CC - Item 6B - Minutes of February 14, 2017MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR JOINT MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 2017 Workshop The workshop meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 6:04 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 883$ East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Armenta, Mayor Pro Tem Low, Council Members'larcon, Clark, and Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City Attorney Richman, Assistant City Manager McKinney, Director of Community Development Ramirez, Director of Finance,, 'ieu, Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon, Director of Public- Wb*gs ,Garcia, arld City Clerk Donohue Council Member Ly requested to add an emergency item under Matters from Council to discuss and take action to send a letter regarding Assembly Bill'287.,Holden. The proposed bill by Assembly Member Holden bans the tunnel", tion for the I-710 free,�yay., City Attorney Richman clarified the item would be"adrleto the agenda as an emergency item because an action was being requested prior toRthe next councitmeeting and staff became aware of the issue after the aeenda vvasrrnosted. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and "keonded by Council Member Clark to add emergency item AB 278 holden to Matters from CifyCouncil on the agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES, ?klaroon;,Akmenta, Clark, Low, Ly 1. WORKSHOP: _: A =` Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Business Plan Rgbert Oehler,,,, President of Rosemead Chamber of Commerce presented a Po,oint presentation requesting a one-time grant of $200,000. The grant would allow the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce to stabilize and increase its capacity; Mr. Oehler continued with the presentation adding the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce also desires to develop a Business Improvement District. Paul Chen, Board of Director for the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce added the Chamber would like to be involved with the banner program to assist families in paying for the military banners through fundraising efforts with local businesses. Mayor Armenta reiterated in previous years the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce coordinated the banner program by having local businesses sponsor the banners. The banner program dissolved at one ,pgipt, therefore the City decided to take the program back. Mayor Pro Tem Low asked what the Commerce was. Mr. Chen replied the Chamber of last five years. Mr. Oehler added the cumulative do $100,000. The financial profile for the of $141,000 with expenses ('$171,156 Rosemead Chamber of has had a deficit of $29,000 in the ast five years is less than year had a total gross income ,$29,236 deficit. Ray Jan, Executive Director for tliekbsemead Chamber of Commerce stated the events and programs being proposed in -the coining years are professional development, workshops in a fozeigti language t6 assist the business community, larger scale resource, fair, job fair" aining forbusiness members and community members:,A health fair is being proposed to cater to the Rosemead community, as well,as ''a;strget fair, To highlight the iuspitality industry, restaurant industry, and their servioes: �. ;:. the Mr. Oehler what the expected return was for the city from Oehler replied there may be no monetary profits, but increase in quality s such as iransportation services. Furthermore, meetings with hotels and 1 owners,!,,, icated adding stops at shopping centers, would make it more ;tj_ve for Tourists staying in the city. Ms. Jan,- explained tourists from China are shuttled or bussed to Focus Plaza in the City of San Gabriel. The Chamber of Commerce would like to assist business establishments like the Square Supermarket to create a welcome package for tourists and facilitate communications with bus operators to bring guests to shop and spend money in the city. Mayor Armenta inquired if the proposal from the Chamber of Commerce included the use of a city shuttle. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 2 of 16 Ms. Jan answered affirmatively, with the possibility of adding an additional stop near a motel. Mayor Pro Tem Low stated the use of a city shuttle could increase cost to the city. Mr. Chen explained to the Council in order to add additional stops using a city shuttle, the Chamber of Commerce would have to expand its resources and staff for the proposal to work. Mayor Armenta expressed concerns on grar request for funding and adding shuttle stops at explanation on how the Chamber of Commerce Mr. Chen stated in order to embark on would have to expand its resources. Mayor Armenta expressed concerns if the Ch into a financial deficit in the next five years Mr. Oehler stated it's the obligation of the C performance with the additional capacity and Mayor Armenta requested th detailed information on their f would operate4itfi;the grant to to increase„ He continu( and has a recommend people in T hotels 'The to be rnbr`e= -hamber of Commerce hotels. She asked for an )rdinate hotel stops. ects the Commerce of Commerce fall back of Commerce to improve its he structural deficit. mmerce to provide additional nd provide a plan on how they liability. ,ystated the City, and residents could benefit if the Chamber of an overall structure of the development of a visitor and He suggested4be Chamber of Commerce to demonstrate how Spur economic development, tourism, visitors lodging at hotels on transient occupancy tax; and or increase sales tax revenue. �plazpAh City is located thirty minutes from major attractions Asian population which attracts more tourism. He also Chamber of Commerce to speak with people in China and or who are business owners who may have the capacity to build idea is a good idea for the city to invest; however, there needs ition than just the plan to hire two more people. Mayor Pro Tem Low asked Mr. Oehler if part of the grant request was going to be used to pay off debt. She expressed concerns with seeing payroll expenses of $150,000 and not leaving much money to work with. Mr. Oehler replied there would be a reserve of $50,000 which would be used to pay some of the debt. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 3 of 16 Mr. Chen stated the professional staff would be staggered depending on how much additional capacity is needed; in addition, they would help build additional money generating events. Ms. Jan explained the additional professionals will be dedicated full-time employees to help create the hospitality program to build up the visitor center. One person will go to each member and help them with marketing. The other professional will focus on plans for current business members. Ms. Jan stated the Chamber of Commerce could submit a new proposal with more information before the Council at a future meeting. Mayor Armenta advised the Chamber of Commerce to consider a business plan to detail how they will use the grant. A business 'plan would allow the Council to explain to the community what the city is investing in. Council Member Ly stated the concept was worth the investment because it would involve economic development, a key item in the City's S rate& Plan. He reiterated the key success for' the Chamber --cf Commerce acid economic development is the ability to push on hospitality and tourism because we have location and demoeranhics. Mayor Pro Tem Low noted the.items proposed by.the Chamber of Commerce are similar to what the City already doesvuith economic development. City Manager -Mans described_ the ' Chamber! , bf Commerce as a membership organzatiob`andalie,City is a serv'ce driven organization. The city's goal is to go out and -speak w i companies ,and do business retention and business mnt, outreach; as well as'helping to solve safety issues or potholes in develop front of a business While the Chamber of Commerce supplements services, as far as letworking and serving the business community. Mayor Annenta state d;Ihe;.City Council needs more information to justify the Chamber of,Commerce funding request. She suggested to Mr. Oehler to include more detaileditformation on the presentation. Pro Teri' Low advised the Chamber of Commerce to have a low risk plan to Council' Member Clark asked the Chamber of Commerce if they have done any polling of the business district. Mr. Chen replied polling businesses would be part of the projects to do if the grant request is given. Mr. Oehler thanked the City Council and stated the Chamber of Commerce would come back with additional details and address the City Council's comments. Mayor Armenta ended the workshop and recessed the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes offebruary 14, 2017 Page 4 of 16 RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM. The regular joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Armenia at 7:10 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor/Chair/President Armenia, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice-Chair/ Vice -President Low, Council Members/Board Members/Directors Alarcon, Clark, and Ly PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Pro Tem INVOCATION was led by Councilmember Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City McKinney, Director of Community Development:] Parks and Recreation Chacon, Director of Public 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Inez Juaregui recommended,re She also suggested fundraislhl Center's animal control truck" Mayor Arm6hta: -advised Ms. McKinney, who oversees the P Ms. Richman, Assist iirector of Finance ia, and City Clerk City Manager eu; Director of pet owners tro, spay and neuter their dogs. to assist in improving the Public Safety fv", as?a cage"on the back. to `speak to Assistant City Manager Safety Center, to address her concerns. to mandate residents to have their pets Mayor Annepta explained to Ms. Juaregui staff will speak to the City Attorney to look into tha city's current animal ordinance and to possibly survey the public. Juaregui stated she could assist in surveying residents to collect the necessary Dr. Ed`ward'Zinuga, Superintendent to the El Monte Union High School District introduced himself and commended the City for their continued support on programs such as the School Resources Officer. He invited the City Council to the Los Angeles Philharmonic music event hosted by the El Monte Union High School District at Rosemead High School on March 19'. Council Member Ly welcomed Superintended Zuniga to the El Monte Union School District and commended Rosemead High School teacher Eric Bridges on the achievements with the Academic Decathlon team winning various medals. Mayor Armenia stated the City would like to recognize the students in the future. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes offebruary 14, 2017 Page 5 of 16 3. 