CC - Item 6B - Amendment to the Professional Service Agreement for Moore Iacofano Goltsman, IncROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER 41� DATE: AUGUST 8, 2017 SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN, INC. (MIG) SUMMARY On May 13, 2014, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc. (MIG) for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (GASP) and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) project. The Professional Services Agreement was fully executed on June 11, 2014. To date, MIG has prepared the draft GASP and draft EIR. The draft EIR was circulated for public review from May 8th to June 21 st In July, several concerns were raised by Architect Simon Lee on specific standards in the draft GASP document. For this reason, a GASP Ad Hoc Committee meeting was held on July 24th to discuss these concerns. The Ad Hoc Committee carefully reviewed, discussed, and agreed that these concerns needed clarification and/or revision. For this reason, the Ad Hoc Committee directed MIG to provide a revised budget and schedule for the items discussed. MIG has revised the budget and schedule, which is attached as Attachment "A". The total cost is approximately $48,200. The revisions will also delay the GASP by approximately four months. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Amendment No. 5 to the Professional Services Agreement for the GASP and - EIR project between the City of Rosemead and MIG. The amendments will be applied to the Scope of Work, Schedule of Services, and Compensation (Attachment "B"). FISCAL IMPACT The additional cost of the GASP was not budgeted as part of the Fiscal Year 2017/18 adopted budget. Staff will discuss the allocation of funds at the City Council meeting on August Stn. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT — None ITEM NUMBER: City Council Meeting August 8, 2017 Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Lily T. Valenzuela, Interim Community Development Director Attachment A: Revised Budget and Schedule Attachment B: Amendment No. 5 to Professional Services Agreement Attachment A Revised Budget and Schedule Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Additional Task, Budget, and Schedule July 25, 2017 Task 0ad,. Schedule Modifications Revised oevelopmentstandards -tot open ce Resz to the SFlC Plan nmnped musifrontage, mpmkisg repubible eads. .mists, $ 9•Mo 5 weeks from notice to proceed setback. Revisions include.4n graphics, photographs, map changes. Revlslons to the sperms Plat, Curb Cuts antl Revised Development Standards—Curb W0 $ 3, S weebfion notce ihe p.card Right -of -Way cuts and right-o6way Issues. Revs may Include text, graphic, photographs. Preparation of errata memorandum summarizing the proposed changes to the Ertata Memorandum August 2016 Draft Saudis Plan. Ertata $ 3,750 Iweekform completion Plan content revisions Memorandum will be submitted WCiry in electronic format. Preparation society memorandum s m"I'dugthe proposed changes Me Errata Memorandum, Curb Cuts and Right -of- August 20160raft Specific Plan as $ 1,250 S week from completion Plan content revisions Way .dated with curbcutsandrlghtof- City Staff reviews Errata Memorandum nd prmltles MIG with one comment 2 weeks from the receipt of the Errata City Staff Review of Errata Memorandum tled entconsolidating all City staff sediment - Memorandum ,..Morris. Revisions to the Errata Memorandum response to Cry staff comments. Revised Iweek from the receipt of written Clry Aaff MIG revises Ertata Memorandum Hata Memorandum submitted to Cltyln $ 1,805 sommenh ele"emic forma[. Revisions W the Errata Memorandum 1 MIG revises Errata Memorandum, Curb Cut response W City staff comments Iweek from the receipt of written City staff and Right ofWW regarding curb cuts and right -of way Issued $ 625 comments MIG Preparation for and Attendance at Ad 525 Roc Meeting MIG a Hoc Meetlng,Cmb cut $ DS Way Issues antl gigM1[ of -W ay Issues Righ Revisions to the ErrataMemorandum in response to Hoc Committee errs.es reserved at Ad Hoc MIG Revises Errata Memorandum per Ad Hoc Revised Errata 6 Hoc Committee Iweek from the .comm Committee Memorandum sham Memorantlum Clay In $ 2' 25 comments comments Revised Errata Mectronic morandumtformat. eusedIEtheJ Memorandum to be used In the Joint Res Revisionsse to the Errata Memorandums n MIG Errata per Ad Hoc Ad Has Committee $ 875 Iweek from the assistmiHoc Committee bCMemorandum Committee, Curb Cuts and gighFof-W ay Issues co enlsregarding curb cuts and right comments regarding comments of-wm lr-is, MIG to and revise Genual Plan