Attachment N - Final EIR1500 Iowa Avenue, Suite 110 | Riverside, CA 95207 951-787-9222 | www.migcom.com VOLUME III | JANUARY 2018 Final Environmental Impact Report for the Garvey Ave Specific Plan CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIF IC PLAN CITY OF ROSEMEAD FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NO. 2015041067 JANUARY 2018 VOLUME 3 – This Document is Designed for Double-Sided Printing – Please note: the reader is to assume that any pages left blank are as such with specific intent by the document preparers. Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan i Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Response to Comments ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 3 Errata ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 4 Public Circulation ............................................................................................................................................................... 45 5 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program ............................................................................................................. 53 List of Tables Table 2 - 1 Draft EIR Comments ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Table 5 - 1 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program ......................................................................................... 53 Table of Contents ii City of Rosemead This Page Intentionally Left Blank Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 1 1 INTRODUCTION This Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) has been prepared to comply with Sections 15089 and 15132 of the State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. As noted in Section 15089(b) of the Guidelines, the focus of a Final EIR should be on responses to comments on the Draft EIR (Draft EIR). Accordingly, this document incorporates the City of Rosemead Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, Volumes I through II (State Clearinghouse No. 2015041067) by reference, in its entirety. The Draft EIR is available for review at the City of Rosemead City Hall, Community Development Department 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 and on the City’s web site (http://www.cityofrosemead.org). The contents of this Final EIR include the following sections. Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Responses to Comments The City published a Notice of Availability and circulated the Draft EIR for public review and comment for a 45-day review period from May 8, 2017 at 7:00 a.m. through June 21, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Six pieces of correspondence were submitted to the City of Rosemead during the review period. This section includes a list of all correspondence submitted to the City of Rosemead; each identified by a letter for later reference. Following this list, all of the letters are presented with numbered brackets to highlight specific comments that are responded to in the next section. Review of Environmental Documents Section 15204 of the CEQA Guidelines provides guidance to the public and public agencies in reviewing CEQA documents. This section is designed not to limit the scope of comments that can be submitted but to focus comments on issues that are substantive to the environmental analysis. Commenting entities should focus on the adequacy of the document in identifying and analyzing impacts to the environment, and should identify any areas they believe to be inadequate. The guidance indicates that comments should be submitted in a manner that:  Identifies a specific environmental effect  Supports the effect and its significance with substantial evidence Comments should include alternatives or mitigation measures to avoid or reduce identified, specific environmental effects. This section reiterates that the lead agency is bound by “reasonableness” and “good faith” in its analysis and that the lead agency is not required to respond to comments on the Draft EIR that do not identify significant environmental issues. Each response provided in this Final EIR is coded to correspond to the individual comment/author and each of the bracketed comments in that letter. A summary table is included with each response to identify if the response introduces “new significant information” under any of the four categories identified in Section 15088 et seq. of the CEQA Guidelines. Evaluation of Comments Section 15088 et seq. of the State CEQA Guidelines provides guidance on the evaluation and response to comments received during circulation of the DE. To summarize: 1 Introduction 2 City of Rosemead  The lead agency must evaluate all comments received during the public review period and prepare a written response to comments on significant environmental issues.  The lead agency must provide the response to the commenting entity at least 10 days prior to certification of the Final EIR.  The response must: o Identify any significant environmental issues raised in the comment; o Explain, if necessary, why any recommendations provided in the comment were not accepted; and o Be supported by reasoned analysis.  Responses may be provided as direct revisions to the Draft EIR or as a separate section of the Final EIR with marginal notes in the Draft EIR text indicated that it was subsequently revised. A lead agency is required to recirculate the Draft EIR if “significant new information” is introduced during the public comment period. “Significant new information” includes: 1. New significant impacts 2. Substantial increases in the severity of impacts 3. Feasible alternatives or mitigation that would reduce significant impacts 4. Identification of inadequacies in the analysis Recirculation is not required when new information is not significant; this includes:  Revisions that clarify or amplify an adequate analysis  Insignificant modifications (such as spelling and grammar corrections) Section 3: Errata This section identifies revisions to the Draft EIR to incorporate clarifications developed in response to comments on the Draft EIR. Additions to the text are underlined and deletions have been stricken through. No substantial revisions were made to the Draft EIR; recirculation of the document is not required pursuant to CEQA. Section 4: Notices and Distribution This section consists of notices concerning the release of the Draft EIR for public review and comment, and the list of agencies, groups and individuals who were sent notices and/or a copy of the Draft EIR. Section 5: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines (PRC Section 21081.6 and State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15091[d] and 15097) require public agencies “to adopt a reporting and monitoring program for changes to the project which it has adopted or made a condition of project approval to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment.” A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) is required for the proposed project because the Draft EIR identifies potential significant adverse impacts related to the project implementation, and mitigation measure have been identified to reduce those impacts. Adoption of the MMRP would occur along with approval of the project. Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 3 2 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS The Draft EIR (Draft EIR) was circulated for a 45-day public review and comment period beginning May 8, 2017 and ending June 21, 2017. Six pieces of correspondence were received from public agencies during this time period. The correspondence listed in Table 1 (Draft EIR Comments) was submitted to the City of Rosemead concerning the Draft EIR. Written responses to comments are subsequently provided. The following responses to comments include a summary statement to identify if the response will introduce “new significant information” under any of the four categories identified in Section 15088 et seq. of the CEQA Guidelines or if it does not introduce “new significant information.” The four general categories are: 1. New significant impacts 2. Substantial increases in the severity of impacts 3. Feasible alternatives or mitigation that would reduce significant impacts 4. Identification of inadequacies in the analysis Table 2 - 1 Draft EIR Comments ID Commenting Agencies and Individuals Date A County of Los Angeles Fire Department 5/30/2017 B Department of Transportation 6/15/2017 C South Coast Air Quality Management District 6/16/2017 D County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles 6/21/2017 E City of El Monte 6/20/2017 F Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority 6/21/2017 2 Responses to Comments 4 City of Rosemead This Page Intentionally Left Blank Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 5 Comment A – County of Los Angeles Fire Department – (Takeshita) A-1 2 Responses to Comments 6 City of Rosemead A-2 A-3 A-4 A-6 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 7 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 2 Responses to Comments 8 City of Rosemead A-12 A-13 A-14 Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 9 2 Responses to Comments 10 City of Rosemead Response A - County of Los Angeles Fire Department– (Takeshita) A-1 The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies impacts for increased development proposed within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Circulation would be mitigated under Mitigation Measure 13.A-1, which was identified in the traffic study located in Appendix G of the Draft EIR. A-2 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. No further response is required. A-3 The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. No further response is required. A-4 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No further response required. A-5 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 11 Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No further response required. A-6 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No further response required. A-7 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No further response is required. A-8 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No further response required. A-9 The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead 2 Responses to Comments 12 City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. No further response is required. A-10 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No further response required. A-11 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No further response required. A-12 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No further response required. A-13 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 13 City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No further response required. A-14 Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. The Draft EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan identifies the proposed project would comply with the General Plan and Municipal Code requirements and all applicable future development approved under this specific plan would be subject to the City of Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, and Municipal Code for requirements for construction, access, water mains, fire flows, and fire hydrants. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No further response required. 2 Responses to Comments 14 City of Rosemead Comment B – Department of Transportation – District 7(Watson) Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 15 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 2 Responses to Comments 16 City of Rosemead B-7 Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 17 Response B – Department of Transportation – District 7(Watson) B-1 The City of Rosemead reviewed the comments by Caltrans and determined that an additional scoping meeting would be initiated by request. The City of Rosemead defined for the traffic consultant the major traffic analysis assumptions, including trip generation sources, general trip distribution assumptions, and study area. The City of Rosemead will be working with Caltrans to resolve traffic issues in the I-10 freeway corridor. The City of Rosemead will consider providing fair-share mitigation where applicable based on CEQA analysis from projects within the Specific Plan planning area, as the projects are planned. B-2 The City of Rosemead Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR identified potential impacts associated with the maximum build out scenario. The impact analysis and cumulative impact section of the Draft EIR examined potential environmental impacts for development of individual properties within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan planning area, respectively and to the extent possible. The City of Rosemead will be working with neighboring cities to mitigate cumulative impacts of the Specific Plan, as feasible, as the area develops over the life of the Plan. B-3 The Traffic Impact Analysis Report’s table on page 14 is correct. The Errata section of the Final EIR will include discussion of a replacement table on page 4-11 of Volume II of the Draft EIR. The freeway analysis has been discussed with Caltrans and as stated in Response B-1, the City will review fair-share mitigation strategies for future projects with Caltrans. B-4 The Errata section of the Final EIR will include discussion of a replacement table with the correct data from the Traffic Impact Analysis Report for Volume II of the Draft EIR. The freeway analysis has been discussed with Caltrans and as stated in Response B-1, the City will review fair-share mitigation strategies for future projects. B-5 The City of Rosemead understands Caltrans concerns regarding future freeway facility improvements and cumulative impacts. The City of Rosemead will review impact fee strategies for the collection of local and regional transportation improvement funds, as feasible. B-6 Future development within the Specific Plan planning area will be subject to the provisions of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to protect downstream water quality pursuant to the Clean Water Act (CWA). Discharges into stormwater drains or channels from construction sites of one acre or larger are regulated by the General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (Order 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ and 2012-0006-DWQ) issued by the State Water Quality Control Board. Proponents of future projects within the Specific Plan planning area will be required to comply with NDES permit requirements through the preparation and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for construction activities. Furthermore, site plan and design review in the City of Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. 2 Responses to Comments 18 City of Rosemead B-7 The City of Rosemead will work with developers/project applicants as large projects are approved in the Specific Plan planning area, to provide the proper over-sized load transport vehicles and safety equipment. The City of Rosemead will also encourage and/or condition developments to limit over-sized truck deliveries to off-peak periods. Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 19 Comment C – South Coast Air Quality Management District (Sun) C-1 C-2 2 Responses to Comments 20 City of Rosemead C-2 Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 21 C-3 C-4 C-5 2 Responses to Comments 22 City of Rosemead C-5 C-6 Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 23 Response C – South Coast Air Quality Management District (Sun) C-1 Revisions to Section 5-26 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and will state more specifically the City of Rosemead proposes land use policies and development standards to guide the redevelopment and new construction for an approximately 88-acre area in the City of Rosemead. The proposed project may include a mixture of commercial, residential, and open space. The City of Rosemead quantified the proposed project’s construction and operational air quality emissions and compared those emissions to SCAQMD’s regional and localized air quality CEQA significance thresholds to determine the significance of air quality impacts. Based on the analyses, the City of Rosemead found that the proposed project’s construction and operational air quality impacts would be significant and unavoidable after mitigation. No further response required. C-2 As noted in the comments received, SCAQMD staff recommends additional mitigation measures to further reduce emissions, particularly NOx emissions. Discussion on additional mitigation measures requested by SCAQMD are noted in Comments 3-5. No further response required. C-3 In the comments received it was stated that “CEQA requires that all feasible mitigation measures go beyond what is required by law to minimize any significant impacts.” CEQA Statute 15126.4 states an EIR shall describe feasible measures which could minimize significant adverse impacts, including where relevant, inefficient and unnecessary consumption of energy. The Draft EIR included two air quality mitigation measures (MM 5-1 and MM 5-2) on Page 5-26 of the Draft EIR. Additional mitigation measures would be considered if feasible to implement. No further response required. C-4 The City of Rosemead shall oversee the implementation of project specific mitigation measures during the Site Plan review process. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. Building permits and other construction permits may be issued only in accordance with such approval. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, proponents of future development or improvement projects within the Planning Area shall provide evidence that the project contractor will use construction equipment that utilizes a Tier IV engine emissions output equivalent standard for all construction activity or alternative means such as reducing daily activity. Evidence of use of Tier IV compliant equipment shall be verified by the planning department. No further response required. C-5 As noted in the comments received, CEQA requires that all feasible mitigation measures go beyond what is required by law to minimize any significant impacts. The Draft EIR included two air quality mitigation measures (MM 5-1 and MM 5-2) on Page 5-26 of the Draft EIR. The City of Rosemead shall oversee the implementation of project specific mitigation measures during the Site Plan review process. Site plan and design review in Rosemead is required for projects pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.136 (Site Plan and Design Review) (Rosemead, 2013). No building permit or any other type of construction permit shall be issued for any building, structure, or other development of property until a Site Plan and Design Review of the proposal is approved. The comment 2 Responses to Comments 24 City of Rosemead letter received indicates additional mitigation measure recommendations. Recommended mitigation measures would be addressed upon implementation of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Therefore, the City of Rosemead may encourage the following requirements on a Site Plan and Design Review approval: maximize use of solar energy including solar panels; installing the maximum possible number of solar energy arrays on the building roofs and/or on the project site to generate solar energy for the facility; use light colored paving and roofing materials; install light colored “cool” roofs and cool pavements; improve walkability design and pedestrian network; increase transit accessibility and frequency by incorporating Bus Rapid Transit lines with permanent operational funding stream; limit parking supply and unbundle parking costs; lower parking supply below the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) rates and separate parking costs from property costs; require use of electric lawn mowers and leaf blowers; require that 240-Volt electrical outlets or Level 2 chargers be installed in residential garages on- site that would enable charging of NEVs and/or battery powered vehicles; require at least 5% of all commercial vehicle parking spaces include EV charging stations. At a minimum, electrical panel should appropriately be sized to allow for future expanded use; vehicles that can operate at least partially on electricity have the ability to substantially reduce the significant NOx impacts from this project. The measures listed above refer to control measures addressed in Section 16-3 of the Draft EIR. Revisions to Section 16-3 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and will include a discussion on implementation of control measures such as those listed above for individual development projects. No further response required. C-6 Revisions to Section 5-22 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and will state more specifically additional provision for projects disturbing more than five acres and those disturbing more than fifty acres. In the event that fifty acres or more of surface area will be disturbed during construction or that daily earth-moving operations of 3,850 cubic yards or more will occur on three days in any year in the South Coast Air Basin, the Lead Agency is required to comply with SCAQMD Rule 403(e) – Additional Requirements for Large Operations. The requirements may include, but are not limited to, Large Operation Notification (Form 403 N), appropriate signage, additional dust control measures, and employment of a dust control supervisor that has successfully completed the Dust Control in the South Coast Air Basin training class. No further response required. Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 25 Comment D – County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles (Raza) D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 2 Responses to Comments 26 City of Rosemead D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9 Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 27 2 Responses to Comments 28 City of Rosemead Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 29 Response D – County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles (Raza) D-1 Revisions to Section 3-11 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and will state more specifically two existing 8-inch sewer lines on both sides of Garvey Avenue, from New Avenue to San Gabriel Boulevard flow downstream into a 27-inch trunk sewer. No further response required. D-2 Revisions to Section 14-1 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and state more specifically wastewater generated by the opportunity project sites discussed in the document will be treated at one or more of the following: The Joint Water Pollution Control Plant, the Whittier Narrows Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) and/or the Los Coyotes WRP. No further response required. D-3 Revisions to Section 14-1 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and will state more specifically the San Jose Creek WRP provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for 100 million gallons of wastewater per day (mgd). About 42 mgd of treated effluent from San Jose Creek WRP is reused at over 130 different reuse sites. The remaining effluent (58 mgd) is discharged into the San Gabriel River. No further response