CC - Item 5F - Request to Install Red Curb - 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue E M f S • it ' $ 9 ° ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CI:IC. PRIDE STAFF REPORT 44144 °RPoanreo'° TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER,4,c-;\ DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO INSTALL RED CURB— 1060 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE SUMMARY The Traffic Commission received a request from a resident living at 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue to review traffic conditions and access to this property. The resident's complaints described a lack of visibility when exiting and entering the property to and from Walnut Grove Avenue. On August 3, 2017, the Traffic Commission reviewed the traffic conditions and recommended the installation of an additional 10-feet of red curbing to the south of the driveway apron at 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue, along with the repainting of all existing red curbing within the area. DISCUSSION A resident living at the Park View Greens community located at 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue submitted a request for additional red curbing to be installed on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue, south of the community's driveway entrance and exit. The residents stated that the noted curb is currently non-colored and vehicles parked along the curb significantly block the view of northbound traffic, which makes it difficult when exiting the community. Walnut Grove Avenue is a north-south arterial street that is approximately 60-feet wide and allows for two way traffic and restricted parking on both sides of the street. The posted speed limit is 45 miles per hour (mph). Traffic volume in this location is moderate to heavy at times due, in part, to it being an arterial street as well as its proximity to major corporate centers, commercial areas, and the State Route 60 Freeway. Staff reviewed the request with Transtech Engineering, a City approved Traffic Engineering consulting firm. Based on a Line of Sight Analysis and Speed Survey conducted by Transtech Engineering, it was determined that the approximate 77-feet of existing red curb south of the resident's driveway and the existing 94-feet of red curb to the north of the driveway is within the recommended distance to be clear of obstructions. Transtech Engineering recommended all of the existing faded red curb along both sides of Walnut Grove Avenue and 12-feet on the north side of Landis View Lane be repainted so they are more visible and clear. Upon discussion at the Traffic Commission meeting, it was recommended to increase the 77-feet of existing red curb ITEM NUMBER: 5,c City Council Meeting September 12,2017 Page 2 of 5 (south of the resident's driveway) to 87-feet. By adding the additional 10-feet of red curb, visibility and accessibility issues will be further mitigated without any significant parking implications. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to add 10 additional feet of red curb to the south of the driveway apron at 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue and repaint all existing red curbing within the area. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for this type of roadway improvement is included in the Annual Maintenance and Operations Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18, under the Public Works Department, Field Services Division. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT—None ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: Ra el M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engineer Michelle G. Ramirez, Dir or of Public Works Attachment A—Vicinity Map Showing Existing Curb Markings Attachment B - Diagram of Proposed Plans Attachment C - Traffic Commission Staff Report(August 3, 2017) City Council Meeting September 12,2017 Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT A VICINITY MAP SHOWING EXISTING CURB MARKINGS .a :wits...... r Z➢ l • _IIS.�.}v Z . - T� r t s- ..:: — �-.r.. .,.�. .— _-, i... x ......_ ... 'Citi • Walnut Grove Ave LL'^ -94' _ _ aii -�- ^.4-.4..,----- - a_..._ s __-_meq - ' 20' 22'__ 110' _ 77'-':_ 34' 29 ....:; uuuu ............. :. r ' :• .•m: '� [ [[[ -^ Ln: : x a ii « o -. .t.tvtbl Ht : ..................XXXXX.......... :' �.mI' ,IT" t ...="7: S""' S•I � M}ir h}itM'T—t v a......... '1 moi"_ .. ..'. v: tmn: ... ..t .=1 = _ .... .......... �3 4 :vim :: ..«-... y}. - --_:m[uu unuuu.- - .::::sa:::::4:i:.:.... ., .t ;. 