OB - Item 3D - Review of Expenditures - Downtown Plaza ProjectROSEMEAD OVERSIGHT BOARD STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS FROM: MATTHEW HAWKESWORTH, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 2015 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF EXPENDITURES — DOWNTOWN PLAZA PROJECT SUMMARY As a part of July 2010 tax increment bond issuance by the former Redevelopment Agency, the City included funding for the "Rosemead Downtown Plaza Project," which improved the space between City Hall and the Library and created a public space in the downtown area. The project, which included new, decorative hardscape, new trees and landscaping, as well as multiple water features is now complete. As is common with construction projects, additional elements and expenses have been added to this project as it was in progress. Included in this report is a summary and a request for confirmation of all project expenses that were not previously presented to the Oversight Board. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Oversight Board approve Resolution 2015 -0004 confirming the expenses associated with the Downtown Plaza Project. DISCUSSION Included for the review and confirmation of the Oversight Board is a summary of expenditures related to the Downtown Plaza Project that have not previously been reviewed by the Oversight Board. All of these products and services were procured consistent with the City's purchasing guidelines and have been completed to the satisfaction of staff. Plaza Construction — E.C. Construction A contract for the construction of the plaza was issued to E.C. Construction in October 2013 after approval of both the Oversight Board and the City Council. At the time of award of contract a contingency amount is requested to cover the cost of any unforeseen construction expenses. Typically, staff requests a contingency amount of fifteen percent of the construction contract for all capital projects. Due to an oversight, the contract for E.C. Construction had a contingency amount of fifteen percent approved by the City Council, however, the contingency amount approved by the oversight board was ten percent. At its completion, the construction required the entire contingency amount authorized by the City Council ($201,930.80). At this ITEMNO. 3D Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board February 9, 2015 Paqe 2 of 4 time, staff is requesting that the Oversight Board confirm the expenditure of the additional $ 67,310.27 as a part of the contract contingency. • ContractAmount: $ 1,346,205.34 • 10% Contingency $ 134,620.53 • 15% Contingency: $ 201,930.80 • Difference $ 67,310.27 2. Project Inspection — SCB Inspections At the time of approval of the project, it was assumed that the project would be completed in approximately five months and the budget for project inspection and oversight reflected that. The inspection budget for the entire project was $57,000.00. Based on the extended time frame of the project and several weeks of weekend work or extended days, the final inspection expense is $93,148.00, a difference of $36,148.00. • Initial Approval: $ 57,000.00 • Actual Expense: $ 93,148.00 • Difference: $ 36,148.00 3. Fence Enclosure — HVAC Equipment During construction, it was determined that the fence enclosing the HVAC equipment on the west side of the plaza needed to be replaced with wrought iron. Staff solicited a proposal from the general contractor as well as one wrought iron contractor in town. JRC Wrought Iron of Rosemead, CA offered a more competitive proposal and completed the fence replacement for a cost of $6,510.00. RANK PROPOSER COST 1 JRC Wrought Iron $ 6,510.00 2 E.C. Construction $ 9,343.00 4. Monument Refurbishing and Relocation The previous plaza contained two monuments dedicated to military veterans from the community that were integrated in to the design of the new plaza. During the construction phase, it was determined that the two monuments were in need of refurbishing and maintenance work, due to their age and exposure to the elements. Staff contacted Jem's Monuments of South El Monte who was able to refurbish both monuments for $2,800.00. Additionally, as the monuments were being integrated into the new plaza design, new walls and footings to hold the monuments needed to be constructed. The engineering and design of these walls and footings was completed by E.C. Associates Engineering for a cost of $2,000.00. CEM Construction built the walls and footings to hold both Vietnam War memorials for $8,000.00 each for a total cost of $16,000.00. • Jem's Monuments Monument Refurbishing $ 2,800.00 • E.C. Associates Engineering Design — Monument Walls $ 2,000.00 • CEM Construction Walls /Footings for Monuments $ 16,000.00 Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board February 9, 2015 Page 3 of 4 5. Installation of