CC - Item 4B - Minutes of July 14, 2015MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT MEETING July 14, 2015 The meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tern Armenta INVOCATION — Council Member Alarcon PRESENT: Mayor Alarcon, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, ABSENT: Council Member Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, Works Director Hawkesworth, Community Montgomery- Scott, Chief of Police Lt. Son 2. PUBLIC behalf of Los AngelesCounty Metro. any Metro related Issues -- Mayor TTERS considered Low 0 p.m. in the , California. Richman, Assistant City Manager /Acting Public t Director Rafiitezr:Director of Parks and Recreation Field Deputy for the San Gabriel Valley area on ,the City Council and members of the public for Active Duty'A'ilitary Led , Ve for Council Member Ly; and Consideration of Temporary Appointmenil", Jean Hall to the City Council Mayor Pro Tem'EA►`menta st6ied "this would be the second time that Ms. Hall would be appointed to sit in for Council Member Ly while hewas on active duty military leave. Ms. Hall made very sound decisions when she was appointed t ime, and Ms. Armenta didn't see any reason not to re- appoint Ms. Hall in the interim during Mr. Ly's absence. Council Member Polly Low agreed stating Ms. Hall did a wonderful job the first time ACTION: Mayor Pro Tern Armenta moved, and seconded by Council Member Low, to appoint Jean Hall in the interim City Council position while Council Member Ly was on military leave. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2015 ITEM NUMBER: 42 Page I of 9 The motion carried unanimously by the following roll call vote of the council members present: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, and Low. Council Member Ly was absent. Cathy Hammond, daughter of Jean Hall, who was deputized by the Interim City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Jean Hall, Ms. Hall thanked the City Council for their support and took her seat at the dais. 3. PRESENTATION Introduction of Carol Cowley City Manager Allred introduced the City Council to the newly until a new City Clerk was hired. Introduction of new Beautification Committee Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, who serves as the Chair of the Beautific Beautification Committee members James Berry, who will serve as Armenta announced the names of Veronica Pena, and Katrina Pad Council meeting. Ms. Armenta advised the'(;quncil and audiencext planned for this year. Clerk who would serve pmmittee introduced tree new Chair of the Committee. Ms. were not present at the City of the events the Committee has nd was looking forward to photographs. Consent Calendar to be discussed and acted —40 Recommendation to approve Resolution No. 2015 — 40, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THBCITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN T4%bM OF $734;6 7.09 NUMBERED 89161 THROUGH 89280 INCLUSIVELY No. 2015 — 41 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2015 — 41, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $855,683.08 NUMBERED 89281 THROUGH 89316 INCLUSIVELY Resolution No. 2015 -14 Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2015 Page 2 of 9 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2015 —14, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $414,413.44 NUMBERED 10132 THROUGH 10136 • Resolution No.2015 -07 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2015 — 07, entitled :,'ESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLO I CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $204,800.00 NUMBERED 1575 D. Approval of Professional Services Recommendation: That the City Council attached engineering services firms to pro authorize the City Manager to execute the E. Authorized Signers on Bank Accounts =1 Successor Agency Resolution No. 2015 -1 Services Aessional services agreements with the on -call professional sere es and y ,ouncl Resolution No. 2015.43 and Recommendation: That the City 60 r1cl appeovo, Resolutoh o, 2015 -43 and Successor Agency Resolution No. 2015 -15 authorizing tNie ayor, MAyd Pro Tern, Cl _Council members, City Manager and Assistant City Manager as�slgners or the C�ify bank accounts at Bank of the West. F. AuthoriksSigners� ,Bank Accotl is — RHDC Resolution No. 2015 -08 Recommendan: That the ,RHDC Board appPQ.e Resolution No. 2015 -08 authorizing the President, Vice Nesident,Darecfgrs„Executive Director and Assistant City Manager as signers on the RHQC bank ae�ount,�tenrove Ehe�iaf��e of thefiormer Secretary, Gloria Molleda; and appoint the Inteflr dj! ,,Clerk, C C wley as the Corporation Secretary until a replacement Secretary can be epointetl G. Confirmation of Appointment of Interim City Clerk City Council confirm the temporary appointment of Carol Cowley as ACTION: Council" 'Polly Low moved, and Council Member William Alarcon seconded, to approve the 06nsent Calendar consisting of Items A through G, excluding Items B and C which was pulled for discussion. The Motion unanimously carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Hall, and Low. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2015 Page 3 of 9 ITEM REMOVED FROM CONSENT: B. Ordinance No. 951— Second Reading: Approving Municipal Code Amendment (MCA) 15.02 and Amending Chapters 17.04 and 17.72 of Title 17 of the City of Rosemead Municipal Code Relating to Regulations for Nonconforming Uses, Structures, Lots, and Parking Facilities. Recommendation: That the City Council Adopt Ordinance No 951 at],, second reading. Mayor Margaret Clark requested this item be pulled because the ordinance required the notarized signature of the neighbors. She expressed concern that obtaining a, atanzed srnature could bean issue if someone was out of the country. Ms. Clark advised Staff has modifie"the language that she felt would be y more sufficient. , Community Development Director Ramirez advised that on , page 9, Section 1.b, the ordiriartce requires adjacent property owners have their signatures notarized. Staff would r from that emove the word 'notahzeo section of the ordinance. Item 2.a would be re- worded to:read, The applicant provides signed written consent on a form created by the City from all property owners of land ,abutting the subject property and submits a notarized sworn declaration on a form created by the City, stating that the declaration is made under penalty of perjury that all written consentsare true and accurate ' This language would put the burden of notarization on the applicant and the?applicaht was certifying that all of the signatures were true and accurate. The City Attorney has approved "hfis new ianguage and staff was also comfortable with it. Molly Sun addressed the City o 'bil expressing het concern about the otarized signatures, which required a fingerprint and License She also asked what would happen if the neighbor was out of the Count' It was explained to Ms Su °p that with lfierevisiQris to the fdinance, notarization would be required of the applicant only, r)4t the abutting nei§bbbrs, a y o77ger Ba ore the matter could go to the Planning Cnmmiseinn.,th"Gblicant would' &e to obtain the signature which could be transmitted by email. ? t addressed the`City Coun(;il,ip support of the modifications being made to the ordinance because signature and the proliferation of identity theft. It to obtain notonZd ;:member of the audience also supported the modifications being made to the ordinance City Attorney Richman, adyisod the City Council that because the change to the ordinance was substantive, it would be a first reading rath 6r than adoption, and thereafter read the title of Ordinance 951, waiving further reading into the record =a °s f6low: ORDINANCE NO 951 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY C APPROVING MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT (MCA) 15 -02 AND AMENDING CHAPTERS 17.04 AND 17.72 OF TITLE 17 OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO REGULATIONS FOR NONCONFORMING USES, STRUCTURES, LOTS, AND PARKING FACILITIES, Council Member Low thanked Mayor Clark for bringing this matter to attention so modifications could be made. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2015 Page 4 of 9 ACTION: Council Member/Board Member Low moved, and seconded by Council Member/Board Member Armenta, to approve Ordinance 951 with the language modifications on first reading, and to waive further reading. The motion unanimously carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenia, Clark, Hall, and Low. C. Adoption of Resolution 2015 -42 Setting the Fee for Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution Retrieval and Containment Plan fee. City Manager Allred provided a brief report explaining that this Containment Plan and set the processing fee at $100. He adV be more than $500; but in an interest to be business friendly. Cart Containment Plan the Shopping Cart ri would approve the Shopping Cart actual cost to,,,,process the plan would ecommentlmq the * be $100. Brian Lewin addressed the City Council in opposition to tt e amount of tho fee, comparing it to a c recovery incentive that would be given to businesses w ought new bu's "chess to the City. He felt the stores were responsible for creating this issue and the City should not give the stores a break on cost recovery for causing the public nuisance I lesuggested Council consider raising the fee to bring it closer to full cost recovery. ; City Manager Allred clarified that this ordinance vvas required of.all stores o ,r arkets that have ten or more shopping carts; explaining that this ordinance dl not pertain only to the offenders. Thereafter followed a discussion regarding Walmart an(lAhe locking mechanisms placed on their carts. City Manager Allred, in response to Mayor Clark's inquiry; noted that there has been very few problems with Walmart's shopping carts. Mayor Clark suggested ifl as . 6'Un i that the =offenders --were not enforcing their plan, this issue be brought back at a IateP time to raise the fines on the offenders: (/ 4 l City Richman clatffed that tlfls issue was only about the plan; explaining that the Code was set up sot the City could pursue:flie store bwhgrs if their plan did not work. ACTION °Council MemberlBoard Member Low moved, and seconded by Council Member/Board M f er Armenta to?adopt Resolution 2015.42 authorizing the Shopping Cart Retrieval an Go�ttam ertt fee. The motion unanimously carried by the following roll call vote. AXES _I'a� con, Armenta, Clark, Hall, and Low. 