PC - Item 6A - City of Los Angeles's Seismic Standards For Cellphone TowersROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: JULY 20, 2015 SUBJECT: CITY OF LOS ANGELES'S SEISMIC STANDARDS FOR CELLPHONE TOWERS Summary At the Planning Commission Meeting of May 18, 2015, Planning Commission Chair Nancy Eng requested information on a recently adopted ordinance by City of Los Angeles that approved seismic standards for freestanding cellphone towers be brought before the Planning Commission for discussion. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Planning Commission receive and file this report. Background Cellular communications towers are currently designed and constructed to life- safety standards to prevent collapse. These life- safety standards, however, do not ensure that the towers will continue to function for cellular communication purposes following an earthquake. Physical damage to towers can cause interruptions in cellular service, thereby creating delays in emergency response time and in disaster recovery efforts. In addition, debris, downed bridges, and other hazards resulting from an earthquake can make it difficult for repair crews to access and repair inoperative cellular towers. In urban areas like Los Angeles where there is limited open space for freestanding cellular towers, more than half of telecommunications facilities are attached to buildings. Many of these buildings are older and more likely to collapse during an earthquake, which means that the attached telecommunications facilities will also be disabled. According to officials from the City of Los Angeles, these facts demonstrate the importance of keeping freestanding cellular towers operational after an earthquake. As a result, the Los Angeles City Council recently took steps to require future free- standing cellphone towers be built to the same seismic protection standards as public safety facilities, which are meant to be usable after a strong earthquake. The new rules will not affect cell towers that are attached to buildings, which represent the majority of the towers in the City of Los Angeles, or existing free - standing cellphone towers. Planning Commission Meeting July 20, 2015 Paqe 2 of 2 Public Notice Process This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by U0- 4&W Michelle Ramirez Community Development Director