CC - Item 7A - Federal Public Affairs Advocacy and Grant Services ContractROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 8, 2017 SUBJECT: FEDERAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS ADVOCACY AND GRANT SERVICES CONTRACT (AGENDIZED BY MAYOR PRO TEM LY) SUMMARY To help navigate the City of Rosemead through Federal agencies, provide grant opportunities, and elevate Rosemead's competitiveness in competing for Federal funding, staff recommends utilizing the services of David Turch & Associates. David Torch & Associates are leaders in providing representation at the federal level in government procurement programs, municipal projects, and transportation. They have been identified to be the best approach to potential Federal funding opportunities for Rosemead given their sound track record, proposed strategy, and team of professionals. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a one-year agreement with David Turch & Associates for public affairs advocacy services, in an amount not to exceed $ 54,000 and appropriate $54,000 from the General Fund unassigned fund balance. In recent years, cities have been severely impacted by Federal and State mandates, such as MS4 permit compliance. In addition, the City is looking for funding opportunities to address the closure of the Interstate 710 gap and secure funding for capital improvement projects, including additional parks space. To provide the support and expertise required to compete for Federal funds, a contract with David Turch & Associates is proposed to identify and pursue funding opportunities and provide expertise in grant writing to aide in the application and compliance aspects of Federal grants. The proposed contract term would be one year, after which an evaluation would take place prior to extending service for additional terms. David Turch & Associates was founded in 1987, and is a successful and respected federal advocacy firm in Washington DC. They provide comprehensive strategic planning, legislative goal setting, intergovernmental liaison and political analyses. The firm would help the City ITEM NUMBER: City Council Meeting August 8, 2017 Page 2 of 2 identify, pursue, and protect essential Federal program funding critical to the City, and provide grant services, including working with the City to submit successful Federal grant applications. David Turch & Associates would also work to support or oppose legislation, regulations, and policy that would either benefit or harm the City or its residents, and foster or enhance relationships with members of Congress and Executive Agency officials. David Turch & Associated has helped cites such as, Beverly Hills, Montclair and Ontario successfully navigate Federal funding programs. FISCAL IMPACT The fees for David Turch & Associates services would be billed on a monthly retainer of $4,500, for a total one-year cost of $54,000. This retainer includes all consultant travel expenses. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT - None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: J mel _ Brad McKinney, Assistant City Manager Attachment — David Turch & Associates Proposal David Turch & Associates Proposal June 6, 2017 City of Rosemead June 6, 2017 Messrs. Bill R. Manis and Brad McKinney City of Rosemead 8838 Fast Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Bill and Brad, I much enjoyed meeting with you recently about fume endeavors of the City of Rosemead. As I mentioned, David Turch and Associates is a successful, experienced, and well respected federal government relations firm eager to serve as your federal advocate. We are an accomplished firm with a specialty in transportation. A couple of our achievements would include last year's change to a federal statute to allow up to $250 million to be exchanged between Ontario International Airport and Los Angeles World Airports. This transfer had previously been prohibited and was critical in allowing Ontario to become an independent airport. Earlier, in Central Minnesota we were able to work around earmark rules and provided money outside of the normal legislative procedures for the construction of an interstate interchange. That allowed the development of an industrial park which now houses national firms such as Anderson Trucking and New Flyer Bus Manufacturing. We convinced the Congress to direct the FAA to essentially close an airport ---Rialto. This is the only time in the history of America that this has occurred. We accomplished these things because members of our fort have a thorough knowledge of the federal government. Our close working relations with Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle is crucial. I would very much look forward to meeting with the members of your city council. I am frequently in the Los Angeles area and am already scheduled, for instance, on June 281h should that be convenient to you. Sincerely, David N. M. Torch avid Durch and L. "a QUALIFICATIONS David Turch and Associates are leaders in providing representation at the federal level in government procurement programs, municipal projects, defense and transportation. Result oriented, David Turch and Associates provides the knowledge, work ethic, and experience to provide the services required by the City of Rosemead. Much of our work involves serving the needs of municipalities and transit authorities. Our proven history of success is a result of cooperating with clients to develop sound and realistic objectives. We then effectively pursue their conununity interest with both regional federal officials and the decision makers at the relevant agencies here in Washington. David Turch and Associates has a strong relationship with many Members from both political parties