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Paratransit System Update Recommendation: That the City Council provide input and direction regarding the transit system RFP or bus acquisition process if any changes are required. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2015 Page 5 of 9 City Manager Allred acknowledged that this item was placed on the agenda by Mayor Pro Tern Armenta. He advised that the City was currently circulating a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the paratransit system provider for the Dial -A -Ride program as well as the fixed route Rosemead Explorer program. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta provided the City Council, City Manager, and City Attorney with a written packet of material, copies of which were made available to the public, at the meeting. Ms. Armenta advised the City Council that the original staff report for the purchase of the vehicles did not spedfy -the type of fuel the transit buses would use. She noted the specifications did specify the type of fuel.bit t(`e actual report did not. She advised that she realized, after the fact, that the buses would use gasoline Shy stated that there were vehicles available that use LPG, which was propane. Her research has revealed thet�kpG was typically $1.19 per gallon versus gasoline which was much higher than $4.00 per ggjlon x In speaking with the current provider she was advised t of th;ey use six buses, of which only one is gas - powered. She also spoke to the Finance Manager at thelty of La Puente who purchased1hree LPG buses for a total of $240,000, or $80,000 each. She read a p r�q aph from the ,formation packet ,,,, presented to Council that indicated that LPG was one of the most Impot ant aiternpttues�fo gasoline. -V R She expressed her inability to approve conyer#tgg from a green fleet back to a gas- driven fleet and expressed her frustration for not having done her 6e before making decision to approve the purchase of gasoline buses. She expressed her disappoi more Information in the staff report so the City Council could make a more7hfgtmed dedrst0n She asked that the matte /b�Coyght back for reconsrderation be`causm good conscience she could not approve purchasing g , ,p,# wered vehicles. Council Member Low f ftanked CougU,f� ember Armen for bringing this matter to the Council's attention. She remembered readinhe staff Fepof i aqd felt it wasntt3Very clear in comparing costs or pointing out the different types,of vehicles8he tf }atlghEthis C4ncil wafifed to go green as much as possible, and the fact that these a t)icl' s Were not gre$[ should have be6h'brought to the City Council's attention. In il, se to Council que Me�b�er AlaYopn's stion regarding receiving three bids, City Manager Allred adv�8ed Jhat the purchasers made throw the California Association for Coordinated Transportation (CALAT)ahjch was a bulk punk ser who'bids state wide to obtain the best price possible for the vehicles and other pu�tp agencies can p gy back on the purchase. Council Mem6erA darcon sug ested that this might not be an apples to apples comparison. City Manager Allred a2lv_sod that the City bought two types of vehicles; one type for the fixed route and a separate type for the Dial -A -Ride Program. Each had different specifications and different amenities. One was for $77,000 and the one for Dial -A -Ride was $64,000, and Staff didn't know what La Puente's specifications were and whether the comparison was apples to apples. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2015 Page 6 of 9 Council Member Low stated she would be curious to compare the City's specifications to those of La Puente. If they were very similar, it might be that piggy- backing was not the way to go. She suggested that staff get the information from La Puente and make the comparison. Council Member Armenta added that she wanted to make sure the City's service would not decline because of the reduction from six buses to five buses. She also wanted to know the cost difference per year between the provider's gas- driven bus and the other five propane buses. She advised that LPG was "liquefied petroleum gas" which was propane and butane mixed together Council Member Alarcon asked if the price of LPG fluctuated as much as the,price of gas. Council Member Armenta responded stating that according to her search, L'PGand CNG prices stay stagnant; however gas fluctuates. She indicated even if the C spent an additioifa! $950,000 for LPG vehicles; the length of time it would take to spend that much m(Oh6y on gasoline. Mayor Clark said she had to agree with Ms. Armenta 1h 66 ' sense that she wished the City Coulcil would have been provided with the pros and cons of the differ4hf; ptions befdi�Them in April so that tlt City Council could have made the decision. However, referring to the rt 'rMation that was provided to the City Council by Ms. Armenta, she pointed out thatsome of the disadvantages of LPG were safety and