CC - Item 4A - Request for Annual Affair of the Heart Dinner E M E staf f report TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: r-FIZANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1999 UUU RE: REQUEST FROM THE LINCOLN TRAINING CENTER TO PLACE AD IN TRIBUTE JOURNAL FOR THE ANNUAL AFFAIR OF THE HEART DINNER, MARCH 13, 1999 Every year the Lincoln Training Center requests that the City place an ad in their Tribute Journal that is published for their annual fund raising dinner, "Affair of the Heart". In the past the Council has authorized the purchase of a half page ad. This year's fee for a half page is $145. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize a half page ad in the Lincoln Training Center's Tribute Journal at a cost of$145. COUNCIL AGENDA FEB 0 9 1999 ITEM No.12..66-A- J th Lal NYC 'Lx.N r AIN w ESTI TRIBUTE JOURNAL AD RESERVATION (-ORM _Full l'o:. G (.. 10') C]q; Ilan PaacC . 4 '„') ]45 1 ter 'ac Y x 4 ") S P5 man, i. i3arine�=Card 5 'L a2'I 50 All m51de pace, are black & white and will he enclosed within a set hordes. Itlack & white camera ready art is preferred at saes stated above; however a draft copy of your ad mae be submitted and we will typeset.Your black&white „raready lo also be included.Please print y sada you wouldlika it t,.appear in the may Journal. 7 Repeat ad Lew IUUR 't74mmLL a.fmrtiscr.- ad DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF CAMERA READY ARTWORK: FEBRUARY 13. 1999 Names dice-. Zip: ]alkane: U Fax: —1 Payment tncthod (circle(me); Check MC Visa Amex Expiration date: Please make cbecks payable to: LINCOLN N TRAINING CENTER Send checks and camera ready copy to: Lincoln Training Center 2643 Lorna Avenue, South El Monte, CA 91733 1 5TII ANNUAL AFFAIR OF THE HEART Saturday,March I 3, ,oao•Shcratmr industry Hills ADVANCE RESERVATIONS • TABLE f/ TICKET INFORMATION Yes,1 would like to participate in the Affair of the Heart.Please reserve: CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS at 52,500 each.Includes: I'll'seating,or 10,full page ad, listing in tribute journal as Corporate Sponsor recognition and signage at event. PLATINUM SPONSORSHIPS at S1,000 each. Includes: Preferred seating(or 10, full page ad, listing in tribute journal as Platinum Sponsor, and recognition at event. GOLD SPONSORSHIPS at S75(1 each. Includes: Preferred seating for 10, :. page ad, listing in tribute journal as Gold Sponsor, and recognition at event SILVER SPONSORSHIPS at 5600 each.lndudes: Preferred seating for 10, 1 4 page ad listing in tribute journal as Silver Sponsor, and recognition at event. TABLE SPONSORSHIPS at 5500 each.Includes seating for 10. Name: Compan_ Address: City: State, Zip: Planes { 1 Fax. I_i 7 Please reserve ❑ckctls}at 550 each ❑Please reserve ticket(s) for the disabled clients of LTC at 520 each oYes, I .ant to sponsor LTC disabled clients at 520 each 1 have enclosed my check in the amount of S ❑Sorra,I.'N e are unable to attend. Enclosed is n„ contribution of S I would prefer to pa, h1 \'isa)alC Amex: ;ivS nature, Expiration date: fleac make chi:Az payable to:LINCOLN TRAINING CENTER For information: 626'442-0621 • Fax:626 442-01 77 iittp;7wwn:uncal ntc.or=