1! ...' • �.... ....... _ City Council Meeting September 12,2017 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT B DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED PLANS Z� .a, ;� ..ss,:r7 •ate r •..R _ _ - _ —�, `r I i t fit!; _ss: :' _ � mss! .c ... " ^ ��+ :ase SIM•::X ,/ low ......cEyseSei_. : T .W • 3-= Walnut Greve Ave' ° r x — __ -- _ H SN q a+r• --.12'. ...al:::.xx: -- 4�•`dci , 1: [ .+— rte .. ...... ••°s°•. •mm x•x . ` Lan — ..... :� •r • s.. '-= die ... .,.e.....::: ........... .... Add 10-feet of red curb *� vie . u,, to existing red curb I • X f `Rr z. t Ln i 4 _, i.. ':Ja m 'N3'MYt .X du-:: •.•. IA1rNiff M• 71 _ �''•w r- - i :k........ 1 'N'..1111••I . - - TT1* - -- # 11 111.I' - _ - fi N.N - - -r- • _ l • _� _ _,413=61..."..._..—111 - . M .b2 w +.22 llillill a l NUl4 J W -++ . --- - __ ..........Yl 1 .2 - tfe g - • _ - ii-}N-FX • 3. m •.... .i11.INfh N1 ,� • � �T • t vnJv:X . j i.tiC . uQnGrfwC i7R1i - - .. .�C:7 ... .. --...z.4.------ ...................- . « II n �'::• — �a • R . ••'',-,,,, ,- a'it . e •7 tr �j �� •dd 10-feet of red cur• o existin. red cu • I ,.� City Council Meeting September 12,2017 Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT C TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT (August 3, 2017) M ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION CIVIC PRIDE ' STAFF REPORT /NCORFORATEU 1069 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: MICHELLE G. RAMIREZ, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: AUGUST 3, 2017 SUBJECT: INSTALLATION OF RED CURB — 1060 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE SUMMARY On December 05, 2013 and February 06, 2014, the Traffic Commission reviewed a request from a resident regarding traffic conditions and access to the property at 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue. The resident's complaints described a lack of visibility when exiting and entering the property to and from Walnut Grove Avenue, which creates hazardous conditions. It had been requested that parking restrictions (red curbing) be installed in order to increase visibility for vehicles that are entering and exiting the driveway. At the meeting of December 05, 2013, the Traffic Commissioners motioned to table the item to the next Traffic Commission meeting to allow for additional outreach to nearby residents due to the number of residents present at the meeting being opposed to the additional parking restrictions that would result in the net loss of one parking space on Walnut Grove Avenue as well as restrictions to parking on the adjacent street, Landis View Lane. The item was brought back to the Traffic Commission meeting of February 06, 2014, where the Commission motioned that the item be tabled in order to allow staff to conduct a radar speed survey to determine the speed vehicles are traveling at and, if necessary, come up with possible traffic calming solutions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission take no further action on this request based on the results of all studies conducted at this site. Staff will ensure all existing red curbing within the area is repainted accordingly. ANALYSIS A resident living at the Park View Greens community located at 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue submitted a request for additional red curbing to be installed on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue, south of the community's entrance and exit driveway. The residents stated that the noted curb is currently non-colored and vehicles parked along the curb significantly block the view of northbound traffic, which makes it difficult when exiting the community. f Walnut Grove Avenue is a north-south arterial street that is approximately 60-feet wide and allows for two way traffic and restricted parking on both sides of the street. The posted speed limit is 45 miles per hour (mph). Traffic volume in this location is moderate to heavy at times due, in part, to its being an arterial street as well as its proximity to major corporate centers, commercial areas, and the State Route 60 Freeway. Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 2of10 A request was received to investigate traffic conditions and accessibility at 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue. As it passes this property, the northbound traffic on Walnut Grove Avenue is coming down a slight decline in the road and it is traveling at a 85th% speed of 40 mph, according to the Speed Survey conducted in this area, 5 mph slower than the posted speed limit of 45 mph. There is 77-feet of existing red curb south of the driveway apron to prevent vehicles from parking too close to the driveway and blocking the view of approaching traffic. Staff has reviewed the site and determined that the approximate 77-feet of existing red curb is within the recommended distance to be clear of obstructions according to the line of sight analysis. Staff