Amendment, Zoning Ordinance draft Planning Commission solution, draft ON revises Entitlement Documents City Council resolutions and ordinances, $ 9,000 3weeks from the Errata Memorandum finalization and PowerPoint Presentations to market specific Plan revisions, Cllyrtaff, or City Attorney comments. MIG to review and revise General Plan Amendment, Zoning Ordinance, draft Planning Commission resolutions, draft MIG revises Diitlement Documents, Curb Cuts City Council resolutions and ordinances, $ 3,WO 3weeks from the Errata Memorandum finalization and RigbGof-Way Issues and PowerPolnt Presentations to reflect Siedfic Plan revisions, Cirystaff, or City Attanneyromments regerdingmuh sols and right of-waylssues. MIG Preparation forand Attendance atthe MIC to prepare(.rand attend the Jam Dint OW Caused, Planning Commission, Session to review the DraftSpecific Plan $ 1,075 Traffic Commission, and Beautification Committee session and the Errata Memorandum MIG Preparatlan for antl Attendance atthe Dint ClryCouull, Planning Commission, MIG to prepare for and attend the Joint Traffic Commission, and Beautlflcation Section $ 625 Committee Session regarding Curb Cut and Ri htof-Wa Issues Revisions to the Errata Memorandum In mspome to comments received at the Joint Session meeting Revised Errata Memorandum submitted to City In eledumnicbrmat Revlsed Errata Memorandum m be used In the public MlG revises Errata Memorandum per Joint evlewprocess. Note: this is an estimate $ 3,3]5 2 weeks from the receipt of comments eeslon olrectian ofeost. Ifthersociamseddhebcat Session comments are anticipated to exceed $4,500, MIG will prepare a budget estlmale/amentlment prior to executing the revisions. if no revisions are recessar, MIG will not charge time to this task. Revisions to the Errata Memorandum n MIG revises Ertata Memorandum Regarding response to comments received at m $ 1,125 2 weeks from the receipt of comments Curb cut and Rightrd-Way Issues Joint Session meeting regarding Curb cuts and right chase Issues. asa Addltlonel prolan, management as MIG Additional ProjectManagement for .es a It of a longer schedule, additional longer schedule, addiri anal work, and contact $ 3,750 administration contact minlaistraddo and client/consultant meetin s calls. MIG Additional Project Management for Additional project management as longer schedule, additional work, and contract result of a longer schedule, additional $ 1,250 administrator, Curb Cuts antl Right -of -Way ontraceadminisnatiory and Issues lien s nsulran[meetin scalls. labor $ EZ. Dlleat Cass $ 500 Total I $ 48.200 Notes: The budget and schedule assumes one round of Ciry staff rei all City staff comments will be consolidated by City staff into a single comment document and submitted to MIG. Attachment B Amendment No. 5 to Professional Services Agreement MAYOR: POLLY Low MAYOR PRO TEM: STEVENLY COUNCIL MEMBERS: WILLIAM ALARCON SANDRAARMEWA MARGARET CLARK 8 83 8 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX(626)307-9218 AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT The Professional Services Agreement of June 11, 2014, for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report project between the City of Rosemead and MIG, Inc is amended as follows: 1. Scope of Services, Schedule of Services, and Compensation are amended to add the following: Task Budget Schedule Modifications Revised Development Standards -- Lot frontage, open space requirements, Revisions to the Specific Plan maximum parking, reputable economists, $ 9,000 5 weeks from notice to proceed setbacks, Revisions Include text, graphics, photographs, map changes. Revisions to the Specific Plan, Curb Cuts and Revised Development Standards -- Curb $ 3,000 5 weeks from notice to proceed Right -of -Way cuts and right-of-way issues. Revisions may Include text, graphics, photographs. Preparation of errata memorandum summarizing the proposed changes to the Errata Memorandum August 2016 Draft Specific Plan. Errata $ 3,750 1 week from completion Plan content revisions Memorandum will be submitted to City In electronicformat. Preparation of errata memorandum summarizing the proposed changes to the Errata Memorandum, Curb Cuts and Right -of- August 2016 Draft Specific Plan as $ 1,250 S week from completion plan content revisions Way associated with curb cuts and right -of - .v Issues. City staff reviews Errata Memorandum and provides MIG with one comment 2 weeks from the receipt of the Errata City Staff Review of Errata Memorandum document consolidating all City staff Memorandum comments. Revisions to the Errata Memorandum in response to