PC - 2017-04 - Approving Design Review 16-02, Conditional Use Permit 16-01, and Zone Change 16-01 for New Hampton Inn & Suites PC RESOLUTION 17-04
WAY IN A C-3/D-O AND A P-D ZONES (APN: 5390-018-036).
WHEREAS, on February 24, 2016, Ivar Eagle, LLC submitted entitlement
applications for the construction of a new Hampton Inn & Suites with 123 guest rooms,
located at 8900 Glendon Way; and
WHEREAS, 8900 Glendon Way is located in a C-3/D-O and a P-D zones; and
WHEREAS, Rosemead Municipal Code Sections 17.28.020(A)(1) and
17.28.020(C) provides the purpose and criteria for a design review; and
WHEREAS, Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.132.040 provides the criteria
for a conditional use permit; and
WHEREAS, Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.152.060 provides the criteria
for amendments to the Official Zoning Map; and
WHEREAS, Sections 65800 & 65900 of the California Government Code and
Rosemead Municipal Code Sections 17.28.020(C) and 17.132.040 authorizes the
Planning Commission to approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the Design
Review or Conditional Use Permit applications; and
WHEREAS, Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.152.040 and 17.152.060
authorizes the Planning Commission provide a written recommendation and reasons for
the recommendation to the City Council whether to approve, approve in modified form, or
deny the Zone Change application; and
WHEREAS, on February 2, 2017, an Initial Environmental Study for the proposed
project was completed finding that the proposed project would have a less than significant
effect on the environment and a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared, in
accordance with the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act, and local
environmental guidelines; and
WHEREAS, on February 2, 2017, twenty-three (23) notices were sent to property
owners within a 300-feet radius from the subject property, in addition to notices posted in
six (6) public locations, on-site, published in the Rosemead Reader, and filed with the Los
Angeles County Clerk, specifying the availability of the application, plus the date, time,
and location of the public hearing for Design Review 16-02, Conditional Use Permit 16-
01, and Zone Change 16-01, pursuant to California Government Code Section
65091(a)(3); and
WHEREAS, on March 6, 2017, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed and
advertised public hearing to receive oral and written testimony relative to Design Review
16-02, Conditional Use Permit 16-01, and Zone Change 16-01; and
WHEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all
testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City
of Rosemead as follows:
SECTION 1. The Planning Commission hereby makes a finding of adequacy with
the Mitigated Negative Declaration and HEREBY RECOMMENDS that the City Council
adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration as the environmental clearance for Design
Review 16-02, Conditional Use Permit 16-01, and Zone Change 16-01.
facts do exist to justify approving Design Review 16-02 in accordance with Rosemead
Municipal Code Section 17.28.020(C) as follows:
A. The plans indicate proper consideration for the relationship between the
proposed building and site developments that exist or have been approved for the general
FINDING: The proposed development is located within a Commercial land use
designation. The applicant has provided a design of high aesthetic quality, which in Staff's
determination will improve the aesthetics of the intersection. The proposed project is
consistent with the Goal 2, Policy 2.7 of the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan
in that the goal and policy call for establishing and applying architectural design review to
new commercial development.
B. The plan for the proposed building and site development indicates the
manner in which the proposed development and surrounding properties are protected
against noise, vibrations and other factors which may have an adverse effect on the
environment, and the manner of screening mechanical equipment, trash, storage and
loading areas;
FINDING: To ensure that the surrounding properties are protected against noise,
vibrations, and other factors, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
specifically addresses mitigation measures. All new lighting will be fully shielded and
directed downwards to mitigate glare on adjacent properties. Conditions of approval have
been incorporated to eliminate adverse effects on the environment as a result of the
proposed project. This development will not generate any permanent impacts to noise
levels for the surrounding area. All construction work will be required to comply with the
timeframe, and decibel levels indicated in the City's Noise Ordinance. Conditions of
approval will specifically address factors such as noise, construction hours, screening of
mechanical equipment, landscaping, lighting, and the overall maintenance of the
C. The proposed building or site development is not, in its exterior design and
appearance, so at variance with the appearance of other existing buildings or site
developments in the neighborhood as to cause the nature of the local environment to
materially depreciate in appearance and value;
FINDING: The proposed project will improve the aesthetics of the corner by
establishing a new hotel development of high architectural quality. The improvements to
the site will provide a marked improvement over the existing appearance of the
intersection of Ivor Avenue and Glendon Way.
The proposed design of the hotel is consistent with the contemporary design of the
Hampton Inn and Suites. The applicant proposes to apply various types of materials to
the exterior walls of the commercial building to break-up the building's profile. According
to the colored renderings, the applicant is proposing a mixture of earth toned exterior
smooth stucco finish throughout all building elevations. The building cornice will be
smoothly finished in an off-white color. Shades of brown colored stone veneer will be
incorporated into the entry treatment and porte cochere. In addition, the applicant is
proposing to incorporate Y2" horizontal reveals along all elevations. As proposed, the
project will not negatively change the appearance of the surrounding built environment.