will have the existing faded red curbing along Walnut Grove Avenue and Landis View Lane be repainted so they are more visible and clear. Line of Sight The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" and other engineering resources have set up guidelines and standards for estimating line of sight at intersections. Improving Sight Lines at Crosswalks and Crossing Vehicles At pedestrian crossings and at side street crossings, generous sight distances and unobstructed sight lines allow motorists and pedestrians to detect each other in time to avoid collisions. Sight lines should be designed so that the motorist can observe the movement of the pedestrian or a crossing motorist for a long enough period of time to accurately determine the approaching vehicles or pedestrians speed. If the motorist has only a brief glimpse of a waiting pedestrian or car, then they cannot observe their speed and may not sufficiently slow their approach to the crosswalk or anticipate a crossing vehicle in time to stop. A vehicle's driver needs to be able to have room to stop before colliding with something in the roadway, such as a pedestrian in a crosswalk, a stopped vehicle, or road debris. To allow drivers to perceive, react, and safely stop, a minimum stopping sight distance must be available. Stopping sight distance is defined as the sum of two distances (AASHTO, Green Book): 1. Reaction distance — the distance traveled by the vehicle from the instant the driver sees an object necessitating a stop to the instant the brakes are applied; plus 2. Braking distance — the distance traveled by the vehicle from the instant brake application begins to the instant when the vehicle has come to complete stop. The reaction distance is based on the reaction time of the driver and the speed of the vehicle. The braking distance is dependent upon the vehicle speed and the coefficient of friction between the tires and roadway. Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 3 of 10 AASHTO (AASHTO Table 3-1 Stopping Sight Distance on Level Roadways) lists minimum recommended stopping sight distances based on design speed and the sum of reaction distance and braking distance. For example, at 45 mph (Walnut Grove Avenue) 165.4 feet is needed for brake reaction distance and 194.4 feet is needed for braking distance. When these numbers are added and rounded, the total distance is rounded to 360 feet. Walnut Grove Avenue has a posted speed of 45 mph. Table 1 Stopping Sight Distance Stopping sight distance Design Brake reaction Braking distance I Calculated Design j Speed distance on level (ft) (ft) (mph) (ft) (ft) 15 55.1 T 21.6 76.7 r80 T 20 73.5 38.4 j 111.9 115 25 I 91.9 60.0 1 151.9 _ 155 30110.3 86.4 � 1961 1 _ 200 35 128.6 117.6 246.2-r 250 I 40 147.0 153.6 (^ 300.6 F_ 305 I-- 45 _ 165.4 7 194.4 359.8 7 _ 360 50 7� ~183.8 fl 240.0 423.8 - 425 55 202.1290.3 290.3 492.4 495 7 60 220.5 I. 345.5 566.0 [ 570 j 65 1238.9 [- 405.5 r 644.4 645 ;Note: Brake reaction distance predicated on a time of 2.5s; deceleration rate 11.2 ft/sec2 Obstructions within Sight Triangles ILOCAL. I STREET I I■ AREA TO BE CLEAR OF n� VIEW OBSTRUCTION..., I EDGE OF SHOULDER \ Z lC. () EDGE OF PAVEMENT aln (y) STATE HIGHWAY Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 4 of 11 To determine whether an object is a sight obstruction, both the horizontal and vertical alignment of both roadways is considered, as well as the height and position of the object (AASHTO, Green Book). For passenger vehicles, it is assumed that the driver's eye height is 3.5 feet and the height of an approaching vehicle is 4.25 feet above the roadway surface. At the decision point, the driver's eye height is used for measurement. Any object within the sight triangle that would obstruct the driver's view of an approaching vehicle (4.25 feet in height) should be removed or modified or appropriate traffic control devices should be installed as per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Obstructions within sight triangles could be buildings, vehicles, hedges, trees, bushes, tall crops, walls, fences, etc. The figure above shows a sight triangle and the clear view triangle. See attachment 3 for the line of sight triangle for Walnut Grove Avenue and the driveway intersection and the distance recommended to keep clear of obstructions. According to the line of sight triangle approximately 74-feet of curb should be kept clear of any obstructions on the south side of the driveway apron and approximately 28-feet of curb should be kept clear of any obstructions on the north side of the driveway apron. Staff has reviewed the site and determined that the approximate 77-feet of existing red curb south of the applicant's driveway and the existing 94' of red