CC - Item 7B - Revised Attachment ACity of Rosemead, Califomia Revenue Summary by Fund 1 Adopted Proposed Revised 17/18 Adjustment Estimate General Fund Sales'iax S 5,524,000 $ 5,524,000 Property Tax 8,902,000 8,902,000 Franchise Pees 1,125,000 1.125,000 'Frunstent Occupancy Tax 2,100,000 100,000 2,200,000 Interest Earnings 75,000 75,000 Building Permits and Plan Checks 1,470,000 1,470,000 Permits 430,000 430,000 Traffic Pines & Impounds 215,000 215,000 Parking Citations 400,000 400,000 Real Estate Transfer Tax 100,000 100,000 Facility Rentals 457,300 457,300 Recreation Pees 576,100 576,100 Reimbursements 141,500 141,500 Grants 218,100 218.100 Business Licenses 200.000 200,000 Other Revenue 239,900 25,000 264,900 Total General Fund 22,173,900 125,000 22,298,900 Special Revenue Funds State Gas '1'ax Fund State Gasoline T'ax 1,544,700 1,544,700 Street Sweeping Reimbursement 8,000 8,000 Grams 943,300 (943,300) - Interest Earnings - - Total Gas Tax Fund 2,496,000 (943,3001 1,552,700 Local Trmsponatiut/Sidewalk Grant Grams 35,800 35,800 Total Local Transportalion/Sidewalk Grant Fund 35,800 - 35,800 Proposition A fund Local Return 1,050,600 1,0511,600 Giants 76,000 76,000 Interest turnings - - Total Proposition A Fund 1,126,600 - 1,126,600 1 Proposition C Fund Local Return Grants Interest Earnings "Total Proposition C Fund Measure R- Los .Angeles County Local Return Interest Earnings 'Total Measure R Fund Measure M - Los Angeles Courcy Local Return Interest Eamings 'Total Measure R Fund Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Fund Clean Air Fees Interest Earnings Total AQMD Fund Street Lighting District Property Ta[ Interest Eamings Total Street Lighting District Fund Development Impact Fee Funds Development Impact Fee ,'Total Development Impact Fee Funds Community Development Block Grant (CD13G) Fund Grants Total CDBG Fund HOME Fund Grants Total HOME Fund 'Total Special Revenue Funds 890,900 890,'100 637;1011 637,400 650.711(1 650,700 71,600 890,900 890,900 637,400 637,400 6.50,700 650,700 71,600 71,600 71,600 875,000 875,000 875,000 - 875,000 129.000 129,000 129,000 129,001) 617,000 617,000 617,000 - 617,000 207,400 207,400 207,400 207,400 29,911,300 1818,300) 29,093,000 2 Internal Service Funds Equipment Rcphtccntent Fund 125,000 125,000 Tectmology Replacement Fund 154,200 154,200 Total Internal Service Funds 279,200 - 279,200 CIP Funding Sources Grams - Transf''ers In ?200.000 2,200,000 TotaICIP Funding Sources 2,200,000 - 2,2011,000 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation (RHDC) Senior Housing Fund Rental Income 444,000 444,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 2,500 2,500 Total RHDC Fund 446,500 446,500 HOME Program Administration Fund Grants 698.600 698,600 Total RHDC Funds 11145,100 - 1,145,100 Grand Total S 33,535,600 s (518,300) s 32,717,300 3 Ch'), of Rosemead, California Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Bur/get Expenditure Summary Worksheet Adopted 17/18 Departments Proposed Adopted Adjustment 17/18 General Government $ 933,500 20,000 $ 953,500 City Manager 640,500 - 640,500 Support Services 2,694,900 .560,800 3,255,700 Community Development 2,443,100 48,200 2,491,300 Parks & Recreation 2,531,800 - 2,531,800 Public Safety 9,530,S00 9.758 9,540,258 Public Works 7,658,300 28,000 7,686,300 Capital Projects 4,400,000 323,100 4,723,100 Total City Budget 31,822,458 989,858 30,832,600 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation 1,553,100 - 1,553,100 Total Rosemead Budget S 33,375,558 989,858 $ 32,385,700 $ City of Rosemead, California Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Summary of Expenditures by Fund General Fund Special Revenue Funds State Gas Tax Local Transpo tai on Proposition A Proposition C Measure R Measure M Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Narcotics Forfeiture 8c Seizure Street Lighting District Development Impact Fees Community Development Block Grant HOME Capital Projects Internal Service Funds Equipment Replacement Technology Replacement Total Special Revenue Funds Total Internal Service Funds Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Grand Total Rosemead Budget J Adopted Proposed Revised 17/18 Adjustment Budget S 22,352,400 S 723,758 S 23,076,158 798,200 798,200 1,008,000 1,008,000 1,007,200 1,007,200 864,900 266,100 1,131,000 350,000 350,000 50,000 50,000 862,800 862,800 38,000 38,000 759,200 759,200 151,300 151,300 2,356,400 2,356,400 8.246,000 266,100 8,512,100 80,000 80,000 154,200 154,200 234,200 - 234,200 1,553,100 - 1,553,100 S 32,385,700 S 989,858 S 33,375,558