RFP - 2018-01 - MS4 and NPDES Professional Compliance and Support ServicesPage 1 of 6 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFP No. 2018-01 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) TO PROVIDE MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES The City of Rosemead’s Public Works Department is requesting proposals to provide a Phase I Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit professional compliance and support services as required by California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (LARWQCB) Order No. R4-2012- 0175-AO1, the amended Coastal Los Angeles County MS4 NPDES Permit. BACKGROUND The Public Works Department administers the City of Rosemead’s MS4 Permit Program and local implementation of the City of Los Angeles led Upper Los Angeles River (ULAR) Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP) and Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) Plans. Permit enforcement is primarily though Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) Chapter 13.16 and Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) response services are provided by the Los Angeles County Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District (CSMD). Requested services will be provided annually from July 1st to June 30th and summarized within individual and watershed annual reports to be submitted to the LARWQCB by December 15th. Professional Services Agreement (PSA) and Notice to Proceed (NTP) issuance after July 1st may result in reprioritization of task scheduling and budgets, so that necessary work can be completed in a satisfactory and timely manner. REQUESTED SERVICES 1. Meetings: Attend kickoff meeting with City staff, six (6) regional meetings (such as LAPG, ULAR, or MS4 Permit related workshops), and four (4) informal City staff or management meetings or additional external meetings. Agenda and summaries will be prepared for each City meeting; however formal presentations will not be prepared. 2. Staff Training: State registered Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP), Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Developer (QSD), or Practitioner (QSP). Consultant staff shall provide annual training to designated City staff: a. Construction/Erosion Plan Review and Permitting (Permit Part VI.D.8.I.ii.(1)) b. Erosion/Sediment Control Plan Inspection (Permit Part VI.D.8.I.ii.(2)) c. Stormwater Targeted Public Employee and Contractor (Permit Part VI.D.9.k) d. Staff Illicit Connection/Illicit Discharge Response (Permit Part VI.D.10.a.iii.(5)) Page 2 of 6 3. Public Information and Participation Program: Develop activity specific public education content, regarding source control BMPs, use and disposal of MS4 Permit Part VI.D.5.d.i.(2) pollutants relevant to Rio Hondo Reach 3 and downstream receiving water impairments, for incorporation by the City Webmaster or distribution by the City. 4. Industrial/Commercial (I/C) Facilities Program: The City of Rosemead’s Business License database consists of approximately 200 food service, 100 automotive repair, 20 Retail Gasoline Outlets (RGO), and 6 nursery facilities, while the state Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) includes five (5) active traditional and one (1) No Exposure Certification (NEC) Industrial General Permit (IGP) holder. Each must be inspected twice, at least six months apart, between December 28, 2012 and the effective date of the next MS4 Permit tentative assumed to be July 1, 2019. For half of these facilities annually, Consultant would send a City reviewed pre-inspection notification letter on City letterhead, conduct inspections using a City reviewed form, and develop an I/C facility program tracking database with the attributes identified in Permit Part VI.D.6.b.ii. By July first, electronic scans of the completed inspection forms, inspection photographs, significant business specific communications, I/C Program tracking database, and Geographic Information System (GIS) shape files would be submitted to the City’s Project Manager. Consultant will review the City of Rosemead’s Business License Fee Schedule and provide corresponding Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes for future use by City staff, during the licensing process. Consultant will review Primary Business Activities (PBAs) in the Business License database and identify corresponding SIC and NAICs codes. Consultant will provide per inspection category rates, for newly identified facilities, follow up, and enforcement inspections. Consultant will provide the identified number, type and associated I/C Facility inspections services, identifying additional per inspection rates for each I/C identified category. At the conclusion of the permit service period in June, electronic scans of the completed inspection forms, inspection photographs, significant business specific communications, the tracking database, and associated GIS shape file would be submitted to the City Project Manager. The actual number and categories of inspections completed will be subject to adjustment based on prioritization and funding. a. Two (2) traditional (NOI) IGP facility inspections with pre-inspection notification letter and development of a City approved IGP inspection form. b. One (1) IGP facility NEC verification inspection with pre-inspection notification letter. c. One (1) IGP Non-filer (businesses with SIC codes identified in Attachment A to the IGP) inspection with pre-inspection notification letter. d. One (1) IGP facility inspection, with pre-inspection notification letter, leading to Consultant drafting, or issuing on City Letterhead, an NOV letter. e. One hundred (100) Commercial Food Service (FS) inspections with pre-inspection notification letter and development of a City approved FS inspection form. f. Fifty (50) Commercial Auto Repair or RGO inspections with pre-inspection notification letter and development of a City approved RGO inspection form. g. Twenty (20) Other inspections or visits, with pre-inspection notification letter, including nurseries, validation of facility closure, denial of access, assessment of Page 3 of 6 tentative SIC/IGP Attachment A applicability. 5. Redevelopment Planning: RMC Chapter 13.16.180 incorporates Los Angeles County Code Chapter 12.84 Low Impact Development (LID) Standards in their entirety. Consultant will provide two (2) LID storm water project reviews, for each of four (4) projects of less than five acres, based on MS4 Permit Part VI.D.7 criteria. Larger projects would be reviewed on a negotiated time and materials basis. Developer provided Project and Best Management Practice (BMP) tracking data will be input into the Watershed Reporting Adaptive Management & Planning System (WRAMPs), other suitable City software, or database, using City provided identification and passwords. 6. Redevelopment Construction Inspections: Once per month, for up to 12 days per year, Consultant will provide up to four (4) Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP), Construction General Permit (CGP), or City Project Inspections as prioritized by City staff. Consultant will draft inspection forms for City review prior to first inspection. Correction and Enforcement (NOVs) actions will be a result of these inspections where appropriate and forwarded to the City for signature and delivery. Permit required construction inspection tracking data will be provided to the City Project Manager within one week following the inspection. 7. Post-Construction BMP Inspections: City has eight (8) terminated and five (5) active CGP projects identified in SMARTS, for which LID and BMP criteria were unavailable during ULAR Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA) and EWMP development. City will assemble, for onsite review, SUSMP, SWPPP, BMP design, and maintenance covenants for the projects. Over three (3) days, Consultant will use Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) and City reviewed forms, to inspect and assess, the effectiveness of visible post-construction BMPs, not inspected during the prior two years. Consultant will record Post-Construction BMP inspection, and tracking data, as identified in MS4 Permit Parts VI.D.7.d, VI.D.7.d.iv.(1)(a), and VI.D.9.h.x, and provide the City with GIS shape and data files with collected observations. 8. Public Facility Inventory: Consultant will develop an electronic inventory of public facilities based on the criteria identified in Permit Part VI.D.9.c.i, with facility specific information as identified in Part VI.D.9.c.ii. 9. Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities: The LARWQCB approved ULAR EWMP Plan reported that City of Rosemead’s pollution source control needs were equivalent to 106 acre-feet of runoff capture at a planning level cost of $110 million. Consultant will overlay the City of Rosemead’s sub-watersheds identified in the ULAR EWMP Plan Table 7A-33 onto a suitable aerial map provided by the City. Private and public parcels, potentially suitable for retrofitting with BMPs as pollution source controls, will then be identified based on criteria identified in Permit Part VI.D.9.iii. These parcels will be identified for the City’s Project Manager to be used by the City of Rosemead’s Planning Division, along with Permit recommended retrofitting concept identified in Permit Part VI.D.9.d.v. These recommendations (“smaller retrofit projects”) could then be included during Conditional Use Permit (CUP) developer negotiations and as part of the background information provided at the City’s Planning Commission Hearings. Page 4 of 6 Consultant will identify multiple regional BMP projects for strategic and cost-effective analysis, and based on the findings, propose at least one retrofit opportunity suitable for implementation as a regional BMP, complimentary in volume to the 80 to 106 acre-feet of captured volume identified in the ULAR EWMP Plan for the City of Rosemead, at an estimated planning level cost of significantly less than $110 million. The proposed regional BMP should be the most cost-effective, practical, sensible, and politically sensitive; and must include an implementation schedule as well as financial strategies (e.g. grants, private-public partnership, bonds, etc.), strive to comply with the on-going regulatory compliance requirements. Consultant will undertake a concept analysis of the regional BMP, as well as smaller retrofit projects (particularly those requiring private/public partnership), and identify a short list of competitive projects for purpose of grant application, for review by the City’s Project Manager. Based on City’s input, Consultant shall prepare a feasibility study (for the suite of project[s]) suitable for submission as a Proposition 1 Stormwater Implementation Grant, Groundwater (if projects can demonstrate recharge benefit), and/or other future grants. The feasibility study should also include project phasing (e.g. Phase 1 -- smaller projects, Phase 2 – Regional BMP, etc.) for use in multiple grant application submittals, if deemed necessary and advantages, depending on various projects’ readiness. Since second round grant applications are anticipated for submission during the summer of 2018, the Consultant should provide an estimate for preparing and supporting such a grant application as an additional service task. 10. Public Activity Management: Consultant will allot one person for a day per month, for twelve (12) months, to observe public activities or facilities and provide written suggestions regarding how those activities or facilities could be modified to improve pollutant source control efforts, similar to Permit Part VI.D.9.i.iii for road reconstruction. Normally a half day each, would be spent on making observation and preparing cost-effective suggestions. City supervisory staff would be encouraged to suggest service needs during the first three weeks of each month; however, failing such suggestions, the Consultant would provide the City’s Project Manager with a suggested facility or activity to observe for concurrence. 