Ordinance No. 487 - Development and Conversion of CondominiumsORDINANCE N0. 487
SECTION 1. The Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended
to add Section 9106.20 through and inclusive of 9106.40 as set
forth on Attachment "A" hereof,
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of January, 1979.
• ~~~~
City C er c
ity Attorney
.~ ~-
.20 Condominium Subdivision
Intent and Purpose. These condominium regulations are intended
to provide criteria by which condominium projects may be developed
to achieve environments of stable and desirable character. Guide-
lines are. set to insure a well designed and viable blend of im-
provements with common and private open space. The standards of
density, open space, l~ght and air, pedestrian and vehicular traffic
circulation; are inten ed to create condominium projects that are
well designed, aesthetically pleasing ,'compatible with the sur-
rounding community, and .of a pleasing and desirable character.
(a) Condominium projects shall'be permitted only in the .
PD & R-3 Zones:
(b) Condominium.projects constructed on a parcel"equal~to '"
or exceeding one (1) acre, (43,.560 sq. ft.), shall be
developed in accordance with the provisions of Sections
9120-9120.12 (P-D Zone).
(c) Condominium projects.of less than one (1) acre, (43,560
sq. ft.), but equal to or exceeding 20,000 sq. ft. in
area, shall be developed in accordance with the provisions
of Section 9106.21.
• 9106.21 Definitions Pertaining 'to This Part Onl
1. Condominium. An estate in real property consisting of
an un ivi ed interest in common, in a portion of a parcel
of real property together with a separate interest in
space in real property, such as a residence, apartment,
apartment house, office or offices, store or stores. A
condominium may include in addition, a.separate interest
in other portions of such real property.
2. Condominium Pro'ect. The entire parcel of real property
~ivi e or to e ivided, into condominitums, including
all structures theron;
3. Condominium Conversion. The conversion of existing multiple
ami y yenta ousing to condominiums.
4. 0 er~n Sp~ace~. Useable open space is that which (1), has been
well~esigned; (2), has been provided with landscaping
and recreational facilities; and (3),. has been provided with
a program of continuing maintenance by Lne Condominium
a) Common 0 en S ace. Land set aside for the resi-
ents o a con ominium project which is owned by
the Condominium Association.
b) Pr_iv~ate 0~en Space. Land designed and maintained
orf the exclusive use of the occupants of the
appurtenant dwelling unit.
5 C.C.F~R's. Conditions, Convenants and Restrictions of any
condominium project.
9106.22 Lot Area. The minimum-lot or parcel area shall be 20,000
sq. or a residential condominium project.
9106.23 Lot Area Per Condominium Unit. The minimum lot area for
eac con ominium unit, regar ess o t e number of bedrooms shall
be 2,000 sq. ft.
9106.24 Floor Re uirements. Each dwelling unit shall have a minimum
oor area as o ows:
One Bedroom-Unit: 900 sq. ft.
Two Bedroom Unit: .1:;100 sq. ft.
For each additional bedroom, an additional 200 sq. ft.
9106.25 Buildin Hei ht Maximum. Two and one-half (2~) stories
or t arty- ive 3 eet, w is ever is less. If a.building contains
a subererranean garage and the ceiling of such garage, or if it has
no ceiling, the surface of the floor next above such garage, is not
more than two (2) feet higher in elevation than the top of the curb
of the adjacent street, to the front of the lot, at any point within
one hundred (100) feet. of the front lot line, and not more than two
(2) feet higher in elevation than the approved finished ground level
of the building site at any point more than one hundred (100) feet
from said frontline line, if such approved finished grade at such
point is higher than such curb, such .subterranean garage shall not ,
be deemed to be a story and the subterranean portion thereof shall
be excluded in computing the building height for the purpose of
• this Section. If said street has no curb in front of said structures
designed or used principally for automobile parking shall not exceed
one (1) story in height.
9106.26 Front Yard Setback. Fifteen feet (15') except that no
garage portion o amain uilding shall be nearer than twenty five
(25) feet from a street .in front of said lot if the opening for
auto access to such garage portion faces the street.
9106.27 Side Yard Setback. Ten (10) feet with landscaping; fifteen
eet on t e street side of a corner lot. Vehicle access ways.
may occupy required side yard provided a five'(5) foot buffer strip
remains between the driveway and any structure; or integral part of
the condominium unit.
9106.28 Rear Yard Setback. Fifteen (15) feet with landscaping. De-
tac a garages may occupy all of the required rear yard subject to
the provisions. of Section 9106.30 of this Ordinance.
9106.29 Distance Between Buildin s. There shall be a minimum distance
o twenty eet etween ui ings, or wings of the same building,
used for dwelling purposes on the same lot, except as follows: (a)
the distance between balconies or similar architectural projections
and the opposite wall shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet, and
(b) the distance between opposite fronts of buildings arranged around
an interior court shall be a minimum of twenty five (25) feet.
9106.30 Lands~capin All useable open space, i
separations e~ween buildings, yard areas, and
shall be densely landscaped and provided with
.e., pedestrian walkways,
common recreation areas
a permanent underground
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' irrigation system and developed in accordance with the approved
landscaping plan, including a plan for continued maintenance.-
9106.31 Parkin Each condominium unit shall be provided with
two enc osed.parking spaces, each no smaller than 10' x'.20'..
