CC - Item 5B - Minutes of July 11, 2017MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND CITY COUNCIL AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR JOINT MEETING JULY 11, 2017 Closed session The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 6:06 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Ly, Council STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City McKinney, Director of Public Works Ramirez, I Valenzuela, Director of Finance Lieu, Director of Donohue 1. WORKSHOP A. AB 1826 Food Waste D1.yeis on & Rate Director of Public We workshop aeenda item. Armenta, and Clark iey Rickman, Assistant City Manager Director of Community Development and Recreation7Chacon, and City Clerk provided background on the Jeff Snow, Republlc: Services;: Unified School District, Santa Ana Unified School District, Huntington Beach Union High School District, and pilot programs are starting this year for Los Angeles Unified School District. He noted Republic Services will aggressively be pursuing partnerships with school districts in the City of Rosemead. Council Member Armenta asked how Republic Services is going to work with school districts in the City of Rosemead who have a different trash hauler. She referenced Garvey School District who has a different trash hauler. Mr. Snow noted Republic Services will be in contact with those trash haulers to seek staff support and endorsement to develop,, partnership for a food recovery program. Council Member Clark asked who Council Member Armenta Mr. Snow continued with the pre§eillation, Council Member Armznta noted she utift] she does not believe the;burden should be Republic Services is workingwith.the City to Rosemead residents. Mr. SR--jiofed AB 1826 at, resideiftfil rate impact on this Council s trash hauler is. Disposal. > this is an unfunded mandate, but on to the residents. She asked how ure raised rates are not detrimental sector only and there is no rPoint slides state all the burden should successful. Mr. Sno%W Wiwi it w6uld include'car dealerships and all the different commercial business whi'6 ay not be in a particular tier. He noted the rate allocation strategy v Auld apply tlie; cost to, "all commercial establishments and all bin service Directnr-of Puble,'Works Ramirez noted Republic Services has three different rates within in theCit'�'She stated only the commercial rate would be increasing and not the residential* industrial rate. Mayor Low clarified if apartments and multi -units are considered commercial. Mr. Snow noted they are required to have organics recycling of green and wood waste, not food waste. But they are in the segment of commercial customers where their rate will be impacted. Mayor Pro Tem Ly expressed his concern over potential rate increases. He noted rate increases can be devastating to local business who are just getting by. He referenced an article in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune which discusses recycling Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 2 of 14 items going to landfills instead of a recycling center. He noted the blue recycle bin in City Hall even includes waste mixed with the recycling items. He stated adding an additional bin will confuse residents. Council Member Clark if everything goes into one bin, how could it not be contaminated. Mayor Pro Tem Ly expressed concern when referencing the article which states waste and recycling items are being co -mingled. He noted the contract with Republic Services began five years ago and the City is still having this issue. Mr. Snow noted source separation is required.by'law and source separation done properly will enhance diversion and recoyefy,by at least 50%. He noted everything going in to one bin will cause contamrnatioh. He'stated contamination in the blue bins has now eclipsed 20%. Council Member Clark asked wfi the blue bins in Ros 'm*ad go Mr. Snow noted blue bin materials in the,City of Roseniead,go to Republic Services' CVT facrhty'in Anaheim, CA He, noted everything gets eparated at the facility and it could be ve'iyicgstly. Council Member Clark nested it- tiVould make `sense if some of the separation occurred at_the household so it wouldtiot,l�e as costly_to separate when picked up by City Mager Mani s:asked if it vyoj id be possible to blend in a rate increase over time. Council Member Clark feferenced Council Member Armenta's question about the fund wasted rn se1ool cafe, erias and asked if there is any legislation which would allt?yy food whA', n't been touched, to be donated to someone in need. Coun- cil<Member:nenta noted students are required to have a certain amount of food on their, plate; even if the food is not eaten, they are required to take it. Mr. Snow stated the Emerson Good Samaritan Act provides complete indemnification for organizations who wish to donate pre -consumer food. Council Member Clark clarified if its food which has not been on someone's plate but it's expired and they are unable to sell it, would be eligible to be donated. Mr. Snow shared an example of Albertsons Grocery Chain where 68% of the food they don't sell is donated to local pantries. The remaining 32% is collected by trash haulers where it's environmentally recycled as soil. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes ofJuly 11, 2017 Page 3 of 14 Mayor Pro Tem Ly referenced the news article which stated different trash haulers have different standards as to what is considered recyclable. He asked how Republic Services is getting the word out so customers are not throwing recyclable items in to waste bins. Mr. Snow noted Republic Services trains their customers through education and outreach. Mayor Low asked if different trash haulers do have different standards as to what is considered recyclable. Mr. Snow answered affirmatively. Mayor Pro Tem Ly used an example container and there is still food residu recycle, or organics bin. He also ' residue of the coffee. Mr. Snow noted if the container is the blue bin and if it was wet and s Council Member Mr. Mr. Snow not( organics waste divug to chara of exactly how IiX CounciI-Winb qualify for a-:ce the goes to e�wasao,'eat a meal out of a styrofoam the containe,r, would it go in the waste, d a coffee a]ip, which may include some ty, clean, and'dry, it would go in go into the black bin. goes. and outreach for the to the 4 tiers, what is required for 1;e1911 tablishment generating 4 cubic yards a week or more of ated'.epublic Services has a consultant who does dumpster the waste. This allows Republic Services to create a snapshot yards a week each customer uses. irk asked if Republic Services sends out a bin to customers who tier. Mr. Snow answered affirmatively. He noted Republic Services sends an outreach specialist who will provide education to the businesses. He stated tier 3 starts in January 2019, which will exponentially expand the program to include every single business which has any food waste. Council Member Clark asked if this program will affect residential at any point. Mr. Snow said it will not come to residential. He noted the garage disposal in households go straight to waste/water plants Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 4 of 14 RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:07 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Ly, Council Members Alarcon, Armenta, and Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City Attorney Richman, Assistant City Manager McKinney, Director of Public Works Ramirez, Interim Director of Community Development Valenzuela, Director of Finance Lieu, Director of Parks and -Recreation Chacon, and City Clerk Donohue PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by INVOCATION was led by Council 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Hector Chavez, Coach of Hits" threaten the Hitsville Basketbal off the street, in a safe enviror Council Member Ami -,nta and wants to keep,Hitsville"Basket for the kids i"are part ctpati Mayor Low nce of to pay. Council N he and his 3. PRESENTATIONS cu&sed recent changes in fees that would ,d hi8hasketball program helps keep kids and nrenarine them for life. He thanked the issue. He stated he ad at a reasonable rate on the issues which Mr. Chavez ran into. Parks & Recreation Department to pay off period, which would have been impossible coming to the meeting to speak on his issue. on behalf of the City to Mr. Chavez for everything A. Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District Presentation Patty Cortez, Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, provided an overview of their local water supply. She discussed California's drought progression, where local water supply comes from, total water use and rainfall statistics, and the Upper District's programs for conservation and education. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 5 of 14 Council Member Clark asked if there is another additional phase for Savannah Memorial Park in the surveying and retrofitting program. Ms. Cortez noted the District did meet with representatives from Savannah Memorial Park a few months ago and there was a point where Savannah Memorial Park was going to provide the District with the planting plans for the area. The District is also waiting to see if they need infrastructure replacement which can be covered by large landscape. Council Member Armenta ask how the City could partner up with the District to extend the recycled water pipeline from the sou�therp part of the City to the northern part of the City. Dan Arrighi, San Gabriel Valley Water C6mpany, stated there is less recycled water today because of the recent droughf Tae rioted there-is.a high demand for recycled water. He stated the San Gabriel valley Water Companys currently working on a 5 -phase recycled water project'jhe cities of South E%l-, to and El Monte. He noted the City of Temple City also requested to bring recycled;water up Rosemead Boulevard and the cost was about a million dollars per mile Council Member Clark inquire about sdalpixlg plants. Mr. Arrighi stated a scalping pidut-is,,when yoq? go up north before it gets to the sanitation} districts and yon.put a snn all:;plant that scalps the sewage, treats it and uses it-joealiy.,-He- noted the City �of "iar8mont is looking at doing something snm&l He stated .that is als&,takes awav fro ii the