4. Heather Shotke, teacher at Muscatel Middle School invited the City Council to their Gram March Festival on March 4th at Rosemead Park. Mayor Pro Tem Low thanked Ms. Shotke for her work with the students on the importance of written communication. Daniel Luevanos, representing One Legacy Donate Life, spoke on the importance of organ donation and procurement. He stated one person can save the life of eight people and enhance the lives of fifty or more people by tissue and eye donations. He invited the public to attend the run/ -,y event on April 29th, as part of Donor Awareness Month. He thanked the City Council for their support to the organization. James Berry, resident, spoke on the right -of ways. He asked if the city dumping sites and maybe have the Be process. In addition, he addressed,tl public areas. aping of fiiilky items on public 1112, fy key ateas; of popular illegal Committee more, involved in the 3f abandoned shopping carts in Mayor Armenia stated she had previously spoken to staff about the ongoing issue of abandoned shopping carts." She added that'" the Parking Enforcement Officer following the street sweeper diinng street sweeping=days; should be reporting any abandoned shopping carts. ` Mr. Berry explained he reports,abadoned shopping carts via the city's website. In addition,` he "addressed the laa)- of reporting bulky item pick-up at residential Mayor Armeniareaerated„when parking enforcement should be addressing any abandoned shopping cait"s-left,ot} the streets during street sweeping routes. Ms. Armetrta xequestedstaff to look into the Target shopping carts being removed from therr'pr'operty. 3 -stated the staff has implemented a program to clean up and will focus on picking -up abandoned shopping carts. suggested reminding the public there are fines associated with carts from commercial properties. John Lowrey shared his concerns on the attempt to eliminate Wal -Mart's annual review. The Planning Commission voted four to one to keep Wal -Mart's annual review and he inquired as to why the City was considering eliminating the review condition. PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 6 of 16 5. A. Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Annual Action Plan for Federally - Funded Programs Recommendation: That the City Council conduct a public hearing and take public testimony on the Annual Action Plan covering the period July 1, 2017 — June 30, 2018. No further City Council action is necessary. Community Development Director Ramirez reported the public hearing was being held to allow citizens input into the city's Annual Action Plan for Federally Funded Programs. In addition, the city has been advised:;by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to expect a decrease in funding on home allocations for the upcoming fiscal year. Mayor Armenta opened the Public Steve Cooper with Rio Hondo have partnered with the City s City to provide low income hoi Chancela Al -Mansour with the Housing ongoing funding support to },assist lane responsibilities under Fair IIousipp laws. Mayor Pro Tem Low asked decreased forthe.next fiscal not relei funding p.m. ty Development Cort Orion stated they and homes to continue w'orkirig with the Center thanked the City for the ncl tenants on their rights and HOME funding would be ector.Ramirez stated the Federal Government has She stated staff would be working with the current funding amount received is less than the current e"submitted before the Council for a new Annual public hearing at 8:00 p.m. ).2017-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $632,221.57 NUMBERED 95114 THROUGH NUMBER 95238 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2017-03 Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes offebruary 14, 2017 Page 7 of 16 C. I• • Resolution No. 2017-03 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $2,000. NUMBERED 10201 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2017 • Resolution No. 2017-03 RHDC .. A RESOLUTION OF DEVELOPMENT CORI CLAIMS AND DEMAN: NUMBERED 1588 THROI WHICH IS ATTACHED HEREOF Recommendation: City Council Meeting Lighting No. 201 the ( 2017. the City Council: OF $207,80,0.00 9 INCLUSIVELY, MADE A PART the minutes from the regular — Award of Contract specifications for the Rosemead Park Pedestrian the City Manager to enter into a contract with Green Giant e Inc. as the lowest responsive bidder in the amount of $429,000. In authorize an amount of $42,900 (10%) as a contingency to cover the foreseen construction expenses. Temporary Appointment to Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 15 Board of Directors Recommendation: That the City Council appoint Councilmember Margaret Clark as the temporary alternate representative on the Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 15 Board of Directors for the meeting on January 25, 2017. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 8 of 16 E. Consideration of a Resolution Urging Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority to Ensure Jobs for Rosemead Residents Considering the Passage of Measure M Recommendation: That the City Council (1) adopt Resolution No. 2017-04, urging Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority to ensure jobs for Rosemead residents considering the passage of Measure M; and (2) Direct staff to transmit an executed copy of the resolution to the Metro Chief Executive Officer, Philip A. Washington and his administrative staff members A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII�OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, STRONGLY URGING LOS ANGELES COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY TO ENSURE .JOBS 1701Z TtOSEMEAD RESIDENTS CONSIDERING THEE,PASSAGE OF -I EASURE M