CC - Item 1A - Final Workshop PowerPoint Stakeholder Outreach Development Impact Fee Update City of Rosemead Qp, � 28. 20�5 OSE.,,,.,EF What Are Impact Fees ? OSE E� roaxv s Small Town One-time fees charged to new development , usually at building permit issuance Not an ongoing fee charged to residents or business owners What Are Impact Fees ? OSE EP L,daVs Small Town May be used to fund facilities needed to serve new development Not for operations and maintenance costs Not for the share of facilities serving existing development Conducting an Impact Fee Nexus Study KOS [ME', Mitigation Fee Act Findings (Govt. Code §66001) Key findings Need : Development � Need for facilities Benefit: Development � Use of revenue Rough Proportionality: Fee amount development's share of facility costs Other findings Purpose of fee Use of fee revenue Impact Fees - Basic Methodolo :• • Estimate existing development and future growth Identify facility standards Determine new facility needs and costs Allocate share to accommodate growth Identify alternative funding needs Calculate fee by allocating costs per unit of new development Facility Standards: Determining Need or Impact Demand Standard Design Standard • Physical measure of • "What type" of facility demand for facilities not " how much" • Clearly distinguishes • Allows for "what could impact of growth be" but isn 't here now versus existing • Existing deficiencies deficiencies not clearly identified ur Cost Standard • Facility costs per unit of growth • Converts different facility elements into a single standard Cost Allocation Methods: WHAT Facilities Serve WHO EXISTING INVENTORY PLANNED FACILITIES Existing Facilities Planned Facilities Existing Service Pop. New Service Pop. SYSTEM PLAN Existing + Planned Facilities Existing + New Service Pop. Allocating Cost of New Facilities: Existing Inventory vs. System Plan System Plan Method (Increase Service Level) 150 Existing Inventory 140 130 Growth Method 120 Share 110 6St New 100 90 Future Fee $ New 100 90 �¢� Facilities Future 80 Dev. Facilities s0 Dev. Existing 70 70 Deficiency y 60 60 0 50 50 0 40 40 0 Existin`_ Exis xistin < xisti 30 Dev. , Facilitie 30 De acilitie 20 20 10 A 10 0 0 Development Facility Needs Development Facility Needs Allocating Cost of New Facilities: Planned Facilities Method - "But For Growt Planned Facilities Method Planned facilities not 150 needed BUT FOR new 140 development 130 120 110 - Use engineering models to demonstrate need for 100 New facilities to serve growth 90 Facilities 80 70 - Usually applicable for traffic 60 & utility fees 50 Future a, Demand 40 30 20 10 0 Demand Facility Needs Growth Projections 2014 - 2025 Growth Projections for residents and employees are used to calculate Rosemead DIF SCAG 's 2012 Regional Transportation Plan General Plan Traffic Analysis ( KOA 2010) California Employment Development Department Job NM , - .�� � Nei 'or, A Rosemead Fee Categories 1 h Traffic Facilities f . i , . < 1. r„,, Public Safety Facilities ;, AT 'f” ,, , s. General Government Facilities E ti •kSAfETYCENTERI� of* e, ‘ ,„ „...)._:4,,,:„„ .._,„ .,_Park Facilities r _ t Db..stami„r _ ,: .,.---,--:_:-.: r Cr c .: n : ,y, .r Z, =r .i--- 7, . � A LA �, 111.11 10- .... .' 1_ ' ,.'.47C--5' •-r -- .v to :..r• „ �^' . -- _�;.� dr►` --- sae[ to Projected Fee R evenue ..,. ; 4, ,r_r„, .. ____,,,). , ...„, ., t_ _ ..„ 5 1 \ I .. - - yl.;� 4� r r s� •� .n ROSEMEAD PUBLIC _ I r , 40 so_c!"#"" — SAFETY CENTER i 1 -,_ s :At Traffic Facilities $ 1 , 162 , 500 Public Safety Facilities $ 97 , 000 General Government Facilities $ 673 , 000 Park Facilities $ 3 . 