required. D-4 Revisions to Section 14-1 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and will state more specifically, the Whittier Narrows WRP provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for 15 mgd of wastewater. All the reclaimed water is reused at the plant, at the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, and as groundwater recharge into the Rio Hondo and San Gabriel Coastal Spreading Grounds. No further response required. D-5 Revisions to Section 14-1 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and will state more specifically the expected average wastewater flow from the opportunity projects described in the document as 105 residential units, 49,509 square feet of commercial space and a 48,000-square-foot supermarket, is 39,670 gallons per day. No further response required. D-6 Revisions to Section 14-1 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and will state more specifically effluent from Whittier Narrows and San Jose Creek WRPs is treated to meet California Code of Regulations Title 22, Division 4 recycled water standards. As such 100 percent of the treated effluent meets such standards. The combined capacity of the Whittier Narrows and San Jose Creek WRPs is 115 mgd; however, during calendar year 2016, the Whittier Narrows and San Jose Creek WRPs produced a total of only 60.4 mgd. Nearly all the combined recycled water produced by these two treatment plants was actively reused during the calendar year, with 53.6 mgd being delivered for groundwater replenishment and another 7.5 mgd being delivered through distributions systems for direct use for landscape irrigation, industrial process water and other nonpotable reuse applications. No further response required. D-7 Revisions to Section 14-2 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and will state more specifically two existing 8-inch sewer lines on both sides of Garvey Avenue from New Avenue to San Gabriel Boulevard flow downstream into a 27-inch trunk sewer. No further response required. D-8 Revisions to Section 14-7 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR will be addressed in the Errata section of the Final EIR and will state more specifically that the San Jose Creek 2 Responses to Comments 30 City of Rosemead WRP provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for 100 million gallons of wastewater per day (mgd). About 42 mgd of treated effluent from San Jose Creek WRP is reused at over 130 different reuse sites. The remaining effluent (58 mgd) is discharged into the San Gabriel River. Additionally, the Errata section of the Final EIR and will state more specifically that the Whittier Narrows WRP provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for 15 mgd of wastewater. All the reclaimed water is reused at the plant, at the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, and as groundwater recharge into the Rio Hondo and San Gabriel Coastal Spreading Grounds. No further response required. D-9 No further response required. Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 31 Comment E – City of El Monte (Mikaelian) E-1 E-2 2 Responses to Comments 32 City of Rosemead Response E – City of El Monte (Mikaelian) E-1 The trip generation rate for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR was analyzed in accordance with the applicable City of Rosemead standards for traffic studies. All applicable study elements utilized ITE rates for trip generation, an industry standard. The City of Rosemead does not subscribe to the County of Los Angeles policy on condominium trip rates. No further response required. E-2 KOA Corporation analyzed two intersections to the east of the study area (Rosemead Boulevard/Telstar Avenue and Potrero Avenue/Garvey, as defined by the City of El Monte comment in conjunction addressing Caltrans Draft EIR comment). The traffic volumes and other data was taken from the City of El Monte General Plan Update, 2011 and the City of El Monte Media Center EIR. Volumes were factored up to the year 2015 for the existing-year traffic analysis scenario, using the same growth application methodology. The project trip assignment at the east end of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan study area was projected to include the two added intersections. The City of El Monte threshold for significant impact is consistent with the Los Angeles County Congestion Management Program, therefore, a significant impact occurs when a proposed project increases traffic at a signalized intersection by two percent or more of capacity (V/C greater then/equal to 0.02) and causing or worsening LOS F (V/C greater than 1.00). The level of service analysis for the two intersections, as shown in Table E-1, indicates the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan would not create significant traffic impact at these intersections. TABLE E-1 – SUPPLEMENTAL ANALYSIS OF EL MONTE INTERSECTIONS The level of service analysis provided, is included in the Errata section of the Final EIR. Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 33 Comment F – Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Carvajal) F-1 2 Responses to Comments 34 City of Rosemead F-1 F-2 Responses to Comments 2 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 35 Response F – Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Carvajal) F-1 The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR addresses streetscape in Section 4-1 Aesthetics of the Draft EIR. Additional proposed projects related to the implementation of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan would be addressed with City of Rosemead staff under public works projects such as signage design and installation. Future streetscape design impacts will be taken into consideration in City Planning Commission and City Council meetings. No further response is required. F-2 The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR addresses streetscape in Section 4-1 Aesthetics of the Draft EIR. Wayfinding signage and additional proposed projects related to the implementation of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan would be addressed with City of Rosemead staff under public works projects such as signage design and installation. No further response is required. 2 Responses to Comments 36 City of Rosemead This Page Intentionally Left Blank Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 37 3 ERRATA This section is intended to identify revisions to the Draft EIR to incorporate clarifications developed in response to comments on the Draft EIR or minor errors corrected through subsequent review. Additions are showing in underline. Deletions are shown in strikethrough. Draft EIR Volume I – Section 3: Project Description The following revisions are made to Section 3 (Project Description) page 3-11, second paragraph:  From New to Del Mar Avenues San Gabriel Boulevard, two existing 8-inch sewer lines on both sides of Garvey Avenue flow downstream into a 36-inch trunk sewer. From Del Mar Avenue to San Gabriel Boulevard, two existing 8-inch sewers on both sides of Garvey Avenue flow downstream to a 27-inch trunk sewer. The area along Garvey Avenue from San Gabriel Boulevard to Charlotte Avenue is tributary to 8-inch sewer lines along San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue; all flow is flows are discharged downstream to 18-inch a and 21-inch trunk sewer sewers. Draft EIR Volume I – Section 14: Utilities and Service Systems The following revisions are made to Section 14 (Utilities and Service Systems) page 14-1, second paragraph:  The wastewater generated by the opportunity project sites discussed in the document will be treated at one or more of the following: The Joint Water Pollution Control Plant, the Whitter Narrows Water Reclamation Plant (WRP), and/or