in the House and the Senate. We work closely with the senior decision - makers on Capitol Hill to advance your position We are well grounded in the process of our government, not just in the people elected to govern Our staff understands how, when, and where the laws are written Consequently, our work is relatively unaffected by changes in congressional leadership. We are well known by the chairmen of the cornmittees and the ranking minority members. We are respected for our integrity and honesty in representing our clients. Your priorities will receive attention at the highest levels. As one of the dominant federal advocacy firms representing California we work with most every member from our state. Many are close personal friends. In addition, because of our national client base, we have similar relationships with Members from Oregon to Florida. We work tirelessly in representing our clients' interests. We not only focus on securing congressional support for our clients' priorities but also work congressional committees and federal agencies, including the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and the Office of Management and Budget. To finther enhance the City of Rosemead presence in Washington, we belong to, or actively participate in a number of organizations which include: — Women in Government Relations, — California League of Cities, — California State Association of Counties, — Washington Area Transit Industry Representatives, — The U.S. Conference of Mayors, — The National League of Cities, — The National Association of Counties, — The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. This offers several advantages to Rosemead. We combine the efforts of local govemment associations, transportation commissions, economic development agencies, federal agencies, and Congress to make all these entities function for you. By working closely with you and the decision -makers in Washington, D.C., our efforts will be successful Clients, elected officials, and the media know of and acclaim our work: proven, effective assistance in dealing with [agencies of the federal government]." San Bernardino Sun editorial "... Turch's company has done a good job for Rialto, bringing millions in federal money to the city through grants and legislations (sic)." Daily Bulletin editorial, Ontario, California. "... Turch has been instrumental in getting... a $5 million appropriation as part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act...." The Californian, Temecula, California. "...you guys [David Turch and Associates] make it easy to be welcoming because you are great advocates for communities." a senior EPA official. David Turch and Associates has a solid background with myriad transportation projects and entities which have interests similar to those advanced by the City of Rosemead. A few of those clients include: — City of Redondo Beach: helped secure federal funds to build transit facility to serve as a regiona I hub, — City of Paindale: helped secure funding for expanded transit parking for their Metrolink station, — City of Monrovia: helped secure fiords for their transit village complex which includes parking facilities and bus cut outs, — City of Imperial: helped secure funding for transit facility, — City o£Sairrt Cloud: helped secure replacement buses, — St. Cloud Area Planning Organization: assisted in negotiating aland release with the Veterans Administration as well as helped secure Northstar phase II commuter buses. We assisted the Los Angeles JPA in establishing Metrolink a couple of decades ago and pioneered their lobbying effort in Washington for a decade and half A similar system in Minnesota, Northstar Commuter Rail, was unsuccessful in negotiating track rights from Big Lake to Saint Cloud. We were successful in establishing "Ihe Link" bus connection mentioned above. LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE BRANCH SUCCESS Transportation is one of our areas of specialty. We have been deeply involved in all transportation reauthorization acts to pass Congress: ISTEA, TEA -21, SAFETEA-LU, MAP -21 and FAST. Our longstanding involvement with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee provides us with aunique insight into the more nuanced policy deliberations that evolve during the reauthorization process. We personally know and have access to the key decision -makers and have our hands on the pulse of the Com nittee. Moreover, David Turch and Associates has an excellent working relationship with the Department of Transportation and its various agencies. In December 2015, President Obama signed a multi-year transportation reauthorization bill entitled Fixing America's Surface Transportation or FAST. This act includes increased funding for bus and bus facilities, multi -modal facilities, and freight projects. It also established a registry for Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects (NSFHP), which allowed access to $4.5 billion beginning FY 2016 and ending in FY 2020. Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Congress We worked with the City of Ontario, California in its campaign to regain control of the Ontario International Airport from the City of Los Angeles/Los Angeles World Airports. In this successful endeavor, we coordinated closely with Southern California municipalities, counties, national aviation stakeholders, members of Congress, congressional committees and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), to advance our client's agenda. This multi -pronged strategy involved orchestrating acongressional field hearing, enlisting congressional support as well as securing the enactment of a legislative provision amending federal law to allow the $250 million settlement agreement between Ontario and Los Angeles to take effect. In securing a legislative fix, we enlisted the support of key congressional players including Chaitanan Bill Shuster and Ranking Member Pete Defazio of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Chairman John Thule and Ranking Member Bill Nelson of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, and assembled a bipartisan coalition of members from the Southern California delegation including Representatives Ken Calvert, an appropriations cardinal, and Grace Napolitano, a senior Democrat on the T&I Committee. Over a period of ten months, we secured the introduction of stand-alone, companion bills in each chamber of Congress, overcame earmark concerns, ensured our legislative text was part of Chairman Shuster and Chairman Thune's respective FAA reauthorization measures and, as a fill back plan, inserted our provision in the Senate Transportation Appropriations bill. Moreover, we enlisted the support of the House Republican leadership team in moving our provision through the House. Enactment of our legislative fix allowed the airport transfer to take place on November 1, 2016. FASTAct, U.S. Department of Transportation In December 2015, President Obama signed a multi-year transportation reauthorization bill entitled Fixing America's Surface Transportation or FAST. This act includes increased finding for bus and bus facilities, multi -modal facilities, and freight projects. It also established a registry for Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects (NSFHP), which will have access to $4.5 billion beginning in fiscal year 2016 and ending in fiscal year 2020. FASTLANE Grants, U.S. Department of Transportation Under the FAST Act, the Secretary of Transportation received $800 million to distribute in FY2016 through the Fostering Advancements in Shipping and Transportation for the Long -Term Achievement of National Efficiency (FASTLANE) grants program. FASTLANE grants applications open on April 14, 2016 and close on May 14, 2016. Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation In 2012, we worked with the Riverside Transit Administration (RTA) to secure a $2.4 million Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Clean Fuel Grant. The federal fields were used to cover the cost of replacing RTA's fleet of compressed natural gas buses, which were reaching the end of their useful life. RTA is in the process of spending over $50 million on the purchase of 97 full-sized buses, with the potential to buy more if needed. U. S. Department of Transportation California Department of Transportation Over the years, we have secured tens of trillions of dollars for interchange projects along the I-10 and I-15 Corridors in Southern California, including the I-10 and Riverside Avenue Interchange, the I-15 and Base Line Road Interchange, and the proposed SR -60 Potrero Boulevard Interchange. When previously earmarked funds were at risk of being rescinded for the Potrero Boulevard Interchange project ii the summer of 2012, we worked with the City of Beaumont, the Department of Transportation, and Caltrans to ensure that the fimds remained dedicated to the project. We have also secured tens of millions of dollars for bridges and road improvement projects for our clients across the country. U.S. Department of Transportation We have been working with the City of Montclair, the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority, and the San Bernardino Associated Governments on the Gold Line extension (Phase 2B) from Azusa to Montclair. The City of Montclair, our client, has been actively engaged in advocating for the buildout of Phase 2B. City officials have explored various funding solutions to pay for the extension of the fight rail lite from Claremont to Montclair —a $68 million segment — which serves as the gateway into the western portion of San Bernardino County. We have held discussions and met with Federal Transit Administration officials, both in Washington, DC and in Los Angeles, on potential federal funding sources for the project, including Small Starts. In order to expand federal finding options, Cay officials have also met with the Department of Transportation's Office of hnfrastructure Finance and Innovation. In this regard, we reviewed the possibility of securing fiords under the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program and the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA). On the local font, Montclair has also applied for Cap and Trade fiords. With the passage of Measure M in Los Angeles County, raising $1.1 billion for the construction of the Gold Line from Azusa to Claremont, Montclair has until April 2018 to secure a finding package to link up with the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority's construction timetable. The City has lined up support from members from the Los Angeles and San Bernardino Congressional Delegations and is reviewing all available options. We have worked with the City of Monrovia on its development plans along the Gold Line light rail extension through the City. Monrovia's Station Square Transit Village development is the most ambitious project in Monrovia in decades and, when completed, will ultimately cover 80 acres-- including a park-and-ride transit center, more than 1,000 new residential units, neighborhood retail establishments, offices and public spaces. We helped secure over $4.5 million for the project. Beyond assisting the City secure federal funds for the project, we were more recently engaged in obtaining congressional support in facilitating an agreement on the construction of a maintenance facility between Monrovia and the Gold Line Construction Authority. We also