2 million Maximum Justified Fees Table E.1 : Proposed Impact Fee Schedule Public General Land Use Traffic' Safety Government Parks Total Residential Single Family $ 1 ,024 $ 145 $ 1 ,013 $ 5,900 $ 8,082 Multi-family 634 121 844 4,916 6,516 Nonresidential Retail $ 1 ,136 $ 29 $ 200 N/A $ 1 ,365 Office 1 ,690 39 268 N/A 1 ,997 Industrial 1 ,136 14 99 N/A 1 ,250 Note: Fees are expressed per dw elling unit for residential or per 1,000 square feet for nonresidential land use. 1 Traffic impact fees for development in single use zones show n. Fees in mixed use zones are slightly lower than the single use traffic fee. Sources: Tables 3.8, 4.4, 5.5, 6.5, and 6.7 from Final Draft DIF Study (April 2015) Implementing DIF Ordinance Fee calculated at issuance of building permit an ( due prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy. Fee is charged to net new development Secondary Residential Units would be charged the Multi-Family Rate Exemptions and Credits: Affordable Housing Units ( Low and Very Low) Projects in Planning-Pipeline upon effective date of DIF Ordinance. Nonresidential structures undergoing interior remodel (no new square footage) SGV City Comparison Prototypical Development Projects Single-Family Detached Residential Unit (2,400 square feet of floor area) Multi-Family Attached Residential (20 units totaling 29,000 square feet of floor area) Retail (50,000 square feet of floor area) Office (50,000 square feet of floor area) SGV City Comparison Single - Family Prototype Impact Fee Comparison for Single Family Project Prototype 2,400 Square Feet CITY Single-Family C $30,000 Arcadia $8,4 $25,000 — El Monte $3,3 $20,000 $15,000 Monterey Park $6,2 Pasadena $26,3 $10,000 San Gabriel $9,9 $5,000 Single Family Impact Fee $0 ■ Temple City $3,0 i°aa`a �octie Q�`� ae`1a ���\t.�o �o�a �`e> ��� AVERAGE $9,5 P (� eie� a� ak. yo e �� Q e� az).<2 etc e oc oyes Rosemead Existing Fee: $800 per unit Rosemead Proposed Fee: $8,082 per unit SGV City Comparison Multi - Family Prototype Impact Fee Comparison for Multi Family Project Prototype 29,000 Square Feet(20 Units) Multi Family $500,000 City Impact Fee $450,000 $400,000 Arcadia $139,E $350,000 El Monte $97,2 $300,000 $250,000 Monterey Park $81,2 $200,000 $150,000 Pasadena $466,] $100,000 •Multi Family Impact Fee $50,000 San Gabriel $124,] $0 , , aye ��0 ajs et,a- ,�40 yea ire\ G`.�� Temple City $35,C 0` �\4\ ��e�e a4aa a<4,, y°e° 4' �4. AVERAGE $157,2 �`°�, Q e ea a6. Ca ,6 6, Rosemead Existing Fee: $800 per unit Rosemead Proposed Fee: $6,516 (Multi-Family Prototype: $130,320) SGV City Comparison Retail P Impact Fee Comparison for Commercial Retail Project Prototype City Retail Impact Ft 50,000 Square Feet Arcadia $292,51 $1,200,000.0 El Monte $113,4: $1,000,000.0 — Monterey Park 166,01 $800,000.0 — Pasadena $476,51 $600,000.0 — San Gabriel $1,068,0 $400,000.0 Temple City $200,000.0 ■ . ■Retail Impact Fee AVERAGE $423,31 $0.0 k, does' .e o eaa aaQ° Ce 4 tc ,o Rosemead Existing Fee: $0 Rosemead Proposed Fee: $1,365 per 1,000 SF (Retail Prototype: $68,250 SGV Cit y Comparison Office Prototype Impact Fee Comparison for Commercial Office Project Prototype City Office Impact F 50,000 Square Feet Arcadia $116,0 $500,000.00 - $450,000.00 El Monte $113,4 $400,000.00 Monterey Park $166,0 $350,000.00 $300,000.00 Pasadena $205,5 $250,000.00 $200,000.00 San Gabriel $447,1 $150,000.00 Temple City $100,000.00 ■Office Impact Fee $50,000.00 AVERAGE $209,6 $0.00 Gaa�a o�,�e Qa$V- ae02, \��,�40 o�ea � G�ti� e\ � �� \ °0 (1.`z1" 4`° ,$'5( Qm' e et aQ� Rosemead Existing Fee: $0 Rosemead Proposed Fee: $1,997 per 1,000 SF (Retail Prototype: $99,850 Survey Findings DIFs are charged on the basis of a variety of different factors . Great range, by city, in terms of the types of impact fees charged to developers. Cities use all sorts of other funding sources to pay for capital projects. Cities with lower impact fees could very well charge special taxes to fund capital improvemen projects which Rosemead doesn 't charge . Questions & Answers