PSC - Minutes - 03-26-15CITY OF ROSEMEAD PUBLIC SAFETY CONNECTIONS FORUM REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER 8301 GARVEY AVENUE EOC ROOM THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 The mission of Public Safety CONNECTIONS is to: Serve as a community "think tank" and "information clearinghouse" on ways to prevent crime and to combat drugs and alcohol abuse; Develop and promote positive and wholesome recreational activities and community service opportunities for young people and their families; Coordinate with organizations that address human and social services needs to promote a healthy community; and Promote and encourage emergency preparedness by all community members. MINUTES CALL TO ORDER — 6:08 p.m. by Bill Alarcon. Excused: Sandra Armenta and Jeff Allred Community Representatives Present Wenli Jen, Asian Pacific Family Center Jeff Foutz, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint Sara Lawson, Evergreen Baptist Church of Los Angeles Gregory Banuelos, First Open Bible Church of Rosemead Chau Tran, Rosemead Buddhist Monastery Art Landing, Rosemead Kiwanis Joe Basile, Rosemead Resident James Berry, Rosemead Resident Domingo Sauceda, Rosemead Resident Frank Lee, Rosemead Resident Georgina Mayorga, St. Anthony Parish, San Gabriel Annie Luo, World Journal City Representatives Present Bill Alarcon, CONNECTIONS Chair and Mayor Lt. Ignacio Somoano, LASD Sgt. Abel Moreno, LASD David Montgomery- Scott, Parks and Recreation Department Mandy Wong, Public Safety Department Nancy Eng, Rosemead Planning Commissioner Brian Lewin, Rosemead Beautification Committee Member PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Bill Alarcon 1. INTRODUCTIONSIWELCOME 2. MINUTES — February 26, 2015 A motion by Art Landing and second by Wenli Jen to approve the Public Safety CONNECTIONS Forum minutes for February 26, 2014. Minutes were unanimously approved as amended. ROSEMEAD PUBLIC SAFETY CONNECTIONS FORUM MEETING MINUTES March 26, 2015 3. SIGNIFICANT LAW ENFORCEMENT INCIDENTS Lt. Somoano provided an updated crime report indicating that overall Part One Crimes, including burglaries, assaults and larcenies, have decreased by 8% compared to this time last year. He also reported on some of the City's crime prevention efforts including: o Monthly Community Area Watch meetings are held in different locations throughout the year. o Residential burglary notifications are issued in four different languages and hand - delivered to neighbors in the immediate vicinity to the crime to inform them of the crime and ask for information regarding suspicious persons, vehicles, or activities around the time of the crime. o General crime information (As well as other information) is made available to residents who sign up for Rosemead City E- alerts at www.cityofrosemead.org and Nixle alerts at www.nixle.com. o Crime Mapping provides the public with valuable information about criminal activity within a neighborhood. Information is available at www.crimemapping.com. Law enforcement hopes that an informed citizenry can help combat crime. Further discussion followed: Annie Lao, World Journal, reported residential burglaries are up around the San Gabriel Valley. Residents are encouraged to take preventive measures. Some suggested expanding the delivery area and/or sending burglary notifications via email or issuing an E -alert whenever a crime occurs so residents are better informed. It was further suggested that volunteers assist with notice distribution. However, there is a concern for the safety of any minor volunteers. Additionally, the use of Public Safety staff allows them to act on new information and better represents the city. It was also recommended that a Rosemead Resources article be published urging residents: "See Something, Say Something" by calling the Temple Sheriff's Station. 4. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE Mandy Wong thanked everyone for wearing purple and donating $2 for homemade cookies at the meeting in support of efforts to bring cancer awareness to the community, celebrate survivors, and raise funds for research so we can celebrate more birthdays. Thank you to Ron Esquivel for baking the cookies and helping to raise $45 for Team Rosemead. The American Cancer Society Relay for Life is coming to Rosemead High School on April 25, 9 a.m. — 9 p.m. The city team is "Hope Shines On ". We are $500 from our goal. Anyone wishing to donate or register as a cancer survivor, please go to www.relayforlife /rosemeadca. COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (CERT) Mandy shared that, following a major disaster, police, fire and medical professionals may not be able to fully meet the public's demand. People will have to rely on each other to handle the immediate life- saving and life- sustaining needs of the community. This is particularly applicable in isolated neighborhoods that may be cut off from public roads for a substantial period of time. The CERT program provides private citizens with basic skills that will enable them to handle their own immediate emergent needs and to help with community needs in the aftermath of a disaster. ROSEMEAD PUBLIC SAFETY CONNECTIONS FORUM MEETING MINUTES March 26, 2015 The City of Rosemead in partnership with the Los Angeles County Fire Department, is providing 20 hours CERT training to Rosemead residents in October. For more information and /or for an application, please visit www.cityofrosemead.org or contact Mandy at mwonq(cbcityofrosemead.orq. 6. PARENT SURVIVAL GUIDE UPDATE Mandy indicated that the Survival Guide is being printed and that Jeff Allred may have a more detailed update at the next meeting. 7. BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENTS Lt. Somoano invited everyone to attend the Community Area Watch meeting at Janson School on April 16. The media is welcome to come and join us. Probation Officer Oscar Gutierrez shared that elementary school students in the community are using e- cigarettes. Parents are being notified and students encouraged to seek drug counseling. Also, the increased use of marijuana reflects on the high vandalism in the community. Nancy Eng shared that the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Family -to- Family Education Program offers classes for caregivers of those living with mental illness. It is a free 12 -week course led by family members experienced in caring for a loved one with serious mental illness. Class flyers will be emailed to Mandy and forwarded to CONNECTIONS members. Joe Basile mentioned that people around the community are taking shopping carts from stores to collect and transport recyclables. Lt. Somoano said changes are being made to city's shopping cart ordinance. Wenli Jen mentioned an APFC fundraiser at Souplantation on April 1, 5 — 8 p.m. in support of Youth Council activities. For more information, contact Wenli Jen at wien @,pacificclinics.org. She also mentioned the Got Skills talent show in May. Lastly, Survival Con is coming to the Pasadena Convention Center, 300 E. Green Street in Pasadena, on Saturday, October 3rd. To register go to www.survival - con.com or contact Wenli Jen at wjen(aD.pacificclinics.org. Brian Lewin said applications for Beautification Awards are now on the city website. Download the application and submit to City Hall before the deadline. Clean -up day at Savannah Commentary is April 18 and will include cleaning headstones, distributing mulch, and minor repairs. For more information contact, Pat Piatt at ppiatt(cDcityofrosemead.org. Art Landing mentioned that the Key Club would be perfect to help out at the Beautification Committee clean -up efforts. Gregory Banuelos mentioned his interest in a police ride - along. Mandy said there will be a six -week Community Academy workshop for Rosemead residents in October. A ride -along is scheduled to be part of the academy. However, a ride -along can also be scheduled through Temple Sheriffs Station. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 8. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m. The next CONNECTIONS Forum is scheduled for Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Public Safety Center.