CC - Item 1 - Garvey Avenue Traffic & Parking Workshop s E M F l o 4 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL • CIVIC PRIDE. STAFF REPORT /MCORPORATED X59 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER IGj DATE: NOVEMBER 24, 2015 SUBJECT: GARVEY AVENUE TRAFFIC & PARKING WORKSHOP SUMMARY The City Council will receive an update regarding a $2.3 million grant that has been awarded Los Angeles County Metro to the City of Rosemead for Garvey Avenue streetscape and roadway improvements. The grant is to be augmented by a City match of approximately $1 million. These grant funds will be provided to the City in Fiscal Year 2020-21. On September 22, 2015, the City Council conducted a workshop on this topic (Refer to Minutes—Attachment A). The Council workshop was followed by outreach efforts to all businesses on Garvey Avenue providing notification of future impacts on street parking (Refer to Notification letter and flyers—Attachment B). Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a motion to accept the Los Angeles County Metro grant funding to be received in the year 2020. UTILIZATION OF THE GRANT FUNDS The Metro grant (along with the City match) would provide the City with funding for streetscape and roadway improvements such as traffic signal upgrades, pedestrian ' safety improvements, transit bus furnishings, pedestrian level lighting, landscape enhancements, and required pavement striping changes to provide for a peak-hours third vehicle lane. The street striping changes on Garvey Avenue would be from New Avenue on the west to the Garvey Bridge on the east, to create three driving lanes for both westbound and eastbound motorists during peak commuting hours. Signs would be posted to prohibit street parking on Garvey Avenue only during peak commuting hours as follows: • In the early morning hours, street parking on the north side of Garvey Avenue would be prohibited for westbound traffic between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., and • In the evening hours, street parking on the south side of Garvey Avenue would be prohibited for eastbound traffic between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. ITEM NO. 1 City Council Workshop November 24,2015 Page 2 of 2 PROS AND CONS PROS CONS • Additional $3.3 million in public • Does not allow for Class I (protected) or funding will be available for Class II (striped) bicycle lanes along streetscape and roadway corridor improvements • Fewer opportunities for landscape • Funding will cover costs of enhancements improvements along the entire length of Garvey Avenue • On street parking restrictions during' peak hours on weekdays • Third lane model could offer better traffic mitigation vs. a • Specific Plan requires revision and bicycle lane model delays in final approval schedule • Funding enables the City to partner with developers to make infrastructure improvements rather than waiting for developers to bear the full costs Public Notice Process This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. • Attachment B MAYOR: E E City of Rosemead MARGARET CLARK - 0 9 MAYOR PRO TEM: /- SANDRAARMENTA :CIVIC PRIDE: 8838 E.VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 COUNCIL MEMBERS: 441 ROSEMEAD,CALIFORNIA 91770 WILLIAM AL,RCON Y TELEPHONE(626)569-2100 JEAN HALL a`0"POPAt°D'°S FAX(626)307-9218 POLLY LOW • • November 18, 2015 Dear Resident,Property Owner, or Business Operator: Re: Garvey Avenue Traffic & Parking Workshop on Tuesday,Nov. 24th at 6:00 pm in City Hall Council Chamber The Rosemead City Council will conduct a Garvey Avenue Traffic & Parking Workshop on Tuesday, November 24th at 6:00 p.m. at the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber located at 8838 E. Valley Blvd. The City of Rosemead is considering acceptance of grant funding from Los Angeles County Metro in the year 2020. In addition to other improvements such as lighting and pedestrian safety enhancements, the $2.3 million Metro grant would result in street striping changes on Garvey Avenue, from New Avenue on the west to the Garvey Bridge on the east, to create three driving lanes for both westbound and eastbound motorists during peak commuting hours. If the City accepts the Metro grant funding in the year 2020, signs will be posted to prohibit street parking on Garvey Avenue only during peak commuting hours as follows: • In the early morning hours, street parking on the north side of Garvey Avenue would be prohibited for westbound traffic between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., and • In the evening hours, street parking on the south side of Garvey Avenue would be prohibited for eastbound traffic between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. If you have questions or concerns regarding these potential changes to street parking Garvey Avenue that could be implemented in the year 2020, you are invited to attend the City Council • workshop on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., or you may contact the City of Rosemead Public Works Department at (626) 569-2150 or sllamas @cityofrosemead.org Sincerely, Anthony La