CC - Item 5I - Installation of Red Curb Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street E M F it Q. 9 O : . ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL PR's ink STAFF REPORT q _________", �PORATED 199 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS,CITY MANAGE)," DATE: JUNE 27,2017 SUBJECT: INSTALLATION OF RED CURB — ROCKHOLD AVENUE AND MARSHALL STREET SUMMARY At the February 2,2017,Traffic Commission meeting,the Commission reviewed conditions at the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street. The Commission recommended the installation of red curbing, approximately 20-feet, on the southeast and southwest corners of the intersection. The Traffic Commission received a request from a resident to review conditions in this area due to concerns about the lack of visibility created by vehicles parked along the south side of the curb on Marshall Street, near the intersection, for drivers traveling northbound on Rockhold Avenue making a left or right turn onto Marshall Street. Staff reviewed the request with a traffic engineering consultant and recommended that 20-feet of red curbing be added on the southeast and southwest corners of the Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street intersection along the south side of Marshall Street to increase the sight visibility for vehicles turning onto Marshall Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to paint 20-feet of red curb on the southeast and southwest corners of the Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street intersection along the south side of Marshall Street. DISCUSSION Rockhold Avenue is classified as a residential roadway and is approximately 35-feet wide with a posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour(MPH). There are two travel lanes in each direction with no yellow center line. In this area, parking is permitted on both sides of Rockhold Avenue, with the exception of street sweeping restrictions. Land use along this area of Rockhold Avenue is defined as low density residential. Marshall Street is classified as a collector roadway and is approximately 38-feet wide with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. There are two travel lanes in each direction with a yellow center line. In this area, parking is permitted on both sides of Marshall Street, with the exception of street ITEM NUMBER: 5 Z City Council Meeting June 27,2017 Page 2 of 3 sweeping restrictions. Land use along this area of Marshall Street is defined as low density residential. A request was received concerning visibility issues at the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street due to vehicles parked on the south side of Marshall Street, near the intersection encroaching into the curb returns. The section of curbs on the south side of Marshall Street, from the southwest curb return to the first driveway approach is approximately 198-feet in length and the southeast curb return to the first driveway approach is approximately 120-feet in length. The California Manual on Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) provides guidance Section 3B.19 that"At all intersections,one stall length on each side measured from the crosswalk or end of curb return should have parking prohibited." Prohibiting parking for approximately 20-feet (one stall length) from the end of the curb return at the southeast and southwest corners of the intersection at Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street will leave approximately 178-feet of curb space available for vehicles to park on the southeast curb space and approximately 100-feet of curb space available for vehicles to park on the southwest curb space. Parked vehicles are encroaching into the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street creating visibility issues for drivers traveling northbound on Rockhold Avenue and turning right or left onto Marshall Street. Staff has reviewed this site and has determined that by installing approximately 20-feet of red curb to restrict parking in this area will mitigate visibility issues. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this type of roadway improvement is included in the annual Maintenance and Operations budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 under the Public Works Department, Field Services Division. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C)of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT-None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prior to the Traffic Commission Meeting on February 2, 2017, notices were distributed to all affected businesses and residences within a 300' radius of this location. City Council Meeting June 27,2017 Page 3 of 3 Submitted By: S2--- ael M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engineer Attachment A: Area Overview and Detail Site View Attachment B: Diagram of Proposed Plans Attachment C: February 02, 2017 Traffic Commission Staff Report E M S O q � 11 O CIVIC PRIDE ' irluir M CORPORAT h4 Attachment A Area Overview and Detail Site View Proposed Red Curb Parking Restrictions Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street o NA ` 6,71 • h.d G�nw f Anthony ©C fir ©CGnSIrcnEon{SNaKn G ble) 0 8u0(10 1.10 E1747tdaBry t":.Zi 0 m CO ® ® San Bernardino Fwy co..nnm�vl�nn Fw4 E2 San Bernaldrno Fwy m E . • sit- I: , ri 1 E ,1 •4 ii iiim. Proposed 20-foot Red Curb _ . ...--,:zh. ..- smism—pm I,\ -31E . : . mss' r r _._ ...., . ..) ---. . 7 , ... - .! ,-: .... , , • ..- . F . . Ifir!, 1 � x g i li: ,i . HMM./I l,rM1Fa,I,w I ,..,...: ,L . . r.,. . : . • Q } ti a e.:.:".' . ' 'A E M F 1S O t q Q, O CIVIC PRIDE )4 pr. ,- I'l /~..s.