Notwithstanding this, the approved design will create a development that is an
aesthetic upgrade over the surrounding area and that has the potential to enhance land
values in the general area. This is due to the proposed new building facade with higher
quality materials, a design that blends better with the area, and greatly improved
landscaping and parking lot area.
D. The proposed building or structure is in harmony with the proposed
developments on land in the general area, especially in those instances where buildings
are within or adjacent to land shown on the General Plan as being part of the Civic Center
or in public or educational use, or are within or immediately adjacent to land included
within any precise plan which indicates building shape, size or style;
FINDING: The property is not part of the Civic Center Plan, precise plan or land
reserved for public or educational use, so there is no special need to create harmony with
the general area. Notwithstanding this, the approved design will create a development
that is an aesthetic upgrade over the surrounding area and that has the potential to
enhance land values in the general area. This is due to the proposed new building façade
with higher quality materials, a design that blends better with the area, and greatly
improved landscaping and parking lot area.
E. The proposed development is in conformity with the standards of this Code
and other applicable ordinances in so far as the location and appearance of the buildings
and structures are involved; and
FINDING: This proposed development meets all of the code requirements for the
C-3/D-O zone, hotel specific requirements, and all applicable referenced code sections
of the Rosemead Municipal Code.
F. The site plan and the design of the buildings, parking areas, signs,
landscaping, luminaires and other site features indicates that proper consideration has
been given to both the functional aspects of the site development, such as automobile
and pedestrian circulation, and the visual effect of the development from the view of public
FINDING: Access to the site will be provided via two driveways along Glendon
Way and Ivan Avenue. The subject site will have a total of 125 surface parking spaces,
which includes 95 standard parking spaces, 20 compact spaces, five RV parking spaces,
and five handicapped parking spaces.
New exterior lighting is proposed for the property. New wall mounted fixtures will
be placed along the front, side, and rear of the building. New light standards will be
installed in the parking lot area. All new lighting will be fully shielded and directed
downwards to mitigate glare on adjacent properties.
The proposed design of the hotel is consistent with the contemporary design of the
Hampton Inn and Suites. The applicant proposes to apply various types of materials to
the exterior walls of the commercial building to break-up the building's profile. According
to the colored renderings, which will be available to view at the Planning Commission
meeting, the applicant is proposing a mixture of earth toned exterior smooth stucco finish
throughout all building elevations. The building cornice will be smoothly finished in an off-
white color. Shades of brown colored stone veneer will be incorporated into the entry
treatment and porte cochere. In addition, the applicant is proposing to incorporate Yx"
horizontal reveals along all elevations. As proposed, the project will not negatively
change the appearance of the surrounding built environment.
that facts do exist to justify approving Conditional Use Permit 16-01 in accordance with
Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.132.040 as follows:
A. Approval of the application will not be incompatible or injurious to other
properties or land uses in the vicinity or create conditions materially detrimental to the
public health, safety, and general welfare;
FINDING: The proposed use will not be incompatible or injurious to the other
properties as a hotel is a use that may be conditionally permitted within the C-3 zone.
The City has completed an Initial Study/Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration for the
proposed mixed use project pursuant to Section 15070(b) of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA). The document is intended to be used by the City to evaluate the
project's environmental impacts, if any, to less than a significant level. To ensure that the
surrounding properties are protected against noise, vibrations, and other factors, the
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) specifically addresses mitigation
The applicant has provided a design of high aesthetic quality, which in Staff's
determination will improve the aesthetics of the intersection. All new lighting will be fully
shielded and directed downwards to mitigate glare on adjacent properties. Conditions of
approval have been incorporated to eliminate adverse effects on the environment as a
result of the proposed project. This development will not generate any permanent
impacts to noise levels for the surrounding area. All construction work will be required to
comply with the timeframe, and decibel levels indicated in the City's Noise Ordinance.
Conditions of approval will specifically address factors such as traffic, noise, construction
hours, screening of mechanical equipment, landscaping, lighting, and the overall
maintenance of the property.
B. The use is consistent with the General Plan;
FINDING: The proposed development is located within a Commercial land use
designation. Per the Land Use Element of the General plan, businesses in Rosemead's
commercial districts contribute substantially to the City's tax revenue. For this reason, a
hotel may be developed up to a maximum permitted FAR of 1.0:1 if their projects include
higher design standards. In addition, Goal 2 of the Land Use Element aims to expand
opportunities for concentrated commercial and industrial uses that contribute jobs and tax
revenues to the community.