secured funding for the City's trolley system, parks and downtown historic preservation project. A FEW EXAMPLES OF LEGISLATIVE & EXECUTIVE BRANCH SUCCESSES Economic Development -Job Training On behalf of the City ofhmperial, California, we have been diligently holding meetings over the past couple of years with officials from the Commerce Department's Economic Development Administration (EDA), both here in Washington, D.C. and with their regional office in southern California. Our work with EDA paid off in 2013 when the City of Imperial secured a $3,000,000 EDA grant to fund the extension of water, wastewater, and the construction of surface road and other improvements along Neckel Road. This project supports the development of the Alliance and Innovative Regional Center, an USCIS approved E13-5 green card investment regional center, which will include a hotel, retail center, and office park. This project supports foreign direct investment and global competitiveness. This investment is part of $3,828,375 project that will create an estimated 642 jobs and leverage $22.25 million in private investment. Through our advocacy work with EPA, we were able to help the City of Rialto partner with the agency to establish a job training program aimed at helping prepare young adults in Rialto for employment opportunities in the hazardous waste cleanup industry. The Superfund Job Training Initiative (SuperJTI) program combines extensive classroom instruction with hands-on training exercises for each participant. SuperJTI graduates have the technical skills to work on a broad range of construction, environmental remediation, and cleanup projects at Superhnd sites. EPA offers SuperJTI training through its Technical Assistance Services for Communities (TASC) contract, which provides training and independent technical assistance to cornnunities. TASC provides assistance to communities affected by hazardous waste sites regulated by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), commonly known as Superfund, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Law Enforcement In September 2014, the Justice Department's COPS Office awarded $250,000 to the Rialto Police Department to hire two School Resource Officers (SRO). We worked closely with the Rialto Police Department and the COPS Office and Rialto's congressional House and Senate delegations. We organized several meetings in 2014 between Rialto City officials and COPS Office Director Ronald Davis to discuss the City's law enforcement personnel needs and Justice Department grant opportunities. In addition to the SRO grant the Rialto Police Department secured over $625,000 in COPS funding to hire five new police officers. The Police Department also secured a $93,000 grant in 2012 as part of a study that received national attention on the use of body cameras. The police department saw an 88 percent drop in complaint against officers, from 24 to 3 in a single year, after anplementing the body cameras. Use -of -force incidents also fell by nearly 60 percent from 61 to 25 incidents. Water On water related projects, we have worked with anumber of clients including the cities of Rialto and Colton in the Inland Empire. In this capacity, we worked with Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein and Representatives Joe Baca, Jerry Lewis, Grace Napolitano, and Gary Miller to secure both federal funding and legislative solutions on the issue of perchlorate groundwater contamination in the Rialto-Cohon Basin. We worked with Congressman Baca in establishing the California Reclamation Groundwater Remediation Initiative in the National Heritage Areas Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-338, Title VIII). The program authorized $10 million for the purposes of groundwater remediation under the auspices of the Bureau of Reclamation. Funding will directly assist Rialto and Cohen to deal more effectively with their groundwater perchlorate contamination. We also worked with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and relevant congressional cormnittees, in particular Boxer's Environment and Public Works Corn mittee, in advancing the City of Rialto's objective by securing a National Priorities Listing (NPL) of the 160 -acre B.F. Goodrich area as a superfinid site. In addition, we helped secure over $23 million in perchlorate remediation from the Department of Defense and the EPA. NASA/SOFIA Program President Obama's FY 2015 budget request for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) proposed to eliminate finding for the Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) program operated out of Palmdale, California. David Turch and Associates was tasked by the City of Palmdale to mobilize and secure congressional support to restore full fundnng -- $87 million -- for SOFIA. Termination of the program would have resulted in the direct loss of over 200 high -paying jobs in the Palmdale region. We immediately engaged key House and Senate Appropriations Conmtittee Members and enlisted the support of the California Congressional Delegation We organized a Palmdale City advocacy trip to Washington, DC prior to the NASA budget markup by the House Appropriations Commerce, Justice, Science Subcommittee. The Palmdale delegation met with top NASA representatives including the official in charge of handling funding justifications for the Astrophysics Division. The Palmdale group had meetings with Kevin McCarthy, then House Majority Whip, whose congressional district stretches into the Antelope Valley, as well as with the Republican and Democratic leadership of the CJS Subcommittee. We leveraged local business and labor interests for the project on Capitol Hill. We duplicated our efforts on the Senate