Water Service The construction of the plaza, which contains three water features and extensive irrigation, required the installation of a new water service and meter. Additionally, a new fire hydrant was installed per updated building and construction codes. Water service at this location is provided for by California American Water, who is responsible for the installation of the water service and meter at the customer's expense. The cost for the installation of a new, 2" water service and a fire hydrant by California American Water was $ 23,600.00. • California American Water Water Service Installation $ 23,600.00 6. City Hall Door Removal During the replacement of the walkway entrance to the City Hall building, it was determined that in order to properly pour the concrete flush with the building, the storefront doors would have to be removed while the concrete was installed. City staff contacted Pasco Doors, the contractor who initially installed the doors and provides routine maintenance, to perform the removal and replacement of the doors during the concrete installation. • Pasco Doors Door Removal & Replacement $ 3,307.50 7. Supplemental Landscape Work TruGreen Landcare, the City's landscape maintenance contractor, provided supplemental landscape assistance in and around the plaza prior to the ribbon cutting ceremony and project completion. These services included the addition of extra plant material and two trees at a cost of $2,869.00. • TruGreen Landcare Landscape Work $ 2,869.00 8. Skateboard Deterrents Staff has procured some skateboard deterrent devices for use in the plaza. Although the design did include some skateboard deterrents in the plaza, the area continues to attract many skateboarders. As staff continues to observe skateboarding activity in the plaza, which may cause damage to the concrete or fixtures, these devices will be installed to prevent skateboarding and the damage it may cause. • Barrett Robinson, Inc. Skateboard Deterrents $ 1,230.47 This list provides a comprehensive review of additional expenses that were incurred, relevant to the Downtown Plaza Project, during the construction phase. FINANCIAL REVIEW This project is being funded entirely through tax increment bond proceeds from the former Redevelopment Agency and has a budget of $2,250,000.00. Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board February 9, 2015 Page 4 of 4 Submitted By: Attachment: 1. Resolution 2015 -0004 RESOLUTION NO. 2015 -0004 A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CONFIRMING THE AWARD OF CONTRACTS AND RELATED SUPPORT COSTS FOR THE DOWNTOWN PLAZA PROJECT WHEREAS, THE Rosemead Successor Agency received the Finding of Completion on April 18, 2013 from the Department of Finance; and WHEREAS, the Finding of Completion states that the Rosemead Successor Agency may utilize proceeds derived from bonds issued prior to January 1, 2011 in a manner consistent with the original bond covenants per Health and Safety Code section 34191.4(c); and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Successor Agency is holding approximately $7.1 million in bond proceeds derived from bonds issued prior to January 1, 2011 for Capital Improvement Projects identified in the bond covenants; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Successor Agency will be required to provide oversight of the completion of the Capital Improvement Projects to ensure compliance with the bond covenants; and WHEREAS, the approved Capital Improvement Projects have been included on each Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule filed by the Rosemead Successor Agency; and WHEREAS, the Oversight Board of the Rosemead Successor Agency previously adopted Resolution 2016 -0006 on June 12, 2013 confirming the project and a contract with E.C. Construction, related project management, and staffing. NOW, THEREFORE, THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION HEREBY RESOLVES: The Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board confirms the additional use of $161,775.24 of 2010 Tax Increment Bonds for change orders and related expenditures related to the Downtown Public Plaza Project. E.C. Construction Orders $67,310.27 Project Inspections $36,148.00 Fence Enclosure $6,510.00 Monument Refurbishment $20,800.00 Water Meter $23,600.00 City Hall Door Removal $3,307.50 Supplemental Landscape Work $2,869.00 Skateboard Deterrents $1,230.47 Total $161,775.24 2. Successor Agency staff is directed to submit documents to the Department of Finance as necessary. 3. Successor Agency staff is directed to provide a copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor - Controller, the State Controller's Office and the State Department of Finance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 9t" day of February, 2015. Pat Wallach Chair ATTEST: Matthew Hawkesworth Successor Agency Staff