PC - Item 3A - Time Extension for Tentative Tract Map 63609 0 1 'C'''>\,6 ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT K.._ TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: NOVEMBER 2, 2015 SUBJECT: TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 63609 8440-8446 DOROTHY STREET Summary On November 20, 2006, the Planning Commission initially approved Tentative Tract Map 63609 for the subdivision of three (3) parcels into seven (7) parcels for the development of six (6) new single-family residences. The approval period was for two (2) years with an expiration date of November 20, 2008. Since the approval of the project, the California State Legislature had passed bills which automatically extended the expiration dates of tentative maps in 2008, 2009, 2011, and 2013. The City Engineer has prepared a memorandum (attached as Exhibit `B"), which indicates the time extension granted by local ordinances and State bills. On September 16, 2015, the Planning Division received an extension request from the applicant to extend the approval period for one (1) additional year, in order to facilitate the finalization of the map. According to the applicant's letter (attached as Exhibit "C"), they were unable to complete the project due to financial hardship. They are now financially prepared to construct the project and will begin to resubmit their building plans to the Building and Safety Division. This will also give their tenants a few months to relocate. The original Tentative Tract Map and Planning Commission Staff Report, dated November 20, 2006 has been attached as Exhibit "D and E" for reference. Environmental Determination Section 15061(B)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines exempt projects if the activity is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only with projects, which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have significant effect on the activity, the activity is not the subject to CEQA. Accordingly, Tentative Parcel Map 63609 is exempt from CEQA, pursuant to Section 15061(B)(3) of the CEQA guidelines. Planning Commission Meeting November 2,2015 Page 2 of 11 Municipal Code Requirements Sections 66473.5 and 66474 of the California Government Code (Map Act) and 16.08 of the Rosemead Municipal Code specify the criteria by which a subdivision map may be granted: A. The proposed division will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare nor injurious to the property or improvements in the immediate vicinity. The project was approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2006. Through this application, the applicant is only requesting a one (year) extension to proceed with the project as approved. All necessary public improvements will be made prior to the construction of the six proposed residential homes. These improvements will be made on Dorothy Avenue, where the site access is located. Furthermore, the project site is located within a medium density residential General Plan land use designation. The subdivision is designed within the parameters of the medium density definition of 0 — 9 units per acre (prior General Plan). The current General Plan allows a density of 0-12 units in the Medium Density land use designation. The project equates to less than six units per acre, which is a low density design. B. The proposed division will not be contrary to any official plan adopted by the City Council; or to any official policies or standards adopted by the City Planning Commission or the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk at or prior to the time of filing of the application hereunder. The project was approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2006. Through this application, the applicant is only requesting a one (year) extension to proceed with the project as approved. The subject site is designated P-D (Planned Development) on the Zoning Map and Medium Density in the General Plan. Planning Division staff, as well as the City Engineer, have checked the map for accuracy and have verified that the application is not contrary to any adopted policy or plans. C. Each proposed parcel conforms in area and dimension to the provisions of zoning and subdivision requirements of the City. The project was approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2006. Through this application, the applicant is only requesting a one (year) extension to proceed with the project as approved. The proposed map conforms to City codes and will be processed in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act. D. All streets, alleys and driveways proposed to serve the property have been dedicated or such dedication is not required for the protection of public safety, health and welfare and that such streets, alleys and driveways are of sufficient width, design and construction to preserve the public safety and to provide adequate access and circulation for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Planning Commission Meeting November 2,2015 Page3of 11 The project was approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2006. Through this application, the applicant is only requesting a one (year) extension to proceed with the project as approved. The City Engineer has checked the tentative map for its accuracy and is satisfied with the proposed parcel map request. The City Engineer's conditions of approval have been included in the original Conditions of Approval, which were approved on November 20, 2006, and will be complied with at the time of filing the final map and at the implementation phase. E. All easements and covenants required for the approval of the tentative map or plot plan have been duly executed and recorded. The project was approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2006. Through this application, the applicant is only requesting a one (year) extension to proceed with the project as approved. As originally approved, prior to recordation of the final parcel map, and where applicable, the applicant shall dedicate necessary easements to be executed as required by the City Engineer and such dedicated easements shall be recorded with the Final Parcel Map. Staff Recommendation Based on the analysis and findings contained in this report, it is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 15-19 (Exhibit "A") and APPROVE Tentative Trace Map 63609 (Extension) with findings, subject to nine (9) conditions of approval outlined in Attachment "A" attached hereto. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300' radius public hearing notice to forty-one (41) property owners, publication in the Rosemead Reader on October 22, 2015, and postings of the notice at the six (6) public locations and on the subject site. Prepar-d by: Submitted by: al" Lily T. Valenzuela Michelle Ramirez Associate Planner Community Development Director EXHIBITS: A. Planning Commission Resolution 15-19 with Attachment"A"(Conditions of Approval) B. City Engineer's Memorandum C. Applicant's Letter D. Tentative Tract Map 63609 E. Planning Commission Staff Report,dated November 20,2006 Planning Commission Meeting November 2,2015 Page 4 of 11 EXHIBIT "A" PC RESOLUTION 15-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A ONE (1) YEAR EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 63609, A REQUEST FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF THREE (3) PARCELS INTO SEVEN (7) PARCELS, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SIX (6) NEW DOROTHY SINGLE-FAMILY THE P-D (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) ZONE (AIN: 5288-003-040, 041, AND 042). WHEREAS, on September 16, 2015, Hubert Trieu filed an Extension application requesting a one (1) year extension for Tentative Tract Map 63609; and WHEREAS, 8440-8446 Dorothy Street is located in the P-D (Planned Development) zone; and WHEREAS, Sections 66473.5 and 66474 of the California Government Code (Map Act) and 16.08 of the Rosemead Municipal Code specify the criteria by which a subdivision map may be granted; and WHEREAS, on October 22, 2015, forty-one (41) property owners, publication in the Rosemead Reader, and postings of the notice at the six (6) public locations and on the subject site; and WHEREAS, on November 2, 2015, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed and advertised public hearing to receive oral and written testimony relative to Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension); and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: SECTION 1. The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension) is Categorically Exempt. Section 15061(B)(3) of CEQA exempt projects if the activity is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only with projects, which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have significant effect on the activity, the activity is not the subject to CEQA. Accordingly, Tentative Parcel Map 63609 is exempt from CEQA, pursuant to Section 15061(B)(3) of the CEQA guidelines. Planning Commission Meeting November 2,2015 Page5 of 11 SECTION 2. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension) according to the criteria of Section 16.08 of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: A. The proposed division will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare nor injurious to the property or improvements in the immediate vicinity; and FINDING: The project was approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2006. Through this application, the applicant is only requesting a one (year) extension to proceed with the project as approved. All necessary public improvements will be made prior to the construction of the six proposed residential homes. These improvements will be made on Dorothy Avenue, where the site access is located. Furthermore, the project site is located within a medium density residential General Plan land use designation. The subdivision is designed within the parameters of the medium density definition of 0 — 9 units per acre (prior General Plan). The current General Plan allows a density of 0-12 units in the Medium Density land use designation. The project equates to less than six units per acre, which is a low density design. B. The proposed division will not be contrary to any official plan adopted by the City Council; or to any official policies or standards adopted by the City Planning Commission or the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk at or prior to the time of filing of the application hereunder; and FINDING: The project was approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2006. Through this application, the applicant is only requesting a one (year) extension to proceed with the project as approved. The subject site is designated P-D (Planned Development) on the Zoning Map and Medium Density in the General Plan. Planning Division staff, as well as the City Engineer, have checked the map for accuracy and have verified that the application is not contrary to any adopted policy or plans. C. Each proposed parcel conforms in area and dimension to the provisions of zoning and subdivision requirements of the City; FINDING: The project was approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2006. Through this application, the applicant is only requesting a one (year) extension to proceed with the project as approved. The proposed map conforms to City codes and will be processed in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act. D. All streets, alleys and driveways proposed to serve the property have been dedicated or such dedication is not required for the protection of public safety, health and welfare and that such streets, alleys and driveways are of sufficient width, design and construction to preserve the public safety and to provide adequate access and circulation for vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and FINDING: The project was approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2006. Through this application, the applicant is only requesting a one (year) extension to proceed with the project as approved. The City Engineer has checked the tentative map Planning Commission Meeting November 2,2015 Page 6 of 11 for its accuracy and is satisfied with the proposed parcel map request. The City Engineer's conditions of approval have been included in the original Conditions of Approval, which were approved on November 20, 2006, and will be complied with at the time of filing the final map and at the implementation phase. E. All easements and covenants required for the approval of the tentative map or plot plan have been duly executed and recorded. FINDING: The project was approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2006. Through this application, the applicant is only requesting a one (year) extension to proceed with the project as approved. As originally approved, prior to recordation of the final parcel map, and where applicable, the applicant shall dedicate necessary easements to be executed as required by the City Engineer and such dedicated easements shall be recorded with the Final Parcel Map. SECTION 3. The Planning Commission HEREBY APPROVES a one (1) year extension for Tentative Tract Map 63609, located at 8440-8446 Dorothy Street. SECTION 4. This action shall become final and effective ten (10) days after this decision by the Planning Commission, unless within such time a written appeal is filed with the City Clerk for consideration by the Rosemead City Council as provided in Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.160.040 — Appeals of Decisions. SECTION 5. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on November 2, 2015, by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SECTION 7. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the applicant and to the Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of November, 2015. John Tang, Chair Planning Commission Meeting November 2,2015 Page 7 of 11 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 2nd day of November, 2015, by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Michelle Ramirez, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gregory M. Murphy, Planning Commission Attorney Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP Planning Commission Meeting November 2,2015 Page 8 of 11 ATTACHMENT "A" (PLANNING COMISSION RESOLUTION 15-19) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 63609 (EXTENSION) 8440-8446 DOROTHY STREET (AIN: 5288-003-040, 041, AND 042) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL November 2, 2015 1. Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension) shall be in compliance and remain in compliance with all Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map 63609, Planned Development Review 05-01, and Zone Variance 06-342, in addition to the Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension). 2. Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension) is approved for a one year extension for Tentative Tract Map 63609, a request for the subdivision of three (3) parcels into seven (7) parcels for the development of six (6) new single-family residences. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for the review and approval of the Planning Division. 3. Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension) shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant has filed with the City of Rosemead a notarized affidavit stating that he/she is aware of and accepts all of the conditions of approval as set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions, within ten (10) days from the Planning Commission approval date. 4. The onsite public hearing notice posting shall be removed by the end of the 10-day appeal period of Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension). 5. Tentative Tract Map 63609(Extension) is approved for a period of one (1) year. The applicant shall commence the proposed project or request an extension within 30- calendar days prior to expiration. The one (1) year initial approval period shall be effective from the Planning Commission approval date. For the purpose of this petition, project commencement shall be defined as beginning the permitting process with the Planning and Building Divisions, so long as the project is not abandoned. If the Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension) has been unused, abandoned or discontinued for a period of one (1) year it shall become null and void. 6. The Planning Commission hereby authorizes the Planning Division to make and/or approve minor modifications to the project and to these conditions of approval. 7. Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension) is granted or approved with the City and its Planning Commission and City Council retaining and reserving the right and jurisdiction to review and to modify the permit, including the conditions of approval based on changed circumstances. Changed circumstances include, but are not Planning Commission Meeting November 2,2015 Page 9 of 11 limited to, the modification of the use, a change in scope, emphasis, size, or nature of the use, or the expansion, alteration, reconfiguration, or change of use. This reservation of right to review is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the right of the City, its Planning Commission, and City Council to review and revoke or modify any permit granted or approved under the Rosemead Municipal Code for any violations of the conditions imposed on Tentative Tract Map 63609 (Extension). 8. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set side, void, or annul, an approval of the Planning Commission and/or City Council concerning the project, which action is brought within the time period provided by law. 9. The Preliminary Soils Engineering Investigation Report, dated January 23, 2006, shall be updated and approved in accordance with the City of Rosemead's Geotechnical and Engineering Geology Consultation and review process. Planning Commission Meeting November 2,2015 Page 10 of 11 EXHIBIT "B" 4 Memoranda To: lily T. Valerzuela, Assxdate Planner From: Rafael M. Fajardo,Cty Engineer Date: 102872015 Re: 8440-8446 Dorothy SL-Tentative Tract Map 63609-Extension In 2008,2009, 2011 and 2013,the California Legislature passed bias automatically extending the expiration dates of tentatkre maps,vesting tentative maps, subject to specific conditions The purpose of the slate extensions has been to grant additional time to maps already in effect at the time of the bill passing.Therefore, in order for a Tentative Map to qualify for an automatic time extension grart ed by one of the state bats,the map must bevalid at the time the slate till was passed. The following indicates the time extension granted by Local Ordinances and the stale bills: • City Council Approval November 20. 2006. • Local Ordinance—24 la wits Extension November 20, 2008. • SB1185—12 Months November 20, 2)09. • AB333-24 Months November 20, 2011. • AB 208-24 Months November 20, 2013 • AB 116-24 Months November 20, 2015. • Local—12 Months Extension Nov ember 20,2016. The time extension is granted to November 20, 2016. • Planning Commission Meeting November 2,2015 Page 11 of 11 EXHIBIT "C" 6789 Oak Ave . San Gabriel CA,91775 September 16,2015 City of Rosemead Planning Department 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 Re:Tract Map ft 063609 Dear Sir/Madam: Since the approval of the above referenced tract map,we have put our plan of building six new homes on hold due to financial hardships. We are now financially prepared to move forward with this construction project.There will not be any changes to the proposed development; however,we need to resubmit our building plans as required by Building Department for plan check. We also need to give our tenants,six families,a few months to find new places to relocate. Due to the time involved in the process,we will not be able to record our map by November 19, 2015 and request that you grant us a time extension. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, / Hubert Trieu ' �,40 ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION v�° STAFF REPORT oc l� K TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARMENT DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2006 SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 063609, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 05-01 AND ZONE VARIANCE 06-342 8440 — 8446 DOROTHY STREET SUMMARY Anh L. Trieu, Hubert D. Trieu, Shawn H. Trieu, Thomas M. Trieu, Selso Ramos and Andrea M. Ramos have submitted a Tentative Tract Map application and a Planned Development Review application to subdivide three (3) existing parcels, totaling 42,736 square feet of area, into seven (7) parcels for the development of a six (6) single-family homes with a common driveway. A Zone Variance application has also been submitted for less than the required total site area of 43,560 square feet for a P-D (Planned Development) zone. The project site is located at 8440 — 8446 Dorothy Street in the P- D (Planned Development) zone. Environmental Determination: An Initial Study was completed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This study reviews the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. This study has found that there are no potentially significant environmental impacts that could occur with the development of the project. Therefore, a Draft Negative Declaration was adopted by the Rosemead City Council on November 22, 2005. Municipal Code Requirements Section 66474 et seq of the Subdivision Map Act describes the grounds for approving a subdivision map. In addition, Chapter 16.04 of the Rosemead Municipal Code provides subdivision regulations, which adopt Los Angeles County subdivision regulations by reference. The following are findings that must be made in order to approve a tentative tract map: EXHIBIT "E" Planning Commission Meeting November 20,2005 Page 2 of 16 • The map will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare nor injurious to the property. • The proposed division will not be contrary to any official plan. • Each proposed Tract conforms in area and dimension to the City codes. • All streets, alleys and driveways proposed to serve the property have been dedicated and that such streets, alleys and driveways are of sufficient design to provide adequate access and circulation for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. • Easements and covenants required for the tentative map have been executed and recorded. If the Planning Commission cannot make all of the findings, then it shall deny the map. Section 17.76.050 of the Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) sets forth the requirements for approval of a development plan. The Planning Commission may impose reasonable conditions to the approval of the development plan. When approved, the development plan shall supercede the concept plan approved upon the adoption of the P-D zone. Section 17.76.070 of the Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) requires that a P-D zone shall include a parcel of and not less than one acre, forty three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet. An applicant must obtain a variance in order to create a development that does not meet the minimum standards. Section 17.108.020 sets criteria required for granting such a variance. If one of these criteria cannot be met, then the variance may not be granted. These criteria require that granting such a variance will not: • Constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity; • Be materially detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity; • Adversely affect the comprehensive general plan; and • That because of special circumstances, the strict enforcement of the code would deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under identical zone classifications. If the Planning Commission cannot make all of the findings, then it shall deny the application. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning Commission APPROVE Tentative Tract Map 063609, Planned Development Review 05-01 and Zone Variance 06-342 for a period of two (2) years, subject to conditions outlined in attached Exhibit "A". Planning Commission Meeting November 20,2006 Page 3 of 16 - - ANALYSIS Property History and Description The subject site consists of three (3) parcels totaling approximately 42,736 (+1-) square feet in size. The parcel is currently occupied with four (4) single-family residences and accessory structures, which will be demolished as a result of the project. This project is located within the Zapopan Target Area and has an open Code Enforcement/Rehabilitation case with a City inspector. The project will eliminate the problems cited, including overgrown landscape and deteriorated exterior building materials. On September 19, 2005, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the Zone Change, from R-2 (Light Multiple Residential) to P-D (Planned Development), and a Planned Development Review for the property located at 8440-8446 Dorothy Street. After hearing all testimony, the Commission voted 5-0 to recommend City Council approval of Zone Change 05-220. On December 27, 2005, the City Council approved Zone Change 05-220, amending the Rosemead Zoning Map land use designation from R-2 (Light Multiple Residential) to P-D (Planned Development) and approved the Development Concept Plan for the subject properties. The final phase for project implementation requires Planning Commission review and approval of the final Development Plan, the Tentative Tract Map and the Zone Variance application. Y � Ir 8444-8446 Dorothy Street - 8440 Dorothy Street NORTH ELEVATIONS Planning Commission Meeting November 20,2006 Page 4 of 16 Site & Surrounding Land Uses • The site is designated in the General Plan for Medium Density Residential and on the zoning map, it is designated for P-D (Planned Development) zone. The site is surrounded by the following land uses: North General Plan: Medium Density Residential Zoning: R-2 (Light Multiple Residential) Land Use: Residential South: General Plan: Public Facilities Zoning: - R-2 (Light Multiple Residential) Land Use: Southern California Edison right-of-way and Nursery East: General Plan: Public Facilities Zoning: R-2 (Light Multiple Residential) Land Use: Southern California Edison right-of-way and Nursery West: General Plan: Medium Density Residential Zoning: R-2 (Light Multiple Residential) Land Use: Residence Administrative Comments & Analysis On December 27, 2005, the City Council approved Zone Change 05-220, amending the Rosemead Zoning Map land use designation from R-2 (Light Multiple Residential) to P-D (Planned Development) and approved the Development Concept Plan for the development of a six (6) new residential dwelling units and a common driveway. The proposed residences will have between 2,125 and 2,380 square feet of floor area. The total floor area for all six (6) units is 13,029 square feet with a floor area ratio (FAR.) of 30% for the entire site. The proposal further includes 6,818 square feet of open space, consisting of 2,618 square feet of common open space and 4,200 square feet of private open space. The P-D (Planned Development) zone does not have a maximum floor area ratio. Tentative Tract Map Review According to the proposed Development Plan and Tentative Tract Map (Exhibit "B"), the residential development will be arranged in a linear fashion, adjacent to a private driveway, which will be accessible via Dorothy Street. The private driveway measures a total of 26'-0" wide. A 4'-0" wide walkway is proposed adjacent to the driveway, along the front entrances of units 2-6. Only one (1) of the six (6) proposed dwelling units will have frontage on Dorothy Street, the remaining five (5) will have frontage along the private driveway. According to the Tentative Tract Map, the proposed parcels will have the following lot areas: Planning Commission Meetng November 20,2006 Page 5 of 16 • Proposed Lot Areas Lot# Land Use Lot Area - 1 Residential 2,654 s.f. 2 Residential 2,831 s.f 3 Residential 2,830 s.f. 4 Residential 3,160 s.f 5 • Residential 2,805 s.f 6 - Residential 5,026 s.f. • 7 • Common Area 23,430 s.f. J The map was distributed to various agencies for their review on August 23, 2005. Responding agencies have made their comments, which are on file. The City Engineer has checked the Tract for its accuracy. The City Engineer's conditions of approval have been added to the attached as Exhibit "A." The Los Angeles County Fire Department has indicated that this tract map has provided appropriate access for private driveway widths and shall determine location and number of required fire hydrants at time of submittal. The Southern California Gas Company has determined that gas service can be provided, without significant impact on the environment, from a 2-inch medium pressure main in Dorothy Avenue. The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services has no objection to the proposed project. They have stated that potable water will be supplied by a public water system, which guarantees water connection and service to all parcels, and sewage disposal will be provided through the public sewer and wastewater treatment facility. The Sheriff's Department has no objection to the project, provided addresses are clearly posted at driveway entrances. San Gabriel County Water District, the water purveyor for the site, stated that the district will install meters on Dorothy Street, in the parkway. Southern California Edison, SBC California and Charter Communications did not respond with objections to this project proposal. Zone Variance In addition to the applications for the Tentative Tract Map and approval of the final Development Plan, the applicant has submitted a Zone Variance application to deviate from Section 17.76.080 of the Rosemead Municipal Code. This code section requires that a P-D zone include a parcel of land containing not less than one acre (43,560 square feet of area). The proposed development has a total site area of approximately 42,736± square feet. Therefore, the subject site is deficient by eight hundred twenty Planning Commission Meefing November 2D,2006 Page 6 of 16 four (824) square feet from meeting the area requirement for a Planned Development. Staff considers the request for a Zone Variance to be reasonable based on several factors. The proposed residential land uses will be consistent with the surrounding residential and uses. The General Plan Land Use element specifies the density for Medium Density Residential properties as 0 — 9 units per acre. This project equates to less than six (6) units per acre, which is a low density design. Therefore, the small size of the proposed development does not have the potential to overwhelm the surrounding neighborhood. The applicant has designed the project to incorporate adequate yard areas and open space to further provide buffer between neighboring properties. In addition, there are no residences located to the east and south of the subject site, as these parcels are occupied by a Southern California Edison right-of-way. Furthermore, there will not be any environmental impacts to the subject area as a result of the Zone Variance. Finally, by subdividing the land, the opportunity for individual home ownership becomes a possibility, thus creating a higher standard of property maintenance, which is difficult to achieve if the units are occupied as rentals. Zoning Setbacks Minor modifications are proposed in the final Development Plan, which were not presented in the Development Concept Plan. The main modification affects Unit "1," which is the unit adjacent to Dorothy Street. Originally, this unit was designed to front the proposed private driveway, located on the east side of the lot. In the final Development Plan, Unit "1" is designed to face Dorothy Street. The new orientation of Unit "1" will improve the appearance of the development from the street. Instead of viewing a side elevation on Dorothy Street, a front elevation will now be viewed. With the exception of Lot 1, due to the revised orientation of Unit "1", the review of the following tables indicate that only minor modifications are proposed in the final Development Plan. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PLAN Recommended by Planning Commission on December 19, 2005 Front Distance Side Yard Side Yard Rear Building Lot# Setback between Setback Setback Yard Height. Units 1st floor 2nd floor Setback 1 N/A 15'-0" N/A 5'-0" N/A 5 -0" 18'-0" 2T-33A" 2 _ N/A 15'-0" LO'-0"-5'-0" 10'-0"-5'-0" 18'-0" 27'-3%" _ 3 N/A 15'-0" 10 0 5'-0" 10'-0"-5,-0" 18'-0" 27'-33/4" 4 N/A 15'-0" 15'-0"-10'-0" 15- 0 10'-0' I 18=0" 27'-3%" N/A 15' 0" 5'-0"- 10'-0 5'-0"-10'-0 ; 18'-0" 27 -3'/." 5 --_ _1 ..._ - _..2 6 .._J N/A 15 -0" � 5'-0 -15 -2" 5i-0"-15'-2 18'-0" 26'-h'/.,, Planning Commission Meeting November 20,2006 Page 7 of 16 FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Under Review by Planning Commission on November 20, 2006 Front Distance Side Yard Side Yard Rear Building Lot# S1 between '.. Setback Setback Yard Height Units 1st floor 2nd floor Setback 1 N/A 15'-0" N/A-18'-0" N/A-18'-0` 2 N/A 15'-0" 10'-0"—5'-0'' 10'-0"_5,_0„ 8,-0„ 28'-4" 3 N/A 15'-0" ! 10'-0''—5,-0" 10'-0"—5,-0" 18,-0" 27,-6"' 4 N/A 19.0„ I5' 0"-10'-0" 15=0„_10,_0„ 18,_0„ 27'-6” _—- "'--_— .- - 5 N/A 15'-0" 5'-0)_-100 5'-0"�- 10'-0 j 18'-0" 6 N/A 15'_0" I 5'-0"-15'-2" .... 5'-CM' 15'-2" I 18'-0" 26'-7;` Residential Floor Plans Six (6) single-family residential units are proposed with this development. No changes to the Development Concept Plan are proposed in the final Development Plan, with respect to the proposed floor plans. Floor plan sizes range from 2,125 to 2,380 square feet of living area with attached two-car garages and two stories. There are two (2) different floor plans detailed by the following: Lots 1 - 5: According to Exhibit "B", this plan size ranges from 2,125 to 2,150 square feet of living area. The first floor includes a living room, a dining room/family room, a kitchen, a powder room, a storage closet and a 420 square foot two-car garage. The second floor consists of a master bedroom suite (with a walk-in closet and bathroom), two (2) bedrooms, a den, a laundry room and one (1) bathroom. Lot 6: This plan consists of 2,380 square feet of living area. The first floor includes a living room, a dining room/family room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a 420 square foot two-car garage. The second floor consists of a master bedroom suite (with a walk-in closet and a bathroom), two (2) bedrooms, a den, one (1) bathroom and a laundry room. Architecture The final Development Plan is consistent with the architectural style presented in the original Development Concept Plan. There are four (4) different residential designs for the proposed project. The applicant has taken the character of the surrounding neighborhood into consideration in the design of the proposed homes. The proposed exteriors are light earthtone colors that will soften the "looming" presence that a larger development has the potential to create in a single-family neighborhood. In addition, architectural elements have been added to eliminate impacts of two-story homes that the proposed project may have on surrounding properties. The applicant has proposed the following color combinations for each unit in the following: Planning Commission Meeting August21,2006 Page 8 of 16 Plan Al: The color and material of the main body of the unit will be light brown (La Habra Stucco — Adobe). The fascia, trims and furred out base will be a contrasting, darker brown color (La Habra Stucco —Alamo and Frazee Paints — Kayak Brown). The wood shutters will be painted dark green (Frazee Paints — Shaded Moss). The roofing material will be a Spanish concrete roof tile in a reddish, brown tone (Eagle Roofing Product— Capistrano —Terracotta Dark). Plan A (Styles 1 — 4): Two different color combinations are proposed for Plan A (Styles 1-4). The color and material of the main body of plan style 1 and plan style 3 will be off- white (La Habra Stucco — Egg Shell). The color and material of the main body of plan style 2 and plan style 4 will be light brown (La Habra Stucco —Adobe). The fascia, trims and furred out base for plan styles 1-4 will be a contrasting, darker brown color (La Habra Stucco — Alamo and Frazee Paints — Kayak Brown). The wood shutters proposed on plan style 2 will be painted dark maroon and the shutters proposed on plan style 3 will be painted dark green (Frazee Paints — Heartwood and Shaded Moss). The roofing material proposed for these units will be a Spanish concrete roof tile in a reddish, brown tone (Eagle Roofing Product— Capistrano —Terracotta Dark). Plan B: The color and material of the main body of the unit will be off-white (La Habra Stucco — Egg Shell). The fascia, trims and furred out base will be a contrasting, darker brown color (La Habra Stucco — Alamo and Frazee Paints — Kayak Brown). The wood shutters will be painted dark green (Frazee Paints — Shaded Moss). The roofing material will be a Spanish concrete roof tile in a reddish, brown tone (Eagle Roofing Product— Capistrano—Terracotta Dark). All of the units also have a combination of architectural accents, including wood window shutters, clay pipes above the windows, ornate exterior lighting, decorative balcony rails and side yard gates. Each unit also has a variety of window shapes and sizes, distinctive front porches and exposed rafter tails under slightly cantilevered floor area to give the illusion of support. A variety of roof lines have been incorporated into the project, producing an assortment of hip and gable roof systems. Slight improvements have been made to enhance the overall design proposed in the final Development Plan. The color of the proposed entrance doors, balcony doors and garage doors of each of the units have been changed from white to dark brown, which will further accentuate the Spanish architectural style. To provide more variety within the development, staff recommends revising the color of the garage doors on the light brown units to match the exterior color. The colored renderings of the elevations will be available to view at the Planning Commission Meeting. Landscaping and Fencing The applicant has submitted a landscape plan with the final Development Plan for • Planning Commission Meefing August 21,2006 Page 9 of 16 Planning Commission approval. This plan, enclosed as Exhibit B, indicates that each residence will include new landscaping with a combination of trees, shrubs, and sod. A variety of plants and ground covers have been chosen. These plant types include Brisbane Box trees, Floss Silk Trees, Chinese Elms, Grevillea Noellii, Fortnight Lily, Azalea, Lily of the Nile, Pittosporum, Bougainvillea and Royal Trumpet Vines. Each parcel will be equipped with an irrigation system including automatic timers and rain sensors. The entire project exceeds the percent of site area required to be devoted to open space for residential developments. The open spaced designed for this project consists of private back yards, a common area and large landscaped planters located throughout the development. Approximately 2,618 square feet of common open space is proposed for the enjoyment of the new homeowners. This common area will be lined with landscaped planters, and include decorative trellis structures, fixed patio tables, chairs and barbeques. There are existing perimeter walls surrounding the property, including wood and chain link. New split-face block walls are proposed for the perimeter of the property. Each individual lot will have walls to separate the lots. Staff recommends wooden fences, with painted steel posts, at minimum. Neighborhood Character The proposed homes are consistent with the new planned development projects that have been built throughout the San Gabriel Valley region. Staff has worked with the developer to assure that all proposed modifications integrated into the final Development Plan improve the overall design of the project. Overall, staff feels that the addition of this residential development will increase property values and the general aesthetics of the neighborhood. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through. the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300' property owner public hearing notice and postings of the notice at the eight (8) public locations. Submitted by: Sheri Bermejo Associate Planner Attachments: A Conditions of Approval B. Site/Floor/Elevation Plans/Landscape Plan and Tentative Parcel Map 063909 C.Assessor's Parcel Map (5288-003-040, 5288-003-041, 5288-003-042) D.Zoning Map - E General Plan Map F. Applications dated August 15, 2005 Planning Commission Meeting August 21,2006 Page 10 of 16 EXHIBIT "A" TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 063609 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 05-01 ZONE VARIANCE 06-342 8440 — 8446 Dorothy Street CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL NOVEMBER 20, 2006 1. Tentative Tract Map 063609, Planned Development Review 05-01 and Zone Variance 06-342 are approved for a six-lot single-family residential development, to be developed in accordance with the plans marked Exhibit "B" dated October 30, 2006 and submitted colored elevations and color and material sample boards. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approval by the Planning Department. 2. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 063609, Planned Development Review 05-01 and Zone Variance 06-342 shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant has filed with the City of Rosemead an affidavit stating that they are aware of and accept all of the conditions set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions. 3. Tentative Tract Map 063609, Planned Development Review 05-01 and Zone Variance 06-342 are approved for a two-year period. Applicant shall make progress towards initiation of proposed use or request an extension 30 days prior to expiration from the Planning Commission. Otherwise Tentative Tract Map 063609 shall become null and void. 4. The applicant shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws relative to the approved use including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff and Health Departments. 5. Building permits will not be issued in connection with any project until such time as all plan check fees, and all other applicable fees are paid in full. 6. Prior to issuance of building permits, all school fees shall be paid. The applicant shall provide the City with written verification of compliance from the Unified School District. 