City staff comments. Revised $ 7 1 week from the receipt of written City staff MIG revises Errata Memorandum Errata Memorandum submitted to City in ,875 comments electronic format. Revisions to the Errata Memorandum in MIG revises Errata Memorandum, Curb Out response to City staff comments $ 625 S week from the recel pt of written Citystaff and Right -of Way regarding curb cuts and right-of-way comments issues. MIG Preparation for and Attendance at Ad $ 525 Hoc Meeting MIG Preparation for Ad Hoc Meeting, Curb cut $ 175 and Right -of -Way Issues Revisions to the Errata Memorandum In response to Ad Hoc Committee comments received at the Ad Hoc MIG Revises Errata Memorandum per Ad Hoc Committee meeting. Revised Errata $ 2625 1 week from the receipt of Ad Hoc Committee Committee Memorandum submitted to City in ' comments electronic format. Revised Errata Memorandum to be used In the Joint Session. Revisions to the Errata Memorandum In MIG Revises Errata Memorandum per Ad Hoc response to Ad Hoc Committee $ =875pt of Ad Hoc Committee Committee, Curb Cuts and Right -of -Way Issues comments regarding curb cuts and right-ments of -way issues. All other terms and conditions contain in the Professional Services Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Executed this 115t day of August, 2017. MIG to review and revise General Plan Amendment, Zoning Ordinance, draft Planning Commission resolutions, draft MIG revises Entitlement Documents City Council resolutions and ordinances, $ 9,000 3 weeks from the Errata Memorandum finalization and PowerPoint Presentations to reflect Specific Plan revisions, City staff, or qty Attorney comments. MIG to review and revise General Plan Amendment, Zoning Ordinance, draft Planning Commission resolutions, draft MIG revises EntitlementDocuments, Curb Cuts City Council resolutions and ordinances, $ .3,000 3 weeks from the Errata Memorandum finalization and Right -of -Way Issues and PowerPoint Presentations to reflect Specific Plan revisions, City staff, or City Attorney comments regarding curb cuts and right-of-way Issues. MIG Preparation for and Attendance atthe MIG to prepare for and attend the Joint Joint City Council, Planning Commission, Session to review the Draft Specific Plan $ 1,875 Traffic Commission, and Beautification and the Errata Memorandum Committee Session MIG Preparation for and Attendance at the Joint City Council, Planning Commission, MIS to prepare for and attend the-loint Traffic Commission, and Beautification $ 625 Committee Session regarding Curb Cut and Session RI ht -of- Way Issues Revisions to the Errata Memorandum in response to comments received at the Joint Session meeting. Revised Errata Memorandum submitted to City in electronic format. Revised Errata Memorandum to be used in the public MIG revises Errata Memorandum per Joint review process. Note: this is an estimate $ 3,375 2weeks from the receipt of comments Session Direction of cost. if the responses to the Joint Session comments are anticipated to exceed $4,500, MIG will prepare a budget estimate/amendment prior to executing the revisions. If no revisions are necessary, MIG will not charge time to this task. Revisions to the Errata Memorandum In MIG revises Errata Memorandum Regarding response to comments received at the $ 1,125 2weeks from the receipt of comments Curb Cut and Right -of -Way Issues Joint Session meeting regarding curb cuts and right-of-way issues. MIG Additional Project Management for Additional project management as longer schedule, additional work, and contract result of a longer schedule additional $ 3,750 administration contract administration, and client/consultant meetings/calls. MIG Additional Project Management for Additional project management as longer schedule, additional work, and contract result of a longer schedule., additional $ 1,250 administration, Curb Cuts and flight -of -Way contract administration, and Issues cllent consultant meetings/calls. Labor $ 47,700 Direct costs $ 500 Total 1 $ 48,200 All other terms and conditions contain in the Professional Services Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Executed this 115t day of August, 2017. MIG, Inc. By: Name: Chris Beynon Title: Principal Address: 800 Hearst Avenue Berkeley CA 94710 Attest: Marc Donohue City Clerk Approved as to Form: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP City of Rosemead By: Name: Polly Low Title: Mayor Address: 8838 Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 [if Corporation, TWO SIGNATURES, President OR Vice President AND Secretary, AND CORPORATE SEAL OF CONTRACTOR REQUIRED] Name: Title: