CC - Item 6A - Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Funding Request P o S E E -, r41 O ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL Ay I STAFF REPORT K�a� aa,Eo,09 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGEI DATE: JUNE 27, 2017 SUBJECT: ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FUNDING REQUEST SUMMARY The Rosemead Chamber of Commerce is requesting funding from the City. At the February 14, 2017, City Council meeting, the Chamber of Commerce presented a PowerPoint presentation of their proposed business plan. The Chamber of Commerce was asked to come back with additional details to address the City Council's questions and comments. They have enclosed an addendum to the summary presentation(Attached). STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council discuss and provide direction to staff. FISCAL IMPACT This item has an impact of the Fiscal Year 2017/18 Annual Budget. If the City Council approves the funding requested by the Chamber of Commerce, the approved funding amount will be added to the General Fund appropriations. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT-None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by At/rah Linin Marc Donohue, City Clerk Attachment: Addendum to Summary Presentation /' ITEM NUMBER: GA Attachment Addendum to Summary Presentation Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Addendum to Summary Presentation to the City of Rosemead June 27, 2017 Chamber Purpose 2017 Show partnership in ways valued by the City of Rosemead. Identify goals and objectives. Justify our support by the City of Rosemead and the greater Rosemead community. Build awareness of Rosemead Chamber programs and initiatives. Show leadership and commit to sustained action. Be accountable. What is asked of the City of Rosemead The Chamber is growing in membership and services. But we need to increase membership significantly to regain financial stability and serve our purpose of supporting Rosemead businesses and economic opportunity throughout the city. The Chamber respectfully requests a one-time grant of $200,000 as an investment in economic partnership and a shared a vision of a strong community - one that creates and retains jobs and businesses, and provides incentives for our young people to build their lives here. What success means for the City and Chamber When we are successful together, Rosemead business activity will be measurably improved by objective criteria, including sales tax receipts, fees and TOT revenue. The Chamber will have eliminated its annual budget deficit by 2020, created a Business Improvement District for Garvey Avenue, and operationalized digital media marketing initiatives supporting our Hospitality and Restaurants sector. We will have conducted objective economic research applicable to growth and job creation. Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 1 June 2017 Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Addendum to Summary Presentation to the City of Rosemead June 27, 2017 The Chamber today and vision of the future Financial Stability The Chamber previously received support of approximately $45,000 a year (up to 2009) from the State Community Development Fund. The Chamber no longer has received these moneys, when this State -funding program was withdrawn due to the financial crisis. Subsequently, the City has supported the Chamber with $10,000 annually, funded from operating funds. The difference of $35,000 represents an annual structural operating deficit ranging from $25,000 to $50,000. The Chamber's 2016-17 FY budget deficit is $29,200. The Chamber funded these deficits by taking on debt, now approximating $130,000 and costing approximately $6,000 annually in interest. The Chamber has reduced its operating base to one full-time executive. Nonetheless, the Chamber has gradually increased membership annually, extended member services, and supported City priorities. The Chamber has focused on generating new revenue -generating events, with limited cash positive success. The Chamber in 2017 is limited in scale, scope and effectiveness by funding that is insufficient to achieve expectations and needs. Renewed Vision The City of Rosemead and its businesses need an effective Chamber of Commerce to represent existing and new businesses, nurture opportunity and build social equity. The way forward begins with a citywide commitment to economic improvement, with the City, Chamber and private employers mobilized to improve business conditions in sectors that have the greatest potential. The Chamber recognizes the need to expand membership and services. We need to close our budget deficit. We see achievable opportunities in Rosemead's hospitality and restaurant industries, supported by a revitalized Visitors Center. We will seek smart and innovative guidance from objective community research. And as a top goal and organizing principle, we need to prepare, establish and manage a Garvey Avenue Business Improvement District. Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors June 2017 Rosemead Chamber of Commerce ` Addendum to Summary Presentation to the City of Rosemead June 27, 2017 Goals and Objectives 2017-2020 We set two goals for 2017-2020 • Increase membership to 360 dues -paying businesses, up from current 170. • Eliminate the deficit through membership dues and program revenues. To earn this support, the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce must improve its leadership to the business community, operations and programs. Objectives • Staffing: Enhance Chamber activity and effectiveness by increasing its professional staff from one currently to three employees (additional salary and operating expense of $105,000). • Membership: Double membership by 2020 by value increase and innovative membership marketing. • Create a needed Business Improvement District along Garvey Avenue. This critical goal will require feasibility study ($5,000) and eventual allocation of about $70,000 for development and ongoing governance. The Chamber will seek new sponsor funding, including grants. • Digital Media: The Chamber must create modern digital media for Web and mobility applications, for purposes of effective marketing of our city to internal and external audiences. Initial expenditures estimated at $10,000. • Promotion and nurturing of Hospitality and Restaurant industry. The Chamber prioritizes these bases as front-line opportunities for growth and employment. Expenditures are allocated to Staffing and Digital Media. Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 3 June 2017 Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Addendum to Summary Presentation to the City of Rosemead June 27, 2017 • Rosemead Opportunity White Paper: We will explore commissioning a Rosemead Economic Targets of Opportunity White Paper. As a starter, we will seek formal research and analysis of redevelopment of the former Auto Auction Lot; assess values, potential uses, job creation and tax increments. Timeline of objectives over 18 months • Budget Eliminate Chamber budget deficit by 2020. • Staffing: o Director of Membership: Recruitment, membership relations. Hire July 2017. o Director of Marketing and Special Projects: Projects/BID. Hire February 2018. • Membership: to increase from a current 170 to 225, 275, and 360 (2020) • BID: Conduct survey of businesses per needs and benefits of BID. Survey start February 2018. Hire specialized consultant May 2018. Form Business Improvement District, September 2018. Plan activities/operations into 2019. • Digital: Assess peer chamber digital initiatives, web and mobility, September 2017. Develop digital Rosemead map. Relaunch web site, February 2018. Integrate digital map. • White Paper: Form a Chamber professional committee to study, discuss with stakeholders and contact university researchers. Begin committee process October 2018. Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 4 June 2017 .6PcErc_, Rosemead Chamber of Commerce ` Addendum to Summary Presentation to the City of Rosemead June 27. 2017 Defining Success Business activity will be measurably improved by objective criteria. • We target an increase of at least $300,000 in sales tax receipts, licensing fees and TOT revenue to the City. • The Chamber will eliminate its $28,000 annual budget deficit by 2020, with membership dues increasing by $62,000 --not withstanding the increase in its expense base with the staff additions, etc. • We will achieve new fee income of $20,000, including advertising revenue from digital mapping and other digital projects; an increase in event net revenue of $30,000; delegation fees of $10,000, and BID management fee income of $20,000 annually. • Total annual Chamber expense will increase from approximately $170,000 to $300,000, while total revenue will increase from approximately $140,000 to $300,000 or more. Chamber Key Performance Indicators Phased approach over coming three fiscal years • Business activity will be measurably improved by objective criteria, including minimum increase of $300,000 in sales tax receipts, licensing fees, and TOT revenue to the City. • The Chamber will have meetings in May to develop anew Three -Year Strategic Plan, leading to creation of annual budgets each year. • The Chamber Board and CEO will set specific goals and priorities within an annual Business Plan and Budget. Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 5 June 2017 ry Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Addendum to Summary Presentation to the City of Rosemead June 27, 2017 • The Chamber and Staff will review progress: CEO and Staff weekly, reporting progress, variances and opportunities as often as needed, to the Chamber President and, at least monthly, to the Executive Committee and full Board. Management by objectives • CEO: Increase membership from current 170 to 360 businesses by 2020. Increase member dues from $34,000 to $96,000, including sponsorship revenue ($10,000). Increase event revenue from $40,000 to $60,000 by 2020. • Director/Memberships: Achieve membership goals. Increase Business Financial Services revenue from $15,000 to $30,000 by 2020. • Director/Marketing and Special Projects: Drive key projects in Hospitality, digital media marketing and Business Improvement District, in accordance with the Chamber Business Plan, Budget, and CEO measurable directives. Financial targets Discussion Following are financial indicators for the Chamber Board and the City, containing financial highlights through FY2019-2010. These assume receipt of the $200,000 grant request for deliberative purposes and are preliminary at this time. These indicators would form the basis of the upcoming Chamber strategic planning, budgeting, and management goals development activity. Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 6 June 2017 Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Addendum to Summary Presentation to the City of Rosemead June 27, 2017 Highlights Current Budget FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 # Members 170 225 275 360 Avg.Dues $200 $224 $240 $240 Total Dues $34,000 $50,400 $66,000 $86,400 Corporate sponsorships 5 000 $7,500 $10,000 Total Membership Income $34,000 $55,400 $73,500 $96,400 Current FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 Business Services: $17,000 $18,000 $22,000 $25,000 City Contract $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Event Net Income $34,700 $55,000 $60,000 $65,000 Membership $34,000 $55,400 $73,500 $96,400 Rent $7,500 $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 BID feasibility and mgt. fees $0 ($5,000) $10,000 $20,000 Rosemead Report Net ($8,500) ($7,000) ($5,000) $0 Web & Digital Product Net Inc. ($2,500) ($10,000) $15,000 $20,000 Staff Expenses ($75,800) ($150,000) ($175,000) ($180,000) Corp. Exp's./ insur., taxes, interest, etc. ($36,000) ($36,000) ($38,000) ($38,000) Equipment / Software Expense ($6,000) ($8,000) ($8,000) ($8,000) Marketing Expense ($3,600) ($6,000) ($5,000) ($4,000) Total Net Income ($29,200) ($75,600) ($31,500) $16,400 Current FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 Grant Cash Balance $200,000 $170,800 $95,200 $63,700 Net Income ($29,200) ($75,600) ($31,500) $16,400 Net cash $170,800 $95,200 $63,700 $80,100 (Contains no allocation for debt reduction) Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 7 June 2017