CC - Item 1A - Budget Study Session Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Preliminary Budget Fund FY 15/16 Actual FY 16/17 Budget FY 17/18 Projected General Fund 21,556,436$ 20,994,500$ 21,893,400 Gas Tax 1,228,093 2,081,900 2,496,000 Local Transportation Grant - 35,800 35,800 Proposition A 1,148,886 1,106,000 1,126,600 Proposition C 866,526 877,600 890,900 Measure R 624,084 627,000 637,400 Measure M - - 650,000 Air Quality Mgmt District 72,897 67,000 71,600 Narcotics Forfeiture 1,587 - - Street Lighting District 1,003,326 849,000 875,000 Development Impact Fee - 153,200 129,000 CDBG 632,040 681,700 617,000 HOME 20,273 226,300 207,400 Internal Service 302,440 269,400 279,200 CIP 2,533,029 3,754,300 2,000,000 RHDC 859,934 445,500 140,000 HOME Program 449,376 525,900 441,700 Total City Revenues 31,298,927$ 32,695,100$ 32,491,000$ Highway Users Tax Account (Gas Tax) Increases - Road Maintenance Rehab Acct Section 2030 ◦FY 17/18 partial year allocation of $318,502 ◦FY 18/19 full year allocation is $948,765 ◦Gas Tax Increases $414,100 in FY 17/18, total allocation $1,544,737 Measure M Local Return- $650,778 Potential Grants ◦Urban Greening Grant Program for Duff School Project $855,875 Downside ◦CDBG and HOME federal funding has been decreasing. Fund FY 15/16 Actual FY 16/17 Budget FY 17/18 Projected General Fund 19,558,649$ 21,510,200$ 21,789,800$ Gas Tax 1,337,320 2,070,000 788,200 Local Transportation Grant - - - Proposition A 1,333,204 1,057,000 1,004,000 Proposition C 408,175 392,300 1,007,200 Measure R 140,080 989,100 864,900 Measure M - - 350,000 Air Quality Mgmt District 146,140 16,000 50,000 Narcotics Forfeiture 4,262 4,700 - Street Lighting District 928,376 1,882,900 862,800 Development Impact Fees - 44,900 38,000 CDBG 642,764 681,700 759,200 HOME 20,273 226,300 151,300 RHDC 1,145,883 1,369,500 1,549,600 CIP 1,935,265 4,181,800 2,156,400 Internal Service 208,851 299,000 234,200 Successor Agency 9,215,428 - - Total City Expenditures 37,024,670$ 34,725,400$ 31,605,600$ Revenues FY 15/16 Actual FY 16/17 Budget FY 17/18 Proposed Property Taxes $9,160,946 $8,503,700 $8,902,000 Sales Taxes 4,124,745 5,022,800 5,243,500 Transient Occupancy Taxes 1,998,954 2,000,000 2,100,000 Bldg Permits & Plan Checks 1,727,666 1,400,000 1,470,000 Franchise Fees 1,116,979 1,125,000 1,125,000 Recreation Fees 941,343 918,300 1,033,400 Public Safety 636,223 675,400 665,000 Public Work Permits 550,458 440,000 430,000 Other Fees 1,299,122 909,300 924,500 Total $21,556,436 $20,994,500 $21,893,400 GF Revenues Increases $898,900 (4%) Expenditures FY 15/16 Actual FY 16/17 Budget FY 17/18 Proposed $ Change % Change Legislative $785,166 $934,000 $897,100 ($36,900) - 4.0% City Manager 628,038 636,100 546,400 (89,700) -14.1% Support Services 2,078,868 2,302,200 2,132,300 (169,900) -7.4% Public Safety 8,203,948 8,941,900 9,350,700 408,800 4.6% Public Works 3,400,220 3,761,200 4,243,500 482,300 12.8% Parks & Recreation 2,107,611 2,352,100 2,483,300 131,200 5.6% Community Development 1,758,060 1,747,700 1,736,500 (11,200) - 0.7% CIP 596,738 835,000 400,000 (435,000) -52.1% Total $19,558,649 $21,510,200 $21,789,800 $279,600 1.3% L.A. Sheriff Contract ◦3.8% increase in the cost of a Deputy Sheriff Service Unit – increased $267,616 from prior year. Cost