Interim Director of Public Works KEME'AD• Garvey Avenue Traffic & Parking Workshop The City of Rosemead is considering acceptance of grant funding from Los Angeles County Metro in the year 2020. The Metro grant would result in street striping changes on Garvey Avenue to create three driving lanes for both westbound and eastbound motorists only during peak commuting hours. If the City accepts the grant funding, signs would be posted to restrict parking on Garvey Avenue only during peak commuting hours. • In the early morning hours, street parking on the north side of Garvey Avenue would be prohibited for westbound traffic between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. • In the evening hours, street parking on the south side of Garvey Avenue would be prohibited for eastbound traffic between 4:00 pm and 7:00 p.m. If you have questions or concerns regarding these potential changes to Garvey Avenue that could be implemented in the year 2020, you can: 1. Attend an informational workshop on this topic at the City of Rosemead, Council Chambers at 8838 E. Valley Boulevard on Tuesday,November 24,2015 from 6:00 p.m.to 7:00 p.m.; or 2. Speak with representatives of the City of Rosemead Public Works Department at Rosemead City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd, or by telephone at(626) 569-2150; or 3. Email the Rosemead Public Works Department at sllamas @cityofrosemead.org Taller de trafico y estacionamiento en la Avenida de Garvey La Ciudad de Rosemead esta considerando aceptar financiacion en forma de subvencion de Los Angeles County Metro en el ano 2020. La subvencion de Metro resultaria en cambios en las rayas viales de los carriles en Garvey Avenue para crear tres carriles de circulacion vehicular permitiendoles a los automovilistas conducir hacia el oeste y hacia el este unicamente durante horas punta de circulacion vehicular. Si la Ciudad aceptara la financiacion en forma de subvenciones se colocarian senales en el 2020 indicando restricciones de estacionamiento en la Avenida Garvey unicamente durante horas punta de circulacion vehicular temprano en la manana y en la noche. Especificamente, a partir del ano 2020, el estacionamiento en el lado norte de Garvey Avenue se prohibiria para el transito que circule por la manana hacia el oeste entre las 6:00 a.m. y 9:00 a.m.; asimismo, se prohibiria el estacionamiento en el lado sur de Garvey Avenue para el transito que circule por la noche hacia el este entre las 4:00 pm y 7:00 p.m. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud referente a estos posibles cambios en Garvey Avenue que puedan implementarse en el ano 2020, usted podra: 1. Asistir a un taller de informacion referente a este asunto en el la Camera del Consejo de Rosemead en 8838 E. Valley Boulevard el martes,24 de noviembre de 2015, de las 6:00 p.m.y 7:00 p.m: o 2. Platicar con representantes del Departamento de Obras Piblicas de la Ciudad de Rosemead en el Ayuntarniento de Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd o llamando por telefono al (626) 569-2150 o 3. Enviarle un correo electronico al Departamento de Obras Publicas de Rosemead al sllamas @cityofrosemead.org It EMFAD c Garvey Avenue (1{ t) xik & * af,wal n i I-. bi;y^2020 1 5> @§g;Metrorl`g ;x ° Metro tp1,-.'-r1 # A# T-.A ' g1 2020`f ax if- ' 11,MAfr[ n_L-F n 14 .1V,v± AT ±1,-01-m. ° Mang- ' i e.2020'T 10a i ' 1 6 9 2.1I'Ml ,L I*)Ca1ttiP ni af4V- ' L:('(Efq • if=1xt. 17fl ' -F6111-4 .71J4 , •-t-JE. p11 v g1m .4 * ' L;tm fi 1,1x ° Q�1 f a7hv 2020`T yerg fa-A-A .mgt-A m io s ' "it a7L� : 1. opQ T S#>'f a if3r§l ^i-c® `go,P E3 A a ' tTJ±1.E 8838 E.Valley Blvd.) ' @1111 2015 11)24 g=1.-v•±6 F14 7@4 ; . 2. 111T ..ig .'P.i�., f SfiA31`gT-ttOx x ' t-ttsL,'�L',8838 E. Valley Blvd ' @@@ , (626) 569- 2150 ; sk@ 3. g aT• �5�(A @ r --;V pISr1 : sllama @cityofrosemead.org Garvey Avenue Giao Thong & Do Xe Workshop Thanh j3h6 Rosemead gang cfru xet viec nhan ngan quy cap tir Hat Los Angeles County Metro trong nam 2020. Quy cap tir co quan Metro se c6 hau qua la thay doi lan dixong tren Hai Lo Garvey de tao 3 lan xe chay cho xe chay ve'ca hu6ng Bong va tay chi trong gior cao diem. Neu Thanh Ph6 nhan quy tai trq thi nam 2020 se co bang throng quy dinh han the dau xe sang semi va xe chieu ten Dai Lo Garvey trong gib gong xe ma thoi. NOi cu the hon, ke to nam 2020, viec dau xe o•le phia bac cua throng Garvey se bi cam doi vo'i xe co chay ve hiro'ag tay buoi sang tir 6:00 den 9:00. Cung nhtr tha, viec dau xe & le phia nam cua dtthng Garvey se bi cam doi vo'i xe co chay ve hiro'ng long buoi toi tir 4:00 den 7:00. • Neu quy vi co thac ma i c hay quan ngai gi ve nh ng thay doi co tiem nang xay ra teen throng Garvey ma se dirge thi hanh vao nam 2020, thi ban co the: 1. Tham du mot cuoc hoi thao thong tin ve chit de nay tai thanh pho Rosemead , Hoi dong Chambers so 8838 Htrong Valley Blvd. Thir ba,24 thing 11,2015 tir 6:00 den 7:00 toi; hoac 2. Noi chuyen voi dai din Nha Cong Chanh cua Thanh phi; Rosemead 0 Toa Do Chinh cua Rosemead, 8838 E. Valley Blvd,hoac goi dien thoai so(626) 569-2150; hoac 3. Email cho Nha Cong Chanh Rosemead sllamas @cityofrosemead.org