CC - Item 5B - Minutes of June 27, 2017MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND CITY COUNCIL AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR JOINT MEETING JUNE 27, 2017 Closed session The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 5:32 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Ly Council STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City McKinney, Director of Community Development Parks and Recreation Chacon, and City Clerk,Dor�� 1. CLOSED SESSION The City Council will meet m Closed Session Alarcon, Armenta, and Clark Assistant City Manager Finance Lieu, Director of the following TO REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council, and the Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:05 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Ly Council Members Alarcon, Armenta, and Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City Attorney Richman, Assistant City Manager McKinney, Director of Community Development Ramirez, Director of Finance Lieu, Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon, and City Clerk Donohue PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Pro Tem Ly Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page I of 19 ITEM NO. 5.B INVOCATION was led by Councilmember Armenta 2. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Renaldo Ludibya of Remax Pasadena, inquired on a property within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan for a possible variance to allow various types of business options. City Manager Manis referred Mr. Ludibya to the Planning staff to address his questions regarding the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Maria Wirth spoke about issues surrounding the stated there was an increase of homeless enear Wirth questioned how the City planned on addr'e the park site at Falling Leaf Avenue and Pini St on park benches. Lastly, she spoke on pas£.rnail fireworks. City Manager Manis explair plans to deter people from s Chief of Police has increase City receiving reports on ille Deputies were Assistant City Genevieve Angeles C RayJan, Executive Coun6if,'for their sul Team alortuvith the Ms. Urquidi sit Flag was flown of the development of the Jay Imperial Park, she apuierits Tong the Alhambra Wash. Mrs. ssing noise ooncerns, illegal dumping near •eet, and deterring homeless from sleeping burglaries in her neighborhood and illegal Mrs. Wirth, staff copld implement bench improvement g on the park beirches. As for the illegal fireworks, the 1' of,Speriff Deputies for July 3`a and July 4th due to the cworks: 'Mr. ManisOtated the postal service and Sherriff robberies'o`oqurring and;gsked Mrs. Wirth to speak to roject Coordinator for the Red, White, and Blue Team, Los City Couneilsnd staff for partnering with Walmart and the eooxdmatingti 4th of July run for veterans. The Red, White, it o%eanizafidri,whose mission is to enrich veterans lives of the. Rosemead Chamber of Commerce, thanked the City the YtBd, White, and Blue Team. The Red, White, and Blue of Commerce presented an American Flag to the City. equest of Honorable Congresswoman Judy Chu, an American nited States Capitol on June 12th, 2017, for the City of Rosemead. Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated he brought forward the idea back to incorporate the 4th of July run again to provide a recreational activity to help veterans get engaged and participate in the community. He commended and thanked the Red, White, and Blue Team for their efforts in helping veterans. PRESENTATIONS A. Rosemead Queen Presentation Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 2 of 19 Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon introduced 2017 Rosemead Queen Kayla Trinh. Kayla Trinh, Rosemead Queen, thanked City Council and staff for the opportunity to represent the City of Rosemead. The City Council presented Ms. Trinh with congratulatory roses and a crown. B. Beautification Award Winners James Berry Beautification Committee Member4iirlounced the 2017 Beautification Award winners. The winners included Louis Lora for maintenance and visually appealing overall landscape and Blanca, lanca Bau-11 fista.i'or her xeriscaping a sustainable turf tolerant landscape. Council Member Armenta recognised the Beatification sub -committee Liaison Pat Piatt for his work on the committee. She commended Mtjames Berry for his integral part on the committee" as well as „and Mr. Brian, Lewin and the Beautification Committee for their dedicate4 work. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS - N 5. CONSENT 0 • Resolution No 2017-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROS.,EMEAD; CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND',DEMA-IIS IN THE SUM OF $781,094.92 NUMBERED 96475;TgROUGH NUMBER 96624 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Adopt Resolution No. 2017-28 • Resolution No. 2017-10 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $3,350.00 NUMBERED 10214 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes ofdune 27, 2017 Page 3 of 19 IC C. W Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2017-10 SA City Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the minutes from the regular meeting on June 13, 2017 and the special meeting on June 19, 2017. Landscape Maintenance Services for City Parks, Facilities and, Public Right -of - Way: Award of Contract Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mariposa Landscape, Inc fot,a fixed annual cost of $246,288 for the first two (2) years, with an option of three`(3) one-year extensions. Probation Officer Contract Renewal; Recommendation: That the City, Council approve the' agreement with the Los Angeles County Probation Departand authorize the Cr anager to sign any necessary documentation. E. School Resource Recommendation Union High Sch amount;of $98,8 F. Adoption ofthe rrM koiumendatioi the FY 20,17-18 , of the ConstlEi4tic That theCity Council; approve'the agreement with the El Monte A District -for assist ,in funding the SRO position in the Year 2017-18 Appropriation Limit icil adopt Resolution No. 2017-25 approving according to Article XIII -13 (Gann Initiative) of Savannah Elementary: Award of Contract Rec&nmendationt� hat the City Council (1) approve the plans and specifications for the Safe Rout69 o School Program, Savannah Elementary; and (2) authorize the City Manager -46' enter into a contract with Green Giant Landscape Inc. in the amount of $660,640.00 and authorize a contingency in the amount of $ 66,000.00 (Approximately 10%) to cover the cost of any unforeseen construction expenses. H. Installation of Reb Curb — East Side of the Driveway Apron at 8849 Mission Drive Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to paint 2 -feet of red curb on the east side of the driveway apron at 8849 Mission Drive. I. Installation of Reb Curb — Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 4 of 19 6. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to paint 20 -feet of red curb on the southeast and southwest corners of the Rockhold Avenue and Marshall Street intersection along the south side of Marshall Street. J. Approval of Parcel Map No. 74334 — 9352 & 9354 Valley Blvd Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve Parcel Map No. 74334 and direct the City Clerk to arrange fox„the recordation of the map. Mayor Pro Tem Ly explained under the C4li'fc Council Member seat serving in the rii f y *a meeting. He requested to amend thg,mintites to meeting. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Tro,Tem Ly and Alarcon to approve the Consent Calendar it s, with amendments to the minutes. Motion was.carr Alarcon, Armenta, OY#k, Low, and Ly ` MATTERS FROM CITY a that the nia Military Veterans Code a not considered vacant for one tate he was not absent for the ;conded.,by Council Member B, C, D, E;�, G, H, I, and J, by a unanimogs vote: AYES: Council discuss and provide .Rosemead Chamber of Commerce were to present to the City Council. 'olhns, E&ecutrve,Board Member to the Chamber of Commerce, stated the was preaantxto answer any questions the City Council may have regarding revious regixest for funding. Mayor �i'ro TemE;i q asked the Board to highlight key items, explain the overall request amotitttt ad what the funding would be going towards. Mr. Collins explained the amount the Chamber of Commerce was asking for is a one-time payment of $200,000 to be used to hire additional staff for marketing events as well as to help bring in other businesses into the City. Robert Oehler, President of the Chamber of Commerce stated the Board was building a plan to take the chamber's activities to the next level and conduct special outreach programs bid proposal. Also, the implementation of digital products and services such as a map, a dedicated person to facilitate promotion of hotels and Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 5 of 19 restaurants. The goal of the Chamber is to be self-sufficient and enhance the revenue of the City through the Transient Occupancy Tax. Paul Chen Chamber Board Member stated the City Council expressed concerns on their return on investment. He explained, the Board forecast continued memberships, new memberships, implementation of digital services and maps and marketing partnerships, the Board was confident to forecast an increase of sales tax revenue to the City. Lastly, the Chamber would become financially self-sufficient. Council Member Armenta inquired as to what the City on their investment. Mr. Chen replied with the funding, the; Chamber equipment, new professional staffing, and profe: services and related work. The additional staff wouh which would increase fee revenues and become creating more programs with th6]iotels, motels and revenues in two to three years Mayor Pro Tem Ly inquired, as to the $300,000 in additiona,ts etax,-Iicens to the City under the pe fgnnanee nd Mr. Oehler rept edthe an increase on the=T match was .T re on the Chamber is offering was going to invest in new ional consultants to provide work to drive up membership, moe,;,sufficient. In