CC - Item 5B - Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2015 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT MEETING NOVEMBER 24,2015 Workshop 6:00 p.m. • Council was called to order by Mayor G k at 6:09 p.m. in the The meeting of the Rosemead City Co y Y p Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard tosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Armenta, Council Me ber larcon, nd Low. 44401, *ft 1. Garvey Avenue Traffic&Parking Workshop Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City o ncil ..do of a motion to accept the Los Angeles County Metro Grant funding to be received in°t=e`ye.r 2020. Interim Public Works Director La presented t-staff report providing the c ty council with background information regarding the Grant which was awafded:.,okthe city on Septeme 24 2015. He also advised Council on the outreach to the business communiity by s a .e, informed Council the grant covers all of Garvey Avenue from west of New Avenue to the east Cityy I it icaa,;s.t.e bridge over the Rio Hondo. He added the Grant does require off al match of approxi ately$992,06.0. The scope of work includes taking out the third vehicle lane a estric o street parkins on the northsside of Garvey Avenue from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a:m. for westbo affic, ano on the south sue from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for eastbound traffic providing a third through lane _ Gary `yAvenue. The f s`can also be spent on traffic and upgrades, sidewalk improvements, furnish.gs .t b sos os landscaping and lighting. Mr. La expp aned0f a be ; i s,of the project is the City would have$3.3 million for streetscapes and roadwa 4rnprovements tha agitate tra ic.flow. The funding covers Garvey Avenue from the west City, limit toy -feast City limit an wades forr i proved traffic mitigation on Garvey Avenue. The funding is also availab(eto facilitate future d `velopers with various infrastructure improvements. Mr. La advised the negative side o,,,,,: project is byoviding a third through lane, the curb would stay where it is; therefore, the City cannot pro toe a Class gr a Class II bicycle lane. He explained the difference between a Class I and a Class II bicyci- I- He tso reiterated the parking restrictions during peak hours which will have a direct impact on the adjace business owners. Mr. Law informed Council if their direction is to accept the Grant and provide a third through lane then the Specific Plan will require some revisions, which will be brought back to the City Council for approval. City Manager Allred clarified that any modifications to parking would not occur until the year 2020 because the grant funding is not available until then. Mr. La confirmed for Mayor Clark that in order to receive the$2.3 million grant, the City would have to match and spend $992,000 on the project using local Gas Tax Funding or Proposition C funds. City Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2015 Page 1 of 8 ITEM NO. 5.B Manager Allred also confirmed for Mayor Clark that the City receives approximately three quarters of a million dollars per year in Gas Tax funding which the City currently spends on street maintenance projects. Brian Lewin-expressed his opposition to the proposed changes to the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan project, focus on the project area as originally envisioned and decline the grant. He provided the City Council with statistics taken from the 2012 Bicycle Transportation Plan relating to Garvey Avenue, and felt it was not a good idea to remove needed, planned protections for bicyclists-along the Garvey corridor. Sherman Rouman-owner of the Vehicle Center Used Cars expressed his opp s,tion to the project and advised the City Council that the peak hours parking restrictions would hus business because he relies on the traffic returning from work to stop in to buy a car. He also expressed expre*a'rdoncerns with ingress and egress to his business if Garvey was three lanes. Johnny Tenq-owner and operator of a business located at 443 E. Garvey Aven e= pressed concern regarding the restricted parking and dangerous conditions to traffic lanes will crea efo individuals who do not drive very well. . Kyi Kai-developer of a mixed use project at 8749 Garvey A enue expres d his opposition to the proposed project because of the restricted parking on the South s deco; Garvey Avenue in the afternoons. He was concerned about people parking on f"north side and trying-tot toss six lanes of traffic. Chris Melendres-owner of the property at 9117 and 91 3 Ga ey Avenue e•resented the City Council with a petition signed by several business operator's and a pressed o ce about the tenants only receiving the letter today and erew able to attend e"advised Co" I that he spoke to 20 of his neighboring businesses anda l o i were against le proposed He discussed his concerns regarding the restricted ®.r mg and six lanes of traffic pointing out potential dangers. Thereafter followed a brief disc " ione®a ding the pos oility of an accident if a car continues to park in the third lane d l g .o;-peak hou. ; hen thet'thirdllarie is being used for through traffic. Nancy Enq-expressed su po for any o utins to relieve congestion on Garvey Avenue; however, there is a park ng deficiency in the ty She fel the City should consider improving the parking standards if it was going t� onsitler the changes stilk James Wang-own of a used�;ar lot on Garvey Avenue, expressed his opposition to changing Garvey Avenue. He felt if cl a ges arelnade, it will be worse than it is now. Yin Lim-owner of 825 ,arvey Avenue, thinks this project won't work because of the restricted parking from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the south side. This will prevent people from stopping at the various businesses on their way home from work. He felt the City Council should do what's best for the Rosemead citizens and business owners. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta felt it was clear that something had to be done on Garvey Avenue to mitigate the traffic congestion, but she felt to open the third lane to traffic was dangerous because of drivers thinking the lane is open and coming,upon a parked car. She felt that parking is an issue and to.restrict parking even Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2015 Page 2 of 8 further is a disservice to the businesses. She felt the City Council needed more information and feedback especially since the businesses only received notification today and did not have time to make arrangements to attend the meeting. She suggested there may be other grants available that won't restrict the parking on Garvey Avenue. She felt that since the City wasn't pressured for time, the City should communicate further with the residents and businesses to see how they will be impacted. Council Member Low wanted to know if the City accepts the grant and does the project, whether it will bring in more business if Garvey has a better flow of traffic. However, she heard the concerns from the businesses and asked if it is possible to provide more time to understand the co kerns and to determine if the concerns can be mitigated. She asked if postponing a decision would fact the timeline for the Specific Plan. Interim Public Works Director La confirmed that a decision did no ha ' to be madethis evening. The only reason this was brought to the City Council at this time was to:ee direction so staff ows how to proceed with the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Council Member Alarcon addressed the issue from a pedes ,- oint o Aview noting numerx s people his Cou p p g p p , age and older walk on Garvey Avenue for exercise and have toV h Ole sidewalk with bicyclists. He mentioned the danger of people his age inadvertently stepping o t '-„curb and not being able to move fast enough to get out of the way. Council Member Hall pointed out the date of the letter se "io the business�Wand the length of time it took for delivery. She was also in support of improving Garve A ven. 6::'.1■_filifiks it is good to have more time to discuss the issue before makingadecision. Mayor Clark thought theCat received .enough feedbac and wanted to vote against accepting the grant this evening because thetity e-ded to moue on and go bac.-tothe original design of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. She felt even' : ®a h theeis no,deadline,tomake a decision, it is delaying the Specific Plan. She also express- having to pa ,9;92,273 of the Ci.;7 s money toward the project, when, if the City has that mone vai ab e, ,ould egn on the Specific Plan and do what the City intended to do to beautify� She stated her esons for an ing to accept the grant and change the Specific Plan is becau• - , oing to be a pars ng ticket nightmare; Metro is pushing for people to get out of their cars and walk, bike o vice the bus and h City is providing a means for cars to move faster. She also felt with the traffic apps avail'ab e, the City is ;enalizing the businesses by allowing traffic to get off the freeway and use Garvey as an alternate for the freeway. ACTION: Moved by a Clark to deny the acceptance of the grant and move on with the Garvey Specific Plan, he motion died for a Lack of second. Council concurred to receive more input and feedback at another meeting. Thereafter followed a brief discussion as to when staff would bring the item back to Council. Community Development Director Ramirez explained the issue with having it on the December 8th meeting is that if the notices are mailed tomorrow or hand delivered again, two weeks is not enough time. She suggested bringing it back at the second meeting in January to give staff plenty of time to do the outreach due to the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2015 Page 3 of 8 holidays, people being out of town during the holidays, and City Hall being closed. Council suggested the residents and any bicycle clubs be notified as well. There being no further discussion, the Mayor closed the workshop session at 7:15 pm. Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. The meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to tho,s.Tead Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor/Chair Clark at 7: 1.0".m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council/Board Member Alarcon 43C Vtis INVOCATION was led by Council/Board Member Hall PRESENT: Mayor/Chair Clark, Mayor Pro Tern/Vice-Chair Are ta, Council Members/Bo embers Alarcon, Hall, and Low. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, CityA to ney Richman, Corr m ity Development Director Ramirez, Interim Director of Parks and Recrea ion-4So s , Finance DirectorChu, Interim Public Works Director La, Consultant Canon, and Interim City erk CoW r I 04 1 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS-F.