CC - Item 2A - Revitalize California Citites MembershipROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER/?,74�^ DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2017 SUBJECT: REVITALIZE CALIFORNIA CITIES MEMBERSHIP (AGENDIZED BY MAYOR PRO TEM LY) SUMMARY This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Mayor Pro Tem Ly. Mayor Pro Tem Ly would like to discuss the possibility of joining the Revitalize California Cities membership organization. The membership dues to join Revitalize California is $5,000. Revitalize California Cities is a grassroots 501C(6) membership organization by cities and allies focused on returning key community and economic development tools to the local level. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Discuss and provide direction to staff. FISCAL IMPACT If the City elected to join this organization, the annual membership dues are $5,000. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT - None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: r Marc Donohue, City Clerk Attachment: Letter from Revitalize California Cities [TEM NUMBER: 2- Attachment Letter from Revitalize California Cities REVITALIZE j CALIFORNIA CITIES 2820 Kino Street, Sacramento, CA 95821 RevCACities@gmail.com • (916) 710-2872 Dear City Leader: November 23, 2017 Revitalize California Cities is a grassroots 501C(6) membership organization by cities and allies focused on returning key community and economic development tools to the local level. Since the elimination of redevelopment, cities are hamstrung on their ability to eliminate blight, meet infrastructure needs, incentivize business development, and build necessary housing for their residents. While various plans have been developed since the loss of redevelopment, none have generated any real or serious tools that are vitally needed. As Gubernatorial candidates are talking about a post -Brown administration and are favorably discussing redevelopment, Revitalize California believes this is the key opportunity to shape the strategy and the policy to bring back the positive parts of redevelopment, while eliminating some of the more controversial and unpopular items. We believe that a redevelopment 2.0 policy developed by cities for cities will provide the best gain for our local communities. Revitalize California is led by Russell Lowery, a 25 year legislative veteran in budget and tax policy for California. Mr. Lowery has led direct budget negotiations with the Governor as part of the state senate leadership and represented a Fortune 200 company's interest in the state legislature. He provides Revitalize California the necessary policy experience and political muscle necessary to carry through our objective of bringing back key city development tools eliminated with redevelopment. City membership dues are $5,000. This important investment will demonstrate your commitment to bringing back key redevelopment tools and allow us to begin building the infrastructure necessary to shape the discussion and policy that will eventually become the successor to redevelopment. As we move forward, we are urging our fellow cities to join us and help us bring back such a vital and important tool that will help us spur jobs, eliminate blight, and provide needed housing for our communities. Sincerely, /24,�dc;L Russell Lowery Executive Director — -