C. The use is consistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code;
FINDING: This proposed development meets all of the code requirements for the
C-3/D-O zone, hotel specific requirements, and all applicable referenced code sections
of the Rosemead Municipal Code.
D. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with
the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act; and
The City of Rosemead acting as a Lead Agency, has completed an Initial Study/Draft
Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed project pursuant to Section 15070(b) of
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Initial Study has been undertaken
to determine if the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment.
The Initial Study was prepared and completed by Phil Martin & Associates, Inc., acting
as a consultant to the City, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) Guidelines. On the basis of the Initial Study, the City of Rosemead has
concluded that the project would have significant impact, unless mitigated, therefore a
Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared. The MND reflects the
independent judgment of the City as a lead agency per CEQA Guidelines. The project
site is not on a list compiled pursuant to Government Code section 65962.5. The
proposed project is not considered a project of statewide, regional or area-wide
significance and would not affect highways or other facilities under the jurisdiction of the
State of California Department of Transportation.
E. If development is provided for under the Conditional Use Permit, the
project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design
Guidelines in the overlying district.
FINDING: The subject site is not located in an overlying district with Design
Guidelines. However, the proposed design of the hotel is consistent with the
contemporary design of the Hampton Inn and Suites. The applicant proposes to apply
various types of materials to the exterior walls of the commercial building to break-up the
building's profile. According to the colored renderings, which will be available to view at
the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant is proposing a mixture of earth toned
exterior smooth stucco finish throughout all building elevations. The building cornice will
be smoothly finished in an off-white color. Shades of brown colored stone veneer will be
incorporated into the entry treatment and porte cochere. In addition, the applicant is
proposing to incorporate 1/2" horizontal reveals along all elevations.
In addition, the proposed project is consistent with the Goal 2, Policy 2.7 of the
Land Use Element of the City's General Plan in that the goal and policy call for
establishing and applying architectural design review to new commercial development.
that facts do exist to justify approving Zone Change 16-01 in accordance with Rosemead
Municipal Code Section 17.152.060 as follows:
A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the General Plan and any
applicable specific plan;
FINDING: The proposed amendment is located within a Commercial land use
designation. Per the Land Use Element of the General plan, businesses in Rosemead's
commercial districts contribute substantially to the City's tax revenue. For this reason, a
hotel may be developed up to a maximum permitted FAR of 1.0:1 if their projects include
higher design standards. In addition, Goal 2 of the Land Use Element aims to expand
opportunities for concentrated commercial and industrial uses that contribute jobs and
tax revenues to the community. The proposed amendment is not located in a specific
plan area.
B. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public interest, health,
safety, convenience, or welfare of the City; and
FINDING: The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public interest,
health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City. The subject site is currently zoned C-
SID-O and P-D. The proposed amendment would correct the dual zone classification by
changing the subject site to only C-3/D-O, because it promotes good zoning practices.
The City has completed an Initial Study/Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration for
the proposed project pursuant to Section 15070(b) of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA). The document is intended to be used by the City to evaluate the
project's environmental impacts, if any, to less than a significant level. To ensure that
the surrounding properties are protected against noise, vibrations, and other factors, the
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) specifically addresses mitigation
C. The affected site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, operating
characteristics, shape, size, topography, and the provision of public and emergency
vehicle access, and public services and utilities and is served by highways and streets
adequate in width and improvement to carry the kind and quantity of traffic the proposed
use would likely generate, to ensure that the proposed use(s) and/or development will
not endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the property or
improvements in the vicinity in which the property is located.
FINDING: The proposed amendment is physically suitable for the subject site as
a portion of the site is already zone C-3/D-O. Staff has verified that the proposed hotel
would be in compliance with the applicable development standards of the Rosemead
Zoning Code. In addition, a traffic impact study was completed for the project. The Study
analyzes trip generation and level of service impacts upon six nearby intersections.
Based on the traffic study, the project traffic will not cause any of the six studied
intersections to exceed an unacceptable level of service or exceed their existing level of
service. All area roadways will continue to operate within their design capacity. The
project will have less-than signification traffic impacts to the six studied area
intersections. The City Engineer and City's Traffic Consultant has reviewed the traffic
study and finds it acceptable and the study has been relied on in the Mitigated Negative
COUNCIL APPROVAL of Design Review 16-02, Conditional Use Permit 16-01, and
Zone Change 16-01 for the construction of a Hampton Suites & Inn, subject to the
Conditions of Approval.
SECTION 6. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning
Commission on March 6, 2017, by the following vote:
SECTION 6. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall
transmit copies of same to the applicant and the Rosemead City Clerk.
PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 61h day of March, 21 .
Daniel LopMale
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning
Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 6'h day of March,
2017, by the following vote:
Michelle Ramirez, Se�Y`�'
Gregory Tur. y, Planning Commis • Attorney
Burke, William• & Sorensen, LLP