CC - Item 8A - Possible Support for Senate Bill 541 E M A c ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT 1/4pRI TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER " tfr DATE: MARCH 28, 2017 SUBJECT: POSSIBLE SUPPORT FOR SENATE BILL 541 (AGENDIZED BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK) SUMMARY This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Councilmember Clark. Please see a proposed draft letter of support (Attachment A) and the language for Senate Bill (SB) 541 (Attachment B). STAFF RECOMMENDATION Discuss and provide direction to staff. FISCAL IMPACT—None STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT—None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Marc Donohue,City Clerk Attachment A: Draft Letter of Support—City of Rosemead Attachment B: SB 541 Language ITEM NUMBER: 9" E044 --1 Q 9 AS arf1 O CIVI C;pr ni\0 E 911,c PPnll �✓ORA}ED MSC. ° Attachment A Draft Letter of Support — City of Rosemead MAI OR: y RR City of seined nAaTE MAYOR[vlPROO TEM: Pu ow 118J8 E VA) I IY BOULEVARD C1)BI X 399 (OINCIL MEMBERS: ROSEMEAI) CAI!FORMA 91770 Wiuuy1 ALARCU] ��� TEIEPHOXL 16261589-2100 .MAtCARI r CLARK FAX(626)807-9218 SILtLS LV March 28, 2017 The Honorable Ben Allen California State Senate State Capitol, Room 2054 Sacramento, CA 95814 FAX: (916) 651-4026 RE: SB 541 (Allen) Stormwater Guidelines for Schools. NOTICE OF SUPPORT Dear Senator Allen: The City of Rosemead strongly supports Senate Bill (SB) 541, which encourages school districts to partner with local municipalities to address stormwater pollution by calling on the State Water Quality Control Board, the State Department of Education and the Office of the State Architect to develop best practices for water capture design standards for all new school construction and reconstruction. Under the 2012 Municipal Separate Storm Water Sewer System (MS4) permit, adopted by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, cities in Los Angeles County must meet some of the strongest water quality guidelines in the Country. In order to meet these standards, municipalities must spend billions of dollars upgrading infrastructure and storm water capture technology. The City of Rosemead reported expending over $500,000 in fiscal year 2015-2016, and has budgeted $750,000 in fiscal year 2016-2017 to implement its stormwater compliance monitoring program and upgrade its stormwater catch basins for trash controls. The Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management Group (ULAR WMG) Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP) Plan identifies needed capital expenditures of over $110,110.000 by 2037,just for the City of Rosemead, along with another $3,760,000 per year for operation and maintenance costs,to achieve MS4 permit compliance. In many cases, cities are working with their local park districts to find suitable open space sites to capture and treat stormwater, but in many urban areas, particularly in Los Angeles County and the Bay Area, school sites are among the largest parcels in otherwise fully built-out cities. However, because schools are not currently subject to an MS4 permit, there are no water capture standards or best practices for schools to follow. School sites offer a unique opportunity to partner with municipalities to capture and treat stormwater. During construction or reconstruction, a campus can be retrofitted to capture, treat, store and use rainwater with rain gardens, bioswales, cisterns, and native plants. Adding these natural features will also offer students more healthy environments that have been shown to improve concentration, reduce stress, and stimulate creativity. SB 541 provides useful guidelines and best practices standards for schools to partner with cities to locate stormwater projects that improve water quality and sustainability while improving our campuses for generations. For these reasons,the City of Rosemead supports your SB 541. Sincerely, Sandra Armenta Mayor City of Rosemead cc: Tina Andolina, Office of Senator Allen, tina.andolina@sen.ca.gov Assemblymember Ed Chau—Fax: (916) 319-2149 Senator Ed Hernandez—Fax: (916)319-2143 Jennifer Quan, Regional Public Affairs Manager,jquan@cacities.org is M\ ���0 � ,� �OFFORRTEO C9 Attachment B SB 541 Language SENATE BILL No. 541 Introduced by Senator Allen February 16,2017 An act to add Section 17255.5 to the Education Code, relating to school facilities. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 541,as introduced, Allen. School facilities: water capture design standards. Existing law requires the Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, in consultation with the State Department of Education and the Division of the State Architect and the Office of Public School Construction within the Department of General Services, to recommend best design practices that include energy efficiency measures for all new public schools,and to report the recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature by October I, 2003. This bill would require the State Department of Education,the State Water Resources Control Board,and the Division of the State Architect and the Office of Public School Construction within in the Department of General Services, to consult and recommend best design practices that include water capture design standards for all new,reconstructed, or altered public schools, including school grounds. The bill would require these recommendations to be reported to the Governor and the Legislature on or before January 1,2019.The bill would define"water capture" for these purposes. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: no. 99 SB541 —2— The people of the State of California do enact as follows: I SECTION 1. Section 17255.5 is added to the Education Code, 2 to read: 3 17255.5. (a) The State Department of Education, the State 4 Water Resources Control Board, and the Division of the State 5 Architect and the Office of Public School Construction within the 6 Department of General Services, shall consult and recommend 7 best design practices that include water capture design standards 8 for all new, reconstructed, or altered public schools, including 9 school grounds. 10 (b) These recommendations shall be reported to the Governor 11 and the Legislature on or before January I, 2019. 12 (c) For purposes of this section"water capture"means to control 13 water pollutants, pollutant loads, and water runoff volume to the 14 maximum extent feasible by minimizing impervious surface area 15 and controlling runoff from impervious surfaces through 16 infiltration, evapotranspiration, bio-retention,and rainfall harvest 17 and use. Water capture may be used in open space, parks, fields, 18 rooftops, streetscapes, parking lots, sidewalks, and medians. 19 (d) (1) The reporting requirement pursuant to subdivision (b) 20 shall be inoperative on January 1, 2023, pursuant to Section 21 10231.5 of the Government Code. 22 (2) A report submitted by the Legislature pursuant to subdivision 23 (b) shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the 24 Government Code. 0 99