CC - Item 5A - Garvey Avenue Medians - Turf Removal Project i E CM M .4. Q' O 9 i� o ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL 9 CIVIC PRIDE �Q/�� ( STAFF REPORT /hCORPORATED 1959 - .. . TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER 41'1 DATE: MAY 26 2015 SUBJECT: GARVEY AVENUE MEDIANS — TURF REMOVAL PROJECT SUMMARY At the City Council Meeting on May 12, 2015, a project involving the removal of all turf on the Garvey Avenue medians was discussed. Funding was added for this project during the midyear budget updates in January and at the time, the proposal was the installation of artificial turf. Staff has prepared the project for bid as the installation of artificial turf, however, at the City Council Meeting on May 12, 2015, it was decided that all potential options should be reviewed prior to proceeding with this project. Pursuant to the Governor's updated drought regulations issued on April 1, 2015, the watering of ornamental turf on street medians is prohibited. Based on the drought conditions and the planned removal of turf along the medians, staff turned off the irrigation in these areas prior to the Governor's order: Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council provide direction regarding the turf removal project on the Garvey Avenue Medians . DISCUSSION On April 1, 2015 the Governor issued an executive order mandating water conservation of at least 25% statewide. Included in that order was the prohibition of watering ornamental turf on street medians. Prior to the Governor's order, staff had contemplated the removal of turf on the Garvey Avenue Medians due to the high water usage in the current drought situation. The water has been shut down on the medians for some time and staff is ready to proceed with the turf removal. Funding for this project was added to the Public Works budget during the midyear budget adjustments in January and at that time, staff had contemplated the installation of artificial turf on the medians. Staff is seeking direction from the Council for the project going forward at this time. There are two options that can be considered for the medians going forward: 1: Remove the turf on the medians and replace it with drought tolerant landscaping 2. Remove the turf on the medians and replace it with artificial turf r. ITEM NUMBER: City Council Meeting May 26,2015 Page 2 of 3 Option 1: Replace the Turf with Drought Tolerant Landscaping The turf can be removed and replaced with a simple drought tolerant landscaping. The landscape would include a plant palate of drought tolerant, native plants that require little water and maintenance. Plant types would include similar plants to those previously incorporated into other medians, parks, and the Civic Center Plaza. In order to prepare the medians for the installation of drought tolerant plants, the turf would be removed and the existing soil would be amended and graded. It is important to note that the existing crown from the tree roots on the medians is very high and staff is not proposing the reduction of the crown at this time due to the expense and intricacy of the work. The existing irrigation system on the medians has been severely impacted by tree roots and is not functional. Due to the expense and the intent to transition to lower water usage, staff is proposing to abandon the existing irrigation system and install one or two hose bibs on each median. Any landscape would need to be watered, by hand, approximately once per week. It is anticipated that these tasks would be performed by the City's landscape contractor in lieu of the maintenance activities (mowing, edging, etc.) that are currently performed on the medians. Option 2: Replace Turf with Artificial Turf Another option is to replace the existing turf on the Garvey Avenue medians with artificial turf. Artificial turf would replace the existing, stressed turf to create a visually appealing and low maintenance landscape along Garvey Avenue. The installation of the turf would reduce the need for irrigation on the medians except for hose bibs to water remaining landscape on the median noses. Maintenance activities for artificial turf would include blowing or sweeping the debris from it as needed. Current Use of Artificial Turf The City has previously installed artificial turf in three (3) locations within the City, including two (2) medians and a pocket park. Artificial turf was installed on two medians on Garvey Avenue, the one closest to New Avenue (westerly City limit) and the one nearest to the Garvey Community Center (easterly City limit). Artificial turf was also installed at the pocket park at the corner of Temple City Boulevard, Ellis Lane and Steele Street approximately seven (7) years ago. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for the Garvey Avenue Medians Turf Removal Project in the amount of$100,000 was added to the Public Works Department budget during the mid-year budget updates in January. Additionally, staff has secured, on reserve, rebate funds of$2 per square foot for the removal of turf along the Garvey Avenue medians. The annual water expense for current irrigation activities on the Garvey Avenue medians is approximately $15,000. City Council Meeting May 26,2015 Page3of3 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: gbd (1/' 41"---, ==— Sean Sullivan Matthew E. H. kesworth Acting Public Works Manager Asst City Manager/Director of Public Works