ly clarified that the irfj5b A e ordinance created previrtAlyls to fix this issue that still resides with the City and the real unintended cI y tan would be to allow permitted parking. He suggested that the City should remain to have public free parki'a'long with public corridors because by allowing permitted parking the City will take upon the responsibility d x at tainmg those specific portions of z streets. Council Member /Board Member Armenta replied by explaining that the City/ is currently up keeping the streets and executing on permitted parking should not increase ad tiorA [liabilities of maintenance of the streets. Council Member/Boardl ye Lyl e�onded by expli the permitted parking spaces are considered a lease due to the ownership fthavingo submit a paymeri r a permit fee. Mayor Pro Tgr# Clark sEked tha Ce was no IttnQf charging a fee for a parking permit. Counctlf ember /Board a tier Low ro�jerJpd that it will be in the City's best interest to have the staff and tF the G fy ft look into the buness Ii censes and signed affidavits to determine if it is necessary to have a revocation hefir g. She also agYee'd on updating the current ordinance moving forward. 5. MATTERS FROAAYOR 4C `CITY COUNCIL Council Member /Boar&RemberArmenta stated her liking of extending the discussion of the healthcare providers' living wage on ,the next upcoming City Council Meeting. She expressed that the current wage the caregivers are receiving does not justify the amounts of effort and work they commit in their job. Ms. Armenta would also like to include the subject of a skate park in the next City Council meeting. Also, Ms. Armenta would like to adjourn the meeting in memory of Concepcion Hernandez who recently passed away. Mayor Pro Tem Clark would like to request a workshop at 6:00 p.m. prior to the next City Council meeting to discuss and meet with the new head of code enforcements. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2014 Page 7 of 8 Council Member /Board Member Ly suggested in additional to the skate park discussion, a possible youth center should be added to Garvey Park to utilize the facilities since the maintenance yard will be moved to a different and permanent location. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. in memory of Concepcion Hernandez. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on November 11, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the R semead City Hall Council Chamber. William ATTEST: Glori Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2014 Page 8 of 8