Ordinance No. 144 - Sale or Disposal Electrical MaterialsCITY OF ROSEMEAD
Section 1. Sections 3150 through 3166 are hereby added
to Chapter{ rticle III of the Rosemead Municipal Code to read
as follows:
3150. No person, firm or corporation shall hereafter sell,
offer for sale, loan, rent, dispose of by gift or
premium, give or otherwise furnish, provide or make
available for use any electrical material, device or
appliance,'designed'or intended for attachment,
directly or indirectly to any electrical system, ,,7:
ci.,4 t'or electrical service for light, heat or
power in the City of Rosemead unless such electrical
material, device or appliance complies''w_ith the .
provisions of this Code. . `'ZVLil
3151, Rating, All electrical materials, devices and appli-
ances designed or intended for attachment, directly
or indirectly to any electrical system, circuit or
electrical service for light, heat or power shall be
only those which conform with the requirements of
this Code and of rules and regulations adopted pursuant
hereto, Each such article shall bear or contain the
maker's name, trademark or identification symbol,
together with such rating by the manufacturer as"may
be necessary to determine the intended use. The
correct volts and amperes or volts and watts shall
• be stated and no person, firm or corporation shall
re~:-ove, alter, deface or obliterate any such marking.
3152. Adoption of Standards. All electrical materials,
devices an app iances covered by and intended to be
regulated by this Code shall conform with the National
Safety Standards for such materials, devices and
appliances on file in the office of the National
Bureau of Standards, as such standards exist when
any such material,.device or appliance'is submitted
for approval, and.such standards are declared:to be
the minimum standards required to provide an adequate
degree of safety to life and property in the City of
Rosemead. 0 <
3153. Chief Electrical Insoactor, Wherever the term "Chief
E ectr ca Inspector- ' is used in any section of this
Code, other than this section, such term shall be con-
strued to mean Chief Engineer of the Department of
Building and Safety of the County of Los Angeles or
the City of Rosemead or his authorized representatives:
3154. Evidence of Compliance. Listing or labeling of
materi,a s, devices, and appliances by the Under-
writers Laboratories, Inc., or other testing
laboratory approved by the Chief Electrical
Inspector, as complying with standards on file
with the United States Bureau of Standards may be
accepted by the Chief Electrical Inspector as
prima facie evidence of the conformity of-such
materials, devices and appliances with corresponding
provisions of the standards of said City or of
corresponding rules and regulations adopted hereunder.
3155. Where No Standards Exist. Where no standards have
been adopted or any such materials, devices or
appliances the Chief Electrical Inspector may designate
a standard for each such article submitted and tested,
which designation shall be in writing and shall be
adopted and promulgated in the manner herein pro-
vided. Any such standards so prescribed shall be
designed to provide as a minimum the degree of safety
to life and property as is required by the standards
hereby adopted for materials, devices or appli-
ances of similar or related character or nature.
Before the Chief Electrical Inspector approves any
such material, device or appliance he may require that
such article be submitted to a testing, laboratory
• approved by him in order to show compliance with the
designated standards.
3156. Revocation of A roval. Any approval granted by the
G-`e LTectr ca nspector may be revoked by him if
the electrical materials, devices or appliances are
found to be hazardous to life and property for the
purpose used or intended, or do not conform with the
standards under which they were approved for use.
Before any approval may be withdrawn, the Chief
Electrical Inspector shall give notice in writing to
the person to whom approval was granted. Such person
who has had approval withdrawn shall be afforded an
opportunity to be heard with respect thereto at a
public hearing to be held thereon as specified in
Section 3166 of this Code.
• 3157. Exce tions Materials Otherwise Covered. The pro-
via ons o sections through shall not apply
to electrical materials, devices and appliances which
are the subject matter of regulation in the Rosemead
Building and Electrical Codes heretofore adopted and
in effect as of the date hereof.
3158. Exce tions Vehicles. The provisions of Sections
315 through o not apply to motor vehicles or
to motor vehicle equipment.
3159. Exce tions. Low Volta se Devices. The provisions of
ections 31.50 through 3 o not apply to electrical
materials, devices or appliances designed or intended
for attachment directly or indirectly to any electrical
system, circuit or electrical service for light, heat
or power operating at a primary voltage of not more
than 25 volts and consuming not more than 50 watts.
3160, xceptions Special Appliances, The provisions of,
eeti.ons „3130't Trough =6 0 not apply to those
industrial: appliance's which °are ,fo `b'eused in a " "
specific, location-and which have. bee;i`§d§ffi.tted to`
a laboratory for approvaT'to determine theircon
fortuity with'-the'standards herein'"provided for but
with respect to which final approval by such laboratory
is still pefiding;.providing that an exception is
applied-for-and grantedwin the manner herein„prescribed.
The person desiring to make, such installation shall
submit an application in writing for such.exception
to the Chief Electrical Inspector, accompanied by
written evidence satisfactory to such Inspector,-
indicating that laboratory approval has been applied
for. Such exception if granted by the Chief Electrical
Inspector shall continue in force only during such time
as such Inspector believes that the testing laboratory
will grant-final approval certifying compliance to the
prescribed standards. If for any.rea"son the Chief
'.Electrical Inspector believes that the.testing
laboratory has not made an adequate test of materials,
:devices or appliances,'he may require further tests
by the said laboratory or by another laboratory approved
by him,
3161, Exce tione,. Gen rat'n Device The provisions of
Sett ons 3150 through 3 do not apply to electrical
materials; devices and appliances igstalldd by or for
an electric. utility for its use in the generation,
transmission, distribution or theteiing of electrical
31621 Used or Second-Hand Devices. In the rebuilding or
repair o any such electrical materials, devices or
appliances all parts replaced or repaired shall
conform in all particulars with the standards hereby
provided for.
3163. Enforcement. The enforcement of Sections 3150 through
3166 s a Abe within the Department of Building and
Safety of the County of Los Angeles and under the
jurisdiction of the Chief "Electrical Inspector of the
said Department or the Department of Building and
Safety of the City of Posemead.
3164. Dele ation of Powers. The Chief Electrical Inspector
may delegate to any of his assistants any of his
powers under Sections 3150 through 3166 except the
power.to designate standards.
3165. Liabilit for Rama es, Sections 3150 through 3166
s a not Be construed as relieving or limiting in
any way the responsibility or liability of any person
owning"or operating, controlling or installing any
electrical materials, devices or appliances.for
personal.injury;or_property damage resulting from
the use thereof by reason of any defect therein or-for
any other cause, nor'shall it'be construed as imposing
upon the City or its officers or employees"any
responsibility or liability by reason of the approval
of'any materials, devices or appliances under the
provisions of Sections 3150 through 3166.
3166, Anneals. Any person who has had approval withdrawn
APO.any person who believes that enforcement of' actyy
R file provisions o£ Se6tions'3150through'31b6 will
cause him a meIifest injury may appeal to'Xhe;.City
Council in writing for a public hearing.
PASSED. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 240 day of
November 's'1964."
'MAYOR'. OF, Tf,~4