CC - Item 6C - Modification of Stage III Water Conservation Measures and the City's Response to Mandatory Conservation Requirements E M i� 9 O ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL 11414CIVIC PRIDE STAFF REPORT ! 7 COaPORATED V9y9 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER /ik$ I DATE: MAY 12, 2015 SUBJECT: MODIFICATION OF STAGE III WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES AND THE CITY'S RESPONSE TO MANDATORY CONSERVATION REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY On November 10, 2014 the City Council adopted Resolution 2014-57 implementing Phase II water shortage conservation measures. Subsequently, on April 1, 2015 Governor Brown issued an executive order mandating additional water conservation of 25% statewide compared to 2013 usage figures. Based upon the additional mandates, the City's current Phase II restrictions are not sufficient and the City's current code section 13.04.060 regulating Phase III restrictions also are not sufficient. Therefore, Urgency Ordinance 953 is being presented to completely amend code section 13.04.060 to ensure compliance with the Governor's mandate and the intended response of the six (6) water companies that supply water to Rosemead. Additionally, Resolution 2015-24 has been drafted to implement the two days per week irrigation restrictions mandated under Phase III. Staff is also seeking direction from the City Council regarding the proposed landscape and water use plan for City facilities. This plan has been developed in an effort to meet the 25% water conservation target established by the Governor while maintaining, to the greatest extent possible, the City's valuable parks and open spaces. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1) Adopt, as an urgency measure to comply with the Governor's mandated water conservation requirements, Ordinance 953 "An Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, amending Chapter 13.04.060 of the Rosemead Municipal Code concerning Phase III Water Shortage — Mandatory Conservation." 2) Adopt Resolution 2015-24 designating irrigation schedules under Phase III water shortage conditions. 3) Provide direction regarding the proposed turf replacement on the Garvey Avenue Medians. ITEM NUMBER: CQC_ City Council Meeting May 12,2015 Page 2 of 6 4) Provide direction regarding the proposed landscape and turf maintenance plan for City owned or operated facilities. Water Shortage Ordinance On April 1, 2015 the Governor issued an executive order mandating water conservation of at least 25% statewide. Subsequently, the State's Water Resources Control Board has developed implementation requirements along with conservation targets for each retail water provider based on region. City staff has been meeting with the various water providers, both individually and as a group, to develop regulations that can be implemented city-wide and are enforceable. The City's current water conservation regulations are based on various levels of supply shortages. In speaking with the water purveyors servicing the City, drought and conservation requirements in the State are no longer announced based on supply shortages, but rather have changed to conservation requirements based on usage. As such, the water purveyors would not issue letters to the City regarding water delivery shortages. Additionally, the Governor and the State Water Resources Control Board have issued specific water conservation requirements that are not included in the City's existing Code. Therefore, as an urgency measure, it is being proposed that the City amend its Phase III Water Shortage regulations of Code Section 13.04.060 to reflect the State's conservation requirements and the water purveyor's intended response. The amended code will mandate the additional conservation measures of: 1. The restrictions on watering lawns, landscaped or other turf with potable water by methods other than drip irrigation or microspray shall be limited to no more than two (2) days per week on a schedule posted by the City and is strictly prohibited between the hours of 8:00a.m. and 6:00p.m.; 2. Irrigation with potable water of ornamental turf on public street medians is prohibited; 3. Irrigation with potable water outside of newly constructed homes and buildings not in accordance with emergency regulations or other requirements established in the California Building Standards Code is prohibited 4. Application of potable water to outdoor landscapes during and within 48 hours after measurable rainfall is prohibited; 5. Water used on a one-time basis for purposes such as construction and dust control, shall be