cost. The article talked about explosions of canisters on j llding sites were f6i'f om uncommon and since it was highly flammable transporting by road and storing in (grge 6hks_in populated�Afggs was dangerous. The article also said that LPG was several times more ezpesive than nsturgl gas. Mayor Clark's under City tried to sell them City a held and expressed concern if the In response to a q60 contract would be for fiG vehicles were by City Manage is a propane Council Member Armenta In response to Gout Allred advised tha f f the City would have of time ,,, he cycle, City Manager Allred advised that the p,f rst time the City has purchased vehicles. In the past the bs have a- ,useful life of from seven to ten years. the safety issues and where the buses could be refueled. for Hawkesworth advised that the current provider Southland this item be brought back for consideration. 4 .. rbr`Alarcon's question regarding the City's financial obligation, City Manager va alraariv haan nrriarari and manufactured, if the City wanted to back out, buyer for those buses. Council Member Armenta stated that she would call the company tomorrow. Mayor Clark asked what the pleasure of the Council was. Council Member Low felt the City needed to get the data, but not do anything since the buses have already Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2015 Page 7 of 9 been purchased, unless Ms. Armenta could talk them into a no cost return. She asked if this matter could be tabled until Council Member Armenta got the information before making a decision. Mayor Clark added that if the matter was tabled she would like more research into the pros and cons of the various fuels because the City Council's packet contained a chart from the Air Quality Resources Board who were very strict on their regulations. The chart indicated gasoline was below in three of the standards set by the California Air Quality Board and was certified by the California Air Resources,, Board as being compliant with their standards; whereas LPG was only lower in one of the standards: Mayor Pro Tem Armenta interjected that costs also needed to be included Nhe research. After further f� f� discussion on the research to be done, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta stated sie would be asking to have this item brought back, because she could not approve it. City Attorney Richman clarified that the City Council has arighifo bring back an issue fof4, nsideration for a period of up to five days after the action; however, if ey` ,,Pro Tem Armenta wanted the natter brought back she could only indicate for the record that had shd id the information at the time the abttou was taken, she would not have voted in favor of the action. City Attor4 � Pochmaa(rCated she would be happy to review the contract to see what the provisions were for default &Aerm hction so that the City Council would have the information as to what was a reed:, . g � pon After a brief discussion, it was determined that he itom4ould be brarght back to Council at the first meeting in August. 7. COUNCIL Council Memh `Polly Low corrsinentetl on the success of the July 4�n parade and fireworks show. She also c tinted on the i iIS eommented on the 4th of July events and thanked the for accomhbdating her family who were having their first family from Texas and Arizona. Member Q(rrte,nta al 68iscussed the issue of illegal fireworks that were extensive ut the City e received numerous phone calls, and text messages from constituents. tested that orf ;,he fireworks show ends, sheriffs could go throughout the City and patrol. Council Itllember Low'also commented on the illegal fireworks being so widespread and asked that the Chief of Pdfice:,"'d�vise the Council on what could be done next year to reduce the problem. City Manager Allred advised the Council that staff has had discussions with Lt Somoano and one recommendation was to increase the fine to $1,000 for possession of illegal fireworks; noting it was currently $250. Thereafter followed a continued discussion regarding the issue of illegal fireworks and additional resources for next year. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2015 Page 8 of 9 Mayor Margaret Clark announced the upcoming Concerts in the Park beginning with Phat Cat Swingers on Friday, July 17th in Garvey Park at 7:00 p.m.; Friday, July 24 The Reflexx in Rosemead Park at 7:00 p.m; on July 31st Cauldron Band in Garvey Park at 7:00 pm; and on Friday, August Th, the Hodads in Rosemead Park at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta also reminded everyone about the July 22, 2015 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Rosemead Con Center. Mayor Clark also announced the Public Safety meeting at thanked staff for their hard work on the Fourth of July even 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Cburbil, Mayor p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled�fbAbke play Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber.1 ATTEST: on Wednesday, July 16, 2015. She then a wonderful day. urned the medting,,pt 8:15 28, 2015 at 6:06$A. in the Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2015 Page 9 of 9