__ ATc-RPoRAq h9 Attachment B Diagram of Proposed Plans V N • Proposed 20-foot . <`. 'Mit Red Curb ,:.�.lir -.` .........__ _ ate. L, 00..., �., -- gags gid N ,',!:. Proposed 20-foot '. rx..� _��' Red Curb "--: witc _.. .� ! P,� . -- odd j .� `,,� € E Pies S ( ----re '4 O CIVIC PRIDE liaL.1 ""....' / NI ,NCc)RPpRATED f'c Attachment C February 2, 2017 Traffic Commission Staff Report (---. E M F ,z_ * A 9 ° ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION c,v,c PRIDE STAFF REPORT -4141.:;..,:,--.- - 0 /*oRPORATEo'099 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: KAREN VIGIL, TRAFFIC CONSULTANT DATE: FEBRUARY 02, 2017 SUBJECT: INSTALLATION OF RED CURB — ROCKHOLD AVENUE AND MARSHALL STREET BACKGROUND The Traffic Commission has received a request from a resident to review traffic conditions at the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street. The resident has concerns about the lack of visibility created by vehicles parked along the curb on the south side of Marshall Street near the intersection for drivers traveling northbound on Rockhold Avenue making left and right turn movements onto Marshall Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission propose to City Council that 20-feet of red curb be installed at the southeast and southwest corner of the Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street intersection to increase visibility for vehicle entering onto Marshall Street. ANALYSIS Rockhold Avenue: Rockhold Avenue is classified as a residential roadway and is approximately 35-feet wide with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH. There are two travel lanes in each direction with no yellow center line. In this area parking is permitted on both sides of Rockhold Avenue, with the exception of street sweeping restrictions. Land use along this area of Rockhold Avenue is defined as low density residential. Marshall Street: Marshall Street is classified as a collector roadway and is approximately 38- feet wide with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. There are two travel lanes in each direction with a yellow center line. In this area parking is permitted on both sides of Marshall Street, with the exception of street sweeping restrictions. Land use along this area of Marshall Street is defined as low density residential. A request was received concerning visibility issues at the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street due to the vehicles parked on the south side of Marshall Street near the intersection encroaching into the curb returns. The section of curbs on the south side of Marshall I Traffic Commission Meeting February 02, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Street from the southwest curb return to the first driveway approach is approximately 198-feet in length and from the southeast curb return to the first driveway approach is approximately 120- feet in length. The California Manual on Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) provides guidance Section 36.19 that "At all intersections, one stall length on each side measured from the crosswalk or end of curb return should have parking prohibited." Prohibiting parking for approximately 20-feet (one stall length) from the end of the curb return at the southeast and southwest corners of the intersection at Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street will leave approximately 178-feet of curb space available for vehicles to park on the southeast curb space and approximately 100-feet of curb space available for vehicles to park on the southwest curb space. Parked vehicles are encroaching into the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street creating visibility issues for drivers traveling northbound on Rockhold Avenue and turning right or left onto Marshall Street. Staff has reviewed this site and has determined that by installing approximately 20-feet of red curb to restrict parking in this area, visibility issues will be mitigated. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS Notifications of the proposed improvements were distributed to effected residents and businesses within a 300-foot radius of the location. Submitted by: Rafael M. Fajardo City Engineer Attachments: 1. Resident's Request 2. Vicinity Map 3. Proposed Red Curbs 4. Outreach Notification Traffic Commission Meeting February 02, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1: Resident's Request Silvia LLamas From: Phe Ly Sent Tuesday,October 18,2016 331 PM To: Silvia Llamas Subject Red Curb Paint Request Hi Traffic Location, My name is Ply and I'm a resident here In Rosemead at , I would like to request a red curb to be painted on Marshall due to safety reasons.As you go north on Rockhold at the stop sign where Marshall&Rockhold meet there's a blind spot making a right or left due to cars parked along the curb.The red curb should be on the south side of Marshall painted 20-30 ft. If there's any questions feel free to call or email me.Thank you. Pha Ly 1 Traffic Commission Meeting February 02, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 2: Vicinity Map .------,...--z.&..;f,:. .-ter �, • - . " ._- _ til A _ _� Marshall Street '"` r ',. 38' . ... 19;' i 120' l /, ;, 4 35, . moi : ', , -4 . ., . k. . . , 11414%44.1 414141,044.4.441" 1 r -I.-. s 0 ALF fi Attachment 3: Proposed Red Curbs w, ' - .�`' 4 2:4 IT .. c -� . 1 At ilt ~_ ~- 20, S ` _ dais Mars -_ "al/ — . i :'sua LEGEND Recommended 20'feet of red curb on the southeast and southwest corners of the Rockhold Ave and Marshall St intersection