limited to that quantity identified in a plan submitted by the user which describes water use requirements. The plan shall be submitted to the City's Community Development Department for approval. Water sources other than potable water shall be utilized where available; 6. The use of water from fire hydrants shall be limited to fire fighting and related activities and other uses of water for municipal purposes shall be limited to activities necessary to maintain public health, safety and welfare. City Council Meeting May 12,2015 Page 3 of 6 The City's staff has met with all six purveyors and they are supportive of the proposed regulations. Each of their governing bodies will be adopting similar regulations along with sending notices to all of their customers. In combination with the revised Phase III regulations, the City must declare the exact watering schedule. After working with the six water purveyors it was determined that a weekday only schedule was the simplest to follow and easiest to enforce. The intended initial schedule for the watering days in item #1 is to permit watering of even numbered addresses on Monday and Thursday and odd numbered addresses on Tuesday and Friday. In Rosemead even numbered addresses are generally on the South or East side of a street and odd numbered addresses are generally on the North or West side of a street. This will aid in enforcement as only one side a street should be watered on a particular day. The duration of watering will be permitted at 15 minutes per station with a recommended guideline of 3 cycles of 5 minutes each, at least one hour apart. It is recommended that these specific guidelines be approved by Council Resolution rather than the Ordinance, as the purveyors made need to reduce these water schedules depending on the conservation figures they experience. Garvey Median Turf Replacement Project As the Council may recall, as part of the mid-year budget update process it was approved to remove all of the turf along Garvey Avenue and replace it with synthetic turf. The project is to be funded through turf removal rebates offered by the water district along with the General Fund. It was recently brought to the staff's attention that there was some concern regarding the use of synthetic turf by a Council Member(s). Prior to going out to bid for the project, staff is seeking direction to either continue with synthetic turf or pursue the planting of simple drought tolerant plants. It's important to note that along with the water conservation efforts, this plan was originally planned due to the large amounts of irrigation system damage due to tree roots in the medians, so the only regular water source on the medians is a quick coupler hose bib. If drought tolerant plans were put in place of the synthetic turf, they would require hand watering. Landscape Maintenance Plan for City Facilities The City must develop a plan to meet the 25% conservation target and the majority of the City's water usage is related to landscape irrigation. City staff has been developing a plan to maintain the turf at critical City locations while letting turf at other non-essential parks or facilities go dormant. Staff is seeking direction from the City Council regarding this plan with the intent of moving forward as soon as possible. Civic Center Staff has reviewed the entire civic center complex as one facility. Recommendations include the removal of all the turf along Valley Blvd. in front of the County Library and City Hall. This turf will be replaced with drought tolerant landscaping similar to the plant palette currently surrounding the turf in front of City Hall. The turf in the Public Plaza, corridor, and parking lot area will be maintained as it is irrigated with Netafim drip irrigation below the surface. Lastly, the turf surrounding RCRC will be maintained as possible with the City Council Meeting May 12,2015 Page 4 of 6 irrigation standards of two days per week. It's possible that the turf surrounding RCRC may turn yellow or go dormant due to the minimal amount of water. Garvey Center Almost all of the turf at Garvey Center has been removed as part of the recent landscape improvements at this facility. A very small amount of turf still exists in the rear parking lot and is used by the residents of the senior housing complex. This turf will be maintained per the water regulations of two days per week. All of the remaining irrigation at the Garvey Center has been converted to drip irrigation. Dinsmoor House The irrigation system will be set to the requirements of two days per week and staff will evaluate how the turf responds. As the Council is