PC - Item 3A - Specific Plan 14-01, Zone Change 14-01, General Plan Amendment 14-01, and Municipal Code Amendment 14-02 Staff Report ,° E M ' ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT sot- TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: JANUARY 17, 2018 SUBJECT: SPECIFIC PLAN 14-01, ZONE CHANGE 14-01, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 14-01, AND MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT 14-02 GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN SUMMARY The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan encompasses the 1.2-mile portion of Garvey Avenue, between New Avenue and Charlotte Avenue. The area includes 88-acres (153 parcels) that abut Garvey Avenue. The area is characterized by long established community institutions (Garvey Intermediate School, Arlene Bitely Elementary School, and Jim's Burgers), newer icons (Boca Dharma Temple, the Square Shopping Center, and China Islamic Restaurant), which are interspersed among largely auto-oriented land uses. Vacant parcels make up 30.4% (nearly 27-acres) of the total project land area with no open space or parks. Approximately 55-acres of the project area may be redeveloped over the life of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. A copy of the Draft Garvey Avenue Specific Plan is attached as Exhibit "A". ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The City of Rosemead acting as a Lead Agency, has completed an Environmental Impact (EIR) (State Clearinghouse No. 2015041067) for the proposed project pursuant to Section 15070(b) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) are attached in a compact disc (CD) as Exhibits "B and "C", respectively. The proposed Garvey Avenue Specific Plan constitutes a project that is subject to review under the CEQA (California Public Resources Code, Division 13, Section 21000, et seq.), the State CEQA Guidelines (Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Division 6, Chapter 3, Section 15000, et seq.). The Lead Agency prepared an Initial Study (IS) pursuant to the requirements of the CEQA Statutes and determined that the proposed project requires an EIR. The Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study for the EIR was released on April 20, 2015. The Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 2 of 18 NOP was sent to agencies on the County's standard distribution list on April 21, 2015. The public comment period on the NOP ran from April 22, 2015 to May 21, 2015. Copies of written comments received during the public review period for the NOP are included in Appendix A of the EIR. Pursuant to Section 15087 of the State CEQA Guidelines, a Notice of Completion (NOC) was filed with the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) concurrently with Notice of Availability (NOA) on May 8, 2017, and the Draft ER (DEIR) circulated for public and agency review for a period of 45-days ending Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 5:00 pm. A copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Report was also available on the City of Rosemead's website, City Hall, and Rosemead Public Library. Electronic copies of the DEIR were sent to responsible agencies, local agencies, and concerned agencies and individuals, as requested. Program EIR As referred to in the DEIR, the Program EIR is the appropriate type of document to identify the geographic extent of sensitive resources and hazards, along with existing and planned services and infrastructure support systems that occur in the planning area. This EIR has been designed so future development projects within the Planning Area can use "tiering", an environmental streamlining tool defined in Section 15152 et al of the CEQA Guidelines. The DEIR discloses the development assumptions when analyzing for environmental impacts as it states in the Project Description section. Project-level analysis was conducted for Opportunity Projects and Prototypical Development scenarios identified in the Specific Plan to the extent that future development could be reasonably forecasted without resulting in speculation. Table 3-5 (Prototypical Development Scenarios) of the EIR summarizes the various project-level scenarios evaluated. Impact and Mitigation Measures The DEIR identified significant and unavoidable impacts with no feasible mitigation on Air Quality in regard to short-term construction-related and long-term operation-related air quality and greenhouse gases, permanent increases in ambient noise levels, and local and regional transportation systems. The DEIR Mitigation Measures and Mitigation Monitoring Program to reduce to less than significant the project's impacts concerning the project's impacts Cultural Resources, Noise, and Transportation and Traffic is included in the Final EIR (FEIR). STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission: 1. Conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony; Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 3 of 18 2. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 18-01 (attached as Exhibit "D"), a resolution recommending the City Council adopt Resolution 2018-05 and Ordinance 978 (attached as Exhibits "E and F", respectively), approving Specific Plan 14-01, Zone Change 14-01, Municipal Code Amendment 14-02, and General Plan Amendment 14-01; and 3. Recommend the City Council adopt Resolution 2018-06, certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2015041067) with Reports, Findings of Fact, Statements of Overriding Consideration, and a Mitigation Monitoring Program (attached as Exhibit "G"). DISCUSSION The public engagement process that began in 2014, as described in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan's Chapter 1, led to the formulation of the Vision guiding the subsequent Garvey Avenue Specific Plan: "To revitalize the Garvey Avenue corridor from a commercial/industrial area into a vibrant commercial, residential, and mixed-use district, with a compliment of local and subregional serving retail, entertainment, and service businesses, office space, and community uses, all tied together with public improvements that create a vibrant and enjoyable pedestrian environment." Chapter 2 provides context and conditions. The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan is structured around flexible, innovative, and proven approaches that ensure the area will have adequate infrastructure and public services to support the area's transformation. Chapter 3 builds on the foundation of the Garvey Avenue Master Plan with design and development standards for walkability and consistently high-quality design, and expands the spectrum of available tools for community-wide improvements under the Community Benefits Incentives approach. Chapter 4 devotes and graphically illustrates ideas for transformation of catalytic opportunity sites at the LA Auto Auction, Landwin Property, and other sites, revitalization of the Alhambra Wash, and streetscape beautification and improvements. Chapter 5 presents streetscape treatments and street improvements options that facilitate Garvey Avenue renovation into a living street of pedestrians, bicyclists, and sidewalk diners. Chapter 6 recommends strategies to fund and finance the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, and provides an Action Plan with specific directions for the day-to-day administration and long-term management of the plan. The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan will support the development of over 1.18 million square feet of commercial development, 892 dwelling units (DU), and 0.77 acres of open space. These estimates represent a realistic building of the planning area based on an analysis of existing development that will persist through the life of the proposed Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 4 of 18 Garvey Avenue Specific Plan plus anticipated redevelopment. Street improvements in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area remodels the 100-foot wide Garvey Avenue with street landscaping, multimodal improvements, and lane reconfigurations. Planned restoration of a street grid system at the LA Auto Auction Site and Landwin Properties connecting Garvey Avenue and new neighborhood streets adds to the roadway network of the area. The DEIR concluded that the implementation of the project will result in significant and unavoidable environmental impacts regarding short-term construction-related and long- term operation-related air quality and greenhouse gases, permanent increases in ambient noise levels, and local and regional transportation systems. Overall, newer developments are intended to be directed to the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan's GSP and GSP-MU zone districts. Most residential development would be built almost exclusively within the GSP-MU zone with the remainder at GSP-R/C. GSP-OS/P and GSP-R/C will retain much of their current character while benefiting from the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan's improved approach on urban design. Table 1: Overview of Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Zones DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY MAXIMUM Zona Description Without Community Community Benefits Benefits Retail, service, public, open space, and office businesses, with a focus GSP on businesses that support the Garve Avenue needs of the local community. Commercial: Commercial: 1.0 Y Stand-alone residential and mixed- Specific Planuse are not permitted. Contains the 0.75 FAR FAR "Catalytic Project Site" of West Gateway Retail opportunity site. Area: 27.10 acres Mixed-use area with active pedestrian and retail areas to serve a variety of needs and stimulate a range of environments. The residential uses are carefully Commercial: Commercial: 1.0 GSP-MU integrated into buildings with active 0.75 FAR FAR Garvey Avenue ground-floor commercial frontages. Specific Plan, Stand-alone commercial and stand- Residential:25 Residential: 80 Incentivized Mixed Use alone residential uses are permitted, du/acre du/acre as well. Includes high-quality public parks, open spaces, and greenways. Mixed Use: 1.6 Mixed Use:3.0 Contains the "Catalytic Project Site" FAR FAR of former LA Auto Auction and Landwin Property. Area: 39.50 acres _ _L Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 5 of 18 Exists only on the Alhambra Wash; GSP-OS/P provides for parking areas, and Garvey Avenue planned green and open spaces. Specific Plan,Open Part of the LA Auto Auction and N/A N/A Space/Parking Landwin Property `Catalytic Project Site". Area: 0.77 acre Stand-alone residential types and GSP-R/C commercial uses are permitted. This Commercial: zone represents modifications to the 0.75 FAR Commercial: 1.0 Garvey Avenue development standards of theFAR Specific Plan, existing R-2 zoning district Residential: 30 Residential/Commercial development. Residential: 7 i du/acre du/acre Area: 12 acres Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Development Community Development Department staff managed the development of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan in collaboration with other key City departments to implement the City's General Plan goals and policies for Garvey Avenue. The Rosemead General Plan sets the framework for preparing the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan with the General Plan providing for both private and public realm design features in the "High Intensity" area. In August 2012, the Rosemead City Council adopted the Garvey Avenue Master Plan supporting design criteria with the purpose of providing a foundation for Garvey Avenue to be recognized as a vibrant corridor with clean storefronts and visible pedestrian activity. To create the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan vision, the Community Development Department embarked a meaningful community engagement process through community surveys, stakeholder interviews, and workshops. A five-person Ad Hoc Committee drawn from the City Council, Planning Commission, Traffic Commission, and Beautification Committee provided oversight of the project's development. The outcome of the community engagement process created not only the vision, but also produced eight objectives. Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Objectives 1. Create a neighborhood "main street" that will serve as a focal point for the neighborhoods surrounding Garvey Avenue. 2. Provide new opportunities for commercial and residential uses in mixed-use settings. 3. Facilitate opportunities for catalytic developments that provide desired retail, entertainment, and service businesses, employment opportunities, and support Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 6 of 18 the local community. 4. Provide for the gradual phasing out of industrial uses that create conflicts with the surrounding neighborhoods. 5. Support design that contributes to enhancing the character of the City and Garvey Avenue, in particular. 6. Create "place making" public plazas, gathering spaces, parks, and parklets that serve as focal points for the corridor. 7. Enrich the pedestrian and bicycle environment along Garvey Avenue through well-designed and appropriately scaled paths and pleasing streetscapes. 8. Encourage investment, maintenance, and pride in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area. Project Entitlements The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan's adoption requires an amendment to the City's General Plan; an amendment to the Zoning Code; a zone change to adopt the Specific Plan land uses; the approval of the Specific Plan document; and certification of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Approval of the following land use actions is consistent with the Specific Plan Implementation Action Plan. • Specific Plan 14-01: The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan is enacted pursuant to Sections 65450 through 65457 of the California Government Code, which authorizes local governments with certified General Plans to prepare and adopt specific plans. • Zone Change 14-01 and Municipal Code Amendment 14-02: The proposed Zone Change and Municipal Code Amendment integrates the contents of Chapter 3 Land Use, Zoning, and Development Standards of the Specific Plan to the Rosemead Municipal Code under the proposed sub-chapter, "Chapter 17.21- Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Zoning District". The proposed zone change replaces six existing zones with four new zones with their associated land uses and development standards to guide redevelopment and new construction. Staff crafted the zoning regulations to ensure consistency with the City's Zoning Code to promote ease of administration. Exhibit "H" (attached in a CD) shows the amendments made to Title 17. • General Plan Amendment 14-01: Adoption of the Specific Plan requires the amendments to the Rosemead General Plan; this includes: Land Use Plan (Figure 2-1), Land Use Categories/Buildout Table (Table 2-1), land use Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 7 of 18 definitions, General Plan and Zoning Ordinance Consistency (Table 2-5), Land Use and Population Estimates (Table 2-6), Development and Population (Table 2-7), Future Area Intersection Levels (Table 3-3) and subsequent text, Future Area Roadway Segment LOS (Table 3-4), Level of Service Values — Intersections (Figure 3-2), Level of Service Values — Segment (Figure 3-3), and Identified Intersection Approach Improvements (Figure 3-5). In addition, the General Plan will be amended to reflect the Specific Plan densities and floor area ratio (FAR) for all mixed-use categories. Exhibit "I" shows the amendments made to the Land Use Element of the General Plan. KEY SPECIFIC PLAN THEMES Garvey Avenue Specific Plan organizes the discussion and the areas of planning under key multi-topic themes. Development Opportunity Sites Chapter 4 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies development opportunity sites and advances scalable concepts and designs practical for the area's diverse vacant and underutilized parcels. • Garvey Avenue LA Auto Auction and Landwin Property Sites Mixed Use Destination: This opportunity site includes Alhambra Wash that bisects the site. The two abutting properties are assumed to be developed as one project despite being under separate ownership. The combined properties have an area of 24 acres. Seven strongly recommended key design principles each accompanied by diagram plans, are intended to prepare these large paved sites into a desirable town square with a walkable grid of connected streets with neighborhood-serving shops. The Alhambra Wash is planned to become a major open space amenity as it straddles the catalytic site of the LA Auto Auction and Landwin Property. Initial plans to add more green space on-site includes new public greenways with the support of the development of parcels bordering Alhambra Wash to begin restoring this natural feature and revitalize this open space amenity. • West Gateway Specialty Retail Destination: The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan presents the 