curb to the north of the driveway is within the recommended distance to be clear of obstructions according to the line of sight analysis. All of the existing faded red curb along both sides of Walnut Grove Avenue and the 12' on the north side of Landis View Lane should be repainted so they are more visible and clear. RADAR SPEED SURVEY To determine actual speeds along Walnut Grove Avenue, a radar speed survey was conducted on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, on Walnut Grove Avenue between La Madrina Drive and Landis View Lane from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm. The radar measurements followed guidelines and procedures outlined in the CVC Sections 627, 21400, 22358 and the CAMUTCD 2B.13. Speed samples were taken from an unmarked vehicle so as not to alter or impede the free flow of traffic. The table below shows the 2017 speed survey results: Table 2 1Radar Speed Survey for Walnut Grove Avenue between La Madrina Drive and Landis View Lane ;Location Dir. of Date/Time of 85%ile50%ile 10 MPH Posted Travel Survey Speed;Speed Pace !Limit MPHI 'walnut Grove Avenue between La 12/14/17 1 39.5 34.8 30-39 45 NB/SB Madrina Drive and Landis View Lane 10:00am-11:00pm -__ Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 5 of 10 As shown in the table above, the speed samples taken on February 14, 2017, show that the 85th percentile speed of vehicles is at 39.5 mph for Walnut Grove Avenue between La Madrina Drive and Landis View Lane in both directions, which is below the posted speed limit of 45 mph. The speed samples determined that there is no speeding issue along Walnut Grove Avenue between La Madrina Drive and Landis View Lane. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300-foot radius notice to 235 property owners, and postings of the notice at the six public locations. Prepared By: Submitted By: afael M. Fajardo, P.E. Michelle G. Ramirez City Engineer Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Resident's Request 2. Vicinity Map Showing Existing Curb Markings 3. Line of Sight Triangle 4. Speed Survey 5. Locations to be Repainted 6. Public Notification Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 6 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 RESIDENT'S REQUEST h . . ., _ moi, t r • ,.._ Il • ., .. ?1, �!. IM ..0! —�' ') r til 7- oz., yon {7i 1]�`1'yq�, . _ •-'II Y :} . ,.• 'o�"' . �1 y • concne 'O'r, m,..l,gr-,.4 t.•r, I M ,O f 7. I Li ws0 G'.01 1060 Walnut Grove Ave Rosemead,CA 91770 January 3,2017 Kathy Garcia 8838 E,Valley Boulevard Rosemead,CA 91770 Dear Ms.Garcia, First t would like to wish you a happy new year;I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. i am writing to you today as a concerned home owner to ask if the city may consider changing color of the curb zoning for the 1032 to 1096 block on the south bound of Walnut Grove Avenue. • Currently the 1032 to 1096 block on the south bound of Walnut Grove Avenue is a non-colored curb, cars parked along that curb significantly blocks the view of the vehicles exiting the Park View Greens community.The ability to see on coming cards traveling south bound is severely blocked,combining that with vehicles traveling southbound at relatively high speed is potentially a catastrophe waiting to happen. Thank you for listening.I'm sure you'll do the right thing. l w ►assist in any way that 1 can. Feel free to contact me with anything.My phone number is(626)321-2224. I Hsing Lu Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 7 of 10 ATTACHMENT 2 VICINITY MAP SHOWING EXISTING CURB MARKINGS ® n , ¢� el ^- j �' I If --,,0'.4111L .. ,gyp, 14. ' ' `r.'•fsyya,,.yA 1^ a� � •" _ , is t . r ^ .y;.—..=- - it • r- �4'•r�P ' ,14••t 4N.,s..., 1.4: illr tt�v,:w, �n i..E� F-,Walnut Grove Ave a, _- r 94' 8 +R � = pCY�� .20 . . .cam ' it i • I . • y ? 1 fit _ `if Q ..o:+ iNt ••, , ;Y:- 11, ' • • '/ ii .,ai JF ,_,71.::4:-..;,'........ - ta . • . odu 1. . et j 1kk{ � 11$' IV. Tiv s, . ,. , . - � if ,A ...-.--,,. .fr. c tt f5S it It tt t • tI ' ' '.q , rte ,,� t lj r ,jit � i 44. el 91.060 Walnut Grove Ave /p, r' t I i1 i t' fit• y •.''°_a AE" ..51_ Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 8 of 10 ATTACHMENT 3 LINE OF SIGHT TRIANGLE 6 1,- r`,r •• G 1 t ( h ii �:. Y licit, r I-'� !Y • • Irk I� f %si,,y:�_f_ ; `_ ;Anus Grove:Ave ,....4_0 1 " '''`;3 V(' f.7.1. _ .�i,,; 3601.:__ `"t.,-?";t•# 1 . < � • - , '- ,2.1.. ( y, .11 action • • '. '. .. rte' "� C ; ;,r; ii Clear of Obstruction •• n jib ...1,••!... 6, Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 9 of 10 ATTACHMENT 4 SPEED SURVEY City of Rosemead Public Works ' stitat Warne: WALNUT t'3I2OVE i-knits: LA MAMMA to Lit4PtS MO tiitii Radar Survey Shot MitrialIatatki 5 10 15 202 2$ 34 30 40 s %cmc t n►% ji / x 0'le tOd15 �� I -- �MIMI - 1 „...