CC - Item 4A - Engineering Proposal - Traffic Signal Master Plan .,
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FROM: \i„
DATE: APRIL 22, 1999
Attached for your consideration is an engineering proposal from Willdan Associates to
provide professional traffic engineering services for the development of a citywide Traffic
Signal System and Master Plan Study.
A total of 54 traffic signals exist within the City limits, where 10 signals are maintained by
Caltrans, 2 by Los Angeles County, 2 by the City of Monterey Park, and 40 by the City of
Rosemead. As part of the study, traffic signal timing plans will be reviewed citywide. The
timing plan review will include coordination timing along Mission Drive, Valley Boulevard,
Walnut Grove Avenue, Hellman Avenue, Del Mar Avenue, and San Gabriel Boulevard.
The Master Plan will identify existing equipment, review the West San Gabriel Signal
Forum proposed traffic signal upgrades and will provide recommendation for improvements
that would augment the West San Gabriel Signal Forum improvements.
Further, the improvements identified in the Master Plan will serve as a planning tool for
future capital improvement projects, and set priorities for using future Air Quality
Management District (AQMD) subventions.
The proposed Traffic Signal Master Plan is currently programmed in the City's Fiscal Year
1998-99 budget, and will be funded by utilizing AQMD funds.
The proposed fixed fee for the Traffic Signal Master Plan is $73,000.
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ITEM No. r-da-4
April 22, 1999
Page 2
It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the attached engineering
proposal and direct staff to begin preparation of the Traffic Signal Master Plan.
C:\1999RSMG\STAFFRPTICIMEngrg Prop-Traffic Signal Master Plan.wptl
/ Professional Consulting Services Since 1964
April 20, 1999
Mr. Frank G. Tripepi
City Manager
City of Rosemead
8838 East Valley Boulevard
Rosemead, CA 91770
Subject: Proposal to Provide Traffic Signal System and Master Plan Study
Dear Mr. Tripepi:
Willdan Associates is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional traffic
engineering services for the development of a Traffic Signal System and Master Plan
As part of the study, traffic signal timing plans will be reviewed citywide. A total of 54
traffic signals exist within the City limits with 10 locations maintained by Caltrans, 2 by
Los Angeles County and 2 by the City of Monterey Park. The timing plan review will
include coordination timing along Mission Drive, Valley Boulevard, Walnut Grove
Avenue, Hellman Avenue, Del Mar Avenue, and San Gabriel Boulevard.
The Master Plan Study will identify existing equipment, review the West San Gabriel
Signal Forum proposed traffic signal upgrades and will provide recommendations for
improvements that would augment the West San Gabriel Signal Forum improvements.
It is anticipated that the improvements identified in the final Signal System Master Plan
for the City can be implemented with other scheduled capital improvement projects, or
projects using annual allocations of Air Quality Management District (AQMD) funds, if
not appropriated to other emission reduction type projects.
We propose to provide the following services:
A. Data Collection:
1. Assemble and review current traffic signal timing and coordination plans,
including current Caltrans coordination timing sheets for Rosemead
2. Field review traffic signal locations to verify existing equipment (total 40
City maintained locations). Observe operations for the coordinated
arterials, and identify repairs or changes that may be required.
3. Perform a "before" travel time and delay study for each arterial for the
a.m. and p.m. weekday time periods.
12900 CROSSROADS PARKWAY SOUTH•SUITE 200• INDUSTRY CALIFORNIA 91746-3499•(562)908-6200•FAX(562)695-2120
April 20, 1999
Page 2
4. Conduct intersection turning movement counts for each of the 40
intersection locations for the a.m. and p.m. weekday time periods.
B. Analysis and Study Report Preparation
1. Perform coordination analyses for 2 weekday time periods (a.m. and p.m.)
and prepare time space diagrams for each arterial being reviewed. Time
space diagrams and subsequent timing sheets will be prepared in an
effort to "fit" into Caltrans' coordination patterns on Rosemead Boulevard.
In addition, we will work closely with Los Angeles County Public Works
Division for traffic signal coordination changes, if any, on arterials
currently coordinated with the County's WWV program.
2. Prepare revised traffic signal and coordination timing sheets, if required,
for implementation. Implementation will be coordinated through the City's
traffic signal maintenance company (Peek Traffic).
3. "Fine-tune" the traffic signal coordination timing, based on field
observations and incorporate these changes on the timing sheets. Copies
of the revised timing sheets will be placed in the controller cabinets and
provided to the City and maintenance company for their files.
4. Perform an "after" travel time and delay study for each arterial for the a.m.
and p.m. weekday time periods.
5. Prepare a Traffic Signal System and Master Plan Study Report that will
document existing signal equipment, future upgrades, identify proposed
improvements by others, and develop a Master Plan for implementation
by the City.
6. Submit five copies of the final Study Report for City's use and distribution.
Our proposed fixed fee to provide the above services is $73,000. We estimate the
above services can be completed within 6 months from receipt of a Notice-to-Proceed.
Should you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact Mr. Lew
Gluesing at (562) 908-6291.
Respectfully submitted,
/ • ice uK / 7LcT,
Lew Gluesing, P.E. Richard L. Kopecky, P.E.
Manager Senior Vice resident
Traffic and Transportation