-OM THE AUDIENCE Salvador Ramirez, Res ion Manager ndbSouthern California Edison liaison for the City of Rosemead introduced himself indica ing h- would to meet with eat: council member to discuss mutual topics. He looked forward to working wit Counc I n he future.,41464: '41$4140 3. P' SENT k1Q>.. Proclamatio elebrati�o rNational Arbor Day MA City Manager a�wised that the CSk`is arborist John Scott is not present, however, the proclamation is a requirement to ma in the TreeCity U.S.A. Designation status. • Procla a io Recognizing Sgt.nizin t.Abel Moreno m� 9 Mayor Clark announced that Sergeant Moreno was leaving the City of Rosemead. Each•Council Member thanked Sgt. Moreno and expressed their gratitude to him for being involved in the community and for his dedicated and committed service to the citizens of Rosemead. Sgt. Moreno thanked the City Council for their support of him and for the law enforcement team and expressed his love for the City and City Council. He told the Council it was a hard decision to make but he. felt it was an opportunity he could not say no to. He felt he made lifelong friends here in Rosemead. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2015 Page4of8 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Item C was pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion and separate action. A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2015-62 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS$DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,211,843.20 NUMBERED 90749 THROUGH 9091- tNCCLUS ELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No 2015-62 • Resolution No 2015.22 entitled: ARESOLUTION OF THE TY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD 'O MUNITY DEVELOPMEN COMMISSION ALLOWING CERTAIN.CLAIMS AND DE A dS IN THE SUM OF $1,008,231.27 NUMBERED 101 `O / 1.0153 INCLUSIV ' tdo Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2015-22 ` *et k D. Ordinance No 956—Second `e ding: Amending Cha r terr5.24 of the Rosemead Municipal Code Pertaining to the g tlo of Mass g" aEstablishments and Massage Service Providers vi Recommendation:`PT at' fte-Gity Council adopt Ordinance' No. 956 at its second reading. E. Ordinance>N; . 957--'Second Reading. . 11nici al Code Amendment 15.06— g� p Adoption of A' ended.Zo ing,Code as Related to Massage Establishments in the at��of.;oseme'ad -commendatio . at the tatty . cil adopt Ordinance No 957 at its second reading. F. 10pproval of Parcel MappNo:73496—Don Bosco Technical Institute, 1151 San Gabriel Flo levard tip Recommen•ajipn „'T3h'at the City Council approve Parcel Map No 73496 and direct the City Clerk to arrange for theecordation of the map. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Low, and seconded by Council Member Alarcon to approve Items A, B, D, E, and F of the Consent Calendar. PUBLIC COMMENTS REOPENED Mayor Clark called on Ericka Serrano who submitted a Request to Speak after the close of Public Comments. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2015 Page 5 of 8 Ericka Serrano explained to the City Council that four year ago the windshield of her car and a window in her house was broken by a softball that came from the ball field during a league game. She advised that - her car windshield was broken again last week. City Manager Allred advised Council that the Public Works Superintendent is looking at ways to modify the back stop to prevent this from happening in the future. He informed Council that Ms. Serrano already filed a claim for damages which will be reviewed by the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority. Ms. Serrano also advised the Council about the trash that is thrown around ey thesoftball teams and the number of times she has cleaned it up. Mr.Allred responded that theigylRgso aware of that and he and the Interim Parks and Recreation Director Soash have initiated a meeting wit the softball leagues about these issues and staff is making demands on the leagues including signed statements acknowledging the league's free use of the park will be curtailed if they do not reso vehese issues. Thereafter followed discussion among the Council and : Serrano about the issue and he:fa t that Mayor Pro Tern Armenta actually witnessed some of the players dafiberately hiiffingpop-ups to seee-how many cars they can hit. Interim Parks and Recreation Director Soash Idvised the City Council t at she and Recreation Supervisor Mota met with Ms. Serrano last week and disc ssed hetissues. Staff is gof • to meet with each representative from the softball organizations to outline t e concerns of the neighborhood. Staff will be memorializing the requirements will include pickingwup the eras te e res.eetful of the neighborhood, no double parking, and no parking i t a red zone. Th- requirements '11 be attached to the permit when they request to use the field. St aff" also g ng to discus ith them how they lay out their practice because sometimes in their pracfce' they are throwing pitches and hitting them directly toward Dorothy Street. Thereafter followed discussio re aro �: whose responsibility it is to pay for the damages and City 9 �9�, Manager Allr drise a Cityi�, emb o'f th- al fornia Joint Powers Insurance Authority who hires a third party dministrato o nves igates each claim and resolves it based on the bylaws of the JPIA. City Attorney.