7. The hours of construction shall be limited from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday Saturday. No construction shall take place on Sundays or on any legal holidays without prior approval by the City. Planning Commission Meeting August21,2006 Page 11 of 16 8. Planning staff shall have access to the subject property at any time during construction to monitor progress. 9. The conditions listed on this Exhibit "A" shall be copied directly onto development plans submitted to the Planning and Building Departments for review. 10.Occupancy will not be granted until all improvements required by this approval have been completed, inspected, and approved by the appropriate department(s). 11.Driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced and improved with Portland concrete cement as shown on Exhibit "B"; and thereafter maintained in good serviceable condition. 12.All ground level mechanical/utility equipment (including meters, back flow preservation devices, fire valves, NC condensers, furnaces and other equipment) shall be located away from public view or adequately screened by landscaping or screening walls so as not to be seen from the public right-of-way. The Director of Planning before installation shall approve said screening. 13.No portion of any required front and/or side yards shall be used for storage of any type. 14.There shall be no outside storage of vehicles, vehicle parts, equipment or trailers. All trash and debris shall be contained within a trash enclosure. 15.AII roof top appurtenances and equipment shall adequately be screened from view to the satisfaction of the Planning Department. 16.The property shall be graded to drain to the street, but in no case shall such drainage be allowed to sheet flow across public sidewalk. A grading and/or drainage plan shall be prepared, submitted to and approved by the Building Official and such grading and drainage shall take place in accordance with such approved plan. 17.The numbers of the address signs shall be at least 6" tall with a minimum character width of 1/4", contrasting in color and easily visible at driver's level from the street. Materials, colors, location and size of such address numbers shall be approved by the Director of Planning prior to installation. 18.Applicant shall obtain a public works permit for all work in or adjacent to the public right of way. Planning Commission Meeting August21, 2006 Page 12 of 16 19.Applicant shall install and complete all necessary public improvements, including but not limited to street, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, handicap ramps, and storm drains, along the entire street frontage of the development site as required by the Director of Planning. 20.All ground level mechanical/utility equipment (including meters, back flow preservation devices, fire valves and other equipment) shall be screened by screening walls and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the Planning Department. 21.AII utilities shall be placed underground including facilities and wires for the supply and distribution of electrical energy, telephone, cable television etc. The underground conversion of these utilities shall consider all future connections to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning. 22.The dwelling unit shall be provided with water conservation fixtures such as low flush toilets and low flow faucets. The hot water heater and lines shall be insulated. Landscaping irrigation systems shall be designed for high efficiency and irrigation timers programmed for maximized water usage. 23.AII requirements of the Building and Safety Department and Planning Department shall be complied with prior to the final approval of the proposed construction. 24.All stamped concrete along the common driveway shall be a medium to dark tone of gray. 25.AII exterior light fixtures on the dwelling units shall be black. 26.The color of the garage doors on the light brown units shall match the exterior color of the units. 27.The color of the wood shutters shall be revised to a darker green color. 28.Select three color combinations for the Spanish roof tile. Color and style selections shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to submitting for building plan check. 29.The minimum interior of the garages shall be 20'-0" x 20'-0" clear, with no obstructions, such as water heaters, washers and/or dryers. 30.A wall/fence plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to installation. All perimeter walls shall consist of split face block, in a neutral color, with decorative pre-cast concrete caps. Interior yard fencing Planning Commission Meeting August21,2006 Page 13 of 16 shall be proposed for each dwelling, and fencing shall consist of at minimum wood fences. 31.Prior to issuance of Building permits, a precise landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review, reflecting preliminary approval of landscape/site plan, commonly referred to as Exhibit "B". Irrigation plan shall include automatic timers and rain sensors. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed and completed prior to final Planning Department approval. 32.The Rosemead Planning Commission must approve any changes to the approved plans. 33.Each unit shall be constructed exactly as approved; no as-built plans will be accepted. 34.The private driveway shall include red curbs and signage posting the drive area as a "Fire Lane" no parking allowed. 35.Prior to the issuance of building permits, CC&R's shall be developed-for review and approval by the City of Rosemead and shall include but not be limited to the following: (CC&Rs shall be recorded at the County Recorders Office, and proof of recordation shall be submitted to the Planning Department.) a. Continued maintenance of all "open space" including landscaped areas by the homeowners association. b. Creation of a home owners association with bylaws and operating procedures. c. Authorization for city enforcement of parking, land use and safety CC&Rs in the event the homeowners association fails to do so. d. Restrictions of parking to designated areas. 36.Violation of the conditions of approval may result in citation and/or initiation of revocation proceedings. Planning Commission Meeting August 21, 2006 Page 14 of 16 CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 063609 GENERAL 1. Details shown on the tentative map are not necessarily approved. Any details which are inconsistent with requirements of ordinances, general conditions of approval, or City Engineer's policies must be specifically approved in the final map or improvement plan approvals. 2. A final tract map prepared by, or under the direction of a Registered Civil Engineer authorized to practice land surveying, or a Licensed Land Surveyor, must be processed through the City Engineer's office prior to being filed with the County Recorder. 3. A preliminary subdivision guarantee is required showing all fee interest holders and encumbrances. An updated title report shall be provided before the final tract map is released for filing with the County Recorder. 4. Monumentation of tract map boundaries, street centerline and lot boundaries is required for a map based on a field survey. 5. Final tract map shall be filed with the County Recorder and one (1) mylar copy of filed map shall be submitted to the City Engineers office. Prior to release of the final map by the City, a refundable deposit in the amount of $1,000 shall be submitted by the developer to the City, which will be refunded upon receipt of the mylar copy of the filed map. 6. Comply with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. 7. Approval for filing of this land division is contingent upon approval of plans and specifications mentioned below. If the improvements are not installed prior to the filing of this division, the developer must submit an Undertaking Agreement and a Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bond in the amount estimated by the City Engineer guaranteeing the installation of the improvements. 8. The City reserves the right to impose any new plan check and/or permit fees approved by City Council subsequent to tentative approval of this map. Planning Commission Meeting • August 21, 2006 - Page 15 of 16 9. Developer shall submit condominium plan to City for approval. 10. Conditions, covenants and restrictions (CC&Rs) shall be submitted to the City for approval. 11. CC&Rs shall provide for maintenance of common areas and front yards of each unit. DRAINAGE AND GRADING 12. Prior to the recordation of the final map, grading and drainage plans must be approved to provide for contributory drainage from adjoining properties as approved by the City Engineer, including dedication of the necessary easements. 13. A grading and drainage plan must provide for each lot having an independent drainage system to the public street, to a public drainage facility, or by means of an approved drainage easement. 14. Historical or existing storm water flow from adjacent lots must be received and directed by gravity to the street, a public drainage facility, or an approved drainage easement. 15. Surface water generated from Lot No. 1 shall not drain over the sidewalk or driveway into the gutter on Dorothy Street. A parkway drain is required for Lot No. 1. ROAD 16. CC&Rs shall provide for maintenance of the private street/driveway. 17. Existing drive approaches on Walnut Grove Avenue shall be closed with full curb, - gutter and sidewalk. 18. Damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk along Walnut Grove Avenue shall be reconstructed. 19." Developer shall plant 24-inch box parkway trees at 20 feet on center along Dorothy Street. Species shall be per the Engineer. SEWER • 20. Sewer mainline and laterals shall be privately maintained. Planning Commission Meeting August 21,2006 Page 16 of 16 21. Sewers shall be sized in accordance with the California Plumbing Code. 22. CC&Rs shall provide for maintenance of sewer laterals and mainline. UTILITIES 23. Power, telephone and cable television service shall be underground. 24. Any utilities that are in conflict with the development shall be relocated at the developers expense. WATER Prior to the filing of the final map, there shall also be filed with the City Engineer, a - statement from the water purveyor indicating subdivider compliance with the Fire Chiefs fire flow requirements. lc:.1 <O J O o I ,.,.a Ny - 0 4. m a '3Ab' 01JVT11M ®°: m. 2- I O 01 g/ I n i —Kir m 9hhS ▪ hr8 C J h ;l ca 2E h8 0 w _P _ \ aOFn 1.8 -y ^ '4O Ca� Fe „ Z 8f hlb8 r I 3Ab' 3�h'b3°� 3 010 010 O O 691 0 = s �, O 0 (3 , j �it x `) er-LY • C :[` Q N Q .