addition, ,stauram members to drive up of how the Chamber projected Transient Occupancy Tax revenue V ed ,ast trends in the past the City has had mcy Tax revenues without the additional to implement. He stated the Chamber could ;pending on the economy. of the type of programs or activities the Oehler explained the;Chamber would like to implement digital services for a to attract art `facilitate`6urists and visitors. As well as, improve the Chamber's 0 center burservices, and possible transportation services from hotels to Mayor L6 ed on the digital map program the Chamber was proposing. Mr. Oehler stated the digital map would allow visitors to click on a location of the map and provide information specific to the City. Mr. Chen added there would be customized QR codes for various member facilities for visitors to scan to obtain services and goods and service as an overflow city to other nearby events. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 6 of 19 Council Member Armenia asked how the City was guaranteed the Chamber would not run out of the money they are requesting. She asked how many Chambers of Commerce have asked their City for $200,000. Mr. Chen stated the Board has been trying to work with the City and figured the one-time approach for requesting funding. The Board has worked on the budget to assure the Chamber can be self-sufficient. Mayor Pro Tem Ly asked Executive Director Jan what the steps would be taken with the funding source and what return is projected over the next 24 months. Ray Jan, Executive Director to the Cl is actively recruiting business to the members, such as Rose City Pizza to, and in return they will be hosting,fuX district and the military banner progr would be spending funding by pxoin media to promote supporting local'.b Chamber will be hostinj funding the Chamber wo Mayor Pro Tem Ly asked Mr. Jan replied e is the City Manager Manis Aske a consultiaiit;. which cook There is a cost actor asst Manager in the pro a job reso 3 work at a bex d£ Commerce, explained the Chamber W work with businesses who are not hem With �promoting to increase business sing efforts.to�help children in the school She went on io describe how the Chamber hospitality by working with the Chinese asses -by, shopping and dining locally. The e;fairao showcase Rosemead. Without )w&Dace due to lack of' ds. work at the Chamber. 1 the Chan ber Board if"they have allocated funds to hire cost approximately $30,000 to $40,000 for the process. .fated as it relates to a bid process. ie business improvement tax district is an could repay some of the $200,000. funds generated from a bid would have to be spent asked how many current Chamber Members there are. Ms. Janreplied'they have 175 business members and recruit 25 new members each month. Mayor Low expressed concern with the requested fund and asked what their back- up plan was. Ms. Jan replied they would have to forgo some of the projects planned and focus on other projects which would provide a return for the Chamber to survive. The Chamber would work more with businesses, and continue the hospitably event to show visitors what the City has to offer. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 7 of 19 Brian Lewin suggested a phase-in approach and provide the funding in stages depending on benchmarks placed and as they complete one benchmark they will then receive more of the $200,000 funding. Council Member Armenta agreed with Mr. Lewin, and suggested $100,000 as the initial amount to the Chamber to see how well the Chamber does. Council Member Clark added the $100,000 would be paid back with new revenues they would generate as a guarantee. Mayor Low explained it would be a challengtefor the Chamber to work with only the $100,000. The $200,000 would allow tliein; to hire the staff they need. She reiterated her concerns on lack of detaiSs;o theii*oIrk plan. Mr. Oehler explained there are k hotel hospitality and restaurant< double the business membership Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated promoting the City. He, a because there is a startupe having both tangible and v have the CYty Manager as have to -coordinate a;profes Council to Mrd dollars and soft dollars being used to promote ,_The most direct benefit,to the Chamber is to by developing technical products. is an intangible benefit the Chamber provides in ving the Chamber a one-time payment was best iey needto focus,onbuilding the Chamber up and ale henef�ts. He requested to add benchmarks and itv representative ori the board. He asserted they support to grant the $200,000 one-time ie Chamber will generate some revenue on ne sustainable. Ms. Jan reiterated half;the funding I would be used to hire staff and the other half would be invested to helpAp Chamber make more money in return. Low asked=what impact on the budget the $200,000 would make. City Ivhanager Mates stated the funds are not allocated in the budget and would need to be takentt1$,if the general funds or Fund reserve. Finance Director Lieu explained $10,000 was already allocated for the Chamber and would leave a balance of $178,500 which needed to be allocated. City Manager Manis reiterated a three year agreement with the assistance of the City Attorney would have to be created. The scope of services would be tied to a new strategic plan. The goals which result from the strategic plan process would them be part of the contract. There would be a one-time payment of $200,000 with a three year work plan. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 8 of 19 Mayor Low clarified the Chamber would receive $10,000 first. City Manager Manis explained the contract between the City and the Chamber expired in 2011 and the City continued to pay through 2016. Also, the direction from the Council is for the Chamber to report out on quarterly basis. Mayor Low requested the Chamber to report back once they have their strategic plan ready. City Manager Manis reiterated the City would -,go into an agreement with the Chamber for the $200,000 one-time payment: Before the contract is signed they will start the strategic plan process and reportback to the City Council. Council Member Armenta asked if there -is a timeline. City Manager Manis stated it could take up to four monkls.to complete the strategic plan. The agreement is a straighrf6rward agreement the CitX Attorney can facilitate. Council Member Armenia asked if the Chamber could be fronted, $20,000 since they did not receive fimaingalast year to start with. Mayor Pro Tem Ly explar _ied the tCl tuber watild need to create the strategic plan development scope of services an acid it to the final contract. He proposed authorizmg;111e City Manag6,,to sigp a _con qct with -approved scope of services Council Meipber Armenta asked 16i„Clarlfieatlon if the City was going to give the Cbnmber Vq.000 fik and the remammQ balance later. Mayor Low replibd,es, the reinain'9 balance would be given to them after the strategicplan is, completed. City Attorney Richman clarified the direction and motion was to authorize the City 1Vlaitager to enter§iiato an initial agreement for $20,000 to allow the Chamber to engage,, strategic' plan services. Further direction, once the strategic plan is compleCed the,ouncil authorizes the City Manager to enter into contract on behalf of the City in the amount not to exceed $180,000 for a term of three years, that is consistent with the scope of services as developed by the strategic plan. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Clark and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ly to authorize the City Manager to enter into an initial agreement for $20,000 to allow the Chamber to engage in strategic plan services; and once the strategic plan is completed the City Council authorizes the City Manager to enter into contract on behalf of the city in the amount not to exceed $180,000 for a term of three years that is consistent with the scope of services as developed by the strategic plan. Motion was carried by a unanimous vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low and Ly Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes ofdune 27, 2017 Page 9 of 19 B. Annual Comprehensive Fee Resolution Update Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve Resolution No. 2017-22 "Annual Comprehensive Fee Schedule." Finance Director Lieu stated at the request of the City Council staff revised the Comprehensive Fee Schedule to address some concerns. Under the Parks and Recreation Department staff proposed to correct a description of the Garvey Center and Rosemead Center room rental and rental fees. She clarified there was a staff oversight to remove room 103, 104, 108, and 109 -which were not supposed to have been red strikethrough. The room rentals would remain in the fee resolution. There were no increases to the security deposit fees„and would remain as prior years. Parking vehicle citation fees would refleei,ni imal increases below $5 per fine. Animal care control fees would remove bees on the. City's fee schedule for services already provided by the San Gabriel Humane Sgciety. Clarification on the description between a small anitbelow 30 pounds"ancl a large animal above 30 pounds. Council Member Clark asked if use of a city facility. Director of Parks and business hours for they be charged rental fees for i community center used during y•,,.recognized nonprofits and edrIf a room is used outside of the staff fee. Council Met'noer Cfariz. inquired on, the new military banner fee. aer`e,tion Chacon explained when the military banner fees were; Oot on the fee schedule. Merub6,Armerit4 expressed concerns with reducing meeting space at the "ommuivyy Cente?--She stated the partitions would have to be replaced; , in the rge�anwhile she did not agree with eliminating the current meeting Director of, aP "and Recreation Chacon clarified it was staff oversight on the fee schedule and the rooms would not be removed. Mayor Low reiterated staff had clarified rooms 103, 104, 108 and 109 would be keeping the smaller room options. She also, asked how much a wall divider would cost to upgrade. Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon stated the repairs would include two wall dividers, railings, and floors. Staff did not have an estimate yet on updating the rooms. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 10 of 19 Council Member Annenta asked for clarification of the elimination for room 8 at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center. Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon replied room 8 is the computer lab which is not for rent and would need to be removed from the fee schedule. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Ly and seconded by Council Member Alarcon to approve the recommended action with amendments to keep rooms 103, 104, 108 and 109 at the Garvey Community Center. Motion was carried by a unanimous vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low and Ly 11 Mayor Low asked how staff calculated Finance Director Lieu explained fees. An average citation fee was C. Adoption of the Fiscal Year Recommendation: It is. i actions: (1) adoptRes'ohl and Capital Improvemeigl 2017-27 approving the H Improvement Budget for to increase parking fees. -yed e1ies and compared the citation based on the lower cost fees. '017,18 Operating and Capital"Improvement Budget mmended that the. City Council'take, the following 2017-26 approving the City of Rosemead's Operating 3get_for the 247/.,48 Fiscal Year; (2) adopt Resolution ng-beVelopment`Corporation's Operating and Capital 2017/18=Fiscal Year Finance Directory Lieu reviewed Lffk staff ,report and reported the City of Rosenfead's operating budget of"' $33,535,600 and total appropriations of $32,195,70�>also inel�rdes the total"Capital Improvement Projects funding of $2.2 million. She Noted the budget woilld,have to be adjusted to reflect the current annroval.for the$20"0.000 funding t 'the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Pro em Ly ,explained the additional funding of the $200,000 for the Chamber of Corikmerce frothe General Fund reserves is consistent with the City's strategic planIjch statesh-e fund balance should only be used for either capital impro-ye prga ets or a one-time expenditure. The one-time expenditure of $200;000 Is gtlin the city's fiscal policy. He added there has been project expenses on the general fund reserve, however, it's never been for operating expenses Council Member Armenta expressed concerns with the funding of the Parks and Recreation Manager position. She reiterated she had pushed for the position in the past and realized the money could have been allocated to other departments. After meeting with the Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon, she was assured of the specific duties of the Parks and Recreation Manager. For example, it took six months to coordinate the Farmer's Market event. The Manager was hired to help and backfilled for a prior parks position. She stated in a meeting with the Director of Parks and Recreation, she also included Mayor Pro Tem Ly as a witness, where she was shown a work plan for the Parks and Recreation Manager. She reiterated Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 11 of 19 the work plan described the position assisting with projects. The original job description stated the Manager would plan, manage, and coordinate special city wide events and not to assist. Council Member Armenta stated the Parks and Recreation Department has three Recreation Supervisors, three Recreation coordinators, an Administrative Specialist and a Director of Parks and Recreation. She explained when she worked in Parks and Recreation, every supervisor was in charge of an event and the supervisor oversaw their program. No new programs have been presented to the City Council, other than the Camp which has not been approved in the budget. She added the Manager has been working on theCaiip even though it has not been approved in the budget. Mayor Low asked if the Parks and Recreation Assitarit Director was equivalent to the Parks and Recreation Manager, Council Member Armenta statedin title, they are equivalent llut not in job duties. City Attorney Richman advised Council to,ke�p"discussion ori th' budget and not discuss employment detalls�.,on whom ofinemion names. Mayor Pro Tem Ly added -Jig agreed with Council,, Member Armenta on the need of the position , He clarified>;he opposed,•the budget last year specifically on the manager posrtioi.f;item. He asked if there was a need to have a Recreation Manager when ;thy f are' �&hef staff whb perform 'the .:duties of the position. Parks and Recreation Department is the riiost.yisible and important department because they interact the most with the pubhe.:Although there had been great staff prior, we should not standard of what is expected from the Council of emptoyes He h'idicated he hadnpt seen a return on the investment of the position. The co`ncems ori- he manager positions were mentioned by Council Member Armenta at ahe budgeti study session and in meetings with the City Manager and Director of Parks and Recreation, therefore they could not support the continuation i0e positron ita asked how many participants are in the new camp was the planning process. She requested a copy of the Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon replied the program started with 8 and has increased to 18 participants. The program took four months to plan and coordinate. City Manager Manis acknowledged the work plan of the manager position did not mirror the job description accurately; and asked Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon to speak on the positive benefits and perks the manager position has brought to the department. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 12 of 19 Mayor Low asked Mr. Chacon to explain the difference between the Recreation Manager and the Recreation Supervisor job duties. Council Member Armenta addressed she was not stating negative comments, but rather the facts about the position. Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon explained with the assistance of the Human Resources division, they took into account the old Parks and Recreation Assistant Director title and determined it was too high for the department size and scope of job. A survey of 11 cities was conducted and 9 out of the 11 cities had a current classification at a minimum a Recreatlori Manager position who directly assists the department head. The recreation ,supervisors are usually involved directly with a program and/or oversee,qfacilty.:and a coordinator. The manager, position is an assistant to the director and departtjiept as a whole in bringing all supervisors together looking at the total level of th'department to make analysis and recommendations on a. -higher level. Includitrg,, monitoring program effectiveness, participation levels,, revenue and budget;, analysis; forecasting program recommendations and ultimately improve both staff.and our customer service to patrons. Challenges identified hayed een staff development and working with less staff. He clarified the Recreatiofr Manager was not tied directly to the coordination of the FaiinersMarket, but rather. the Director. He indicated updated information pertaining to -the Farmers Marks sent to the City Council prior to finalizing the event been in charge of and programs has the position stated there was a difference between job n the department. Mayor Low reiteratezl`the Council should evaluate if the position is necessary and not what the perison has done. Dird for of Parks and Recreation Chacon stated different cities do not tie certain prograja s to the,Rebreation Manager, unless they are in a bigger city. Rosemead being a srnallet ejtiy, the Recreation Manager monitors different programs and supervisors and meet with staff to go over budget numbers, staffing levels, revenues, stratdgic plan goals and department goals. She has become a mentor to some of the staff and works on developing their professional skills. He clarified the reason why she has been involved with the summer camp was due to the current retirement of a supervisor and there was a need to have somebody available to assist on site. As for the funding of the camp, due to the timing, the camp falls under two fiscal years and therefore, staff projected the anticipated cost and started the program with surplus funding from other programs. Part-time staff being used for the camp were hired to work the camp to assist in running the day to day hands on groups. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 13 of 19 Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated his concern was not the camp program, but rather the City Council was not informed of the camp until the budget workshop. In the past the previous Parks and Recreation Director would bring before the Council information or programs before they were adopted in the budget. In addition, he reiterated he did not see the need for the funding of the Recreation Manager. In meeting with the Parks and Recreation Director, Mr. Ly expressed the interest of creating a Parks Commission which he was assured the Parks Manger could do. Yet, it took Mr. Ly to formally propose the idea of a Parks Commission. If there is no additional benefit or additional resources based off the investment the City is putting in, then it's not worth the investment and therefore, he cannot support the budget. Council Member Armenta stated she vacs' giyep a list of what the Recreation Manager does and what she was hired to do.' In a meeting with the Director of Parks and Recreations she indicated he stated the Recreation Manager was going to bring in new programs. Mayor Low clarified the approvalof the budget was up to the City Council Council Member Armentayadded the City of Alhambra, City of I a'Puente, City of Montebello, and TempkEity, have no matchb3r,the compensation of the Recreation Manager, yet the manager, was -going to surp4Ss,,the pay range of the City of El Monte which is a bigger city than Rosemead. are going to be hired. Director of Parks andRecreatron Chacon replied it was discussed staff was going tp,ask for srx'or,fi ani. adtust the -ga[ary range. CounciMember Armenta statedshe discussed with Mr. Chacon she was not going h to approve sizt pool xn ma ers and e indicated he was going to bring it down to Drrector of Parksaud Recreation Chacon stated he said staff was going to look at the salary range t6xSee if it could be improved. Council Memjei'Armenta requested the record to show, on the meeting with the Director of Parks and Recreation she told him specifically she was not going to approve six pool managers and he said he would bring it down to four. Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon stated the pool manager request has been changed to four. He explained he had expressed six pool managers but because of the budget it was brought down to four. Council Member Armenta reiterated because she was very adamant during the conversation she had with the Director of Parks and Recreation she was not going to approve six pool managers. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 14 of 19 Mayor Pro Tem Ly reiterated he and Ms. Armenta were not going to get the relief we want on the budget. Mayor Low stated she wanted to cover other items such as the Parks and Recreation Manager position. If it's the will of the Council to remove the position and even if staff may not agree, we shall remove the position and that would be the budget. Council Member Clark asked if the asked if the recently vacated Recreation Supervisor position was going to be backfilled and would it be something which could be negotiated with this issue. Mayor Low replied the Recreation someone needs to be hired. Mayor Pro Tem Ly reiterated not needed. Council Member Clark asked if thi Manager into another,position due position. not happ position. a year position is in the budget and was the P, creation Manager position is was a way to move the,qurrent Recreation the recently vacated Recreation Supervisor >osition"Would still have to be eliminated as ;ify looks into recruiting new employees, we aebody's position. The Recreation Manager we try to recruit quality employees, and we ding on the direction of the Council, there is stood the concerns with the positions however, agreed not the way to eliminate a job. emberrmenta stated when she meet with Director of Parks and she ws�,,told what the Recreation Manager was going to do and it did She t'etterated she convinced the rest of the City Council to support the Inaudible comments recorded due to technical issues. City Attorney Richman stated generally the budget is approved with one motion, if the City Council did not agree with staff recommendations and you wanted to make changes to what is proposed, then you can do that. Mayor Low explained the Council could further discuss other areas of the budget and a motion could be made to approve the budget with the changes. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 15 of 19 Council Member Clark expressed concerns with approving the budget with the concerns on the position. City Attorney Richman explained the Council could approve the budget and make changes at the mid -year review if the position is no longer filled and decide to eliminate it. In addition, she indicated she was not aware on what rules are in place for eliminating a position. The City does not have a union; however, the City does agree to terms with the Rosemead Employee Association. Mayor Pro Tem Ly reiterated Ms. Armenta had;,, expressed her concerns on the position and it's still on the budget. He stated staff disagreed with Council Members discretion at least should have notified thertl,�; City Manager Manis explained staff did not disagree with Council but this is a staff driven administrative decision The-Ofty Council sets';policy and staff drives the policy implementation and we also manage the Team,`atid staff is not managed by the City Council. Director of Pas and Recreation provided his thoughts and justifications on the position, which is.why it is still in the budges. Council Member Arni a -stated she had metwith him and it was' -the first time she had heard him make that dir 4- e. Mayor Pro City Engifi& different cons 2016. Althou€ $150,000. The prgleetis the C with the Rive: grants avail?ab Ly to bririg,before the City Council their luences=_which come with that if they lation,to begin with. the on-call services budget being high. se the on-call services for work which is rdo _explained there are about five on-call agreements with firms_gutil 2018, which was approved by the City Council in budgeCis for $150,000, staff is not planning on spending tal Improvement Projects proposed are very low and the biggest i' Avenue Resurfacing project. Staff has been in communication I Mountains Conservancy and they indicated there would be the City. Council Member Armenta asked if the grant writer received a percentage of what the grant is, therefore they are not getting paid through the general fund. City Engineer Fajardo replied staff requests proposals for the grant writers. Grant writers get paid though Measure R monies or the general fund if the grant is applied for Parks. Council Member Clark reiterated her concerns in eliminating a position when someone holds it. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 16 of 19 Council Member Armenta stated it should be done now, rather than later because it will be harder. Council Member Armenia stated the position was not a vested position. Mayor Pro Tem Ly asked for a brief recess to allow the City Attorney to review the Memorandum of Understanding with the Rosemead Employees. Mayor Low announced the City Attorney and Assistant City Manager would review some information first before concluding on the,,budget discussion. D. Consideration of Senate Bill 415 and Senate Bill 415 (SB 415), is also Act. SB 415 amended the State dates. The bill requires cities, -c change their election dates to co turnout rates for past standalone msolida#on with a Statewide Election Date as the California Voter Participation Rights ons Code pertaining to municipal election y hold standalone. municipal elections, to with statewide election dates, unless voter Recommendation: That iq-City Council;di$ouss direction to staff. Mayor Pro Tem Ly requested the it6i*.t 9,be post Inaudible coitvxteAt "j -h date to power outages. C. Adoption Of-,,tlii the options available and provide coded to the next meeting. one the item and stated the choice i years. the meeting until the system rebooted due l the meeting due to power outages during the meeting. The back at 9:46 p.m. to continue discussions on the Adoption of -18 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. Year 2017-18 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget City Attorney Richman stated due to the power outages, she was only able to access some information through her phone. She indicated the position was added at a later period in time after the MOU was approved. The Recreation Manger may have not been added to the resolution as a position. If this was the case, then the position does not have a vested right, however most employees do have the right to file grievances or file retaliation claims. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 17 of 19 Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated the Rosemead Employee Association applies to general services and the language of the MOU applies to the mid -management positions on a separate resolution. City Attorney Richman stated if no one makes a motion the item fails to pass at the meeting. Mayor Low reiterated staff proposed the position and the position should perform the functions listed on the job description. City Manager Manis stated based on the comments'made by the Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon, staff feels the positloitis-justified. Mayor Low stated the employee should be able to p6rform the functions as the job description. City Manager Manis employees shoe specifications and if they are not mee appropriate employee related actions.` Council Member Armei interview based on the they are going,by the Id be able to perform -,according to their job ung performance measure ins, then we take the purpose was of having a person apply and i. How �did_ liis person qualify for the job if merl Membe f Alarcon- seconded by Mayor Low to adopt rovingthe=City of Rosemead's Operating and Capital the 201711,$, Fiscal Year as is: Motion was carried by the AXES AI'axcon and Low; NOES: Armenta and Ly; City Attorney,14chmaii;`,srated where there is an abstention the motion carries. ACTION Move4Mayo tPro Tem Ly and seconded by Council Member Arrnenta to Abpt Resolution.,2017-27 approving the Housing Development Corporation's Operatigg and Capital Improvement Budget for the 2017/18 Fiscal Year. Motion was carried by th #oflowing roll call vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low and Ly 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. City Council Comments Council Member Clark stated she attended a National League of Cities conference in Cleveland Ohio and there was concern of the take away of the CDBG funds and how it would affect communities. Council Member Armenta reported she attended the NALEO conference. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 18 of 19 Mayor Low stated she has received an increase of calls concerning illegal fireworks. She asked Chief of Police to monitor the illegal fireworks within the city. Council Member Clark announced there is a citrus tree disease workshop in the City of San Gabriel for the public to attend. Mayor Low recessed the meeting to continue the closed session discussion and reconvened back to open session. City Attorney Richman announced there was no, reportable action taken during closed session. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. The nej�fr6gular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on July 11, 2017, at 7:00 p m. •in the Rosemead City 14191,Council Chamber. Donohue, City Clerk Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2017 Page 19 of 19