Attachment E - Response Matrix COMMENT BASE DOCUMENT PROPOSED RESOLUTION STAFF RECOMMENDATION Unanimous Planning Commission Support 1. Table 3.3 Separate Transitional and Supportive Housing Row Separate transitional housing from supportive housing Draft Plan This comment relates to the Table 3.3’s format. This comment creates two rows than one. Both land use types will continue to be permitted in the GSP-R/C zone. Staff supports the separation as the Zoning Code currently separates the two uses. 2. Table 3.4 Vehicle Parking – Residential GSP and GSP- MU Column Remove “maximum” from discussion Draft Plan For residential developments, the project shall provide no less than 1.0 standard parking space/dwelling unit., and no more than 1.5 standard sized parking space/dwelling unit Staff supports removing the word “maximum. 3. Table 3.4 Minimum Landscaping Required in GSP and GSP- MU zone Increase landscaping minimum from 6% to 10%. Survey other cities. Draft Plan 6% minimum Staff supports continuing to require 6% minimum, as recommended by the GASP Ad Hoc Committee. 4a. Pg. 3-28 Change LEED references to California Green Code Draft Plan For example, if a retail development proposed in the GSP- R/C zones proposes to attain LEED Gold certified or CALGreen Tier 1… Staff supports referencing both LEED and CALGreen. 4b. Table 3.5 Sustainable Design Row Change LEED references to California Green Code Draft Plan 30 Pts LEED Platinum or equivalent (third-party certification required) or CALGreen Tier 2 20 Pts LEED Gold or equivalent (third-party certification required) or CALGreen Tier 1 Staff supports including CALGreen and the conditioning of projects seeking the Sustainable Design community benefit. The increased density or intensity will be granted to the qualifying building not the entire development or site area. The project will be conditioned to ensure compliance and construction in accordance with LEED Platinum, LEED Gold, CALGreen Tier 1, or CALGreen Tier 2. 5. Table 3.5 Alhambra Wash Public Park or Open Space Allow density bonus gained from community benefits to be used on entire site rather than just along the Alhambra Wash Draft Plan Density or intensity bonus must be applied to a single building or structure located on the project parcel adjacent to the Alhambra Wash. immediately adjacent to the Alhambra Wash and shall not be applied to other buildings or structures on the parcel. Staff supports the proposed resolution. 6. Page 3-38 Glazing at ground floors Allow windows to be covered, up to 15% of the window area, per Sign Code Draft Plan After installation, clear glass windows at the ground floor of nonresidential uses shall not later be treated so as to become opaque or to be block so as to prevent visibility of the ground floor interior from the sidewalk. However, window signs should not cover more than fifteen (15) percent of the area of each window, in accordance with Garvey Master Plan. Staff supports the proposed resolution. 7. Page 3-40 Permit awnings on first and second floors; higher stories need trellis or structure Draft Plan Awnings and Trellises. Awnings are permitted above ground floor and second story doors and windows. Permanent structural trellises are permitted above doors and windows on the ground floor and higher stories. Staff supports the proposed resolution. 8. Page 3-42, Item E Usable Private Common Open Space Two sides rather than three Draft Plan Courtyards internal to a project, or enclosed on at least three two sides, shall have a minimum of 40 feet, and shall be landscaped with a ratio of hardscape to planting not exceeding a ratio of one square foot of landscape to one square foot of hardscape. Staff supports the proposed resolution. 9.Page 3-43 Item B Usable Private Open Space Reword text to allow for wrought iron or other enclosure with the Community Development Director approval. Draft Plan Private open space must be open air, not fully enclosed with walls. Private open space may be enclosed with a 3’ high wrought iron rail, partial wall, or other complementary material as permitted by the Community Development Director. Staff supports the proposed resolution. Planning Commission Support 10. Table 3.4 Private Usable Open Space GSP-R/C and GSP-MU Revise the Private Usable Open Space requirement. Rather than requiring open space based on number of units, require it based on the units’ size (number of habitable rooms). Errata 75 s.f./dwelling unit Or 1. 60 s.f./dwelling unit minimum; 2. Private usable open space square footage per unit and usable private common open space square footage GASP Ad Hoc Committee Meeting established the standard on July 24, 2017. For this reason, staff supports maintaining the standard as written in the ERRATA; staff does not recommend adopting the proposed resolution shown in red. per unit shall total at least 350 s.f. per unit; and 3. Approval of the Community Development Director. Sidewalks, walkways, equipment areas associated with usable private open space are not eligible for inclusion in the calculation. 100 s.f./unit with 3 or few habitable rooms. 120 s.f./unit with 3 habitable rooms. 175 s.f./unit with 4 or more habitable rooms. Habitable rooms defined as any space other than lobby, hall, closet, storage space, water closet, bath, toilet, general utility room, or service porch. 11.Table 3.4 rows Parking Management Restaurant row, GSP and GSP-MU columns Provide a community benefit for outdoor dining through a parking relief. If the outdoor dining use changes to another nonresidential use, the subsequent use is required to park at the Specific Plan standards. Draft Plan Restaurants with floor area less than 2,500 s.f.: 1 standard sized parking space per 400 s.f. Restaurants with floor area greater than or equal to 2,500 s.f: 1 standard parking space per 200 s.f. Outdoor seating area utilized in conjunction with an approved The Planning Commission recommended creating a community benefit for provision outdoor dining and the benefit is a reduction in parking. The community benefit program is based on points and not reduction of standards. As such, the community benefit program is not an appropriate place for outdoor dining parking reduction. However, a eating and/or drinking establishment shall not count towards calculations for off-street parking requirements. However, if the outdoor area is utilized in conjunction with nonresidential use, other than eating and/or drinking establishment, such outdoor area shall count towards calculations for off-street parking requirements. parking reduction for outdoor dining is appropriate for Table 3.4. Staff supports the proposed resolution. 12. Table 3.5 Public Open Space/Public Parks Allow privately owned “parks” to be operated as a City park. Draft Plan If public spaces are privately- owned, these open spaces must be maintained by the property owner(s) and must remain open to the public at all times in accordance with the Rosemead Municipal Code. Staff supports the proposed resolution. 13. Page 3-41, 4th paragraph Allow nonresidential uses to have tandem parking. Require valet in perpetuity, if tandem is provided Errata Tandem parking is not permitted for nonresidential use with a CUP. When tandem parking is permitted, valet service may be conditioned, if needed. Staff supports the proposed resolution.