Graffiti workshopGraffiti workshop February 10, 2015 statistics 3,838 locations of Graffiti in 2014 48,288 square feet 97 calls to the hotline City has 2 Graffiti Abatement Trucks Paint Truck Water Blasting Truck 2 Primary Routes Covered Daily 365 Days per Year Statistics Methods for removal Painting Roll/Brush Spray Chemicals Water Blasting Current regulations Municipal Code and Strategic Plan Municipal Code 9.12.100 E Property Owner Responsibilities. It is unlawful for the owner of any private property or vehicle to permit graffiti or other inscribed material to remain so as to be capable of being viewed by a person utilizing any public right-of-way in the City, such as a road, parkway or alley, providing the City has given the property owner written notice to remove the graffiti within a period of ten calendar days, and the ten-day period has elapsed, unless the property owner agrees in writing to allow the City to remove the graffiti. Municipal code 9.12.100 F 2 The following procedure shall be followed for removal of graffiti by the City, with the consent of the property owner. Whenever the City determines that graffiti or other inscribed materials is so located on public or private property so as to be capable of being viewed by a person utilizing any public right-of-way, and the owner of the property consents to the removal by the City of the graffiti, the City shall be authorized to provide for the removal of the graffiti, upon the following conditions: a. If the City provides for the removal of graffiti, it shall not authorize nor undertake to provide for the painting or repair of any more extensive area than that where the graffiti is located. b. Prior to the removal of graffiti, the City shall obtain written consent of the owner and the owner shall execute an appropriate release prepared by the City attorney. c. The City reserves the right to recover city costs and expenses pursuant to Section 9.12.100(G) of this Chapter, Penal Code Section 594, Civil Code Sections 731 and 1714.1, and Government Code Section 38771 et seq. and Welfare and Institutions Code Section 742.10 et seq. from any person, including any parent or legal guardian of a minor, who has willfully damaged property in a manner described within Section 9.12.100(B) of this code. Municipal code 12.12.060 Each newsrack shall be maintained in a clean, neat and attractive condition and in good repair at all times. For example, without limitation, every newsrack must be reasonably free of dirt and grease, be reasonably free of chipped, faded, peeling or cracked paint, be reasonably free of rust and corrosion, have no broken or cracked plastic or glass parts, and have no broken or unduly misshapen structural parts. Every newsrack must be kept free of graffiti and trash. Strategic plan Strategy 3, Action Item B: Take proactive measures to ensure that commercial property owners comply with existing property maintenance provisions of the municipal code and conditions of approval, e.g. trash and debris, overgrown or dead vegetation, weeds, graffiti, unpainted buildings, broken windows or other neglect of premises conditions constituting unsightly appearance. Standard operating procedures It’s not always Black and White Paint Tag-Out Paint by Acylatex – Recycled Paint City crew carries 5 main colors Color matching should be done to the best of our ability, but due to inconsistencies in paint and fading over time, this is far from perfect Painting should be squared off at 6 feet and down to the ground Whenever possible, paint the entire area or section Where do we abate graffiti? ALL public rights of way (Sidewalk, street, poles, regulatory signs) All City owned facilities Commercial building or walls facing the Public Right-of-Way – Up to 10’ high Side walls of private buildings if easily accessible Profanity or obscenities abatement Grey area of abatement Private property Residential properties Freeway sound walls Owner abatement Windows Vehicles Doors of buildings Awnings Newsracks Trash Bins/Dumpsters Marquees/Business Signs SCE Property Roof Signs Banners Areas above 10 feet Abandoned Property Rail Road Corridors Freeway Cell Towers