` sa ''%•!'`� tr � o• � bua o k < ao,m I la e b" I N < '' ° o- Y o 1I ox os s z 13 sal .. 'j't. I � si BAY V1O0 n m; EXHIBIT C g _. J m 5 1 µ9 ca O o i o s /.°! N MI -; 0 51 zn C}� 0 - W YK I N J I I--1 F.: Z wt U v) 7 , sy --°` - I�ao Sod om- , 7 \ !' (�' 3700 PL 5 o Q. 1 L!�, : „j � L m .pS. AL O� t i SE R w . I }1� Jn roN-J«_ ;.. , . Wr ` ELlM - x l � .. , ST' 4i, 3 j !..�, � b e - OA �' mmx agai 1 id (\ I 4 s r 4 •. J ° III rit . I p ' � �l 'I � I ¢ , ' 4 •I I j�I I im 'I , DRiI\JEN/Y El I `O ` H 1 Er �:.idL� g 320 I E MERSF N,, ° L :ii- I BSSFio QJ W W l CHEP L 32. • 0 I F- � -L Chi LN j LYN St ;+ ' \ Q 41 w WHIT& 0' x. KA31E� LN zg 0 ST k� t x\i 2� � \ Li I_A-4 ■ ,.., c , 7 Pr 1 _1 ILL, tif \ <\ cc .t4 I \k \ /I _„9" I Ft' 3; �;;� W 3000, nr . rin mimpnwmrtrtnmi�mnmm^"^^' n r mxnr � > o . 1 y i� 1 R a € JADE 1;3 A m,."R r \ 1 i$ t Lu .,'?z. Ike �� �. Av — F��' �11 E N �s �' EXHIBIT D 2600 \; F L-----H-------In }NI1 � A n I� I II 'l7c. ill FI lI 'H Low Density Rnldentitl --.`\r Medium Density Residential to I High Density Residential oo' 0 00( Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial D 0.0 o o ---- II Office/Light industrial \ n... Mixed Use: Light Industrial/COmmerclai \ II0u Commercial Public Facilities 13 lillit a m PLANNING AREA m i m id 2 C7 0+�_ � � — = � r t� San Bernadine Fwy. - l i x41,,,,, .. i �� �L "r � --r 1 t� Garvey Ave. 7CCS CE v ::--lap V ?':'ea ca N O Cc FIGURE LU-6 • Land Use Policy EXHIBIT E Planning Area 6 City of Rosemead Ars General Plan COTTON/BELAND/ASSOCIATES - - - - Application for TEL''. LIVE PARCEL/TRACT MAP • City of Rosemead Planning Department,8838 East Valley Boulevard,Rosemead,California(626)569-2190 Application Supplement(1) Submit twenty-five copies of a tentative map with the following information: a. North Point,date,and scale(1'=20 feet or as appropriate). b. The map number a number for each parceL c. The dimensions and record boundaries of the total ownership. a. Sufficient dimensions and record boundaries so as to define the boundaries of the proposed minor land division to include reference source used for record boundaries. e. The approximate hound aries,dimensions,and area of eac proposed parcel. f General information as to locations, names, widths, and improvements of all adjoining highways,streets,or ways. g. The widths and approximate aligmients of all easements,whether public or private, for access, drainage, sewage disposal,and public utilities which are existing or are proposed by the subdivider(to include copy of preliminary title report). h. Actual street names or an identifying letter for proposed streets. i. Existing topography shall be indicated by showing contours at sufficient intervals to determine existing grades and drainage patterns. Proposed grading shall be indicated by elevations at sufficient locations to determine grading and drainage concepts. Drainage arrows and minimum percent of anticipated drainage fall shall be indicated for each parcel being created. j. Number and location of trees;label oak trees. k. The approximate location, house number (if any) and proposed disposition of existing structures or improvements within or immediately adjacent to the division. If it is impossible or impractical to describe such sb-octure or improvements on the tentative map,such information shall be submitted on a separate plan. 1. The approximate location and direction of flow of all defined water courses (i.e. permanent devices or easements). m- Label the method of sewage of disposal and name of water company. n. Distance between subject property and nearest cross streets. E The approximate location of existing fire hydrants. E The approximate location of all existing utility lines (power, cable, phone, gas, water, sewer). q. List the names of all utility service providers. • r. A vicinity map of all general area. 174xt1 les /KILL? Applicant's<'g arise Applicant's Printed Name //./ /o.( Dale of Signature EXHIBIT F • Application for TENTATIVE PARCEL/TRACT MAP City of Rosemead Planning Department,5838 East Valley Boulevard,Rosemead,California(626)569-2140 Application Supplement(I) Site Address: ( O l'i0 DCQ©TNY 5-geeT Date: Description of Request/Project: Fl Purl4,4,_1- • , C Vain° plus 1 common driveway = 7PUD Existing No.of lots: 3 Proposed No-of lots: - Tract p Tentative EMEN)No.: 063609 Total lot area: 14 L- 5_F. Legal Description(Use separate sheet if more space is required): 'Sin1LT A S,Dtu:sec/J3 ^v-F A Po,zTro' of Lo-7 t Oc 7 . 1 S . , �. iibi, 5.13-1t C.S. M,1 a 3oc.c P , f•r ruF G>=Fi L-e Oc-z -114E Cour—'iy 2C-Lo23‘>a2 OE 50.4, 0, c u�uTy. In addition to plans required by Item No. 7 of the instruction sheet,the following items will also be required: 1. A property owner's affidavit for each parcel involved that is not awned by the subdivider. 2. A water certificate from the domestic water company shall be provided indicating • the water pressure (i.e. fire flow) capabilities of all fire hydrants within 300 feet of the subject properly. Application for TEN FIVE PARCEL/TRACT MAP City of Rosemead Planning Department,8838 East Valley Boulevard,Rosemead,California(626)369-2140 General Information Form (2) _ Site Address: 9,440 c(2-°r-Y StI2 T Date: 7/19/05 Description of Request/Project: 6 PL-aNweb, WTI plus 1 common driveway = ]POD Project Site Information Lot Size: 42;"73t, S Assessor Parcel Number:_ 5Z$g - Op3-04 c, 041/043_ Zone: A2 General Plan Designation: Project/Business Name: N R Hours of Operation: Number of Employees: Project Details:(Type or print on separate sheet if more space is needed) Existing use: Residential Existing Square Footage: Square Footage to be demolished: 9-'L Sq.Ft. Square Footage to remain: Nrnc Sq.Ft. Proposed use'. 6 Single Family Style Homes Additional Square Footage: Total Sq.Ft.: See map Proposed Haight: • Building square footage broken down by intended use and/or number of structures or dwelling unit: See map • Parking Calculation(Show square footage/parking ratio/number required&provided): See map • Lot Coverage,Floor Area Ratio(FAR),Landscaped area percentage: see map Application for TEN FIVE PARCEL/TRACT MAP City of Rosemead Planning Department,8838 East Valley Bbulevard,Rosemead,California(626)569-2140 General Information Form (2) Applicant Information -H L] h d First Name Middle Initial Last Name Address Number Street Apt.# City State Zip Code iati- , 1--791/3 _ <)G - 7 old Home Phone Work Phone Other Contact Number. Property Owner Information �l 14 L _ l I ZCti First Name Middle lrtitial Last Name Address Number Sheet Apt.H City State Zip Code Business Owner Information (if applicable) First Name Middle Initial Last Name Address Number Street Apt# City State Zip Code Home Phone Work Phone Other Contact Number Representative(Architect,Engineer,Other) _ le--FISCH ItASZsic,0-Th wt (I-HEATH-Ea- aka ES) First Name Middle Initial Last Name R5 fJ- s,at.,r CigbFlE t, therm. ,vloO /SaN L-a e,=, ., Ld7 Cp775 Address Number Street Apt.4 City State Zip Code (62d) 570-151¢ Home Phone Work Phone Other Contact Number I hereby certr the above is correct to the best of my Lmaledge. L • Applicant's Signature Applicant's Printed Name N/AS /0� Date of Signature: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Application Accepted By:_ Date: Case(s): _ _No(s): _ Fee: - - Application for TEN, IVE PARCEL/TRACT MAP City of Rosemead Planning Department, 8838 East Valley Boulevard,Rosemead,California(626)569-2140 Environmental Assessment Form (3) Site Address: g C8`-1 0 Dr,r^..o TI+'-J 5 4-ed-T Date: Description of Request/Project: PL-9 N,vg r- t 1 cotsa,on driveway = 7 PUD 1- Indicate the surrounding land uses of the project site: North: Residential South: Residential- East: Residential Residential West: • 2. Could this request, if granted,have an effect of any of the items listed below? Please check yes or no. ' YES NO a. Change in scenic views or vistas thorn existing residential areas ❑ to public lands or roads. b- Change in pattern,scale or character of general area of project. ❑ E7 c. Change in plant or animal life. ❑ )7 d. Increase of solid waste or litter. ❑ e. Change in dust,ash,smoke,fumes or odors in vicinity. ❑ • f. Change in ground water quality or quantity,or alteration of ❑' existing drainage patterns. g. Change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. ❑ ® • h. Site on filled and or on slopes of 10%or more- - ❑ i. Use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials,such as toxic substances,flammables or explosives- ❑ i- Projected change in demand for City services(police,fire,water, ❑ sewage,etc.). k. Relationship to a larger project or series of projects. ❑ lfyes,please type or pint explanation on a separate sheet 3 0 3- Number of trees on this site: Number of Oak trees: n Number of frees to be removed: %2 Number of oak trees to be removed: _ If oak trees are to be removed,please refer to Rosemead Municipal Code Section about permit procedures. 4. Are there are known cultural,historical, archeological or any other environmental aspects of the project site and surrounding area that the Planning Department should be aware of? None If yes,please type or py&expianation on a separate sheet. 91 l t 7 / ' L.�—__ _ - y licant Signature 'Date Application for TEN, AVE PARCEL/TRACT MAP City of Rosemead Planning Department,8538 East Valley Boulevard,Rosemead,California(626)569-2140 Applicant's Affidavit(4) The applicant not the representative, should read this sheet and then sign and notarize signature at bottom. The Planning Department Secretary provides free notary services for the application documents required to be notarized. Please contact the department secretary at (626) 569-2140 to schedule an appointment NOTICE Dear Applicant: You are advised NOT to obtain any loans or loans commitments on the subject property,or to clear the land,or do anything whatsoever that is depended on final approval of your application. Anything you do before final approval will be AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not assume that your case will be,or has been finally approved until you are officially notifies of such decision IN WRITING by the City of Rosemead. Final approval requires favorable action by the Harming Commission or the City Council. Further,final approval alone may not be enough. READ the notice of decision and the RESOLUTION of the Planning Commission or City Council on which the decision is based. It is necessary that you comply with ALL the conditions of approval set forth herein before the final approval takes effect. Sincerely, BRADFORD JOHNSON Director of Planning City of Rosemead Site Address: 8Lt40 •ow STO r_E— Date: Descaption of Request/Project Gr PL4NNr<I> Dirt.r- ptti- T plus 1 common driveway = 7PUD AFFIDAVIT City of Rosemead County of Los Angeles State of California AA �p UWe, 41..; R � t"Q- , hereby certify that I/we am/are the applicam(s)involve in this request,and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained,and the information herewith submitted are in all respects tote and correct to the best of nay/our knowledge and belief Signature: . 