side, working closely with Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. We coordinated our legislative advocacy efforts with research stakeholders from northern California. The end result was a House mark of $70 million and a Senate mark of $87 million. The enacted continuing resolution for FY 2015 allowed NASA to continue to fully operate SOFIA. The respective House/Senate appropriations marks, moreover, ensured that the program was funded through the end of 2015 fiscal year. Homeland Security David Turch and Associates provides federal advocacy services for the Interagency Commruications Interoperability System (ICIS) Joint Powers Authority (JPA), a seven - city member agency including Beverly Hills, Burbank, Culver City, Glendale, Montebello, Pasadena, and Pomona. hi, addition, ICIS network subscribers include the Bob Hope Airport Authority, the Los Angeles Interagency Metropolitan Police Apprehension Crime Task Force (LA IMPACT), and the Verdugo Fire Communications Center, serving the cities of Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Arcadia, Monrovia, South Pasadena, San Marino, San Gabriel, Sierra Madre, Monterey Park, and Alhambra. The ICIS system covers over 1.2 million residents in Los Angeles County. Our firm has been actively promoting ICIS's federal agenda with key Members of the House and Senate as well as relevant congressional committees and the executive branch. We have worked with ICIS board members and staff in crafting a federal strategy that advances ICIS's interests by: educating federal representatives about the critical nature of the organization's work; pursuing appropriations and programmatic funding; and leveraging congressional support on behalf of ICIS, resulting in millions of dollars in federal funds for the build out of the system On policy and regulatory fronts, we have promoted ICIS's interests before federal agencies including the Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services regarding COPS Technology funding, the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding their grants programs and `Best Practices" site, and Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate Command, Control and Interoperability Division regarding the establishment of national standards for interoperable communications. ICIS members worked with the Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to discuss the agency's implementation and administration of the S1 billion Public Safety Interoperable Communications Grant Program (PSIC) as well as the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP). More recently, ICIS officials met with NTIA to discuss the agency's plans on establishing and implementing FirstNet, the governance board in charge of managing the development of a nationwide broadband network for public safety. ICIS also met with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) officials from the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau to discuss a legislative rider in H.R. 3630 (P.L. 112-96), legislation extending middle class tax breaks and unemployment benefits, that mandates a "take back" of frequencies in the UHF T -Band portion of spectrum (470-512 MHz), which is used to support narrowband voice systems in a dozen of the largest metropofitan areas in the country, including within LA County. ICIS operates within the T -Band range of frequencies. We are working to resolve the T -Band issue with the LA Congressional Delegation, the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the House and Senate Homeland Security committees, and the Senate Cormnerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. Emergency Preparedness & Action Earlier this year, we organized a Stearns County advocacy trip to Washington, DC. We met with Members of the Minnesota delegation, congressional committees of interest and various federal agencies, including FEMA. The County was awarded over $165,000 from FEMA in Hazard Mitigation grants this year to construct tornado safe rooms. In June 2016, a tornado touched down in Fallon County, Montana and caused extensive damage to a local lake. David Turch and Associates immediately initiated work with FEMA, County Officials, the Governor's office, and the Montana Congressional Delegation to determine the best resources and funding structures to remediate the lake. We worked directly with the Govemor's Office to submit a `Major Disaster Declaration' to the President and the Congressional Delegation to secure letters of support to the FEMA Administrator, Fallon County is currently receiving support from FEMA and the Anny Corps of Engineers, and when the County recently asked for an extension, DTA facilitated discussions with FEMA and Army Corps of Engineers about the required steps and the compelling reasons to grant the request. Education Since entering into an agreement in 2013, we have been working with the city of Hemet, California to raise awareness of their issues on Capitol Hill. We have met with Members of the California delegation as well as with key congressional committees and federal agencies. Hemet was awarded this past month (September 2014) a $340,918 Education grant for the Hemet Unified School District to improve school climate and keep students safe. We worked through the City in support of the grant application. Aviation Over the last year we have worked with the City of Imperial, the City of El Centro, the County of Imperial and SeaPort Airlines on securing a Department of Transportation waiver so that Imperial County Airport can continue to participate in the Essential Air Service (EAS) program The EAS provides a federal subsidy to encourage commercial passenger air service in rural