CC - Approval of Minutes - 12-8-98 NOT OFFICIAL UNTI: ADOPTED BY THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 8, 1998 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Bruesch at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Bruesch The Invocation was delivered by Councilmember Clark ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmembers Clark, Imperial, Taylor, Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez, and Mayor Bruesch Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NONE Due to the large number of people in attendance for the Public Hearing, that item was taken out of order and presented first. H. PUBLIC HEARING A. A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE EXTENSION OF THE MORATORIUM IMPOSED BY URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 790 WHICH RESTRICTS THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MORTUARIES OR FUNERAL CHAPELS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD WHILE THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPS APPROPRIATE ZONING REGULATIONS GOVERNING SUCH USES Al. ORDINANCE NO. 791 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD EXTENDING ORDINANCE NO. 790 WHICH IMPOSED A MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMITS OR ENTITLEMENTS FOR MORTUARY AND/OR FUNERAL CHAPEL USES AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF The Mayor requested that each side, whether in opposition or in favor of the Ordinance, be represented by one spokesperson. Mayor Bruesch asked that the Mr. Hsiah, the property owner, be the spokesman for his side. An explanation of the procedures for the conduct of the public hearing was presented by the City Attorney. Mr. Kress stressed again that there has not been any application by Rose Hills and there is no project. The question before the Council tonight is whether or not to continue the existing moratorium for 10 months and 15 days. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing for comments from the audience. Mr. Hsiah, 626 N. Garfield Avenue, #125, Alhambra, owner of the property, stated that after seeing all the people present tonight in opposition of the mortuary and talking with them, that he and on behalf of the owners, have nothing to say at this point. Mr. Hsiah added that he wants the City of Rosemead and the residents to work together in harmony and that everyone work for the good of the community. C-12-8-98 Page#1 William Su, 3202 Del Mar Avenue, Rosemead, representing those opposing the mortuary, urged the Council to extend the moratorium. Mr. Su asked for a show of hands for those in the audience that are in favor of continuing the moratorium. The majority of the audience raised their hands. There being no further comments from the audience, the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Councilman Imperial stated that he can appreciate the Chinese culture and their feelings against mortuaries and favors the Council extending the moratorium. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council adopt Ordinance No. 791. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Peter Ko, thanked the Council and staff. A five-minute recess was taken at 8:10 p.m. and reconvened accordingly. PRESENTATIONS: The Council presented a proclamation to Lisa Castaneda, former Community Library Manager, Rosemead Library, for her dedication to the education of young people and her commitment to the local residents during her tenure in Rosemead. 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE DI. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 98-53 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 98-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,140,282.77 NUMBERED 25528 THROUGH 25687 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council adopt Resolution No. 98-53. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. 612-S-9S Page#2 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR(CC-D and CC-E were pulled for discussion purposes) CC-A APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS (FY 97-98) CC-B APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AND THE CITY OF EL MONTE FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON VALLEY BOULEVARD CC-C APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AND THE CITY OF SAN GABRIEL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON VALLEY BOULEVARD CC-F REQUEST FROM ROSEMEAD YOUTH ASSOCIATION(RYA) TO INSTALL A BANNER OVER VALLEY BOULEVARD NEAR WALNUT GROVE AVENUE MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the foregoing items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-D SELECTION OF LENDER FOR CITY'S CDBG-FUNDED LOW INTEREST LOAN PROGRAMS Councilman Taylor asked that this item be deferred pending further information on the bank loans and charges. Mr. Taylor requested clarification on the Cost section of the staff report dealing with interest rates and loans. Lisa Baker, Grants Coordinator, stated that the program is not changing from what Council had approved prior, but they are seeking a lending partner to support that low interest loan program. Ms. Baker continued that the $15,000 for ten years would be the loan, that these are fixed home improvement loans, and the rates are competitive on the open market. Ms. Baker explained that the program is offering a better loan than the banks are giving; the homeowner would get a 3% loan, with the Block Grant Program paying the difference between the 3% and the actual interest rate that the bank will be giving, which would be at a fixed rate. Mayor Bruesch requested that the above computations be put in graph form. Councilman Taylor requested a breakdown of the repayment of interest costs and the total charges. Mr. Taylor asked which loans were adjustable. Ms. Baker responded that they called other banks to try and find a comparable program offering home improvement loans, of those that did, their interest rates ran from 9.77% and 10.1% adjustable monthly; whereas, First American is proposing a fixed rate. Ms. Baker stated that the reason the bank is marking 1.55 times the monthly accrued interest on loans is that the bank is not charging us a compensating balance which allows us access to our own money. Councilman Taylor requested that the examples of monthly payments of 2.1 on each 3% loan and 1.55 on the 4% loans be included in the computations. Mr. Taylor requested a report on the closure of many of Sanwa Bank branches in the United States, and the effect on the Sanwa Bank in Rosemead. 0124-98 Page e3 There being no objection, the Mayor deferred this item to the next meeting. CC-E APPROVAL OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT FOR MELODY LOUNGE- 8208 GARVEY AVENUE Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager, presented the staff report and recommended that the closing time remain at 1:30 a.m. rather than the requested time of 2:00 a.m. by the owner. Councilman Imperial stated that the new owners have worked hard over the months to improve this establishment and that it would be a credit to this community. Mayor Bruesch clarified that bars may close at 2:00 a.m.; however, the entertainment portion has to close at 1:30 a.m. in order to allow the patrons to depart by 2:00 a.m. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council grant an Entertainment Permit from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., Sunday through Saturday to the Melody Lounge, 8208 Garvey Avenue. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION -None VI. STATUS REPORTS A. STATUS REPORT- GRAFFITI REMOVAL ACTIVITIES This item was received and filed. VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS Councilmember Clark asked if deferring CC-D would affect any time frames or people waiting for their loans. Lisa Baker, Grants Coordinator, stated that it would not as interested people are currently on a list and not waiting for loan approvals. VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE -None Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, requested information on what happens after the Ordinance extending the moratorium on mortuaries ends. Mayor Bruesch explained that if guidelines are not approved within that time frame, the moratorium can be extended again. Mr. Nunez stated that many residents still do not recycle and what is the City doing to meet State requirements. Mayor Bruesch stated that the City has to report annually to the State how much tonnage the City has diverted from the landfills, which should be lower than the base year of 1991 and that by 2005, a 50% reduction is mandatory. Mr. Bruesch explained that there are various means of meeting this recycling requirement, perhaps through condominium or commercial recycling programs, etc. Mr. Nunez asked about furniture that is left out on curbs and that he is aware that notices were mailed to property owners, but what about renters? Mr. Wagner stated that Consolidated Disposal will bill the property owners for picking up furniture or large items left out. C-12-8-98 Page#4 IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. to Tuesday,December 15, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: City Clerk MAYOR C-12-8-98 Page#5