CC - Item 5J - National League of Cities City Summit In Charlotte, NC.ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER 1� DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 SUBJECT: NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CITY SUMMIT IN CHARLOTTE, NC FROM NOVEMBER 15-18,2017 SUMMARY The City Council will consider authorizing the attendance of any Council Member who wishes to attend the National League of Cities (NLC) — City Summit in Charlotte, NC, from November 15-18,2017. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance, at City expense, of any Council Member that wishes to attend the NLC — City Summit in Charlotte, NC, from November 15-18,2017. FISCAL IMPACT The Expense and Use of Public Resources Policy, adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2005- 47, requires prior City Council approval for out-of-state travel beyond an adjacent state. Funding for this purpose is contained in the City's annual budget. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT - None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Preparedb Linda ung, Executive As' st. the C" anager Attachment: Conference Information ITEM NUMBER: .5j1 Attachment Conference Information I o Vo Z c a vN E i c @ _.W N 00 i A O �. c u 7L� Y.. m _ O o U N c r C 3~ :; u j a r E m CC v rn o O Oof :. O a .a C� O N 00 C m �O ° E •� u> O o >° m a, ° 3w 0 m u J ��ff �� W Y a r Y E U1 70 r6 C •° i o O a E ° F-QU �wu. i w X V a a Z J O -° i@ V, c E V 0, u O c c 0° opo C. ro�� E a s O YY •^ U G U Q Q N Y LT E N Z w u uvv