1-acre vacant lot at 7430-7450 Garvey Avenue at the western edge of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan as the "West Gateway Specialty Retail Destination". The primary design concept suggested is an all-retail, pedestrian- friendly, small-scale mall with a central garden atrium and specialty retail shops. In design, by fronting the street with public space and retail rather than parking, it represents a rethinking of the typical mini-mall, both enhancing the street with shops fronting onto a narrow gateway plaza on Garvey Avenue and offering an indoor garden experience for the public accessing the small-scale shops inside. The maximum developable retail space would be 29,966 square feet, of which Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 8 of 18 the majority would be on the second floor, with the remainder in the front half of the first floor. The building would have an FAR of 0.73. • Prototypical Development Opportunity Sites: Prototypical Development Opportunity Sites is an attempt to address the many parcels and small groups of parcels along the corridor that share a similar existing condition and have similar development opportunities and constraints. The Plan seeks to address underutilized single or double parcels typically defined by one-story structures sited away from street frontages with parking at the front of the property. The proposed development scenario would be permissible on lots between 50 feet and 350 feet in width. Land Use Development and Design Chapter 3 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan feature designs and forms that altogether encourage high quality infill and mixed-use redevelopment of vacant lots and underutilized properties to their highest and best use, activates and beautifies the streets to create walkable environments, implements smarter parking management, and illustrates high-quality landscape and streetscape design that is consistent throughout the corridor. Standards vary by land use districts, and appropriate for the intended level of urbanity and development desired for the two mixed-use commercial districts GSP and GSP-MU districts. • Development and Design: The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan's development and design standards are intertwined to address a host of existing urban design issues, and a more walkable vibrant Garvey Avenue. Setbacks for an urban design perspective establishes 10-foot street frontages for residential projects, and no minimum for nonresidential uses. Specific setbacks distances are identified when adjacent to single-family residential zoning, or when close to residential, school or park use. The Specific Plan creates the desired street frontage and will improve current pedestrian circulation by limiting the amount of curb cuts, driveways, and parking lot frontages. The design standards augment the existing design Garvey Avenue Master Plan guidelines. All buildings in the Specific Plan must incorporate building modulation including the facade. Design standards regarding minimum window glazing, ground floor design, building entrances' design treatments, and roof and skyline forms are accompanied by graphic illustrations codifies the essential elements of a pleasant walkable Garvey Avenue. • Uses: The allowed land uses set the intended character for each of the land use district. The Specific Plan's Table 3.3 includes the allowable land uses in each zone and the appropriate permitting process. Hotels are permitted with the Auto Auction and Landwin properties being identified in the plan as potential sites. The Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 9 of 18 Auto Auction and Landwin sites, Park Monterey site, and all zoned GSP-MU sites will be the major mixed-use locations within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area. To promote active nonresidential development on the ground floor, medical office and offices are permitted on upper floors, if permitted within the zoning area. Certain light industrial and auto-oriented commercial uses become nonconforming with regard to the use provisions of this Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. The Specific Plan outlines the process for nonconforming uses and requires compliance with Specific Plan use requirements after 90 days from the use being abandoned or discontinued. Community Benefit Incentives The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan introduces a menu of "Community Benefit Incentives" to augment the City's ability to guide development projects and to assist with community improvements on qualifying applications. The development standard tables in Chapter 3 specifies the development potential increase, and presents for the general public, City, and developers a transparent accounting for the procedures and limitations when exercising Community Benefits Incentives. Restrictions and/or covenants are required to be recorded on the property to ensure the benefits or amenities provided to earn the Community Benefit Incentive are maintained in perpetuity. Benefits can be obtained in two ways: Affordable Housing and Senior Housing or Garvey Avenue Community Benefit Program. • Affordable Housing and Senior Housing: The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan allows for an increase in permitted density in addition to existing bonuses mandated by the state for qualifying affordable housing and senior housing developments. If a density bonus under State Bill 1818 is granted, density or intensity bonus associated with the provision of Community Benefits will not be granted. The Specific Plan makes the specific findings that disallow the height limit to exceed 75-feet. Density bonuses for residential