- All — a� 2 ''1 Dpi�9.b ir r Tag-toir to...AM C s 2.0%96,096 ' rgtwy- 'KV). �" # a 16 8.0% 77,6V �► �tXt t �1F. tI .I�r _ 1 is Ira rnTi4 . i 01420ri-•,; 241" A I _� 17 6 14- 35 co�go,go�toli 14'7;614.40.614 ►.!�Crn�►eAi170.t/ I ®I _ 11s:6% I 11 6-6- F1 tt. XItiWarn�� BaliMiiil _ 4 �� _ �_ 1 t.0i l�240111.1111 Ilan77"H - _ _ t*i.Li20 � _ I _ �. ma IMMO --EM-110121111MNIE .. _ d# - - T �� r N 1i - , ...- _~ I I _ ` Data of Bundy: 2/14/2047 ittars'itara: 10:00 . 86th Partomfto Spend: AA RahPcrtamiitr Spcaed: 3i.8 Weathtt: Pool End Three: AN 16th Pomo/Mita Speed: X0J goad Condition: Eta Pasted Bpaed: 46 10 MPH Paso, 30.39 5traotClaea.: Ubsasrtcr: 1311 Wombat fn Paco: 414Conditions not tliit.at 1.4 ikr4/086S3 Portent in Paco: UM. Appanant: Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT 5 LOCATIONS TO BE REPAINTED • _ • ,; ' , i �:�I �. ] ',f - lilt-:� I i!l aint Existing Faded `s:-' _..j•�•,r i i, j 4 4 ( ,1� 'Red Cur. "°' ( . 1. /I r L. - ._ iii1I> .'1I{y---••---"i'-;- i)_j ?, ' •'- - i. f �_ -1 - .. '�.. -74; i^ —tr � I „ « r, r �. r • J ` aleut Grove A e k '''Wiui 1 •. rii i-�Y- `-7714- - 1 �(A � f Re•alnt Existing Faded ' ' ! �. (f i Red Curb 1. A �qY`�� ( Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 11 of 11 ATTACHMENT 6 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC CONCERN NOTIFICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, August 3, 2017, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, for the purpose of reviewing the possible installation of additional parking restrictions (red curbing) on the south side of the driveway apron at 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue. The City received a request from a concerned resident that vehicles parked along the curb on the south side of the driveway at 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue block the view of oncoming traffic for vehicles attempting to exit the premises. You are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by sending a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 3, 2017. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Mrs. Michelle Ramirez, Director of Public Works Written comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to mramirezAcityofrosemead.orq, or faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again, only letters received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 3, 2017 will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you havO any questions regarding this letter, please contact the City Engineer, Rafael Fajardo, at (626) 569 2I5i, For information please call: Para obtener más informacion, favor de Ilamar al: De biet them chi tiet, xin goi: 626-569-2150 Proposed Actions 1060 Walnut Grove Avenue z> r, f • 5'i-_ ..tet/', r x e• I . 11 ' ,i. I I A. 4':11Nu f ". I (& IFTP'. ---1i—- • — 0, I ;LI . •alnt Existing Fade• ' 1 •V C. lj 0 ,:. ed Curb :. C 13 Michelle Ramirez -rom: Cecy Lopez <cecyindsun@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 10:23 PM To: Michelle Ramirez Subject: traffic safety public hearing on 8/3/17 at 7pm To: City of Rosemead, Public Works Department Location: 1050-1090 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770 Description: There is a red curb a few feet away from the fire hydrant and cars tend to park along this entire side of the street at all times, including in front of the fire hydrant and red curb. I, along with the entire Park View Greens community exit the Park View Greens complex at 1050-1090 Walnut Grove Avenue on a daily basis. It makes it very difficult to exit the driveway safely, as the vehicles parked along the street impair a clear view of oncoming traffic traveling northbound on Walnut Grove. There have been accidents along with daily instances where accidents were avoided. My neighbors in the PVG community(1050-1090 Walnut Grove Avenue), my family, friends and I are constantly in danger when exiting the complex. The only way to exit the complex, is by blocking the sidewalk and driving into the first lane and blocking the nib lane closest to the curb. This is due to the vehicles parked along the south side of the street, which obstruct and impair a clear view of oncoming traffic The possibility and attention to install additional parking restrictions (red curbing) on the south side of the driveway at 1050 Walnut Grove Avenue will help solve this traffic safety issue in this area. It will provide a clear and safe view of oncoming traffic for vehicles attempting to exit the complex, prevent t- suture accidents and maintain our community safe. The Park View Greens (1050-1090 Walnut Grove)community and I appreciate your attention to this public safety matter. Kind regards, cecy lopez 1