for FY 17/18 is $7,241,800. ◦Increase Liability Trust Account 9.5% to 10% - increased $59,492 from prior year. Cost for FY 17/18 is $701,200. ◦Total L.A. Sheriff Contract for FY 17/18 is $7,943,000. Electricity, water, and grounds maintenance for new parks increases $215k Tree maintenance increases $45k Consultant services increases $100k Salaries and benefits increases approximately $100k due to merit and retirement costs (PERS increases). Electricity (101-3030-5305) Increase due to addition of new parks Current FY 16/17 budget $320,000 Proposed FY 17/18 budget $375,000 Increase $55,000 17%.* *estimate of increase based on new lighting at new parks, Zapopan, Jay Imperial and path lighting project at Rosemead Park. All new lights are LEDs. Water (101-3030-5310) Increase due to addition of new parks Current FY 16/17 budget $250,000 Proposed FY 17/18 budget $320,000 Increase $70,000 28% Current Park Acreage approx. 35 ac. Additional Acreage – Zapopan Park approx. 6.8 ac for full year Jay Imperial Park approx. 3.1 ac for half year (6.2 ac. for full year) Total increase = 6.8 ac + 3.1 ac = 10 ac. = 30 % Grounds Repair & Maintenance (101-3030-5330) Increase due to addition of new parks Current FY 16/17 budget $210,000 Proposed FY 17/18 budget $300,000 Increase $90,000 43%. Current Park Acreage approx. 35 ac. Additional Acreage – Zapopan Park approx. 6.8 ac for full year Jay Imperial Park approx. 3.1 ac for half year (6.2 ac. for full year) Total increase = 6.8 ac + 3.1 ac = 10 ac. = 30 %, add 10 % for contingency = 40%* * RFP for new contract will be released. % for contingency due to increased minimum wage New summer and seasonal camps costs is approximately $45,000, which includes from part time salaries, excursion, and supplies to run the camps. Class instruction increases $35,000 due to the City offering more classes, this will be offset by the revenues coming in. Training costs increases $8,700 this year to provide much needed CPRS training for both full-time and part-time employees. Senior Services division – excursion and community events costs increases $20,000. Revenues Requested Amount Breakdown Summer Camp $34,000 40 participants x $85 per week x 10 weeks Excursions 10,500 30 participants x $35 per week x 10 weeks Total Revenue $44,500 Expenditures Requested Amount Breakdown PT Salaries $25,500 4 staff - 11 hours x 5 days x 10 weeks Excursions 10,500 30 participants x $35 per week x 10 weeks Supplies 4,000 Shirts, arts and crafts projects, sports & game supplies, carom boards, indoor games, and snacks Total Expenditures $40,000 Revenues $44,500 Expenditures $40,000 Balance $4,500 Revenues Requested Amount Breakdown Winter Camp $5,100 30 participants x $85 per week x 2 weeks Spring Camp 2,550 30 participants x $85 per week x 1 week Total Revenue $7,650 Expenditures Requested Amount Breakdown PT Salaries $3,465 3 staff - 11 hours x 5 days x 2weeks Excursions 1,733 3 staff - 11 hours x 5 days x 1 week Total Expenditures $5,198 Revenues $7,650 Expenditures $5,198 Balance $2,452 FY 2016/17 – Budgeted for 55 FT Positions FY 2017/18 – Requesting for 56 FT Positions Requesting to add One FT Position in Public Works (90% GF & 10% Street Lighting Fund) Maintenance Worker Total Fiscal Impact $82,000 & GF Fiscal Impact $74,000 Requesting