the Los Coyotes WRP. is transported through trunk sewers to LACSD’s San Jose Creek and Whitter Narrows Water Reclamation Plants (WRP). The San Jose Creek WRP provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for an average dry weather flow (DWF) of 100 million gallons of wastewater per day (mgd). About 35 42 mgd of treated effluent from San Jose Creek WRP is reused at over 130 17 different sites. The recycled water is primarily used for groundwater recharge and agricultural landscape irrigation. The remaining effluent (65 58 mgd) is discharged into the San Gabriel River. The following revisions are made to Section 14 (Utilities and Service Systems) page 14-1, third paragraph:  The Whittier Narrows WRP provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for 15 mgd of wastewater. an average DWF of 15 mgd. The plant serves a population of 150,000 people. According to LACSD, nearly all of the treated effluent is reused at the plant, at the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, as groundwater recharge into the Rio Hondo and San Gabriel Coastal Spreading Grounds or irrigation at an adjacent nursery. Any remaining effluent is discharged into the San Gabriel River. The following revisions are made to Section 14 (Utilities and Service Systems) page 14-1, fourth paragraph: 3 Errata 38 City of Rosemead  Because the Whittier Narrows and San Jose Creek WRPs treat wastewater for a larger population than exists in the South San Gabriel System, an estimated per capita wastewater generation factor was used to calculate the volume of wastewater generated by GSWC’s customers in South San Gabriel. Based on the populations served and the average wastewater treatment rates for the San Jose Creek and Whitter WRPs is 100 gallons per person per day. The expected average wastewater flow from the opportunity projects described in the document includes 105 residential units, 49,509 square feet of commercial space and a 48,000-square-feet supermarket, for a total of 39,670 gallons per day. This factor was used to estimate existing and projected volumes of wastewater collected and treated in the South San Gabriel System. The following revisions are made to Section 14 (Utilities and Service Systems) page 14-1, fifth paragraph:  Because the Whittier Narrows and San Jose Creek WRP’s are treated to meet Title 22 recycled water standards, 100 percent of the treated effluent meets such standards. The combined capacity of these two WRPs is 115 mgd; however, during calendar year 2016, the two WRPs produced a total of only 60.4 mgd. Nearly all of the combined recycled water produced by these two treatment plants was actively reused during the year, with 53.6 mgd being delivered for groundwater replenishment and another 7.5 mgd being delivered through distributions systems for direct use for landscape irrigation, industrial process water and other nonpotable reuse applications. out of the combined wastewater effluent (115 mgd) from these two treatment plants, 50 mgd (43 percent) of the treated water is actively reused throughout the region. Therefore, the assumption is that during the calendar year 2016, 43 11.3 percent of the treated wastewater that is collected in the South San Gabriel System is recycled while the remaining 57 88.7 percent is discharged into the unlined portions of the San Gabriel River. Although the majority of the water that is discharged into the San Gabriel River will contribute to groundwater recharge through the riverbed, LACSD does not consider this an active recycled water use. The following revisions are made to Section 14 (Utilities and Service Systems) page 14-2, third paragraph:  There are five sewer trunk connections in the planning area. Between New Avenue and to Del Mar Avenues San Gabriel Boulevard, there are currently two existing 8-inch sewer lines on both sides of Garvey Avenue within the planning area that account for discharge flows which are collected downstream to a 36-inch trunk sewer. Between Del Mar Avenue to San Gabriel Boulevard there are currently two existing 8-inch sewers on both sides of Garvey Avenue that are collected and discharged downstream to a 27-inch trunk sewer. The remaining planning areas between San Gabriel Boulevard and Charlotte Avenue are tributary to 8-inch sewer lines along San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue and discharged downstream 21-inch trunk sewer. to an 18-inch and a 21-inch trunk sewers. The following revisions are made to Section 14 (Utilities and Service Systems) page 14-7, second paragraph:  Future development within the planning area guided by the policies of the proposed Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan could affect RWQCB treatment standards by increasing wastewater production. As stated previously, Wastewater in the South San Gabriel System is collected by gravity sewers and lift stations owned by the City, as well as by the Sanitation Errata 3 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 39 Districts of Los Angeles County (LACSD). The wastewater generated by the opportunity project sites will be treated at one or more of the following: the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant, the Whittier Narrows Water Reclamation Plant (WRP), and/or the Los Coyotes WRP. The San Jose Creek WRP provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for an average dry weather flow (DWF) of 100 million gallons of wastewater per day (mgd). About 35 42 mgd of treated effluent from San Jose Creek WRP is reused at over 130 17 different sites. The recycled water is primarily used for groundwater recharge and agricultural landscape irrigation. The remaining effluent (65 58 mgd) is discharged into the San Gabriel River. The wastewater is transported through trunk sewers to LACSD’s San Jose Creek and Whittier Narrows Water Reclamation Plants (WRP). The San Jose Creek WRP provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for an average dry weather flow (DWF) of 100 million gallons of wastewater per day (mgd). The plant serves a largely urban population of approximately one million people. About 35 mgd of treated effluent from San Jose Creek WRP is reused at 17 different sites. The recycled water is primarily used for groundwater recharge and agricultural and landscape irrigation. The remaining effluent (65 mgd) is discharged into the San Gabriel River. The Whittier Narrows WRP provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for an average DWF of 15 mgd. Draft EIR Volume I – Section 5: Air Quality The following revisions are made to Section 5 (Air Quality) page 5-26, fifth paragraph:  Regional impacts resulting from construction and operation of future development within the Specific Plan Planning Area will be significant and unavoidable after consideration of feasible mitigation. The City of Rosemead proposes land use policies and development standards to guide the redevelopment and new construction for an approximately 88-acre area in the City of Rosemead. The proposed project may include a mixture of commercial, residential, and open space. The City of Rosemead quantified the proposed project’s construction and operational air quality emissions and compared those emissions to SCAQMD’s regional and localized air quality CEQA significance thresholds to determine the significance of air quality impacts. Based on the analyses, the City of Rosemead found that the proposed project’s construction and operational air quality impacts would be significant and unavoidable after mitigation.  