aware, there is a tremendous amount of turf surrounding the Dinsmoor House and it requires a great amount of water. It's possible that the turf will turn yellow or go dormant due to the minimal amount of water. If additional conservation measures are required, staff would recommend turning off all irrigation to the front yard and try to maintain the backyard for special events and rentals. Rosemead Park The focus for Rosemead Park is to maintain the athletic fields and heavily used picnic areas as best as possible. In trade for this, staff is recommending eliminating some turf all together in the lesser used area to achieve the water reductions necessary. Per the attached overhead photos, staff recommends eliminating the turf on the northern most section of the park outside of the outfield area of the baseball field along with eliminating the turf in the triangle area just south of the preschool building between the two concrete paths. If additional reductions are necessary, staff would recommend further reduction along between the jogging trail and the aquatics center parking lot and the area immediately to the west between the parking lot and the service road. Garvey Park Similarly to Rosemead Park, the focus is to maintain the turf on the athletic fields and heavily used picnic areas. Staff recommends eliminating the small patches of turf in and around the tennis court parking lot and the Public Works building, the small area of turf behind the softball field backstop, and the several small turf areas near some of the picnic shelters. Overhead photos are included for reference. If additional reduction is necessary, staff recommends eliminating the turf to the South of the gym and surrounding the Splash Zone. Sports Complex This park utilizes recycled water for irrigation. While the new restrictions to not apply to recycled water, staff will utilize discretion and make every attempt to mirror the two days per week guidelines while keeping the turf in good shape for athletic events. City Council Meeting May 12,2015 Page 5 of 6 Rush Street Medians The irrigation of these medians will be reduced to two days per week standards or manually controlled since the system is still utilizing spray heads. It's important to note that these medians are irrigated with recycled water. There are no regulations prohibiting irrigation with recycled water, but due to the public perception of different standards, staff will utilize discretion when irrigating. Marshall Avenue Medians These medians are on drip irrigation and do not fall under the mandated two days per week regulations. However, the irrigation will be set to two days per week and staff will monitor the health of the landscape. Freeway Slopes Staff is currently working with Caltrans to develop a plan since the water and irrigation system is owned by Caltrans, even though the City maintains the landscape. It is staff's intent to set the irrigation to the two days per week requirements and see how the landscape responds. These areas have typically required extra water due to the poor soil absorption. Triangle Park (San Gabriel Blvd. and 60 Freeway) The irrigation to this small park has already been reduced. Staff proposes to remove all turf at this location and apply for the water district rebate money. The funds could then be used to do an in-house synthetic turf project or plant with drought tolerant landscaping. The existing trees and shrub landscape would remain. The main reason for using the resources to re-landscape this park is the high visibility due to the freeway. Otherwise, this park does not get recreational use. Klingerman Park Transition to the two days per week water schedule for the interim. Due to the antiquated irrigation system at this park, staff recommends eliminating several small sections of turf and landscaping along the eastern side along the service road and the small portion of turf behind the playground area. Staff will also evaluate removing the turf on the back of the park, but maintain the turf on the front area where the play equipment and majority of park use is located. Guess Park Transition to the two days per week restrictions and see how the turf fares. Due to the limited use staff believes that while the turf may yellow a bit, it should survive. Staff also recommends enlarging the barked tree wells surrounding the 6 large trees to improve water retention for the trees while reducing some of the turf area. If necessary to reach the 25% target, the second phase of reduction for this site would be to cut irrigation on the northern portion behind the picnic shelter and the small pocket of turf on