2 PrintNamc(s} Jrz!A 11'uM Mailing Address: Address Number Street Apt.# City State Zip Code Phone: (;a4 7 7`,2 Date: 7A Subscribed and sworn to before me this /CL //day of 7Aoc ,20 Fr NOT t Ft:ITC kU6y RUBM1N hSA] 0 COmrn.i laltld3 0 -.l+ cur urparrORNIn0 P t OS ANXRC LOOM"( 0 COMM ESP OCT.13 906 Application for TENT VE PARCEL/TRACT N1_41' City of Rosemead Planning Department,5838 East Valley Boulevard,Rosemead,California(626)569-2140 Property Owner's Affidavit (5) Site Address: 544 `v )d(YL Dale /9 I Description of Request/Project. ( -'1'Y. 0 . D/ ' p i A< 4_- comm°✓\ (Thu, • = -1 Poi) AFFIDAVIT City of Rosemead County of Los Angeles State of California We, Av L flg C hereby certify that Ewe am/are the upphcant(s)involve in this request,and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained,and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. « ■ - Signature: - n - PrintName(s):_ -A ti), �- IrIrin • Mailing Address: on-ik G) • 0--- kt ( CA qi-171- Address Number Street Apt,N City State Zip Code l'hone: - N�7- � r) T _ Date: /N l os Snbscribcd and sworn to before me this 077i day of 2O T NOT, "i ly 3 si•? RcUoBY RiN Tei p i go NOTARY ruauccnowexu0 , s AHCrs imm' ) COMM,e ay.onu 0 zns' DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Application Accepted By: . Date.__ Cases): No(s): —Fee: PLANNED I)EVELOPF6N? AEVIw APPLICATION SDPPIFsyNT (1( CITY OF AOSEl6.AD, PLANNING OEPAATNCnL 8838 VATS= BOOI3VAAN AGSM-AD, CA 91770 Q� A ,p (A18) 288-6671 ( PTA S TTE A'J OAE 68: 8 WW I. S�. DATE: f( I h ICY DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST/PROTECT; N C..^-7/45<p{Mawf V LiEwl.)cAN.T S rr - S s . ( ) notification of approved PD project (cater PD approved by Zone Change f_ w PD p (v� �e project a the submitted plane comply with concept plan requirements per RMC 90 evb both? 9120.3, Development Plan requirements per RAC Sec. 9?20.4, Ai MA I DACE. /1 / /4 /-'. SSGNFTllR£: I-Ii1r FEE $935 PO GENERAL INFORMATION FOAM (3) CIT1 OF ROSEMUO, PLANATAC DEPARTMENT _ ES38 'Mar: DDDL£N'F,D ROSEMEAD, Ch 91770 (818) F8E-5671 I- p L q LP f(3. 1 '1'f"Il la4ATE! li lr4rl SITE. AD➢PS55 / / , I '1 _ECCn:PTSON OF ? 4U ST/'ADT_CT ZONE: 'ILL GEN. PLAN: ?EOTCt/EUSIPE55 NPrS: • POURS DF DPam+TEON: 17■!)q ND, OF z:PLm__s print on separate sheet if more space is needed): PROTECT DS nI15: (type or _ n Existing use: ♦ _ ;en�� ( s£' _ to be o mo♦_steO: s- to remain: Proposed use: G (- - ( i. 01)1,/d helot):: a0a_.ionzl e£ __tea_ s_ e6:“1`, _ intended and number of structures or du: Building at hrpker. down '.y ;n_an use (.:a etThar &t 3(33 h _ea s Rm♦_aadn Parking calculation Ism= 1£/parking ratio/num:oar r caL, ,,,1_r7 CC-3VT/ landscaped percentage: Lot coverage, floor area ratio, -z ms _ cti. l�n C6h6e/i �k APP ICAPT/SD3➢I It D n- �i nr5 cenin / r/7P,one .,..ores Phone: _. / I• /nfi FFDPEFTY OFFER: 6�6 67 r 7r4 ti 4 ., Phone: r P se uxATlvL (architect, , � 8/ (.J( ("7C 31 ✓J Sc‘, ( .ti- E i.- Sn (n ct to�ire -bas. o` my knowledge. 1 hereby `-r-;£y that the above is rre_i tb ram's s-_ -tore. Date: Print.Name: DO NOT WRITE HSIflS TS'S LD DATE: APPLICATION ?.CCEPTED BY: NOI°): �� P Z: (�i♦EIS): FL/INFOSE • u usE9ST din or FASAffn➢. vunr RC n5PAa1lA-. 8838 r'NiSI ta'Xif%uTRD Rp5g6'lD. Ca 9191D (818) 288-6671 SITE 8-UDR9ss_ V - FU. U < <F4( Rh DATE: DESCRIPTION OF RE�U<ST/PROTCC"' 1 , --1.Id 3 tI- 6 4 1 1'e 9 "l. 'i Ui9 .!i oi Ca.a :ZrL /I i I. surrounding land uses of the site. north .ham eouthti.( i{+.; 1! east west .1^��i 1'16 ( -- E. Could the request, if granted, have an a c.ec_ on any of the items lasted answer nswer yea Cr no in space provided. 6.y a Change in c_n_- views or vistas from existing residential Leas to public lands or roadsl _c er o. general area of project. -,yb, change pattern, or _ of gen J1e E. Change n plant or s l litter. d. Increase of solid ashast fames or odors _n vicinity. ya8 e. Change inodust, smoke, tt V1� d. Inorea of solid waste or litter. ra in va - - nLt y. _L e Change in dust, ash, smoke, r dorsti or inttratio>. of existing at( _- Change an and water 4-al ty _i '_ Changes in existing noise n rl vib_at- vilso n the vicin.ty. cos - g n1 filled land o - of o:0co o e s each a i. Use on of O potentially hazardous ma- as i sue ar disposal orr substances, hang ah l=a or explosives. • �- Projected change in demand for City services, (place, fire, ate=, _age etc.). of nrpj e-_e. IlL k. Relationship tc a Larger project� or aeries cn a separate sheet. If yes, please type or print explanation Pa' Number of trees on the site: 7 NO. of can trees: 3. Number of re_ to be removed; - Number of oak trees to trees permit to be removed, please refer to AMC seC. 9131 about If trees are - proc_ouresr archeological or any other hnocn cultural, historical, r icarea that the 4. Axe there environmental en s of n e project site and surrounding YlannongeDepartment should be aware of? 1liyll'� explanation on a separate sheet. Z. yes, please type or print x-p � n Dan: ����% „ �s SIGNATURE: �.> ZL/ZNtIRON • PROPERTY OWNERS Ll STAPADZCS M%+P INETTOCaIONS (4) CIT1 OF ROSUIX)t PLVR.'IPL DEPAtTHflC 8036 arLBT BOoLBWABD ROS{y.:AO, Cr 91•170 (818) 206-6671 NOTE: The at on the • ss assessment roll furnished meat r. as appears o incomplete list m cause of the Los ?Angeles County ce i+ Attach. inaccurate j providers of this service. J air or nsA iigadoes of your itut. Attached i from hen City.s _n.a constitute a recommendation Matto ._ listing does not co - 1FSTROL-YIOF S: Submit the a following liowei.n,g with application: a. n e map showing each parcel with in or part iali rithi n, a 3o —E Dot radius of the exterior boundaries of property under consideration. Number each parcel within the 300-foot radius on the - _. o n rt list assessor•s parcel property G name? d property _ailing address for each parcel ?timbered (i e , E1, c three (3; sets of gummed labels with the list copied onto them. with the affidavit show below signed and o- ,e (l' cry of this fors the three items listed above. o c the prepare:-' notarized =Y - Site Address: y¢i. (b . / (n4tjo /illy) 64 l Description of cN amt/F='o Js ] ti h d,e,,, . , ) F d/ 11 a zv=ronslt • City of Rosemead 1 County of California_ s ?Angeles 1 State of hereby certify that the t y i aed as they • ,ses — cone to 'whom all property a s Los sgthe dates addresses of all .let s _ roll of the County of os an n appear the ribest available x to of three hundred (300' feet from the exterior b - for a distance within the id property described s: p _••_ E , �L:�/ _(t f street Address(es): 5,10-11?:, (44-11‘? U ,( ;� c G RA? L9.Q n ssesso_ a Parcel N. `)' e(a): �dY F:±y ip Print Phone: S A Av- (?/7�� Date' _J City/State/Zip: � � D6 and sworn o before ma This /S� day of Subscribed von t ' GEORGE MAB �y or0 ww[� (ss N Ee F[a 2OXOm wy IP' NOTARY Pun IC �`.._ APPLICANT'S TFPIDTVII (5) CITY OF ROS;a. AD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT. 8938 VALLEY gOCLETARD ROSEJSEUL, Ca 91770 (8:8) 288-6671. The applicant, not the representative, should read this sheet end then sign and notarize signature at bottom: NOTICE Deer Applicant: You are advised td to obtain commitment; o subgeet property, or to clear the land, r do whatsoever that is dependent 1 n final approval of application. h_attyour you do before final approval he AT YOUR ti EIox. Do not assume that your case v _i be, or finally approved until are officially notified of euch decision IN WAITING by the ' City of Rosemead. Corm' the City favorable action by the planning ➢LT.D c� notice of Final approval r - i final approval ale may not be enough. Co=nch. rn e N?of Dthe ?Lennie; Commission or City O nc _n t and is based. 2t of _omplY with ALL the conditions _spro alpn is based. ei is necessary that -you approval takes e. - the of approval se_ forth herein�be`.ore the ._. Sincerely, PETER LYONS Director of Planning City of Rosemead I�NCi� Date: II /C7' Si_e Aad�ar 44 ' .. le'v-h,r i1 d Description of at/Project _ \���2 .7 i4 f��' • fl I - _ ,. , M t. NNFIDAVII City of Dosenmad Angles)Ls States of Californi 1 _ berebj' 11(1 I NH _ and that certify a the applica t(e) involved i this rethest, and tiat ysy that I s'tx Dents and answers n here . contained,the _ i ubg statements and c correct to the best of my/our herewith D fitted _e in x]1 respects truer, ere _o. knowledge and Tbelief.a n: And Print N a'ne(s)v E�L__ / Phone Nailing Aodresa. -7 P4 ��� v if -�.��ey� i'il )'1J� l Date: rb city/State/2rp of /✓�' %9'� end a -co before ma this /° fay Snb s[r:bed - sworn i () / i < GEORGE Wdf _410,—. :116dsS01A N :I JSSRY PUBLIC 3 IrCouu W=77,217,0„- TL/AFFIDAVIT PROPERTY GFNZA'S AFFIDAVIT (6) CSR OP B0.SWXAD, IIN:F O DEPn = BST B V.nT-Kr 80.01$80.01$0200 LERD ,. ROSR6AD, m 917?D (BIB) 289-6671 ) / SIT? ADDRESS: D. 4Vl. re f'C/ :� cV( 1 1 //r d"N"(nnar Illy lt/ DESCRIPTION OF xPeITESr/PAOCECr a 2 ,c /_` Q i] (i 19 ltil /'� /At ^rJn1ti ' ' AP IDAVI- City of Rosemead ) County of Los Angeles) State c_ California ) �M hereby A �'(1 `� involved in this request, '`a, enlsl of the property - contained,I/ the o.'n and the that I/tee em/ere . . herein and correct to the best certify matt the eoith sub statements and espeCt true o=- information paedg itt 6 submitted are _�. all reaPe� t ,o, nv/co_ ono—ietl3e an6 belief. / / A $io o i /9 /9— ` . Franc_ Vane Ls): bonding address. LLB Date: /Phon (-JA Jy. F! - _ C- /State/Zip'. I 6.71 677 _ �dvIIv .O e� to before me this y{_- day of,u occt itetl and sworn _ ft 1 GEGRGE MAM _ 5 Coma Y 1615901 0 m�msioc-CALDRne Va p tm lxuSras x�e'Acars,FO1?B1' PUBLIC Wes. _ ___ _ THIS LIFO MR OFFICE 95S ONLY - DO HOZ YY?T3 19__ on the day of �� Filed with [age No.: FTOSTIDAV_T • RADIUS MAPS' PROPERTY OWNER LISTS . FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY fOOTNILLPROJECTMONT Services] RfleCd/IeBRed%!