Future development within the Planning Area will be subject to SCAQMD Rule 403 that prohibits emissions of fugitive dust from any grading activity, storage pile, or other disturbed surface area if it crosses the project property line or if emissions caused by vehicle movement cause substantial impairment of visibility (defined as exceeding 20 percent opacity in the air). The majority of future development proposals will be subject to the minimum SCAQMD fugitive dust requirements and considering that the majority of properties are under an acre in size, fugitive dust is of minimal concern as earthmoving activities will be constrained and topsoil or surficial infill materials will be minimally exposed. Should a development proposal occur on a 20-acre or larger project site, it would be subject to the next tier of fugitive dust regulations applicable to projects on sites of five or more acres of surface area that will be disturbed during construction or that daily earth- moving operations of 3,850 cubic yards or more will occur on three days in any year in the South Coast Air Basin, the Lead Agency is required to comply with SCAQMD Rule 403(e) – Additional Requirements for Large Operations. The requirements may include, but are not limited to, Large Operation Notification (Form 403 N), appropriate signage, additional dust control measures, and employment of a dust control supervisor that has successfully 3 Errata 40 City of Rosemead completed the Dust Control in the South Coast Air Basin training class. Potential impacts resulting from fugitive dust emissions will be less than significant with incorporation of existing regulatory requirements. Draft EIR Volume I – Section 16: Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases The following revisions are made to Section 16 (Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases) page 16-3, second paragraph:  The City would continue to evaluate short-term, construction-related impacts and long- term impacts for discretionary land use projects, so that best available control measures can be applied, where warranted, to minimize the effects of individual development projects. The City would encourage such control measures prior to approval of a Site Plan and Design Review of a proposed individual development project. The City may encourage the following requirements on a Site Plan and Design Review approval for a proposed individual development project: maximize use of solar energy including solar panels; installing the maximum possible number of solar energy arrays on the building roofs and/or on the project site to generate solar energy for the facility; use light colored paving and roofing materials; install light colored “cool” roofs and cool pavements; improve walkability design and pedestrian network; increase transit accessibility and frequency by encouraging project designs to allow for incorporating Bus Rapid Transit lines with options for permanent operational funding stream; explore options to limit parking supply below the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) rates and separate parking costs from property costs; require use of electric lawn mowers and leaf blowers; require that 240-Volt electrical outlets or Level 2 chargers be installed in residential garages on-site that would enable charging of NEVs and/or battery powered vehicles; require at least 5% of all commercial vehicle parking spaces include EV charging stations., encourage electrical panels to be appropriately sized to allow for future expanded use. Draft EIR Volume I – Section 13: Transportation and Traffic The following revisions are made to Section 13 (Transportation and Traffic) page 13-15, first paragraph: CITY OF EL MONTE The City of El Monte significance thresholds are based on Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, as amended. The City of El Monte General Plan Circulation Element has established goals and policies for Project-related increases in the volume-to-capacity ratio (V/C) of study intersections. The following increases in peak hour V/C ratios are considered significant impacts:  When a proposed project increases traffic at a signalized intersection by two percent or more of capacity (V/C greater then/equal to 0.02) and causing or worsening LOS F (V/C greater than 1.00). A project may require mitigation measures, based on the following: Errata 3 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 41  Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections).  Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways.  Result in inadequate parking capacity.  Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks). SIGNIFICANT TRAFFIC IMPACT DETERMINATIONS Two intersections to the east of the study area (Rosemead Boulevard/Telstar Avenue and Potrero Avenue/Garvey) were analyzed for traffic impacts. The traffic volumes and other data was taken from the City of El Monte General Plan Update, 2011 and the City of El Monte Media Center EIR. Volumes were factored up to the year 2015 for the existing-year traffic analysis scenario, using the same growth application methodology. The project trip assignment at the east end of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan study area was projected to include the two added intersections. The level of service analysis for the two intersections, as shown in the table below, indicates the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan would not create significant traffic impact at these intersections. No mitigation measures are recommended for these intersections. TABLE 13-6.1 – CITY OF EL MONTE TRAFFIC IMPACTS Study Intersections Peak Hour Existing (2015) Conditions Cumulative (2035) No Project Conditions Cumulative (2035) with- Project Conditions Change in ICU Value Significant Impact ICU Value LOS ICU Value LOS ICU Value LOS 101 Rosemead Blvd/Telster Ave AM 0.669 B 0.726 C 0.755 C 0.029 No PM 0.759 C 0.809 D 0.826 D 0.017 No 102 Potrero Avenue/Garvey AM 0.694 B 0.745 C 0.805 D 0.060 No PM 0.774 C 0.827 D 0.860 D 0.033 No Draft EIR Volume I – Section 20: Bibliography The following revisions are made to Section 20 (Bibliography) page 1: City of El Monte. General Plan. 2011. Prepared by the City of El Monte. Draft EIR Volume II – Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Initial Study Appendix C The following revisions are made to the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Initial Study Appendix C (Technical Memoranda Compendium) page 4-9, Table 4.3: 3 Errata 42 City of Rosemead  Table 4.3 of the Rosemead Garvey Avenue Technical Compendium does not reflect the AM and PM Peak ICU and LOS values identified in the KOA Corporation Traffic Impact Analysis for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR dated May 26, 2016. The values are correctly included in Table 13-1 of the Draft EIR Volume I. Revisions to data in technical reports included in appendices are typically not completed for Final EIRs. The following revisions are made to the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Initial Study Appendix C (Technical Memoranda Compendium) page 4-12, Table 4.4:  Table 4.4 of the Rosemead Garvey Avenue Technical Compendium does not reflect the correct 1-10 Freeway Conditions values identified in Table 5-1 of the KOA Corporation Traffic Impact Analysis for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Draft EIR dated May 26, 2016. The values are correctly included in Table 13-2 of the Draft EIR Volume I. Revisions to data in technical reports included in appendices are typically not completed for Final EIRs. Draft EIR Volume I – Section 19: Organizations and Persons Consulted The following revisions are made to Section 19 (Organizations and Persons Consulted) page 19-1, first paragraph: City of Rosemead Beautification Committee 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 City of Rosemead Planning Department 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 County of Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County 1955 Workman Mill Road Whitter California 91770 Department of Transportation District 7-Office of