to Reclassify One Position in Public Safety (100% GF) Public Safety Coordinator to Public Safety Supervisor Fiscal Impact $9,000 Requesting to Reclassify One Position in Finance (100% GF) Accounting Specialist to Senior Accounting Specialist Fiscal Impact $4,100 ACTUAL BUDGETED ACTUAL BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS 2016-17 2017-18 FULL-TIME POSITIONS 2016-17 2017-18 City Manager's Office Parks and Recreation City Manager 1 1 Director of Parks & Recreation 1 1 Assistant City Manager 1 1 Recreation Manager 1 1 Executive Assist. to the City Manager 1 1 Recreation Coordinator 3 3 Office Specialist 1 1 Recreation Supervisor 3 3 Administrative Specialist 1 1 City Clerk City Clerk 1 1 Public Safety Deputy City Clerk 1 1 Public Safety Supervisor 1 2 Public Safety Coordinator 1 0 Sr. Code Enforcement Officer 1 1 Human Resources Code Enforcement Officer 3 3 Human Resources Manager 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 Human Resource Specialist 1 1 Public Works Financial Services Director of Public Works 1 1 Finance Director 1 1 Public Works Manager 1 1 Finance Services Supervisor 1 1 Public Works Superintendent 1 1 Accounting Specialist, Senior 0 1 Accounting Specialist 2 1 Administrative Specialist 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 City Engineer 1 1 Community Development Maintenance Worker 8 9 Director of Community Development 1 1 Maintenance Lead Worker 4 4 City Planner 1 1 Facilities Technician 2 2 Associate Planner 1 1 Assistant Planner 1 1 Housing Project Coordinator 1 1 Senior Management Analyst 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 Grand Totals 55 56 General Estimated Fund Balance at June 30, 2017 18,260,783 Estimated Revenues: Taxes 16,345,500 Intergovernmental 218,100 Licenses and permits 1,900,000 Charges for services 1,033,400 Fines, forfeitures and penalties 615,000 Investment income 75,000 Business License 200,000 Other 1,506,400 Total Revenues 21,893,400 Requested Appropriations: Legislative 897,100 City Manager 546,400 Support Services 2,132,300 Community Development 1,736,500 Parks & Recreation 2,483,300 Public Safety 9,350,700 Public Works 4,243,500 Total Appropriations 21,389,800 Revenues over (under) appropriations 503,600 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in - Transfers out (400,000) Total other financing sources (uses)(400,000) Change in fund balance 103,600 Estimated ending fund balance at June 30, 2018 18,364,383 133% 112% 92% 86% 62% 56% 53% 61% 51% 53% 55% 52% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% General Fund Fund Balance GF FB FY 2017/18 Fiscal Year Budget 2008/09 3,980,374 2009/10 6,794,800 2010/11 21,897,000 2011/12 8,575,000 2012/13 5,000,000 2013/14 12,209,500 2014/15 5,590,000 2015/16 2,825,000 2016/17 3,754,300 2017/18 2,000,000 Total Cost Funding Source Budg et Requ est FY 2015/ 16 A n n u al R e si d e n ti al R e s u rf a ci n g 500,00 0 Gas Tax 500,0 00 B ri d g e M ai n t e n a n c e P r o g r a m 75,000 Gas Tax 75,00 0 T e m pl e Ci t y Bl v d. R e s u rf a ci n g / 1 0 F w y t o G u e s s 475,00 0 Prop C 475,0 00 Tr af fi c Si g n al P ai n ti n g 75,000 Street Lighting Fund 75,00 0 Tr af fi c Si g n al U p g r a d e / W al n u t G r o v e t o R u s h 150,00 0 Street Lighting Fund 150,0 