/SMBp Attn: Sandra Gunn SfMLucy 117%28th Street 160: o. Holliston Polo Avers Newport Beach, CA 92663 Pas de a. CA 1105ue,#5 (714)434-9228 (818)9 8-584 91105 +tFAX:-(714)434-9228 (818)968-58x3 - Fve�ines: (626)449-4830 RARIUS AMP SWIM PO Box 3757 GC. Gilber'CSfRY/Cf - South Pasadena, CA 91031 Attn:1 Mission treet, Suite (626)688-4876. South h Paisn Sna, S 910 3 • FAX: (626)284-4931 South Pasadena, CA 91030 (626)411-1080 or(809)400-MAPS AM. MAPPING SWIM FAX: (626)441-8850 8001-B Archibald Avenue PO Box 4710 AW: Catherine TIMSEott Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Catherine.McDermott (909)466-7596 PO 890684 (626)274-1141 emec cula,la, CA 92589 FAX: (909)466-7595 (909)699-8064 or (800)499-8064 THE MORfTUROUP • [AM Robert Castro f Ann: Lanny Kusada,Vice President • Attn: Robert Castro 6167 Bristol Parkway, Suite 320 8062 Whitmore Street Culver City, CA 90230 - Rosemead, CA 91770 (310)337-7290 (626)280-8382 FAX: (310)337-7294 A76IRERITWERRfLL SIE708ASSOCL4TfS L Box 264 Attn: Stan Szeto Los Alamitos, CA 90720 2714 Stingle Avenue (562)431-9634 .Rosemead, CA 91770 SUSAN (626) 512-5050 FAX: (323) 838-0515 917 L enneyre Street, Suite 7 fIAG7PPINUSfRY/CES Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (949)494-7418 PO Box 661464 Arcadia, CA 91066 More Services (626)241-5151 More Services Email: ezmapping @yahoo.com 12106 Lambed Avenue El Monte, CA '91732 (626)350-5944 T-SQUARE RADIUS NAPP/NO PO Box 605 La Canada. CA 91012 969 South Raymond Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105 (626)403-1803 FA (626)403-2972 • services`This references oes not constitute a provide you from tthe City of Rosc bead available 1,-7 c-- zoNB vARTANCE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT (1) ' CITY OF ROSEHEAD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9638 VN-LXY BOULEVARD ROSE MEAD, CA 91770 (919) 288-6671 SITE ADDRESS: iZf 4C, dY 4V " ' 4 v.,/7 Ci7 ivC'(Y SATE: , b D SCRIPTION CF PIQUZST/PROSECi: + C (- / s •. ir_ , I / A o 77L� • Request for relief from Rosemead Hunicipal Code Section(s)' Address the following statements on a separate sheet. anted shall be s subject such conditions as will assure (11 the variance sr thereby authorised shall not constitute a grant cf that alhe n adjustment inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties het privilege y ` is situated. in +v c_nity and zone in which the subject property i Ugh will not be materially detrimental to the Il) The granting sweliaren variance injurious to the p_ _erty or improvements in public health of _h• c C t is located. such zone or vicinity in whist the property • (a) p e u de of special circumstances appli=able to the subject property, including size, ape, topography, location or surroundings, the stri application of the zoning ordinance an to dep v the subject property of privileges enjoyed other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classifications. (4j The granting of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. ,UM) BATE: a ,. S 975 INITIAL STUDY: $ 3DO (if applicable) • FL-ZV • GENERAL 1_TORMATION FORM i2) CITY OF ROsFiNIAD, PLANNING DEPART306171 8838 VALLEY BOULEVARD R OSYNZAD, CA 91770 I81S) 288-6671 (/ rev" /it 9'/1 (--111 0/v6 DATE: -- eci %. SITE ADDRESS: -� T/ f -ee DESCRIPTION OF ?sD0E 6T/PAOTCT: e 0 'i��y -H P ) I'v /I GEN. PLAN: LOT SIZE: APx: Ja ZONE: PRO ^_T/BDS_NESS NP.IE: BDT?s OF OPERATION: D. OF EMPLOYEES Pa'.D:ECG DETAILS: (type or print_ on separate sheet if more _ _ needed): _visting use: /.-I'L1.Y-`/ sf: to be der:DI:Ls-sec); sf to din !l C). n _ sea use. . ,A ■ (x. vo e_ght. additional s_ a` intended . _a and number of structures or cu. Building r' brD1'.en dwn by int n += ^ Parking calculation (show si/Pasking ratio/nurtder required 6 provided) : Lot coverage, floc: area ratio, landscaped ? rrenta. (UN ApeLICANT/91BDIVIDEE:�� / ']�// / '] Address: Con 1 OA- r: f/, t�l -// //'t-'hone: ep - l 4-- SDSINESS DNI:ERIS): �— Address: PROPERTY OWNEE: t t ) A �, fern 9/ -21—phone: 4 i Address: '.6"7r� nG I A Rc -SiNT yTI V£ (architect, engineer, I: s I1(4451 Address: 13 IJ �abM, 11[If , . ,„WI gh77.�:nsne: C I - 1 I the best of my knowledge. that plicant = sign Lure the above to — rs Date: c 00 c Print Name: �1 y1 DO NOT WRITE BELOW TRIG LINE DATE:2 ' APPLICATION ACCEPTED B . NO(S): FEE: cASE(s): — iL/INFOs ENVIROMGHTAL ASSESSMK8T FOL. (3) CITY OF ROSEXERD, PLANNING DEPARThEWT • 8938 VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 ' (ala) 288-6671 SIT£ ADDRESS: AIWA Cv v y NY t -A a - 44 0 . ati1 DATE: :kid Dc5CR1 PTI DN OF REQUEST/PROJECT: r>7e . . l!i I n of the site: north G!s�CIP 1. Surrounding land uses u. south • east • rah 4 • vest �,7 . if anted, have effect on an)' of the items listed 2. Could the e v_sto nr below? Answer yes or no in space provided. s o vistas from existing residential areas to CO a. public lands r roads. character of .al area of project. UT) b. Change in pattern, or Change animal life. �_ d. Increase not solid waste or litter. odors in vicinity. d. Change in dust, ash,asted or litter. d increase of dust, ah, smok=e fumes or odors in `ici=Iteration of existing e._.f2 f. Change in ground water duality cr quantity, drainage patterns. n9 g. Change existing n° or vibration levels the ._c inity. h. Site on filled land or o rlvibrtinDl or more. uq i. Use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials, smith as toxic substances, Eangeabins explosives.or nc j. Projected `:ante in for City service_, (police, firs, water, sewage, )y_g. Relationship to a larger project or series of projects. If yes, please type or print explanation on a separate sheet. site: �_ No. of oak trees:3. Number of trees o be removed: U. )weber of trees t removed:of oak trees to be If oak trees are to be removed, please refer to RHC Sec_ 9131 about permit procedures.Are there there any known 4. cultural, historical, archeological eoogial any te or environmental aspects of rproject site and surrounding area that the Pl anni Department should be aware of? ) -00 If yes, please type o_ print explanation on a separate sheet. ' 2 — DATE: SIGNATURE: ( FL/ENVIRON • APPLICANT'S APPIDAVIT (4) CITY OF ROSYISEAD, PLANNING DRPARI-T 8838 VALLEY EOOLLZ'ARD ROSU EAD, CA 91770 (BIB) 288-6571 The applicant, not the representative, should read this sheet and then sign and notarize signature at boteone NOTICE Dear Applicant: the ct You are advised clear the land,obtain any loans or loan tment iondthensubject s roperty, or n or do anything whatsoever final approval of your application. Anything you do before final approval will be AT YOUR OWN RISE. Do not assume that your case will be or has been finally approved until you are officially notified of such decision IN WRITING by the City of Rosemead. favorable action by the Planning Commission or the City • Final approval _ _ ° not be enough. PEAT the notice of decisio Further,E OLUTIONdofothe alone may oc en n decision an the RESOLUTION of the Planning Connissien or city Council d which the decision based. It is necessary that you comply with ALL the conditions ar forth herein before he final approval takes effect. o- approval s= Sincerely, PETER LYONS Director of Planning City cf Rosemead Site Andreas: gyro PYY4 d°'(94yi,11 B Nls'd rDtr,1ky Date: CiC; ,e94, 2t'` Description of Re UV s t/Proles: G rV1 n2 '.uJe./ �n.4 AFFIDAVIT City of o a ead 1 County of Angeles) State of California ) 1/We, p � Y AM hereby certify that I/we am/are the applicant(s) involved in this en s and that the foregoing statements and herein C ad, andthei nrmation herewith submitted ate in all repo to true and correct to the best of oy/our knowledge and belief. Signed: Name(s) : [C (444 Print Mailing Address: e, 8` V6_4 At °n one. 4‘24 `� .6 City/State/Zip: / �� &VC' qq/7-2,1 Date: ..)/44 /97e C ) Subscribed and sworn to before me ihi >.> NOTARY P',asr a - Y" U`rYRUa N TSg. NcS 'I 37 A L FL/AFFIDAVIT LOS PROPERTY OAR'S AFFIDAVIT (5) CITY OF ROSEFACAD, PLANNING DEPAAIISENT 8839 VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEXEAD, CA 91770 (818) 288-6671 SITE ADD Ess: 9Y4o,E4S44 Pv94�A F 4Yy 8 eV `liaa+y DATE: 24:1'i / I I_ DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST/PROJECT: E irl to np d ri>AR ILA av,, -1 ilko 1 rfrweLQ = irn�� AFFIDAVIT City of Rosemead County of Los Angeles) State of California 1 l 1F- 1rukA , hereby certify that :/we am/are the owner(s) of the property involved in this request, end r that the foregoing statements_ ents and answers herein and he information__ herewith submitted ar all respects true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. / Sinned: Print names): I // (7,./kg, /� �� tip /4 Address: 67? I (l./ZA Aj - Phone: -14 &p/6 City/State/lip; Q (.77-1011 61 V77 (Date: Jan 6 Subscr_bed and sworn to before me tr.is22)L7 day Cf ROTARY PO .1 R� UBYRUd�N/047 A e t c. NOTAS IiBU C{fO N A 2\ COMM.LOAGUFCOUNTdU .OCT. iROO t • FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - DO NOT WRITE BELOW TEIS LINE Filed with Case No.: on the day of , 19_ FL/AFFIDAVIT PROPERTY OWNERS LIST/RADIOS HAP INSTRUCTIONS (6) CITY OF ROSEMEAD, PLANNING DEPARTELENT 8838 warn BON8'JARD ROSEtXAO, CA 91770 (818) 288-6671 NOTE: The information furnished must be as it appears on the latest assessment roll of the b s Angeles County Assessor. An inaccurate co ompletealist smay ca invalidation of your . Attached is a list of providers of this service,cause listing does not constitute a recommendation from the City. INSTRUCTIONS: Submit the following with application: a. one (1) map showing c. parcel within, partially within, a 300-foot radius of mother exterior boundaries of the property under consideration. Number each parcel within the 300-foot radius on the b. one (2) list of a parcel number, property ow and property n_r s mailing address for each parcel numbered(i.e. , fl, -cu c. three (3) sets of gummed labels with the list copied onto them. d. one (1) copy of this form with the affidavit shown wn below signed and notarized by the pre_ -_r of the three items listedabove. Site Address: p"/ p pY4 . )a, / 5 F l G A 'I Date: a laclh Description of at/Project: 47iamtn j ,L,-L4 /76 (Diu( U C`v aft iltbd/Cy a 7 (P117•1 AFFIDAVIT City of Rosemead County of Los Angeles State of California , I X k ?f4 ? , hereby certify that the names and addresses '1 persons to whom all property is assessed as they appear the a latest of available assessment roll of the Ccunty sof sLos Angeles within the. described and for a distance of three hundred (300) feet from the exterior boundaries of property described_ as: Street Address(es): $44,0 ky144 W44A ` B 6Y4G _ 1 No. �'.A1/7 Assessor's P- )s): 'X. - Cl( ' ( l *„ ,;nod: Ca; Print Name(s): -7199 /��) 4,l �y Hailing Address: 47? F(a /w -{h)te- /�� /�, Phone: �7 � - uCH City/State/Zip: an/! / 64 %/?7 ate: Jib,//57, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7'hb day of 40-e-- 0 7 II NOTARY P LIC R g�NJSAl 4 0 Saw Cowvtf181w.3 K ri.NOWT cuBLOCARrONIRO 2V.5 _ nos ANGELES COUntt O / vocoC O:Aiy 9e��-cc.4M FL/RADIUS ..t.v _ •�.� •. 1 min R(IRY20RINTAi