CC - Item 5D - Request to Install Red Curb - Singing Wood Lane E M F E 9 ° ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL F STAFF REPORT - kur-I•11`i,....,---4411 ______,/ ,1 oRPogA`by4 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER,4/\ DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2017 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO INSTALL RED CURB—SINGING WOOD LANE SUMMARY The Traffic Commission received a request from a resident living at 4600 Singing Wood Lane to install red curbing on the east and west side of the entrance way to Singing Wood Lane, along Mission Drive. The resident's complaint describes a lack of visibility when exiting from Singing Wood Lane due to vehicles parked along the curb, which creates hazardous conditions. The resident also stated that on trash pick-up days, the vehicles are parked too close to the entrance way of Singing Wood Lane leaving no place for the residents to put her trash cans along Mission Drive. DISCUSSION A resident living within the community located on Singing Wood Lane submitted a request for red curbing to be installed on the east and west side of Singing Wood Lane, along Mission Drive. The resident expressed concerns that vehicles are parking too close to their entrance way and obstructing the view of oncoming traffic, making it difficult for the residents to drive out of the entrance way. Mission Drive is considered a minor arterial roadway that is approximately 60-feet wide and has a posted speed limit sign of 40 miles per hour for westbound travelers. Mission Drive has a double yellow center line. Parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway except for street sweeping restrictions. Land use along Mission Drive is defined as medium density residential with planned development. Staff reviewed the request and determined that the curb in front of the Singing Wood Lane community is approximately 70-feet in length east of their entrance way and approximately 106- feet in length west of their entrance way. By installing approximately 5-feet of red curb east and west of Singing Wood Lane,the community's entrance way, accessibility and sight issues will be IImitigated without any significant parking implications. ITEM NUMBER: 5.D City Council Meeting October 24,2017 Page 2 of 5 STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install 5-feet of red curb on the east and west side of Singing Wood Lane. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for this type of roadway improvement is included in the Annual Maintenance and Operations Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 under the Public Works Department, Field Services Division. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT—None ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: afael M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engineer ichelle G. Ramirez, irec f Public Works Attachment A—Vicinity Map Showing Existing Curb Markings Attachment B—Diagram of Proposed Plans Attachment C—Traffic Commission Staff Report(September 7, 2017) City Council Meeting October 24,2017 Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT A VICINITY MAP LEGEND .i . + 7:::--4-..------om { - +5 _ # y+, ; = N " WillAla :• • - rea where red curled m Applicants Residence -vIs been. re:nested Av. f_ ' F m — fl •' t _ - , — .f- FX.,L_.-41. m. H Approximately 70 feet of �, _ f� regular curb east of the = � i driveway apron and =It -=.-,'_7 _ 0 fission Drive :: f - ~� 0 approximately 106-feet of T. " 'W .. ='; . X regular curb west of the •a F _- F ,', � driveway apron .. • oaf .4..'-�— j • -vi '4.4,1 a - .... �'•" • z Approximately 30-foot wide - :: -::::: f driveway apron x :•-•, -.:x::.4:-.F.,.-. � .. m • • Aim T 4" -t _ a t. S ,.,—F :t M —s - .. City Council Meeting October 24,2017 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT B DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED PLANS • K ' _ line,. ;1 lir -at tor LEGEND A Recommended 5'feet of red curb on the east and west side of the driveway apron nJ City Council Meeting October 24,2017 Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT C TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT (September 7,2017) 5 E M F Q � ° ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION ,„w.k: STAFF REPORT CIVaCPRIDE 14-4,..;... ORAYEO X059 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: MICHELLE G. RAMIREZ, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: SEPTEMBER 07, 2017 SUBJECT: INSTALLATION OF RED CURB — SINGING WOOD LANE BACKGROUND The Traffic Commission received a request from a resident living at 4600 Singing Wood Lane to • paint approximately 12 to 15-feet of red curb on the east and west side of the entrance way to Singing Wood Lane, along Mission Drive. The resident's complaints described a lack of visibility when exiting from Singing Wood Lane due to vehicles parked along the curb, which creates hazardous conditions. The resident also stated that on trash pick-up days, the vehicles are i parked too close to the entrance way of Singing Wood Lane leaving no place for the residents { to put her trash cans along Mission Drive. The curb along Mission Drive is approximately 106- feet in length east of Singing Wood Lane, which could accommodate a minimum of five parking spaces of 18-feet in length, and approximately 70-feet in length west of Singing Wood Lane, which could accommodate a minimum of three parking spaces of 18-feet in length. An 18-foot parking space is the minimum length for a parking space established in Standard Plans issued by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission propose to the City Council that 5-feet of red curb be painted on the east and west side of Singing Wood Lane, the community's entrance way. Painting 5-feet of red curb will not affect the number of parking spaces still allowing for five parking spaces east of the entrance way and three parking spaces west of the entrance way. ANALYSIS A resident living within the community located on Singing Wood Lane submitted a request for red curbing to be installed on the east and west side of Singing Wood Lane, along Mission Drive. The resident expressed concerns that vehicles are parking too close to their entrance way and obstructing the view of oncoming traffic, making it difficult for the residents to drive out of the entrance way. Mission Drive is considered a minor arterial roadway that is approximately 60-feet wide and has a posted speed limit sign of 40 miles per hour for westbound travelers. Mission Drive has a Idouble yellow center line. Parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway except for street sweeping restrictions. Land use along Mission Drive is defined as medium density residential with planned development. I Traffic Commission Meeting September 7,2017 Page 2 of 9 Staff conducted a site visit and determined that the curb in front of the Singing Wood Lane community is approximately 70-feet in length east of their entrance way and approximately 106- feet in length west of their entrance way. By installing approximately 5-feet of red curb east and west of Singing Wood Lane, the community's entrance way, accessibility and sight issues will be mitigated without any significant parking implications. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300-foot radius notice to 115 property owners and postings of the notice at the six public locations. Prepared By: Submitted By: - 0/1/10/L. ditiegiOA: Rafael M. Fajardo, P.E. Michelle G. Ramirez City Engineer Director of Public Works Attachments: • 1. Resident's Request 2. Vicinity Map 3. Proposed Red Curb 4. Public Notification f Traffic Commission Meeting September 7,2017 Page 3 of 9 Attachment 1 Resident's Request— Page 1 of 4 August 10,2011 City of Rosemead &MB E.Valley Boulevard lloiemead,CA 917/0 tae:SoJ fyCosree ac for 46(x)Singing Wood tone,Rosemead,0%91770 Pnvote Street Community Dear traffic_Commissioner: We ere writieg to yeti to request the City of Rosemead paha the curbs red on Mission Drive for the safety of our community krcated at 4&X)singing Wood Lane,Rosemead,CA 9171f)(13 homes located on Singing Wood lane Private Street). There are several reasons for our request: j, Virtie r vehicles ore patf.e4 too close to our entrant:+:way when welting the community,It obstructs the view of the street[Mission t}rfve}- Basically,It Is not safe for us to make Left turns or right turns out of our property when vehicles are parked there. especially larger vehicle(i.e.S J'I)is parked on either side of our entrance; ). On trash pickup days,sometimes we cannot put our trash cans on the streets because there are tea many cats parked en the street along our entrance way.furthermore,if we do put our trash cans on the street,the vehicle owners parking their vehicles would move our trash carts onto the sidewalk or on our drhvevay to accommodate their parhdng. This resulted o the disposal company not plating up our trashes when It is not placed on the curve of the street along Mission f)rive. Furthermore,we have asked those parked cars numerous tirnos to respoct our properties by nit moving the trash cans and not parking too close to our dtivcway,however,they did not comply and continued to so whatever pleased them. 3) Mls3ian Drive is a very bury street throughout the day-especially from POD am to Mk pm- and the people living le our community does not feel safe exiting our cxommunity driveway especially Since there are nn overnight parking restrictions. with that said,we are requesting the city to paint the curb red on both the east and west side of our entrance way aking MssIon Drive with a length of at least 12-15 feet or 1 full length compact size vehicle. we sincerely appreciate your prompt attention to our request as this persistence problem made It very difficult and not safe for our families. i hove alto incl photos for your reference. Slnoerely, cc- 4610Sineing Wooed tone Community Traffic Commission Meeting September 7,2017 Page 4 of 9 Attachment 1 Resident's Request— Page 2 of 4 r. I „alt: V . SII ll 1 I, Lif ' Vb. R Y 1111114 • • _ __. { C .. Y — 1 J Traffic Commission Meeting September 7,2017 Page 5 of 9 Attachment 1 Resident's Request— Page 3 of 4 _ 'a91.. IInIin1 1ood 9' is Wii t , 4. { y. * i.r. :''. el iiirlik . • �.- ., . . • f:y.i - ply Traffic Commission Meeting September 7,2017 Page 6 of 9 Attachment 1 Resident's Request— Page 4 of 4 • 11 I_� j • • itil ;‘).' 1 51``' is 1 l i r ; F't 11 i •: f 1 •, I [ lz f V.; i E. �A. t r' w •:J., .•y' te11Yi11•ii' L{ . l'+;.. Traffic Commission Meeting September 7, 2017 Page 7 of 9 Attachment 2 Vicinity Map LEGEND 111,r71. - F-ice C. . t:�y n:,.l- ,' *r' / I v�F 'I Jab 1Wtiorer, �4 a ' r [ Applicant's Residence re, dilesto fit'"` �.. �\ , ♦-0'Approximately 70-feet of ow •,',, 1 .: i N- f..W. , • j t( ,,' ry I M! ry 7a., a regular curb east of the v �� ' �. F-- ` . {i'f'`''- 1 30; sslo'.O','a d riveway 106-feet of 1 • PP Y yi SS regular curb west of the ' F;.» .c N`� :r a I > ► °° driveway apron i;;Pitct.,":"7�" ����„ ,�_ ' 411F .. .<'. ,` � Approximately 30-foot wide '"f ' '+' t,I. ;•4' ",; drivewayapron 110- ,• - or Fir,..,‘ •'mg 1 s.' • 2.' ,• +''I : 3' • • _V P�-%-.--•1 ti - 7,1i* 10 0 ' ;, ,1 iscs •,\ 409 :4 44 S �I eft jr..-i,..;:.-oz-liesi, f �` 4-- 1 I , .� ' Traffic Commission Meeting September 7,2017 Page 8 of 9 Attachment 3 Proposed Red Curb 1.1 11 5' LEGEND A Recommended 5'feet of red curb on the east and west side of the driveway apron (v Traffic Commission Meeting September 7,2017 Page 9 of 9 Attachment 4 City of Rosemead Traffic Concern Notification NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, September 7, 2017, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be ieard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, for the purpose of reviewing the possible installation of parking restrictions (red curbing) on the east and vest side of the driveway apron at Singing Wood Lane, along Mission Drive. The City received a request from a concerned resident hat vehicles parked along the curb on the east and west side of the driveway at Singing Wood Lane block the view of oncoming traffic br vehicles attempting to exit the premises. ,'ou are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments •egarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens'wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by sending a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 7, 2017. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Mrs. Michelle Ramirez, Director of Public Works Nritten comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to mramirez(c cityofrosemead.org, or faxed to(626)307-9218. Again, )nly letters received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 7, 2017, will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in he City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the City Engineer, Rafael Fajardo, at(626) 569-2151. -or information please call: M�attra obtener más informacion, favor de Ilamar al: De biet them chi tiet, xin goi: 626-569-2150 Proposed Red Curb Singing Wood Lane • ,:.1 - .r. _ ^± '�{d ?• •• •;� `�L • ,m..4., • 5' 5' LEGEND Recommended 5'feet of red curb on the east and west side of the driveway apron