Transportation Planning 100 S. Main Street, MS 16 Los Angeles, California 90012 County of Los Angeles Fire Department 1320 North Eastern Avenue Los Angeles, California 90063 Gabrielino Band of Mission Indians-Kizh Nation P.O Box 393 Covina, California 91723 Errata 3 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 43 Gabrielino/Tongva Nation P.O. Box 86908 Los Angeles, California 90086 Gabrielino/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians P.O. Box 693 San Gabriel, California 91178 Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, California 90067 Golden State Water Company Planning/Environmental Review Foothill District 401 S. San Dimas Canyon Road San Dimas, California 91773 Land Design Consultants 2700 E. Foothill Boulevard, Suite 200 Pasadena, California 91107 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority One Gateway Plaza Los Angeles, California 90012 Southern California Air Quality Management District Planning/environmental review 21865 Copley Drive P.O. Box 4939 Diamond Bar, California 91765 Southern California Edison Company Real Properties Land Management - Metro Region 2131 Walnut Grove Ave. | G.O.3, 2nd Floor | Rosemead, CA 91770 3 Errata 44 City of Rosemead This Page Intentionally Left Blank Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 45 4 PUBLIC CIRCULATION Notice of Availability 4 Public Circulation 46 City of Rosemead Distribution The Notice of Availability (NOA) was distributed to all agencies on the standard notification list maintained by the Community Development Department via Certified Mail (see following pages) and was posted to the San Gabriel Valley Newspaper Group. The NOA and Notice of Completion (NOC) were sent to the State Clearinghouse for distribution to State agencies. Public Circulation 4 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 47 4 Public Circulation 48 City of Rosemead Public Circulation 4 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 49 4 Public Circulation 50 City of Rosemead Notice of Completion Public Circulation 4 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 51 4 Public Circulation Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 52 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 53 5 MITIGATION MONITORING REPORTING PROGRAM Table 5 - 1 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks Air Quality Mitigation Measures EIR Mitigation Measures (5.-B-1) Prior to issuance of grading permits, proponents of future development or improvement projects within the Planning Area shall provide evidence that the project contractor will use low-VOC architectural coatings, scheduling or other methods where the content of volatile organic compounds (VOC) does not exceed zero g/l for internal and exterior non-residential applications. This measure shall be verified through standard building inspections. Before and during project construction Compliance verified through grading plan review and building inspections. City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division 5 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 54 City of Rosemead CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks (5.-B-2) Prior to issuance of grading permits, proponents of future development or improvement projects within the Planning Area shall provide evidence that the project contractor will use construction equipment that utilizes a Tier IV engine emissions output equivalent for all construction activity or alternative means such as reducing daily activity. Evidence of use of Tier IV equipment shall be verified by the planning department. Before and during project construction Compliance verified through grading plan review and building inspections. City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division Cultural Mitigation Measures EIR Mitigation Measures (6.A-1) The City shall have prepared a historic resources survey for the Planning Area by which structures, landmarks, improvement, or other features that are listed or eligible for listing on the California Register of Historic Properties and/ or the National Register of Historic Places to afford those properties of historic value, if any, the benefits involved with these registers. The City will consider the feasibility and eligibility for a historic district to be mapped in the Planning Area and/or in adjacent portions of the City. Until such time that an area wide historic resources survey has been approved, In conjunction with approval of discretionary cases and tentative subdivision maps If resources discovered, retain qualified archaeologist and comply with State and Federal codes and regulations City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 5 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 55 CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks applicants for entitlements for future development projects on properties developed with structures 45 years or older in age shall submit a project-specific historic resources survey prepared by a professional architectural historian or other qualified professional to determine if any structures on the project site are listed or eligible for listing as historic resources. A treatment programs shall be prepared by a qualified professional should any listed or eligible structures be identified with the primary goal of leaving the resource in place. Other treatment options include incorporating the structure into the design of the project, moving the structure such that it does not need to be modified due to construction activities, and preparing a photo survey of the property. (6.B-1) In the event of the unanticipated discovery of archeological resources while conducting earthmoving activities during construction of future development within the Specific Plan Planning Area, the project proponent shall engage in a comprehensive recovery program, such as that outlined in the project cultural resources technical report or another designed by a professional archeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification and Standards, to include, as During project construction If resources discovered, retain qualified archaeologist and comply with State and Federal codes and regulations City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division 5 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 56 City of Rosemead CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks necessary and dependent on the specific attributes of the discovery, cultural resources sensitivity training for construction personnel, treatment plan, periodic monitoring, and closure reporting. The program shall persist throughout the remainder of earthmoving activities or over a shorter internal if deemed appropriate by the lead professional archeologist. Building construction shall not commence until receipt of the closure report by the Community Development Director indicating completion of all applicable recovery tasks as verified by the lead professional archaeologist. (6.C-1) In the event of the unanticipated discovery of paleontological resources while conducting earthmoving activities during construction of future development within the Specific Plan Planning Area, the project proponent shall engage in a comprehensive recovery program, such as that outlined in the project cultural resources technical report or another designed by a professional paleontologist meeting the qualifications of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, to include, as necessary and dependent on the specific attributes of the discovery, resource sensitivity training for construction personnel, treatment plan, periodic monitoring, and closure reporting. The program During project construction If remains uncovered, notify Los Angeles County Coroner, qualified archaeologist, and Native American