°ichman advised r tha f` JPIA finds liability then it would be up to the JPIA to decide if it wants o .fter the league to be reimbursde However, because the City is part of an insurance pool, the City's Gene arvund will not be affected. In response to M•yo pro Tern A menta, Interim Parks and Recreation Director Soash advised that a stipulation can be a•oed'to the th,e5 les that their permit can be revoked if there is a disregard for any of the rules. CONSENT CALENDAR CONTINUED: The City Council returned to Item 4, the Consent Calendar, on the agenda. Council Member Hall noted that she was not present at the meeting of April 24, 2012, Therefore, Item B was also pulled from the Consent Calendar so she could abstain. Mayor Clark confirmed that Council was voting on Items A, D, E, and F of the Consent Calendar. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2015 Page 6 of 8 ACTION: The previous made motion to approve the Consent Calendar, excluding Items B and C was unanimously approved by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon,Armenta, Clark, Hall and Low. ITEMS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR B. Approval of Minutes • Minutes of Special Meeting of April 24,2012 Recommendation: Approve the Minutes of April 24, 2012 pp p ACTION: Moved by Council Member Alarcon, and seconded by Coen it Me ber Low to approve the Minutes of April 24, 2012. The motion carried by the following vote:-AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark and Low. ABSTAIN: .Hall C. Ordinance No. 955—Second Reading �;unicipal Code Amendment.-4,,:,,,:!5-4= Adoption of Amended Fireworks Ordinance' wp. lir Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Ordinanc- o: 955 at its second reading. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta expressed her willing e" ssto compromise on t -? . ,ber of days Safe and Sane fireworks can be discharged and suggested legal firework ®e.flowed on t.,'-''.3rd and 4th of July and if July 4th falls on a Sunday, fireworks also be allowed on�the folly®` mg t.d y my 5th from 7:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. each day. She also sugg-.,sted{that next year,#h: ouncil evale the two days. The City Council discussed the issue and co c' rre°d5. ,Mayor Pro Te-:, Armenta's°suggestion. Community Developmen ®e tor Ra 'fez, read the cha. ges to be made to the ordinance on page 7, Section 8.28.110 A and Sectio ,28 11 i1B .;. ACTION: Mo ed sy- ' .yo pro Tern A menta, and seconded by Council Member Alarcon, to change the language in Ordina ce No 9 5 as stated by the Community Development Director. The motion v .animously carred=ey the folio trig vote: AYES: Alarcon,Armenta, Clark, Hall and Low. s 5. MATTE°`S FROM CIT ANAGER&STAFF 1 None. 6. MATTERS FROM"CITY COUNCIL 7. COUNCIL COMMENTS Council Member Low informed the City Council that she was recently appointed to serve on the League of California Cities as one of the Directors-at-Large. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2015 Page 7 of 8 Mayor Pro Tem Armenta attended a conference in San Antonio for National Association of Latinos Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). Because she is a member in good standing NALEO paid for the conference, airfare, hotel and meals. The conference was very good and she learned a great deal about infrastructure. She also received a flash drive with vital information on how to protect the City's infrastructure in a disaster. One of the sessions was on cyber-attacks. People don't realize that if the City is dependent on remote control access by phone the City can easily be hacked and the City would be compromised. She had handouts that she would give to staff to copy for Council, along with the handouts she received at the water conference. ;; Council Member Hall reminded everyone about the Dinsmoor useum Open House on Saturday, December 12th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mayor Clark attended the Anthrax Drill on Thursday. hiefof Police Somoano explained the drill was sponsored by the Los Angeles County Public A scenario was created for a medical point of distribution for emergency medica o in case of an Anthrax a le The City of Rosemead and the City of Alhambra were the two localagenciesto provide the dpensing facilities. In about two hours they processed medication 1,500 people. Mayor Clark informed Council she learnddthat when the big onexhits,the land lines and cell phones will be down. She mentioned to thnCi anager to look int some type of walkie- talkie communication system in case the City Couno cannot get to e Public Safety Center, they will have a means of communicating with someone vat the Public Safety Center. A City Manager Allred a vied s aff is looking into it; however, one of the concerns is the frequency radius. Mayor Clark announced e t dateska d times of theupcoming community events. 8. A JOURNIVlE There be g no further businessto come before the City Council, Mayor Clark adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m. in rsemory of Nohemionzalez, the young El Monte woman killed in the Paris terrorist attack. The next regu e Lefty Council meeting is scheduled to take place on December 8, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall C uncil Ch mber. Carol Cowley, Interim City Clerk APPROVED: Margaret Clark, Mayor Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2015 Page 8 of 8