NAMI 2015 Diversity Conference Flyer°FREE CONFERENCE - REGISTER NOW ,`= Lunch Provided °: Raffle Prizes http://nam12OlSdiversityconference.eventbrite.com Will Panel platform for mental health equity among urt communities in Los Angeles. Register today' discover, understand, and mend the cultural divide in mental health service delivery. CHERYL TAWEDE GRILLS, Ph.D. K*mote spe r, Dr, Cheryl Tawede Grills is a clinical psychologist witlt a current emphasis in Community Psychology. She is Professor of Psyeholo&v at Loyola Man University and consults nationally on a numher of issues' particularly regarding matters of cultural and social competence, multiculturalism and Africentric interventions. ADDMONAL PRESENTERS • MARV SOUTHARD, MSW, Ph.D., Director; LAC DMH • CLAUDIA ROJAS, Principal, CHAS, Hawkins High School • EMILY WIT TRUONG, Chair; Asian Coalition • DONTA MORRISON, Aids Program Los Angeles • ©NTSONPLACIDE,MA. LMFT, Star View Communih Senice= Welcome ...D SAVE THE Y An interfaith event for clergy and lay leaders who seek insight and practical steps for dealing with mental health issues. One in four people have serious mental health conditions and emotional challenges each year. Many are individuals and family members in our places of worship who are impacted by these issues. REGISTER NOW Registration required, lunch provided at no cost. More details on speakers and workshops at: http: / /faith 0"l5.eventbrite.corn ¢ + {a i 5'0i, ,A gofl£ .,7_AC) {70 10