developments shall also apply for any residential or mixed-use buildings in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area. • The Garvey Avenue Community Benefit Program: Each community benefit type is assigned a number of Community Benefit points as summarized below. A project may earn points from a single or multiple categories, depending on the project applicant's preference. The number of Community Benefit points earned is then translated into the increased density or FAR. The tables below are simplified versions contained in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 10 of 18 Table 2: Community Benefit Types and Points Type of Benefit Provided for the Community Benefit Incentive Maximum Points Public Open Spaces/Public Parks. Exceeding Open Space and Park Standards as set forth in this Specific Plan or other City of Rosemead plan or document. 74 Alhambra Wash Public Park or Open Space 45 • Public Parking 50 Lot Consolidation 35 Taller Buildings Center of Development 40 Sustainable Design 70 Alternative Energy 30 Family Friendly Development 50 Economic Feasibility Study 10 Retail Component of Mixed Use Development Sites 20 Table 3: Community Benefit Types and Points Maximum FAR or Density Permitted with the Provision of Community Benefits community GSP-R/C Zone GSP Zone GSP-MU Zone Benefit Points Commercial Mixed Use Earned FAR Density FAR FAR FAR Density 0 0.75 7 0.75 0.75 1.6 25 1-20 0.8 11 0.8 0.8 1.78 32 21-40 0.85 14 0.85 0.85 1.96 39 41-60 0.9 18 0.9 0.9 2.14 46 61-80 0.95 21 0.95 0.95 2.32 53 131-100 1.0 25 1.0 1.0 2.5 60 101-115 N/A N/A NIA 1.0 2.68 67 116-130 N/A N/A N/A 1.0 2.86 74 130 and above N/A N/A N/A 1.0 3.0 80 Open Spaces and Recreation Just 1% of Rosemead's land area is designated for parks and open spaces, and none are found within Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area. The designation of Alhambra Wash as open space adds a small but vital 0.77 acre as a key component of future Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 11 of 18 development of green and open space plan for the area. The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan permits open space and parks in all zones, and integrates throughout its land use regulations, streetscape improvements, and design proposals. Residential and mixed- use developments within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan would have to provide for three types of open spaces: Usable Private Common Open Space, Usable Private Open Space, and Usable Public Open Space to be provided by nonresidential developments. Five percent of total parcel area for all zones except GSP-OS/P must be for Usable Public Open Space. Open space is required to be public unless parcel location does not allow public access. Additional usable public open space can be provided as a Community Benefit and can occur in the form of plazas, recreation areas, parks with amenities of trees and seating. Parking Management Parking management allows for parking policies responsive to the surrounding community context. The Specific Plan's parking policies balance the need for adequate parking while requiring much-needed design standards to help parking areas integrate into the urban fabric. The following improvements to parking policies can be found in the Plan: • Use categories are consolidated to just restaurant, hotel, nonresidential, and residential with these parking requirements varying across the land use districts. The intended urban and mixed-use character of the GSP-MU allows for the appropriate urban level of parking requirements. • Street facing surface parking lots are prohibited; subterranean garages are permitted. • Bicycle parking is included to complement the planned bikeways. A parking Community Benefit Incentive allows for parking supply replenishment of commensurate with future business demand. Two points for every 1 standard sized parking space can be awarded if the parking space is marked for public use and permanently available for public use. In addition, the use must meet its minimum number of required spaces before the Community Benefit points can be awarded for the additional spaces. Streetscape Garvey Avenue is the heart of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area. The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan transforms the arterial road to serve multiple purposes in addition to car travel. The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan introduces a 5-foot wide median on Garvey Avenue that complements other green features of the street including existing and planned street trees and stormwater bulbout/rain gardens. The multipurpose • Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 12 of 18 Garvey Avenue will have sidewalks, curb parking, and bikeways increasing the livability of the area without compromising vehicle travel. Lane restriping to create additional through lanes, dual left turn lanes, and right turn pockets will help improve traffic flow while accommodating new spaces. Provisions for bus riders includes the inclusion of transit amenities within the proposed streetscape such as bus loading bays, bus shelters, benches, and trash receptacles. Urban design elements include decorative crosswalks, landscaping, and street furniture. Additional marked crosswalks will enhance pedestrian connectivity along Garvey Avenue. The design principles of the LA Auto Auction and Landwin Property Sites Mixed Use Destination restores neighborhood streets and includes paseos, midblock crossings, and pedestrian passageways to further break up the street grid and ensure full pedestrian connectivity to create a walkable community destination. Implementation and Infrastructure Chapter 6 