RRA - Item 6A - Re-roofing Garvey Park Clubhouse ( l � R R A ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD ROSEMEAD,GA 91770•(818)288-6671 •l elecopier 8183079218 TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATIONS DATE: JANUARY 20, 1999 RE: RE-ROOFING GARVEY PARK CLUBHOUSE - CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 The specifications for the Garvey Park Clubhouse (remodeling) and Sheriff 's Substation (addition) did not address the existing roof on the Clubhouse portion of the project. Earlier, the Contractor and Architect reviewed the status of the roof and it was determined that the old roof should be replaced because of some low areas. The Contractor prepared and submitted a proposal that addressed the problem. Upon review, it was felt that we could hold off on this item and correct it as part of next year's budget process. As the Contractor proceeded with the demolition of the Clubhouse it was discovered that the glue lam beams in most of the areas had sagged. In addition, the Architect felt that the original roof was built dead flat, which further contributed to the problem. A recent inspection of the roof showed that a significant portion of the roof has large areas of standing water. Although the roof has not leaked in the past, the current observation suggest that it would be appropriate to correct the problem at this juncture as opposed to gambling on the roof not failing before we could get it repaired next year. The remedies to correct the roofing problems are outlined in the Change Order. The most significant item is the installation of crickets, built up portions of a new roof, that would eliminate the low areas and let the water sheet off the sides or direct the water into existing roof drains. AGENCY AGENDA JAN 2 6 i999 ITEM No. 6, The other advantage of doing it now is that the repairs to the Clubhouse roof will properly tie into the new roof on the Sheriff 's Substation. The Contractor's proposal also calls for replacing all of the facia as opposed to just those areas that showed dry wrought/termite damage. Therefore, when the project is completed all of the facia around the building will be new. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $ 19, 870. 00. 07-N-B6S attachments JAN-20–'99 17:05 ID: ARCHITECTURE 'E'_ NO: 13109314656 11904 P02 .-.—. CHANGE OWNER ORDER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR A/A DOCUMENT G701 OTHERTHD 0 p, ��s,� .•f FILD PROJECT: �FARK6'c 07k, firtyy CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: az (name, address) 79fl pen/ eG, /40-7% pp,,r�y�✓� DATE: PA TO CONTRACTOR: /W�/�,�''��i ARCHITECTS PROJECT Na 97-7577 (msec, address) o U'%Zt yri/f4'fl,7& CONTRACT DATE: .24a9 W #acrtsv Ate CONTRACT FOR: l V� a OD A�HhM4rc4, a 9/2,3 The Contract is changed as follows! 1 ArrAae,P aScr f Oglzz p,xoRx fi?/ oethv*mre GP-EP /-Z '-99 CHAtige6kiWK opa =l /7, e7O. on Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. 2 �p/, / �5�, The original(Contract Sum)(Bvarmtccd VNee)>n5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S VA v__ 'OP Net change by previously authorized Change Orders t Si 7/O, O 1 he(Contract Sum)( prior to this Change Order was e The(Contract Sum)(Guawnwetl-M•, ..1;.a.)will he(Increased)(dt.uLnad) -n e,�77r/�lef/9', OU �yby this Change Order in the amount of t /9y e�v^, 00 1 he new(Contract Sum)(eturewe.6KvumuanWiee)including this Change Order will be t 4/� Ute/ the Conuaa Time will be(increased)NaarrcacrG)(anelmged)by y �T/ ( /0)days The date of Substantial Completion as of the dace of this Change Order therefore is NOTE This summary docs not masa Changes in Me Contract Sum,Coni ua'time or(luarvniced Maximum Price wines nave bum autnornen flyII Construction Change Directive. 001 A£E'C�fcr a&AY _.Critic ll4 A46 I l` Gfrr_cF ?✓/�/ , eZ 441 ARW E CHITECT / /7/ N (_. (carr /✓/j/,(_�k/k.Pti—alLV AV Off 3t 5 i _zer�N�Jo AOd'co 1 r ail iii :7 AJCI!�(�,Y.) - / f U3 guraa Add 5.� ' //720 k:f III NV //l . t•1.,4iYa „Y _ . ray Y' DATE .. %2 _ DAT/ _._ DATE _ PIA CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed In red. R An original assures that changes will not be obscured es may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA IDO(.'tWENT eMt • CHANCE 01I01,5 • I%1 EDITION • ADA • (0 19R, • T115 ANediUN iNST?VTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVE, N W.. WASHINGTON. DC. 20506 6701-1901 WARNING u•IIcenend nhntncnmin?vinbM,Vs Mw o51 is,.ant is Rubio,...to ine nrnanriro SRN-2E-'99 17:06 ID: RRCH:TECTURE TEL NJ: L3108314655 M904 P0= Jan-20-99 04 : 51P 626/ 588-2782 P. 02 '` , ._ OSD Construction,Inc. dba • j `, OCEANSTATE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY • -a • LICENSE'NO 59702$ Y09 W NELLMANA✓ENUE ALHAMBR , C4 61103 PO BOX 7227-91301 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 January 20, 1999- Revised Garvey Park Clubhouse & Sheriff Substation -City of Rosemead Proposed replacement of existing damaged and rotten roof, as per job specifications. The scope of work will Include the following: 1. Remove approximately 4200 sq.ttof existing roofing material and sheet metal flashing. 2 Repair roof plywood as needed. 3. install plywood crickets for proper water drainage. 4. Clean and repair four existing roof drains. 5. Install new roofing and sheet metal as per job specifications. 6. Remove and replace all wood-fascia around building. 7. Credit from Change Order#1, roof repair. c$480.00> Total Change Order $19,870.00 6 OfiWI4PlgrLfot'nnparry;:•. -._ �/'r �.Cr PHONE vi-SBL}TJ FAX 426.50-1711