communities. The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (Public law 112-95) amended the EAS requiring participating communities to maintain an average of 10 enplanements or more per service day in order to remain program eligible. This new statutory requirement took effect at the beginning of FY 2013 (October 1, 2012 thorough September 30, 2013). Imperial County Airport's average daily enplanements for FY 2013 was below the minimum DOT threshold. David Turch and Associates worked with all regional stakeholders, including Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and Representative Juan Vargas, in a successful effort to secure a waiver, which was issued by the Transportation Department in September 2014. We organized several meetings with EAS officials and held numerous communications with congressional and regional representatives. Continued EAS service tothe airport is acritical component ofthe region's economic development plans. The waiver allows the airport to continue to have access to the $1.6 million EAS grant through FY 2015. From a different advocacy perspective, we are sometimes retained by a client to block an initiative that will harm their interest. David Turch and Associates was hired by the homeowner's associations of Lake Nona Estates and North lake Park in Orlando, Florida to increase the level of transparency with the Greater Orlando Airport Authority (GOAA) regarding the planned expansion of their East Airfield. The original airport plans threatened to adversely affect the environment and health of the community residents. David Turch & Associates successfully engaged the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), United States Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and relevant members of the House and Senate to pressure the GOAA to make plan modifications to address the communities' concerns. As a result, a community park was created as a buffer zone which then boarded an area that was agreed to be used only for low intensity aviation activity. Any high intensity aircraft activity was also agreed to be located at the area farthest from residential commnmities. Domestic Violence David Turch and Associates helped the Steams County Attorney secure a $100,000 in funding to establish the Domestic Violence Court in Minnesota. Prior to establishing the DV Court, seven out of seven of the last intentional homicides in Steams County were related to domestic violence. Within the fust three years of operation, the DV Court has seen 58% ofvictims, who received legal services, separated permanently from abusers, a reduction in assaults and violations ofno-contact orders, and increased school attendance from the children involved. These improvements include significant economic benefit to the community of decreased use of judicial and enforcement resources, fewer missed days of work or absences from school, and lower health care related costs due to physical injury. REPORTING We place great emphasis on communication. This will be done through personal updates and frequent visits with Rosemead. We will communicate with you extensively and regularly expect to hear from you. This gives you immediate information and provides you with the ability to ask detailed questions and provide specific direction. Such personal service fosters improved relations and provides a forum for more detailed examination ofyour federal issues. This clear understanding of Rosemead's direction is most usefW during the legislative session when we arrange meetings and the opportunity for you to testify before the federal government. Your issues are important, they deserve proper acknowledgment and action. Issues can develop quickly. We have the ability to adapt to changing demands. We understand your agenda and track issues not specifically listed but of interest to you. APPROACH We also maintain close relationships with our clients. Members of the management governing boards of our clients know us personally. We make frequent visits to your area. We listen. We work hard to understand your current needs and your plans for the future. We appreciate the role everyone plays in this team effort. Members of the firm will travel to you to conduct an introductory workshop. We will meet with Rosemead staff, and others, at your behest. We will gather and exchange information to develop a better understanding of your needs, interests, and priorities, both in the near and long tern. We will help you determine and develop your priorities for the year. Together we will establish a strategic plan to achieve your legislative goals and a project list that helps to guide our work in Washington. Following this visit, we commence an educational campaign with members of the California Congressional Delegation, the relevant House and Senate Committees, and agency staff. This campaign includes an introduction to the City, anexplanation of both near and far term priorities, and resources for those offices and staff to retain. We will help you draft testimony for use before congressional committees and prepare handouts for Congress. We have one of the most sophisticated grant tracking programs in Washington. We systematically search for programs within legislation and executive branch agencies that will meet your needs and aid your priorities. We flag all relevant funding opportunities and guide you through the application process. We convey finding opportunities through the combined effort of monitoring departments, and agencies within departments, along with being in contact with the individual program grant managers. We are notified by the appropriate agency relevant to the City of Rosemead and relay the finding opportunity to you often a week or more in advance of the program