20150922 Council Presentation V2 City Council Workshop September 22, 2015 Valley Boulevard 2011 Countywide Call For Projects 1 2 Valley Boulevard 2011 Countywide Call for Projects Jan 2011 – Application submitted for MTA (RSTI) funding Sep 2011 – Rosemead selected for FY15/16 & FY16/17 funding: RSTI Funds: $780,793 (55%) Local Funds: $638,831 (45%) Total: $1,419,624 (100%) 3 Valley Boulevard Challenges with MTA Funding Scope Access & On-Street Parking Impacts Raised Center Medians (Walnut Grove Ave. to Mission Dr.) 3rd EB and WB lanes during the AM and PM peak hours Class-III Bikeway (General Plan Policy) 4 Valley Boulevard Reality Check – Project Scope Do we want the $780,793 grant funding? Pros: Mobility and Safety Improvements Cons: On-Street Parking and Left-Turn Access Impacts to Adjacent Businesses 5 Valley Boulevard Reality Check – Raised Center Medians Walnut Grove Av to Mission Dr Safety Improvement vs. Left-Turn Access Restriction 6 Valley Boulevard Reality Check – 3rd EB & WB Through Lanes Mobility Enhancement vs. On-Street Parking Impact Capacity Improvement during peak hours On-Street Parking Impacts AM (6-10AM or 7-9AM) PM (3-7PM or 4-6PM) Directional or Both Sides Jurisdictional Issues – Portions in San Gabriel and El Monte 7 Valley Boulevard Reality Check – Class III Bike Route Consistent with General Plan Bike Route Signs Only, No On-Street Striping 8 Valley Boulevard Future Updates Garvey Ave – 2015 Countywide Call for Projects New Av to Sullivan Av (2.2 Miles) Sep 24, 2015 – Funding for FY19/20 & FY20/21 RSTI Funds: $2,315,305 (70%) Local Funds: $992,273 (30%) Total: $3,307,578 (100%) Rosemead Blvd Improvement – Schedule Update 2010 HSIP Funds ($464,102), Local ($60,307) Hardscape & landscape in existing median Full Width Sidewalk & Signal Improvements 9 City Council Workshop Thank You 10