water the sanitation districts well and asked if more water could be Mr. Arrnghn stated the'well is dropping 6/10' of a foot per week. He noted if ,more water is noi!Wded to, be basin, the key well is not going to come back up. He S water froiri%te north to be purchased and it's about $800 per acre foot. item IC for as the next item on the agenda. There were no obj C. Parks & Recreation Month Proclamation Mayor Low presented the Parks & Recreation Month proclamation to the Rosemead Youth Basketball Team. Council Member Armenia recognized Reaction Coordinator, Bernie Galindo, for fixing a glitch for the 4 I of July carnival. She expressed her appreciation to Ms. Galindo for being such a loyal and hard diligent worker for the City. She also thanked the rest of the Parks & Recreation staff who are the forefront for the City's activities and community events. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 6 of 14 Mayor Low and Mayor Pro Tem Ly reiterated Council Member Armenta's thoughts. B. California Choice Energy Authority Presentation Michael Chapin, Connor Energy, provided an overview of the California Clean Energy Authority (CCEA). He discussed the definition of community choice aggregation, sample electricity bills under the program, reasons other California Cities are establishing CCA's, and how the City could get started in the program. Council Member Arrnenta stated she requestedthi could get a different perspective from thq p!res Angeles County. She noted the difference being,-, rates and the City has no control. She staiedshe're from the City of Pico Rivera and th6y,,bad expre program and potential revenue frwnlhe program. Council Member Clark asked if 3 presentation so the City Council -.1nation that was given by Los Los Angeles County dictates the c'ently spoke to the City Manager ssedjheir excitement to join the would gain any reveniie,.from this program. need the PowerPoint slide where it shows the the line'ztem where it states "MCE Electric „the City'instead of Southern California Edison :tired to dictate what the rate would be. 11 pay;heir bill- to SCE and then SCE would i portion't4 a lockbox at the Joint Power er. He stated customers also have the option less than 5% of customers in the program can opt in and out of the program. opt out of the program at no cost during the initial determines the cost to the City for energy. Mr. Chapiri stated the energy is bought on a whole sale market. It is the same process followed by SCE. Mayor Low asked how many customers of the cities who have already opted into this program have saved money. Mr. Chapin stated 100% of all customers who have opted in the program have saved money. He noted the savings vary from 1 % to 12% but across the board, the average is 3-5%. Mayor Low clarified if the rates are set by the City Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 7 of 14 Mr. Chapin answered affirmatively. Through analysis, Connor Energy would present statistics on what SCE is charging and what they recommended the City should charge. Council Member Clark asked if the City would be purchasing the energy themselves. Mr. Chapin answered affirmatively. He noted the City would be scheduling power to the residents and businesses in the boundaries of the City and the power would be sourced from the City. He stated Connor Energy would work with the City to develop an implementation plan. City Manager Manis asked if the revenue generated from the program is only restricted to energy programs or if the Crty eould.itse them towards parks programs or Sheriffs related costs. Mr. Chapin noted the revenue: is;geared towards energy'Mated program services but they have seen how the revenue.has been a benefit towks other funds. Mayor Low clarified.;ifthere is a restrictiQn du how the funds Mr. Chapin stated they liake not seen any forriial,restriction on funds. He noted the restriction has been there -has been enough uses for_energy related purposes. form will be used if they were to to state how the funds will be used. He programs and the range is very broad. funds could be used for underground utility how many cities are currently in this program. Mr. Chapin stated4 e number of cities that have a working program today is about 60-70. i noted by the end of this year or the beginning of next year, the number should be double today's amount. Council Member Clark asked if the City has to make a profit or if it could just break even. Mr. Chapin stated the City could pass all the savings to the customer if they decide to do so. He noted ideally, the City should save a little for reserves. Council Member Armenta noted even if the City does not join the program, residents still have to pay the same fee to SCE. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes ofduly 11, 2017 Page 8 of 14 Council Member Clark asked if SCE's representative wanted to say a few words. Sal Ramirez, SCE, noted there are restrictions on what he can say but SCE does support the customer's right to procure their energy from whoever they want. He stated the item is very complex and encouraged everyone to do their homework. Mayor Low asked if the counties listed in the list of agencies participating in the program are the entire county or cities within those counties. Mr. Chapin noted the list is a road map of program. Mayor Low asked staff to research and 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Public Hearing on the Community,,;Developrr Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2017-18 Recommendation: actions: 1. Conduct a the exploring the option to join the program. Block City Council HOME Programs the following blic,testimony on the Annual Action — Jun&30. 2018. 2-1;pprove the CDBG and,HOME funding recommendations, authorizing the submittal of ;he City's �FY 2017-18 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. City M4fi ger "to execute all appropriate and necessary geive funding and implement approved use. Awar&,the follower public service agencies with CDBG funds and authorize Elie City Manager to execute agreements: Code Enforcement - $166,350 • Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley - $5,000 • Santa Anita Family Service - $5,000 • Southern California Housing Rights Center - $10,000 • Senior Nutrition Program - $76,100 (Morrison Management Services $49,100 contract and staff costs $27,000) 5. Authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with Barr & Clark, Inc. and Lead Tech Environmental for lead based paint and asbestos testing, assessment, and clearances tests of properties according to federal and state laws in a combined amount not to exceed $11,000. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 9 of 14 6. Award $2,000 of HOME funds to the Rio Hondo Community Development Commission to defray certain costs for the operation as the City's Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary operating and service agreements. Director of Public Works Ramirez stated the City has been notified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that Rosemead will be receiving $646,913 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18, which is a 2.52% increase from its FY 2016-17 allocation, and $234,004 in HOME funds, whichIs a 7.15% increase from its FY 2016-17 allocation. When combined with projected carryover funds and projected program income, the City anticipates hay -in - g,; total of $782,013 of CDBG funds available and $881,405 in HOME fund/ ayIailable for FY 2017-18. A list of staff - endorsed projects has been developers based on )'ending requests and ongoing CDBG and HOME funded activrt* All the proposed pr�cts meet the CDBG and HOME eligibility requirements Council Member Armenta stated being eliminated. these programs Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated based on the discussions during the Federal Lobbyist interviews today, the programs are, -.:fully funded,for this year and the House of Representattves.and the Se ke will lie looking toTund it in next year's budget. He noted there seem§:,to be no'bi-paxttsan support for the President's budget to stated they were pleasantly surprised to see Mayor Low opened=the public hearing at 8:01 p.m. no request tp speak,, i public hearing was closed at 8:01 p.m. ACTION: Moved', by Mayor Pro Tem Ly and seconded by Council Member Ann&&Y to appi�aye the recommended actions. Motion was carried by unanimous vote: AYES Ala►con, Armenta, Clark, Ly, and Low 5. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2017-29 Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 10 of 14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,579,079.95 NUMBERED 96625 THROUGH NUMBER 96820 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2017-29 Resolution No. 2017-11 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ROSEMEAD ALLOWING C1 DEMANDS IN THE INCLUSIVELY, WHI A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt B. Approval of The City Council will City Manager's. I( >EMEAD AS THE AD COMMUNITY THE CITY OF CLAIMS AND LUMBERED 10215 benefits adjustment to the lect the changes that were that the City Council approve adjustments in Dyment agreement to mirror and reflect the ;Service Unit. ACTION: Moved b'y�Mayor>I?ro Tem Ly'and seconded by Council Member Armenta to =. approved the Consent,--Calendar-.Mems A and B. Motion was carried by unanimous vote: AYES::,Alarcon, Armerita, Clark `Ly, and Low 6. MATTERS JH ROM CITY, MANAGER & STAFF A. Updated Duff Scl ool Joint Usage Agreement & Site Development Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the updated joint usage agreement and proposed site development plan as well as provide direction on funding source in the amount of approximately $400,000, should the City not receive grant funding. Director of Parks & Recreation Chacon stated staff reinitiated discussions with the Garvey School District to inquire about their plans for the former Duff School site, which lays adjacent to Garvey Park to the West. The Garvey School District informed staff that there is a possibility the school may reopen in the future, but Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 11 of 14 would be agreeable to updating the current joint usage agreement for the property to allow the site to be used as park and open space for the community. He noted the City has applied for the California Natural Resource Agency's Urban Greening Grant in the amount of $987,000. This would include the proposed site developments in addition to upgraded landscaping and greening components that are requirements of the grant. Grant recipients are expected to be announced in November 2017. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Ly and seconded by Council Member Alarcon to approve the recommended action. Motion was carried by unanimous vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Ly, and,Low City Manager Manis noted the City should beai about the grant by November 2017. He stated before City funds are used, the(i to hear if the City is awarded the grant. 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & A. Energy Upgrade California (Agendized by Council Member Recommendation: Discussand provide direction to staff. Council Member Armentastated4his:resolution.would encourage the community to save their, 9pergy and expresses the ,City's support of the Energy Upgrade Sal Ramie?, Soutli6na California -,Edison, stated the Energy Upgrade California initiative are -programs which already,exist and the City is already taking advantage of blexeiteratec� Council IVlember Aunenta's thoughts and stated this resolution is to encourage the community to take advantage of energy saving programs. Mayor Low siaG d this resplution basically says the City supports saving energy. will push this information out on the City's social its website. ACTION Moved",by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Alarcon to approve the recommended action. Motion was carried by unanimous vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Ly, and Low B. City Council Comments Council Member Clark asked if the City Council should revisit the fee schedule due to the issues which were brought up during public comment. Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated he wasn't sure if the issue had to do with the actual fees, rather when fees were due to be paid. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 12 of 14 Council Member Annenta noted the issue also had to do with an increase in fees. She noted the City needs to be cognizant of how it raises their fees because it affects programs in the community. City Manager Manis noted he has spoken with staff and their goal is to be as friendly as possible and accommodate individuals who can't pay fees upfront. Mayor Low clarified if the policy states individuals have to pay upfront. She noted staff follows the policy but staff should be sensitive to individuals who have issues paying upfront and work out a solution with them. City Manager Manis noted there aregrogps wlio use City facilities who have outstanding bills and end up not paymg.the;;CitJ;. He stated the City's practice in those situations is to not allow those groups to signup for an additional year until their balance is paid off. Council Member Clark asked staff to revisit the fee schedu7o. City Attorney Richman stated at 1 item back to a future. Civ. Council tion has be 'given to bring the can be discussed then. Mayor Pro Tem Ly thanked everybody inVd&ed in what was a wonderful Ors of July run, parade, festival, d fir&Wojrk show. He ,commended staff as a whole for helping out with. the eventHe stated it`looks like, -the illegal fireworks were less from last year rri the north end;of town, Hotvaver, the south end of town sounded like tbere;was abukdance of ilicgal;lreworks: 4 Re stated staff found over $23,000 worth def fines. He noted the City needs to continue the education on fireworks and hand out fines,when necessary. Councif�Member momenta noted staff needs to be sensitive to those individuals who cannot pay fees upfroiit.,She noted-Hitsville has been operating in the City for three years and had not had"' 44-y issues until they received an email from the Parks and Recreation Depainent and there was no budging from staff. She asked the City Manager to look into this situation. She reiterated Mayor Pro Tem Ly's comments regard the 4th of July event. She thanked Director of Parks and Recreation Chacpgand his staff for their work on the event. She suggested all input about the evenY'he taken into consideration for next year's 4th of July event. She stated the 4rh of`July event puts the City of Rosemead on the map. Mayor Low thanked staff for their work on the 4th of July event. 8. CLOSED SESSION The City Council will meet in Closed Session to discuss the following items: A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4): Number of Cases: 1 Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 13 of 14 9. B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2): 2 Potential Cases Mayor Low recessed the meeting at 8:31 p.m. to closed session and reconvened at 9:12 p.m. City Attorney Richman stated there was no reportable action taken in closed session. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m. The next regular take place on June 27, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rose APPROVED Polly Low, Mayor Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2017 Page 14 of 14 ,ouncil meeting is scheduled to City Hall Council Chamber. Marc D046hue, City Clerk