becoming public on grants.gov. We will work with you to develop a strategy to win political support and pursue funding for your various priorities. As mentioned, we will flag all relevant grant opportunities and guide you through the application process. We will draft letters of support and collect signatures on Capitol Hill. We will do what it takes to bring about the results you expect and deserve. We encourage members and officials of Rosemead to visit Washington to meet with Members of Congress, congressional staff and Executive Branch officials. Your involvement with us in the federal governmental process and public policy issue debates is critical for success. Meeting with agency officials here in Washington promotes a symbiotic relationship in which they can better sense particular needs and adjust programs and awards as needed. Agency officials want to know how they can be helpful to you, as programs are not static and funding opportunities occur on a rolling basis. STAFF BIOGRAPHIES David Torch and Associates has the right people. Our bipartisan firm has the institutional and relational knowledge to expertly navigate Congress and the Executive Branch. While our entire advocacy team works to promote and advance your federal agenda, your day-to-day point of contact would be David Torch. David Torch David Torch served more than fifteen years as a legislative aide with Members of both the U.S. House and Senate and both major political parties. A former Division Director for two of the nation's largest independent public relatiots firms, David achieved substantial expertise in the development of successful government marketing strategies. In August of 1987 lie founded David Tureh and Associates at its present location on Capitol HE David was graduated from Saint John's University with majors in economics and business administration. Marilyn Campbell Marilyn Campbell is our chief operating officer. A native Washitigtomian, Marilyn brings extensive management and political experience including staff service on the House Rules Committee, the most powerful committee in Congress. Ms. Campbell also served as a staff member to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the Senate Cotmnittee on the Judiciary. Subsequently, Marilyn managed some of Washington's top law firms and the Washington office of Ferranti International of die United Kingdom, one of the world's leading defense contractors. Col. Vic Tambone (USAF Ret.) Mr. Tambone served the country as an Air Force officer for twenty-four years, rising to the rank of colonel. In addition to being a pilot, staff officer, and commander, he served with distinction in the Oilke of Legislative Liaison for the Secretary of the Air Force. Tambone also served as a program manager for aircraft acquisition, an Advance Agent for Presidential Flight Support, and the military aide to Secretary Henry Kissinger. President Bush appointed Mr. Tambone as the first Chief of Staff; Science and Technology Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, where lie served as special advisor to the members of the Under Secretary's immediate staff and also as a liaison to other components of the Department, the Administration, and the US Congress. Victor Tambone attended the Virginia Military Institute, and graduated from the United States Air Force Academy. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautic engineering and a minor in astronautic engineering. He also holds a Masters degree in international politics from Webster University and is agraduate of the Harvard University, JFK School of Government, National Preparedness Leadership Institute, Jamie Jones Jamie Jones worked for twelve years in the U.S. House of Representatives. As a senior level staffer for a member from Southern California, Jamie managed the legislative operations of the office and worked closely with both the Republican and Democratic leadership of the House. Jamie worked as a consultant/advance representative on a congressional campaign in New York. He was also a senior associate for a New York - based financial institution. Jamie holds an advanced degree in International Affairs from The American University. Kodiak Hill -Davis Kodiak Hill -Davis brings experience in both the legislative and regulatory process. Ms. Hill -Davis joined David Turch & Associates in 2007 after serving on the staff of Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson. She has worked extensively on behalf of both public and private sector clients on a wide range of initiatives. Ms. Hill -Davis earned dual degrees in Political Science and History from Smith College and a J.D. from George Mason University where she lacused on regulatory law and analysis. Kevin Bosch Kevin Bosch is the director of legislative research; he monitors the activities of Congressional coranittees and agencies of the Fxecutive Branch. Mr. Bosch provides the Finn with a solid business perspective from his work as manager of Georgetown Pipe and Tobacco, an internationally renowned firm. Mr. Bosch holds an advanced degree in Comparative Politics from The American University. Amanda Stephenson Amanda Stephenson joined the firm fiom the School of Policy and Government at George Mason University where she earned her degree in political science. Ms. Stephenson attended George Mason as the recipient of received a prestigious athletic scholarship and was a member of the Division I Women's Soccer Team She also earned a coveted nomination as a Women in Government Relations fellow and is a Southern California Native. CLIENT REFERENCE Larry Rubio, Riverside Transit Authority (951)565-5022 The Honorable John Mirisch, Mayor of Beverly Hills, California (310) 285-1013 imirischcc,beverlyhills.or