11. Trash TMDL Compliance: Trash full capture device connector pipe screens are to be installed within City of Rosemead’s catch basins prior to Consultant selection. Consultant will conceptualize an alternative compliance trash capture study focusing on areas tributary to unprotected catch basins, seek LARWQCB staff input on study objectives and methods, then undertake a spring pre-DGR study to improve the DGR study outcome. DGR studies must be conducted over two summers and will be included in future PSAs or separately contracted. 12. IC/ID Investigation and Elimination: Consultant shall provide a time and materials rate sheet, with point of contact, to be utilized if 24-hour, 365 day a year environmental engineering triage and assessment services, are needed. Whenever possible, routine IC/ID investigation and elimination services shall be undertaken within 20 hours of Consultant notification, or 72 hours of the City having become aware of the discharge. Actions and measures undertaken in conformance with this paragraph will conform, as closely as possible, to Permit Part VI.D.10 requirements and objectives, including post-event documentation and enforcement assistance. The Consultant cost estimate shall include the first 16 person hours of routine investigation and elimination services. Page 5 of 6 13. Annual Report: Following each July to June service period, the Consultant will assist City staff in preparing draft and final Individual MS4 Permit Annul Report submittals to the ULAR EWMP Group Lead Agency. Consultant will follow submission directions to assure that a complete and acceptable annual report is submitted in a timely fashion. PROPOSAL INFORMATION Contents are limited to 25 pages and must include: A. A Cover Letter summarizing the proposal. B. Credentials and Experience:  A brief history of the consulting firm and summary of clients for which these services have been supplied within the last five years.  Provide proof of any applicable certifications and/or licenses held by staff. C. Sub-contracted services:  Provide a list of sub-contracted services to be used for work that your company is unable to provide (if any), along with their qualifications and proof of any applicable certifications and/or licenses held by staff. D. Fees:  Outline a proposed fee schedule for services anticipated and identify the rate of compensation for the professionals involved. In addition, identify the rate of compensation for the professionals involved, by position/title held within your organization. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Request for Proposals release date: Monday, January 8th, 2018 Proposal due date Thursday, February 8th, 2018 Staff reviews proposal to determine finalist Week of February 22, 2018 Recommendation to award contract with selected Consultant Tuesday, March 13, 2018 DIRECTIONS FOR DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL Three (3) copies of the project proposal shall be delivered in a “sealed fashion” no later than Noon, Thursday, February 8th, 2018, to: City of Rosemead - City Clerk’s Office 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Rafael M. Fajardo, City Engineer Public Works Department/Engineering Division Page 6 of 6 SELECTION CRITERIA The City will consider only those proposals received by the indicated deadline. Selection will be made on the following criteria:  Professional qualifications and experience.  Satisfaction of current/former clients.  Ability to meet insurance requirements.  Ability to be available in emergency situations. CONTRACT PERIOD The Contract period shall be from the date of execution through June 30th of the following year. This contract has the possibility of annual extensions based on performance and pending City Council approval. DISCRETION AND LIABILITY WAIVER The City reserves the right to reject all proposals or to request and obtain, from one or more of the environmental consultants submitting proposals, supplementary information that may be necessary for City staff to analyze the environmental consultants’ proposals, pursuant to the selection criteria contained herein. The City is not liable for the costs incurred by the environmental consultants for the preparation of this proposal. The City may require environmental consultants to participate in additional rounds of more refined submittal before the ultimate selection of an environmental consultants made. These rounds could encompass revision of the submittal criteria in response to the nature and scope in the initial proposals. The environmental consultant, by submitting a response to this RFP, waives all rights to protest or seek any legal remedies whatsoever regarding any aspect of this RFP. All proposals shall be binding for a period of sixty (60) days after the delivery date and may be retained by the City for examination and comparison. DRAFT AGREEMENT Attached is a draft copy of the City’s standard Professional Services Agreement. This draft is subject to change and pursuant to review by the City Attorney. Page 7 of 6 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The proposer shall provide Certificate of Insurance evidencing minimum coverage of $1,000,000 in Professional Liability, General Liability, Automobile Liability Coverage and Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best’s rating no less than A: VII, licensed to do business in California and satisfactory to the City. All certificates and endorsements must be received and approved by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. BUSINESS LICENSE The successful Consultant shall obtain a City of Rosemead Business License prior to commencing work. C-1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD BID PROPOSAL FORM BID PROPOSAL: I, the undersigned, hereby propose to furnish in accordance with the specifications. SEE ATTACHED PROFESSIONAL FEES AND RATE SCHEDULE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM. IT IS MANDATORY FOR YOUR BID TO BE CONSIDERED RESPONSIVE. List exceptions to Bid: ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET. Estimated delivery date: ARO. BID BY: Company name Address City, State, Zip Authorized Signature (Name printed) Title Telephone Number Fax Number Date Ownership: Sole___; Partnership______; Corporation______; (State of Inc.)______