No garage shall be located more than one hundred (100) feet from
the unit it serves.
Living units shall not be permitted over garages except where a
garage is owned by the unit above. Tandem parking is prohibited.
The Planning Commission may approve a plan which groups all or
part of the parking garage if the Commission finds:
1) Such parking is useful and accessible to the proposed
dwelling units, and
2) That such grouping will provide more contiguous or
useable open space, and
3) Garage door entry and exit is oriented-away from open
space areas.
Guest Parking ,hall be provided at a ratio of one (1) space. for
every twa_ :(24)r. dwelling units in the project. ~.
• 9106.32 Stora e. A single area having a minimum of 120 cubic feet
o private an secure storage space shall be provided for each unit
exclusive of closets and cupboards, within the dwelling unit. Said
storage may be located within the garage, provided it does not in-
terfere with automobile parking.
Each residential condominium unit shall also have utility space for
a washer and., dryer.
9106.33 0 en Space. There shall be provided a minimum of 400 sq. ft.
o private an or common open space per. unit, or any combination
thereof exclusive of front yard setback; vehicular accessways, and
off-street parking areas. Open space shall be devoted to landscaping,
outdoor recreational facilities, incidental to the residential develop-
ment which may .include, but are not limited to: swimming pools, tennis
• courts, children's play area, barbeque-and picnic areas. It should
be the intent of the open space to provide a maximum of useable space
within the condominium project, oriented so as to provide separation
of vehicular traffic from said open space.
9106.34~Trash. Adequate trash and garbage collection and pick up areas
s a e provided for use within 150 ft. of a unit in a location or
locations accessible to a public street or alley, and enclosed on all
three (3) sides by a five (5) foot high masonry, brick, or concrete
wall which shall be enclosed with solid decorative gates of the same
height. Such .areas may be for individual d~oelling units independent
of others, or for groups of dwelling units or for all such dwelling
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9106.35 Buildin Len th Limitat'ibns. The length of any building
or wing of a ui ing s a not exceed one hundred sixty (160) ft.
Length shall mean the distance between the opposing extremities of
the building measured in a straight line. .
9106.36 Drivewa Re uirements. Minimum Driveway Standards shall be
as o ows: Fi teen eet when utilized for access drives only;
twenty (20) feet when accomodating two-way traffic; and twenty five
(25) feet where the driveway is. the access to. garages (25' turning
radius required).
All points of vehicular access to and from driveways onto public
rights-of-way, shall be approved by the City Traffic .Engineer.
Driveways shall be situated so as not to"be adjacent to any common
open space. Where a.driveway abuts a property line, a six (6)
foot block wall .shall be required.
All paving shall be four (4) inch AC over four (4) inch .base material
crushed aggregate, or six (6) inch concrete.
9106.37 Distance to Swimming
o i teen eet measure
and the nearest point of any
deck, or other architectural
windows; doors, or other open
passage of persons.
Pools. There shall be a minimum distance
~izontally between any swimming pool
balcony, porch, second story patio, sun
feature of a building or structure with
iings of sufficient size. to permit the
• 9106.38 Plan Approval. (a) At the time of submission of the Tentative
Tract Map or a con ominium project in the R-3 Zone, the developer
shall submit to the Director of Planning, 20 copies of a precise
development plan showing conformity with the provisions of this part.
Said development plans shall include details as set forth in Section
9106.40. (b) The Director of Planning shall prepare a report on the
proposed plan and set-the matter for review by the Planning Commission.
In evaluating the development plans, the design concept, i.e., materials
of construction, architectural concepts and design, spatial relation-
ship orientation of buildings to common area; maximum use of land-
scaping; provision of_functional, useable open space, both private and
public, and any other factors deemed to be essential to the overall
aesthetics of the condominium project will be reviewed as an integral
part of the final approval.
• 9106.39 Condominium Conversions. Residential condominium conversiona
s a be permitte in Zone R- subject to the application and approval
of a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the provisions of Section
9186 of the Rosemead Municipal Code.
In addition to those notified of Public Hearing in accordance with
Section 9186, all tenants then occupying the proposed conversion
site, shall be notified in writing of the public hearing. A com-
plete list of tenants shall be supplied by the applicant.
9106.40 Develo ment Standards. All proposed condominium conversions
ir. a ition to meeting t e uilding code requirements, shall comply
with Sections 9106.20 thru 9106.39 of the Rosemead Dunicipal Code.
~. '=v- ~ •
Said application shall be accompanied by twenty (20) copies of a
precise development plan showing the following details:
1. The estimated square footage of each unit and number
of rooms in each unit.
2. The layout of all common areas..
3. The layout and location of all storage space outside
of each unit.
4. .The layout and location of all facilities. and amenities
provided within the common area for the enjoyment and
use of the unit owners.
5. The layout of all parking spaces to be used in con-
, junction with each condominium unit.
6. Proposed landscaping and irrigation.
7. Building evaluations.
8.' Location, height and type of all walls and fences
9. Location and type of surfacing of all driveways,
pedestrian walkways, vehicular parking areas and
curb cuts.
10. Trash enclosure details.
11. Define maintenance responsibility of all buildings and
common areas.
12. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's).