F. Beverage Container Recycling Recommendation: That:the City Council' approve Resolution No. 2017-05, authorizing the submittal :off a Beverage Container Recycling Payment Program Application to the California Department of Resources. RocycIing and Recovery. A RESOLUTION OF THE ,CITY`CO;UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEM,EAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAT OF A BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING CITY/COUNTY PAYMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION AND ACTION: Moved by Coilacil;Mcmber Ly and seconded by Council Member Alarcon` to, approved..,Consent Calendar Items 5A, 5B, 5C, 51), 5E, and 5F. The motion unan(tlnously cad by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low;;t y 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Roseimead.Skdte Plaza — Additional Improvements Recommendation: That the City Council approves Option 1 for the installation of landscape and appurtenances in the area around the perimeter of the Skate Plaza. Public Works Director Garcia reported the original plans for the Skate Plaza did not include landscaping, only turf around the skate plaza. The newly installed iron fence changed the grounds of the plaza; staff therefore is proposing additional landscape. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 19, 2017 Page 9 of 16 City Engineer Fajardo described option 1 to include drought tolerant landscape, synthetic turf, a bench, and garbage enclosures; which cost approximately $40,000. He suggested using a tree funding of $20,625 for the proposed improvements. Secondly, staff proposed installing concrete as option 2; however there are further liability concerns. Council Member Ly stated he has been thanked by residents and skaters utilizing the skate plaza. He stated installing trash cans, concrete or turf would make the skate plaza safer for the public. He expressed concerns with installing benches within the skate area which could potentially be used as obstacles. In addition, installing foliage could get destroyed by the public use of th&skate plaza. City Manager Manis explained staff is clumpy type of foliage which could be shrubbery. Council Member Ly asked if by anticipate there being a buffer on Public Works Director Garcia clarified tl increased the slopes aroundthc skate plaza. City Engineer Fajardo replied distance from the original pry issue with the --fence distance a therefore, relocated?the fence f taken inconsideration from the Mayor Thornless Agave as with to,,,install Mondeo grass, a on "aud. hold on better than iron fence, staff did not of the wrought iron fence ought iron fenceIs approximately the same fence,, He explained staff encountered an ng to avpid the roots of the Jacaranda tree; around from the skate plaza, which was not al design. Member Ly on option 1; however not agreed with option 1 and requested to not include the ie landscape. xpressed there is a high lability on the proposed benches in the asked how much experience the landscape architect has with plazas and the design cost. City Engineer Fajardo replied he believed the landscape architect did not have any experience working on skate plazas and the cost of the design was $1,300. Mayor Armenta stated she requested information of the skate plaza which she received the day of the City Council meeting. She addressed according to changes in orders the contractor went over the 100 days of completing the project and there is no certificate of completion filed. She suggested staff look into colleting liquidated damages of $500 a day from the contractor, which could potentially pay for any additions on the skate plaza. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 10 of 16 Mayor Pro Tem Low asked why the skate plaza designer did not include landscape designs in addition to the original design. Public Work Director Garcia replied the skate plaza designer only worked on what was included in the contract of the design of the skate plaza. Mayor Armenta specified enclosed skate plazas do not have any vegetation and the enclosed fence is usually right next to the skate plaza. In addition, she asked City Attorney Richman, if without a certificate of completion, could staff calculate how much liquidated damages the construction company owes the City. City Attorney Richman explained liquidated certificate of completion. In addition, when tl certain period, such as 60 days, you cowl considered delayed. Mayor Armenta asked if it's coi with added days so the contractor City Attorney replied she could not change orders. s the City to file a I on a project for a as far as what is to have,ehauve orders because she does not review Council Member Ly explained a Gautt�chart is used'to know the timeline of a project to complete. Once you.have a critical„path, theoretically you could see how long a project should taloa to complete; -Issues could arise when there are change orders apd,fhe critical paih gets changed, you have to account for the additional, days yodhhve to complete the project. Mayor Armenta referenced a change'order for the wrought iron fence, stating the contractor did nokadd iia} s to,thechange order to complete the installation; as a result 11hey,.owe the -city. She suggested collecting liquidated damages of $50,000 which co'ifbe put back into the skate plaza and go with an option proposed by staff without the benches: She asked staff of the total cost of the skate plaza up to date and if it d s all nublic record. Citi Engineer Fajardo replied he only has the total construction cost of the skate plaza,; which is, $517,118.20 and would get back to Council with the complete cost of the entire project, which is available for public review. City Attorney Richman explained under the Public Records Act staff has ten days to reply to requests with the understanding that staff may be working on other projects and reviewing the requested information to make sure it is disclosable. Mayor Armenta requested staff look into liquidated damages and see how much the City could get back from the construction contractor. Lastly, staff was asked to provide to the total cost of the project. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 11 of 16 City Attorney Richman clarified to the City Council she would look into Mayor Armenta's request and bring back information before the City Council at a closed session meeting. Council Member Ly agreed with Mayor Armenta to pursue the liquidated damage and suggested the council choose the option staff is proposing for the skate plaza. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Low to select option 1 with the exception of the benches, Thornless Agave foliage, and directed the City Attorney to review the construction contract, timeline and report options to pursue liquidated damages. The motion:uhaniriously carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark Low, Ly MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY A. Parks Commission Ordinance (Requested By This item is presented to the Cit Councilmember Ly would like to Council. Council Member Ly stated" park come to fruition. The 1,000 residents when the r five acres pgr,every 1,000 Garvey to incre Mr. Ly as in He] use. The within the at the.'rpquest of Councilmember Ly. xks.Comhission options with the City twenty years the,C;ity has only had one new yaverages .5 acres of park space for every ed average acres per park space are four to He explained both the city's regional parks used over capacity and there is opportunity oposed to create, a_Parks vCommission to focus on identifying potential and�pnrk ainchities . example, the Commission could discuss open i Soutfierii. California Edison right -of ways. There are vacant lands such M man, Avem4 and, Stallo Avenue with two open lot areas which are not in opt mission c iald also discuss joint agreements with school districts, in to it amenities such as a dog park. He reiterated a Parks [on isxjeeded to foster and develop recommendation to the City Council asked if the proposed Parks Commission would be a paid Council Member Ly recommended the five member commission receive a stipend like the Traffic Commission and only meet once a month. Mayor Armenta suggested the Beautification Committee, which has been in existence since 2013, be considered as a commission as well. Council Member Ly expressed support and suggested the City Council could discuss the Beautification Committee at a future meeting. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 12 of 16 Mayor Pro Tem Low asked if there were additional duties Mr. Ly envisioned for the Parks Commission and suggested to include the Beautification Committee to also focus on parks. Council Member Ly replied the Parks Commission would work on identifying park space and park amenities. However, the Beautification Committee does a lot in the City on Beautification projects. Mr. Ly spoke about a previous meeting where Council spoke to Southern California Edison representative about lighting poles, cleaning right -of ways, and Jay Imperial Park. If the City had a commission properly staffed, those items would be talked about n6athly. He requested to direct staff to bring back a draft ordinance to amend the municipal code to include the Parks Commission as a five member board, two, year stagger term and meet once a month. _ Mayor Armenta also requested staff to:_look into changiui ,, the Beautification Committee to a Commission. Council Member Clark suggested in expending, be duties of the Beautification Committee, rather than creating a separate g} imission. She requested staff bring back more information on the commission topic_,,. Mayor Pro Tem Low Parks Commission for Council spaces. research replied stated Member Ly`if residents would address the recreation centers or recreation programs. would only focus on open iformation would require staff to conduct not be in direct contact with Southern Council Member Ly reiterated the Commission would serve as an advisory board like the Traffic, Commission and the Council will make the final decisions. The Commission will have verspectives as residents of Rosemead. Pro Tem Low asked for clarification between a commission and a Mayor,Elfrnenta explained a committee does not follow the Brown Act or Roberts Rule of Order and it's a more informal board. For example, the Beautification Committee has their own bylaws they follow. City Attorney Richman stated it is important to know if there will be a committee or a commission because the Brown Act will apply to a commission. The law looks at a group to see if they are subject to the Brown Act and how formal of an organization it is. To show it is a commission subject to the Brown Act, it is required to codify and give specific responsibilities. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 13 of 16 Mayor Armenta stated since the Beautification Committee posts agendas and has bylaws they should qualify as a commission. City Attorney Richman explained the law looks at the actual responsibilities that have been delegated to the commission under the municipal code. The Beautification Committee goes out to the community as volunteers. Typically, a commission or ad-hoc committee is given specific direction, they meet in a designated place, take public comment, and give final actions or advice to the City Council. Mayor Pro Tem Low suggested having a Parks Committee first, rather than a Parks Commission. Council Member Ly stated it was important to address fdtk,defrciency in the city by forming a Parks Commission. He added the mcfease in mixed-use developments do not have yards or Parks like amenities. Also; the Development Impact Fees collected, there is a potaYitial to buy, more park space?ngw,r°ather than later. Council Member Clark Suggested starting with a parks ad-hoc committee and requested Council Membe> i Ly provide a list:of.the items involving the Parks Commission. Council Member Ly stated charge of the Parks Commis Department would be in MayoxArmenta noted it took three;, -years to get a good Beautification Committee on board: She added'people are mo'e willing to invest more of an effort, if they are given a 'stipend MayorP,ro, Tem Low„suggested`Council Member Ly work with staff to provide a list of moxe responsrbrltties,,for the commission and asked if an agenda would be produced by the commission. Council Member Ly stated discussing potential park space and park amenities will cake a lot of the Commission's time. Staff or commissioners will bring items to thaicomm'ssion to discuss, as well as residents. Council: Member Clark expressed concerns about the potential of a commissioner speaking to the school district about partnering on the Duff School property. Council Member Ly clarified negotiating with the school district is a duty that is performed by the City Manager. He explained when he got elected to the City Council, everything became an opportunity to promote and improve the community. Council Member Clark requested staff to bring back more information on options of commissions versus ad-hoc committees. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 14 of 16 City Manager Manis reiterated staff would bring more information back on different options as far as a commission versus an ad-hoc and outline the duties. Mayor Pro Tem Low expressed concern on creating a new commission, because sometimes there are people who just want to obtain the title and business cards, and may take advantage of the title. She requested language on the ordinance to give the City Council the opportunity to remove the commission if the board is not serving its purpose. City Attorney Richman clarified if the City Council adopts an ordinance, they can repeal an ordinance as well. Council Member Clark suggested including ipthe opliops for additional proposed duties the Beautification Committee could take on. Council Member Ly stated he did nat'support Council Member Clark's request because the Beautification Committe,sbould only focus on beautf cation issues. City Attorney Richman reiterated the Crty Council's'°direction fof staff will bring back those duties that have been identified., `Xr addition, discuss the option of an ad-hoc committee. B. AB 287 Holden Council Member, Ly reported .Stale Assembly Member Holden representing Pasadena/South Pdsadena area, along with State Senator Anthony Portantino are proposing a ban o£.the tunnel option and a potential completion of the 710 freeway`gap, ,He requested the City Council support and sign a letter to oppose the proposed assembly'bill,by Assembly,'Member Holden. AC'IT6N; Moved by,Council Member Ly seconded by Council Member Clark to send a l&i(cr',-Qpposmg AB 287 Holden. The motion unanimously carried by the following vofe AYES:-Alareon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly C. City Council Mayor, -Armenia reported the street sign at Rio Hondo Boulevard and Marshall Avenue; Was not mounted correctly. She reminded employees, who have city issued phones, should also have their city cell phone number on their business cards. Furthermore, she asked staff to look into conducting a class and compensation survey with salaries and benefits to determine what positions are warranted. Lastly, asked staff to look into new city plaques with the city tile or engraved emblem for Council to present at events. City Manager Manis stated staff has received new plaques to formalize certificates for presentations. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 15 of 16 9 9. Mayor Armenta asked for clarification on the dates for the City Council reorganization and swearing in ceremony. She reiterated the reorganization usually takes place on the second meeting of March, and the installation of the new Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem on the first meeting of April. Council Member Ly reaffirmed Mayor Armenta comments, the City Council reorganization will take place on March 28th and the installation ceremony on April 11th Mayor Armenta asked staff to look into having the and the swearing in on April 11th. CLOSED SESSION The City Council will meet in Closed Session A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EV Government Code Section: 54957 Title: City Clerk Mayor Armenta recessed tie meeting at 9:37 City Attorney Richman session. no on March 281h closed session. action taken in closed The meeting"adjourned at 1033 p.m. The neNttegular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on Feb#�y 28,2Q,17, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Sandra Armenta, Mayor Marc Donohue, City Clerk Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 Page 16 of 16