the southwest end of the park. Eliminating turf in these two areas would eliminate approximately 1,750 sq. ft. of turf. City Council Meeting May 12,2015 Page 6 of 6 Sally Tanner Park Transition to the two days per week restrictions and see how the turf fares. Due to the limited use staff believes that while the turf may yellow a bit, it should survive. Olney Street Park Currently on manual watering, which is less than the two days per week restrictions. Staff recommends that we cut the irrigation at this park completely and let the turf die. Unfortunately, the rebates wouldn't be sufficient to turn this park into a completely drought tolerant park, but staff recommends some drought tolerant planting and the use of mulch to cover the area. The slope area on the western end that drops down to Walnut Grove has already been modified by eliminating the ivy and replacing with mulch. Angeles Park The irrigation at this park has already been set to the two days per week standards. If the City is not meeting its 25% reduction target, staff recommends that we cut the irrigation at this park completely and let the turf die. Unfortunately, the rebates wouldn't be sufficient to turn this park into a completely drought tolerant park, but we would proposed to do some drought tolerant planting to the area immediately adjacent to the school. Zapopan Park This park is irrigated with recycled water; however, staff will still try to maintain the turf according to the two days per week requirements. Additional Information The City of Rosemead did complete the requirements of the San Gabriel Water Wise Challenge and submitted the application. The City may be eligible for a grant of up to $50,000, and if received the funds would be used to offset the costs of transforming some of the turf areas to drought friendly landscape. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: • A Se. ullivan Matth w E. Ha kesworth Acting Public Works Manager Asst City Manager/Director of Public Works Attachment: A. Ordinance No. 953 B. Resolution 2015-24 C. Park Maps ORDINANCE NO. 953 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 13.04.060 OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING PHASE III WATER SHORTAGE — MANDATORY CONSEVATION. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 13.04.060 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows: 13.04.060 Phase III water shortage — Mandatory Conservation. A. A Phase III water shortage shall be declared when the City is advised that the Governor or State Water Resources Control Board has mandated conservation of more than twenty (20) percent B. All of the restrictions of Phase II shall apply except that: 1. The restrictions on watering lawns, landscape or other turf with potable water by methods other than drip irrigation or mircospray shall be limited to no more than two (2) days per week on a schedule posted by the City and is strictly prohibited between the hours of 8:00a.m. and 6:00p.m., 2. Irrigation with potable water of ornamental turf on public street medians is prohibited; 3. Irrigation with potable water outside of newly constructed homes and buildings not in accordance with emergency regulations or other requirements established in the California Building Standards Code is prohibited 4. Application of potable water to outdoor landscapes during and within 48 hours after measurable rainfall is prohibited; 5. Water used on a one-time basis for purposes such as construction and dust control, shall be limited to that quantity identified in a plan submitted by the user which describes water use requirements. The plan shall be submitted to the City's Community Development Department for approval. Water sources other than potable water shall be utilized where available; 6. The use of water from fire hydrants shall be limited to fire fighting and related activities and other uses of water for municipal purposes shall be limited to activities necessary to maintain public health, safety and welfare. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of May, 2015: MARGARET CLARK MAYOR ATTEST: GLORIA MOLLEDA CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: RACHEL R. RICHMAN CITY ATTORNEY Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DESIGNATING IRRIGATION SCHEDULES UNDER PHASE III WATER SHORTAGE CONDITIONS WHEREAS, on April 1 , 2015 Governor Brown issued an executive order mandating additional water conservation of 25% statewide; and WHEREAS, on May 12, 2015 the City of Rosemead declared the need for Phase Ill Water Conservation Measures; and WHEREAS, Phase Ill Water Conservation Measures includes Mandatory water conservation requirements; and WHEREAS, the City must designate the residential irrigation standards under the Phase Ill Water Conservation Measures. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: 1 . Properties with even number addresses may only be irrigated on Monday and Thursday of each week. 2. Properties with odd number addresses may only be irrigate on Tuesday and Friday of each week. 3. The duration of watering will be permitted at 15 minutes per station per permitted day. The recommended frequency of 3 cycles of 5 minutes at least one hour apart should be followed when feasible. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 12th day of May 2015. Margaret Clark, Mayor ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk Rosemead Park - Recreation Building Area 3,740 square feet 0 1 4 , • Propose complete turf I removal. Replace with -" mulch/DG. r a a K pi woo 1 I Rosemead Park - Recreation Building Playground Area ailliMaf VS* t t Remove turf is this area. Fill with mulch. i �� Phase 2 IF NECESSARY - Remove the shrubs along the � I g t e outfield m fence line. Remove/cap irrigation. ,. .. . i 1 ., 0 . IT Rosemead Park - Pool Parking Lot Area I AV a. ^ c Amt 4 '4 A M ,.. ,, „ e _ 4,, &„: , - „.,,,,,,„ - iiriaPA _ _ _ ____ _ / i ' ,_ , . \/ •, -_ 4.. 4% #6, * . ir, .,,!, _ , Phase 2 IF NECESSARY - Propose to I i ` ' remove all turf. Plant/create drought �404 tolerant demonstration garden. ' ' , •.-- Phase 2 IF NECESSARY - Propose to remove all turf. Fill area with thiii 411111/ . 4 s iil mulch/DG. i el *1411111111L Mk ).`SIFT) 4, Garvey Park Area 1—2,027 square feet Area 2—888 square feet Area 3—1,371 square feet Area 4—3,000 square feet Area 5—805 square feet Area 6-385 square feet . - ti.ti, ., y— . - ' , ;- Area 1- Propose to remove all turf and E - replace with bark or DG ; Area 2—Phase 2 IF NECESSARY- Propose to ii . remove all turf and replace with DG Area 3—Phase 2 IF NECESSARY- Propose to f remove all turf and replace with bark • Area 4—Phase 2 IF NECESSARY- x Propose to remove all turf and match existing drought tolerant landscaping ,_.iii.. ° .M .. -. Area 5 &6- Propose to remove all turf and j: replace with bark/DG r ,,4 a M � il N Gary ey Park 5r , , r' . _° `' ' J 4 - - . Goos1L ¢• - 0 Garvey Park—Southwest Area Area 1-775 square feet Area 2 -554 square feet Area 3 -490 square feet Area 4-580 square feet Area 5—325 square feet Area 6-212 square feet Area 7—158 square feet Area 8—1720 square feet = Area 1—Propose to remove all turf and replace with - mulch/DG. 'ATM - .aiiiiel ..,, ,. i Area 2—Propose to remove all turf and replace with• ,a. is DG/bark . Itt ti r osh ■ • Area 3—Propose to remove all turf and replace with DG/bark ° fati ,"11711 _ ° q+ '111 a r _� C^.' i w 1 art dr ° • E.., . w Area 4 & 5 Propose to remove all turf and replace lace with 1 mulch/bark Area 6 & 7—Propose to remove all turf and replace with I Area 8—Propose to remove all turf and replace with drought tolerant demonstration garden and mulch. I mulch/DG. Future improvements could include a drought tolerant demonstration garden and mulch Klingerman Park Area 1 - 423 square feet Area 2 - 1,175 square feet Area 3 - 997 square feet Area 4 - 2,534 square feet Area 1 - Propose to eliminate turf area and add mulch. ,. .��i°''6.6. 'y .4 4 .. s tim. ... it .41111N---.)., Area 2 - Propose to eliminate station #1 by adding mulch/DG to area iii ] gis, K,„t„,., , ' .,„„ ,,,, 2 v.. , M t K.0 "i JJ � JJ I µ / ., ' Area 3 -Propose to eliminate turf fib. , � x ,�. and add mulch/DG to area - - around park benches IArea 4 - Propose to eliminate turf and add DG/mulch to I f a i M area. I Nal 1 VP _ a4.1'C2...15 i4 , 1 I I” _.'. Si/.•.=ed in,1 50 11" Guess Park Area 1 - 1,438 square feet Area 2 - 315 square feet u 1 •{ • Area 1 r + r� 1'41, s Phase 2 IF NECESSARY - Propose to remove all turf from area. Match landscaping to existing planter 6 No 4 '�_. a.144 Area 2 i �`' L" ores* _ i gt MI Propose to enlarge barked tree wells to ,. eliminate more turf and increase water retention at base of tree. - L Angelus Park Area 1 - 2,819 square feet Area 2 - 2,830 square feet Fn# m M ... \ ii iii X Area 2 - Phase 2 IF NECESSARY - Can �; , j eliminate some turf in this area and i ,,,6436 .< replace with mulch. O .» v : i - ' ' 1: ,,, l'.,,,:\,:\. ' ' , '1/2.':' ■,, \\si 0 _ W Area 1 - Phase 2 IF NECESSARY - ', Propose to removal of all turf in this area. Plant/create drought tolerant demonstration garden. 0. a •.,41' ,, :=1*--.--7,--1 c.) . •_ -,, 141 " 44"3.1.\'' % t •w% I J 1......._ *4. t .,,._._,,,. y 5 'iF 7,- 3 .. y. e OM �J y } % .r * w a k, 1 a Y ` I r �' ! m s , d , M . 3 ,..1. -,, ° k r• ...-064: •