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies financing strategies available to provide infrastructure, street, and transportation improvements. Development of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area will be, primarily, privately financed by individual project developments. The Specific Plan requires Development Impact Fees, and full of cost of infrastructure to ensure that qualifying developments bear the "fair share" cost. The Specific Plan identifies a variety of funding, financing, and grant opportunities and resources available. Assessment Districts and Reimbursement Districts that include properties within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area are the two locally-focused funding options that could allow the City to balance economic growth, manage available funds, and respond to infrastructure development over time. On a development-level, Development Impact Fees, Development Agreements, and "Adopt A Light" Program (Tree, Bench, etc.) adds to the variety of tools for private contributions to infrastructure upkeep and development. The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies some sewer lines in the area have adequate short-term capacity, but the downstream sewers may have inadequate capacity and may require improvement to accommodate the forecasted growth. As such, this Plan calls for additional infrastructure studies to determine specific infrastructure capacity requirements. The City has recently adopted its development impact fee schedule for Citywide fees; implementation of additional fees unique to the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area would require a nexus study quantifying future infrastructure costs and allocating them by future land use. This fee would be adopted by Resolution, at a later date. In addition, if there are any other fee(s) determined necessary as result of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, then they will also be adopted by Resolution. Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 13 of 18 Action Plan The Implementation Action Plan fully implements the vision outlined in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan through 33 specific actions summarized by topical area and provides a priority timeframe, primary responsibilities, cost, and potential funding sources and partners. Table 4: Implementation Action Plan Summary Topical Area Action Summary Aggressively market Garvey Avenue's strong competitive location for a Economic Development Action variety of retail and commercial businesses Zoning and General Plan Amendments, Garvey Avenue Master Sign Land Use Actions Plan, Gateway Improvement monument signage and landscaping,and street furniture design and installation Creationuand planningifor r Reimbursement District. Several Garvey Financing Actions Avenue intersection improvements, including the streetscape improvements on Garvey Avenue. Full development of bicycle and pedestrian improvements and Infrastructure Actions amenities. Shade trees and open space planning and installation. Various improvements, repairs, and planning for the 'wet' utilities. Relocation of utilities. Grant funding application and nexus study for specific plan area-focused DIF. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan was developed with the goals of Rosemead's General Plan in mind. As such, many of the goals and policies within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan fulfil the General Plan's goals. Developed six years after the General Plan, the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan also contains standards that address 2016 conditions. The table below summarizes key goals, policies, and implementation measures from the General Plan that are addressed with the adoption of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Table 5: General Plan Consistency of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Goals General Plan How it is addressed in the Goal/Policy/Implementation Specific Plan Land Use Element LU Goal 2 Expanded opportunities for concentrated By establishing the Garvey Specific Plan commercial and industrial uses that contribute (GSP) zone and the Garvey Specific Plan to jobs and tax revenues to the community Mixed Use (GSP-MU) zone, the City is LU Policy 2.6 Rigorously enforce property maintenance expanding opportunities for business standards for commercial and industrial development through the zones' flexibility properties__ to accommodate building spaces to LU Policy 2.8 Encourage the reconfiguration and diverse business needs. This has the development of neighborhood shopping potential to create more jobs, as stated in centers by offering modified development LU Goal 2.1. Change and maintenance standards, more intense FAR,and other tools will be encouraged through amortization Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 14 of 18 of nonconforming uses within the Specific Plan area.To encourage modification and new development, the new zones raise the corridors maximum nonresidential FAR range to 0.75 (commercial) - 3.0 (mixed use),from the General Plan's 0.33 (commercial)-1.6(mixed use). Circulation Element C Policy 1.7 Identity appropriate improvements to the Del The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Mar Avenue at Garvey Avenue intersection proposes a roadway lane configuration for the relief of congestion, while supporting (Figure 5.1 in the SP) to better- transit use and walking, as individual area accommodate different users (bike, mixed use develoiments are received pedestrian, vehicle). These proposed C Policy 4.1 Private and public parking shall be provided changes include: in sufficient amount to adequately meet local A raised, separated bikeway with needs and to minimize congestion on arterial landscaped buffer or barrier to delineate streets bicycle/pedestrian space C Action 2.2 Conduct a study of the potential for the Restriping to create additional through inclusion of bicycle lanes along major lanes and dual lett turn lanes and right roadway corridors. turn pockets Resource Management Element RM Goal Provide high-quality parks, recreation, open The Garvey Avenue Specific plan space facilities to meet the needs of all establishes the OSP Open Space/Parking Rosemead residents. zone. Within this zone, the Alhambra RM Policy 1.3 Look for opportunities to establish public I Wash is envisioned to become a major parks and other usable open space areas in open space amenity. By encouraging those parts of Rosemead underserved by development of greenspace and allowing • such facilities parking,the development of much needed RM Goal 2 Increase greenspace throughout Rosemead open-space and recreation along the to improve community aesthetics, encourage Wash will be encouraged. pedestrian activity, and provide cooling benefits_ GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN ERRATA The August 2016 Draft Garvey Avenue Specific Plan is proposed to be revised as shown in the two errata tables in Exhibit "Y. The changes reflect proposed revisions based on the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Ad Hoc Committee's direction received on July 24, 2017. Prior to the Final Garvey Avenue Specific Plan's publication, the document will be thoroughly reviewed for a final time. If additional typographical errors are found, the typographical errors will be corrected. MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIREMENTS Specific Plan The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan is initiated and adopted consistent with the requirements State Government Code Sections 65450 through 65457, and Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.150. Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 15 of 18 General Plan, Zone Change, and Zoning Code Amendments Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.152 requires the same procedures and findings for amendments to the General Plan, Zoning Map and Zoning Code. The project amends all three simultaneously along with the adoption of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan to ensure broad consistency of all planning regulations in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area. Per Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.152.060, amendments to General Plan, Zoning Map, and Zoning Code may be approved only if all the following findings are first made, as applicable to the type of amendment. General Plan: Per Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.152.060(A), below are the required findings for General Plan Amendments. 1. The amendment is internally consistent with all other provisions of the General Plan. The proposed amendment is internally consistent with all other provisions of the General Plan in that General Plan Amendment 14-01 is limited to updates to certain figures, tables, text, and terms to insure consistency between the City's General Plan and the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan and does not amend Goals, Objectives and Policies of the General Plan. General Plan Amendment 14-01 is consistent with the 2010 Rosemead General Plan and specifically implements Goals contained in the Land Use, Circulation, Resource Management, Noise and Housing Elements. 2. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City in that General Plan Amendment 14- 01 is limited to updates to certain figures, tables, text and terms within the 2010 Rosemead General Plan and does not directly result in physical improvements. Each individual development or redevelopment of parcels within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area will be subject to subsequent environmental review and analysis for any potential impacts to the public's health, safety, convenience or welfare. Final Program EIR (SCH No. 2015041067) was prepared to study the potential environmental impacts that may result from implementation of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan and when certified, includes the adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring Program, reducing any impacts to a less than significant effect. 3. The affected site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, operating characteristics, shape, size, topography, and the provision of public and Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 16 of 18 emergency vehicle access, and public services and utilities and is served by highways and streets adequate in width and improvement to carry the kind and quantity of traffic the proposed use would likely generate, to ensure that the proposed use(s) and/or development will not endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the property or improvements in the vicinity in which the property is located. The affected site is physically suitable as the physical area that is the subject of General Plan Amendment 14-01 encompasses the 1.2-mile portion of Garvey Avenue between the City's border with Monterey Park at New Avenue, and Charlotte Avenue. The area is an established commercial corridor of Rosemead, with long-standing residential communities where vacant and underutilized parcels can support development of over 1.18 million square feet of commercial development, 892 dwelling units (DU), and 0.77 acres of open space. Although General Plan Amendment 14-01 does not directly result in development projects, implementation of provisions within the companion governing document, the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, contains regulations and standards to ensure that each project developed or redeveloped does not endanger, jeopardize, or create hazards to properties or improvements; and is carried out consistent with infrastructure funding, maintenance strategies, and all public right-of-way improvements. Zone Change and Zoning Code Amendment: Per Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.152.060(B), below are the required findings for all Zoning Code and Zone Change (Zoning Map) Amendments. 