00 - - T o t al - 1,275, 000 Project Total Cost Funding Source Budget Request 1 Garvey Avenue Resurfacing Project $1,100,000 Measure R/Measure M/ Prop C $1,100,000 2 Sidewalk Installation Project 190,000 Measure R 190,000 3 Walnut Grove Underground Project 110,000 Measure R 110,000 4 Battery Backup System Traffic Signals 125,000 Street Lighting Fund/ Measure R 125,000 5 Pavement Analysis 25,000 Prop C 25,000 6 Garvey Center Electric Charging Station 50,000 AQMD 50,000 Total $1,600,000 $1,600,000 Project Total Cost Funding Source Budget Request Garvey Park Restroom Renovations $600,000 General Fund $400,000 Project Required Funding Traffic Signal Upgrade $ 100,000 Ramona South/North Drainage Analysis 235,000 Sidewalk ADA Master Plan 50,000 Tree Planting Project 25,000 GIS System 30,000 Razor Cutting System, Stump Grinder 11,000 City Hall – downstairs, paint, carpet, carpet & conference room 85,000 NPDES CIMP/TMDL 250,000 Refinish Basketball Court at Rosemead Park 25,000 RCRC Audio Visual Installation 35,000 Trash Receptacles 57,000 Acoustic Panels 30,000 25 New Picnic Tables (Garvey & Rosemead Parks) 35,000 Backstop Chain-link Fence for both fields at Rosemead Park 90,000 New Drinking Fountains and Plumbing (Garvey & Rosemead Parks) 20,000 Backstop Chain-link Fence on Original Diamond (Garvey Park) 45,000 New 5 row bleachers (Sports Complex) 19,000 Total $ 1,142,000 Estimated Fiscal Year Project Funding Funding Source Expended Carryover 2013-14 Rosemead Blvd HSIP 430,000$ HSIP Grant - 430,000$ 250,000 Lighting District Funds 166,100 83,900 70,000 Gas Tax 70,000 - 50,000 Measure R 50,000 - Subtotal 800,000 286,100 513,900 Storm Water Cap Dev Prog FY 13/14 50,000 Gas Tax 4,000 46,000 2014-15 Hellman/Del Mar Intersection Improvements 450,000 Gas Tax/STPL 69,630 380,370 50,000 Lighting District Funds 50,000 - Subtotal 500,000 119,630 380,370 Jay Imperial Park 550,000 RMC Grant 550,000 - 50,000 General Fund - 50,000 100,000 TDA - 100,000 Subtotal 700,000 550,000 150,000 2015-16 Bridge Maintenance Program 75,000 Gas Tax - 75,000 Annual Residential Resurfacing 500,000 Gas Tax 396,091 103,909 Estimated Fiscal Year Project Funding Funding Source Expended Carryover 2016-17 Sidewalk Installation Project/Earle Ave, Wells Street 401,000 Measure R 54,480 346,520 City Signage Replacement Project 50,000 Gas Tax 849 49,151 City Wide Striping Project Valley Blvd., Walnut Grove 60,000 Prop C - 60,000 Traffic Signal Upgrade 200,000 Lighting District Funds 16,667 183,333 Beautification Project/Klingerman 50,000 Gas Tax 1,209 48,791 Traffic Safety Analysis 50,000 Measure R 4,600 45,400 Safe Routes to School Project 702,000$ Grant - ATP C2 1,000 701,000$ 140,000 Gas Tax Match funds - 140,000 842,000 1,000 841,000 High Intensity Activated Crosswalk - Mission/Ivar 241,300 Grant - HSIP - 241,300 Hellman/Del Mar Intersection Improvements 185,000 Gas Tax - 185,000 Circulation Study for Klingerman/Angelus 50,000 Measure R - 50,000 Pedestrian Lighting - Rsmd Park 625,000 Lighting District Funds 139,207 485,793 Jay Imperial Park 590,000 General Fund 155,500 434,500 230,000 Lighting District Funds - 230,000 Subtotal 820,000 155,500 664,500 NPDES - Compliance/Monitoring NPDES 120,000 General Fund 10,434 109,566 Total Carryovers 6,319,300$ 1,814,693$ 4,504,607$