monitor City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 5 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 57 CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks shall persist throughout the remainder of earthmoving activities or over a shorter interval if deemed appropriate by the project paleontologist. Building construction shall not commence until receipt of the closure report by the Community Development Director indicating completion of all applicable recovery tasks as verified by the lead professional paleontologist. Noise Mitigation Measures EIR Mitigation Measures (11.A-1) Prior to issuance of demolition or grading permits, the Project Proponent of construction sites located less than 851 feet from commercial and residential receptors shall implement, and identify on construction plans, any combination of the following measures to ensure that project-related short-term construction noise levels are reduced by the appropriate level as identified below to be reviewed and verified by the Building Department. Distance to Receptor (feet) Maximum Noise Level (dBA Lmax) Reductions Needed to Meet 65 dBA Standard Ongoing/upon receipt of noise complaints As appropriate, require acoustical analysis for new uses near sensitive uses City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division 5 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 58 City of Rosemead CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks 50 89.6 -24.6 100 83.6 -18.6 200 77.5 -12.5 500 69.6 -4.6 851 65.0 - (11.A-1) Stationary construction noise sources such as generators or pumps must be located at least 100 feet from sensitive land uses, as feasible, or at maximum distance when necessary to complete work near sensitive land uses. The mitigation measure must be implemented throughout construction and may be periodically monitored by the Community Development Director or designee during routine inspections. During project construction As appropriate, require acoustical analysis for new uses near sensitive uses City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division (11.A-1) Construction staging areas must be located as far from noise sensitive land uses as feasible. This mitigation measure must be implemented throughout construction and may be periodically monitored by the Community Development Director or designee during routine inspections. During project construction As appropriate, require acoustical analysis for new uses near sensitive uses City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 5 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 59 CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks (11.A-1) Throughout construction, the contractor shall ensure all construction equipment is equipped with included noise attenuating devices and are properly maintained. This mitigation measure shall be periodically monitored by the Community Development Director, or designee during routine inspections. During project construction As appropriate, require acoustical analysis for new uses near sensitive uses City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division (11.A-1) Idling equipment must be turned off when not in use. This mitigation measure may be periodically monitored by the Community Development Director, or designee during routine inspections. During project construction As appropriate, require acoustical analysis for new uses near sensitive uses City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division Transportation and Traffic Mitigation Measures EIR Mitigation Measures 5 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 60 City of Rosemead CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks (13. A-1) Prior to issuance of building permits, the project proponent shall submit fair share payments to the Building and Safety Division consistent with the roadway improvements identified in the project traffic impact analysis, and listed below, and the requirements of the City’s Development Impact Fee program. In conjunction with approval of building permits Compliance verified through review of building permits and prior to approval of building permits City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division and Public Works (13. A-1) San Gabriel Boulevard/Hellman Avenue Intersection-Signal Coordination- The signal coordination implementation effort for the Gabriel Boulevard/Hellman Avenue intersection would ideally include that intersection and two additional signalized intersections to the south on San Gabriel Boulevard. Potential improvements range on the low end from GPS time-based units and associated wiring, to provide clock based synchronization of the traffic signals. This could be implemented and provide mitigation, if radio-based communications are feasible based on distances and obstacles between signals. In conjunction with approval of building permits Compliance verified through review of building permits and prior to approval of building permits City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division and Public Works Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 5 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 61 CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks (13. A-1) From New Avenue/Garvey Avenue intersection to Walnut Grove Avenue/Garvey Avenue Intersection-Restriping of Garvey Avenue-Roadway from two travel lanes to three travel lanes removal of on-street parking. A potential restriping effort on Garvey Avenue to provide three travel lanes in each direction. In conjunction with approval of building permits Compliance verified through review of building permits and prior to approval of building permits City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division and Public Works (13. A-1) From Del Mar Avenue/Garvey Avenue- Additional 3rd through lane for eastbound and westbound. In conjunction with approval of building permits Compliance verified through review of building permits and prior to approval of building permits City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division and Public Works 5 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 62 City of Rosemead CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks (13. A-1) From Kelburn Avenue/Garvey Avenue- Additional 3rd through lane for eastbound and westbound. In conjunction with approval of building permits Compliance verified through review of building permits and prior to approval of building permits City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division and Public Works (13. A-1) From San Gabriel Boulevard/Garvey Avenue- Additional 3rd through lane for eastbound and westbound. In conjunction with approval of building permits Compliance verified through review of building permits and prior to approval of building permits City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division and Public Works Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 5 Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 63 CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN EIR: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Monitoring Timing/ Frequency Action Indicating Compliance Monitoring Agency Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks (13. A-1) From Walnut Grove Avenue/Garvey Avenue- Additional 3rd through lane for eastbound and westbound. In conjunction with approval of building permits Compliance verified through review of building permits and prior to approval of building permits City of Rosemead Community Development Department, Planning Division and Public Works 5 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program 64 City of Rosemead This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1500 Iowa Avenue, Suite 110 | Riverside, CA 95207 951-787-9222 | www.migcom.com