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the General Plan in that the City Council approved General Plan Amendment 14-01 by separate Resolution and that amendment is limited to updates to certain figures, tables, text and terms to insure consistency between the City's General Plan and the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan and does not amend Goals, Objectives and Policies of the General Plan. With the approval of General Plan Amendment 14-01; both Municipal Code Amendment 14-02 and Zone Change 14-01 are consistent with the 2010 Rosemead General Plan and specifically implements Goals contained in the Land Use, Circulation, Resource Management, Noise and Housing Elements. 2. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City. The proposed amendments will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City in that Municipal Code Amendment Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 17 of 18 14-02 is limited to updates to the Zoning Ordinance text and Zone Change 14-01 updates the official Zoning Map, neither of which directly result in physical improvements. Each individual development or redevelopment of parcels within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area will be subject to subsequent environmental review and analysis for any potential impacts to the public's health, safety, convenience or welfare. Final Program EIR (SCH No. 2015041067) was prepared to study the potential environmental impacts that may result from implementation of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (Specific Plan 14-01) and when certified, includes the adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring Program, reducing any impacts to a less than significant effect. 3. Additional finding for Zoning Code Amendments. The proposed amendment is internally consistent with other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code. The proposed Municipal Code Amendment 14-02 to Title 17, will modify sections of the Zoning Code applicable to implementation of development or redevelopment of parcels specifically within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area and are necessary to ensure consistency of regulations and development standards unique to the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan without creating inconsistencies for existing zoning districts, land uses and their respective development standards. 4. Additional finding for Zoning Map Amendments. The affected site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, operating characteristics, shape, size, topography, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle access, and public services and utilities and is served by highways and streets adequate in width and improvement to carry the kind and quantity of traffic the proposed use would likely generate, to ensure that the proposed use(s) and/or development will not endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the property or improvements in the vicinity in which the property is located. The proposed Zone Change 14-02 amending the official Zoning Map contains sites that are physically suitable to development or redevelopment as the physical properties encompass the 1.2-mile portion of Garvey Avenue between New Avenue and Charlotte Avenue. The area is an established commercial corridor of Rosemead, with long-standing residential communities where vacant and underutilized parcels can support development of over 1.18 million square feet of commercial development, 892 dwelling units (DU), and 0.77 acres of open space. Although Zone Change 14-01 does not directly result in development projects, implementation of provisions within the companion governing document, the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (Specific Plan 14-01), contains regulations and standards to ensure that each project developed or redeveloped does not endanger, jeopardize, or create hazards to properties or improvements; Planning Commission Meeting January 17,2018 Page 18 of 18 and is carried out consistent with infrastructure funding, maintenance strategies, and all public right-of-way improvements. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65091, the public hearing notice for this project was published in the Rosemead Reader on January 4, 2018, as the number of owners of real property within 300 feet of the project site(s) is greater 1,000. Lastly, this notice was also posted in six (6) public locations, specifying the availability of the application, plus the date, time and location of the public hearing on January 4, 2018. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Submitted • • kuLgif Lisa Brownfield Lily T. Valenzuela Be•- im MIG Consultant City Planner Community Development Director EXHIBITS: A. Draft Garvey Avenue Specific Plan B. Draft Environmental Impact Report (CD) C. Final Environmental Impact Report (CD) D. Planning Commission Resolution 18-01 E. City Council Resolution 2018-05 F. Ordinance 978 G. City Council Resolution 2018-06 H. Zoning Code Amendments to Title 17 (CD) I. General Plan Amendments to the General Plan J. Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Errata