PC - Item 1A - GASP Powerpoint 9-27-16 (Final) Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (GASP) City Council Joint Workshop Ad Hoc Committee, Planning Commission & Traffic Commission September 27th, 2016. 6:00 pm 1 Introduction: Project Purpose and Intent Consolidated EIR Initiate Economic Development Increased Opportunities for Retail, Restaurants, Office & Residential Consistent Development (i.e., Look, Feel, Use and Density) Ensuring Adequate Parking Higher Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and Density in Exchange for Community Benefits Identify Public Infrastructure and Improvements to Accommodate New/Redevelopment Opportunities Timely Framework for Development 2 Proposed Limits & Existing Physical Conditions Garvey Ave – From New Ave to Charlotte Ave 3 GASP Chapters 1) Introduction 2) Context and Conditions 3) Land Use, Zoning and Development Standards 4) Opportunity Projects and Sites 5) Infrastructure (Mobility, Utilities & Public Services) 6) Implementat ion 4 Current Conditions 5 Existing Land Uses 6 Proposed GASP Zoning 7 Existing Vs. Proposed GASP Zoning 8 GASP – Project Development Process for a Typical Specific Plan Existing Conditions Analysis General Plan/Zoning Code Analysis Project Description Base Map Infrastructure Analysis Initial Study/EIR Ad Hoc/Sub Committee Meetings Public Outreach and Input Public Hearings – Planning Commission and City Council Delays Encountered Infrastructure Analysis Additional Studies for Sewer and Traffic Grant Considerations Auto Auction Potential Buyer’s 9 GASP Status and Remaining Elements MIG Consultants Completion of Final EIR (FEIR) Staff, Project Manager, Outside Agencies, and Legal Review of FEIR Public Hearings and Certification of GASP and FEIR (Jan/Feb 2017) Schedule – What is next Administrative Draft of EIR to the City - Nov City - All written comments in single document to MIG - Nov MIG - Revisions submitted to the City - Dec City Final Review of any changes from comments to MIG - Dec Draft EIR ready for public review; Public comment period - Dec Public comment period ends - January Public Hearings - Final Approval - Jan/Feb 10 Questions? 11