CC - Item 5A - SCA 1 & SCA 3 - Allowing Majority Voter Approval for Special Transportation Taxes and School Bond Issues gjj(--, a� ®�: stattep ort TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER W DATE: APRIL 21, 1999 RE: SCA 1 (O'CONNELL) AND SCA 3 (BURTON) - ALLOWING MAJORITY VOTER APPROVAL FOR SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION TAXES AND SCHOOL BOND ISSUES At the regular City Council meeting of April 13, 1999, the City Council requested that SCA 1 (O'Connell) and SCA 3 (Burton) be placed on the next agenda for Council consideration. The measures, if approved by the Legislature, would place initiatives on a statewide ballot for voter approval. Both bills would implement a Constitutional amendment allowing a majority vote (as opposed to a 2,/3 majority) for additional transportation taxes and additional taxes to used for school bond measures. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council take no action. However, should the Council choose to state a preference on this matter, it would be appropriate to authorize the Mayor to send the necessary correspondence. ccm.mo xi,ca rE COUNCIL AGENDA APR 2 71999 ITEM No. ^ A AMENDED IN SENATE MARCH 2, 1999 Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 1 Introduced by Senator O'Connell (Principal coauthor:Assembly Member Dutra) (Coauthors: Senators Alpert, Baca, Bowen, C/resbro, Figueroa, Johnston, Barnette, Perata, Speier, Soils, and Vasconcellos) (Coauthors: Assembly Members Aroner; Calderon, Davis, Firebaugh, Honda, Jackson, Keeley, Kuehl, Lempert, Papan, Mazzoni, Scott, Shelley, Steinberg, and Thomson) December 7, 1998 Senate Constitutional Amendment No. I—A resolution to propose to the people of the State of California an amendment to the Constitution of the State, by amending Section 1 of Article XIII A thereof, and by amending Section 18 of Article XVI thereof, relating to school facilities financing. LEGISLATIVE COUNSELS DIGEST SCA ], as amended, O'Connell. School facilities: general obligation bonds. (I) The California Constitution limits ad valorem property taxes to 1% of the full cash value of the property, except for property taxes to pay the interest and redemption charges either on indebtedness approved by the voters prior to July I, 1978. or on bonded indebtedness for the acquisition and improvement of real property approved on or after July I, 1978. by 2/; of the voters voting on the proposition. This measure v ould provide an exception from the property tax limitation for properly taxes to pay the interest 95 P • • SCA 1 —S — and redemption ch:uees on bonded indebtedness incurred by a school district, county office of education, or community college district for the construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping thereof, or the acquisition of real property therefor, approved by a majority of the voters voting on the proposition. The measure would require for these purposes that the bond proposition include particular provisions relating to the use and implementation of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds. This measure would also provide that property taxes imposed for bonded indebtedness incurred for school facilities, indebtedness approved by the voters prior to July 1, 1978, or bonded indebtedness with a 2/3 voter approval after that date for real property acquisition or improvement, are not special taxes. (2) The California Constitution prohibits various local governmental entities. including school districts, from incurring any indebtedness or liability that exceeds in any year the income and revenue provided for that year without the assent of 2/3 of the qualified electors of that entity, voting at an election to be held for that purpose, except that the approval of only a majority of the voters is required for the approval of general obligation bonds to repair, reconstruct, or replace public school buildings determined to be structurally unsafe for school use. This measure would require with respect to a school district, county office of education, or community college district, the approval of only a majority of the voters voting on the proposition for the approval of general obligation bonds for the construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping thereof, or the acquisition of real property therefor. The measure would require for these purposes that the bond proposition include particular provisions relating to the use and implementation of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds. (3) This measure would provide that its provisions shall be ab:mt(i :o r. .a_ P.1w8. 7, 222(/, statcv,59:. prima, c.octior., and if not approved by the syness a: that y:i.aw_ clec'o:,, the .acasu, r:c,ald v.-S.�dc 4s -3 — SCA 1 prcr. inn ; rhsll L., submitted to the voters at the November 7, 2000. statewide general election. Vote: 2/3. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. State-mandated local program: no. 1 SECTION 1. Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly 2 concurring, That the Legislature of the State of California 3 at its 1999-2000 Regular Session commencing on the 4 seventh day of December 1998, two-thirds of the 5 membership of each house concurring, hereby proposes 6 to the people of the State of California that the 7 Constitution of the State be amended, as follows: 8 First—That Section 1 of Article XIII A thereof is 9 amended to read: 10 SECTION 1. (a) The maximum amount of any ad 11 valorem tax on real property shall not exceed I percent 12 of the full cash value of that property. The 1 percent tax 13 shall be collected by the counties and apportioned 14 according to la" to the local jurisdictions within the 15 counties. 16 (b) The limitation imposed by subdivision (a) shall not 17 apply to ad valorem taxes or special assessments to pay the 18 interest and redemption charges on any of the following: 19 (1) Indebtedness approved by the voters prior to July 20 1, 1978. 21 (2) Bonded indebtedness for the acquisition or 22 improvement of real property approved on or after July 23 1. 1978, by two-thirds of the votes cast on the proposition. 24 (3) Bonded indebtedness incurred by a school district, 25 county office of education, or community college district 26 for the construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of 27 school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping 28 of school facilities, or the acquisition of real property for 29 school facilities, approved by a majority of the voters of 30 the district or county, as appropriate, voting on the 31 proposition on or after the effective date of the measure 32 adding this paragraph. This paragraph shall apply only if 33 the proposition approved by the voters and resulting in 34 the bonded indebtedness includes all of the following: 9R SCA 1 —4- 1 (A) A requirement that the proceeds from the sale of 2 the bonds be used only for capital expenditures, and not 3 for any other purpose, including school operations of 4 traiii., :agai4e1, and teacher and administrator salaries. 5 (B) A list of the specific school facilities projects to be 6 funded. 7 (C) A provision to establish a citizens' advisory 8 committee to review the expenditure of the funds 9 generated by the sale of the bonds. 10 (D) An annual audit of the proceeds from the sale of 11 the bonds until all of those proceeds have been expended 12 for the school facilities projects. 13 (c) An ad valorem tax levied pursuant to subdivision • 14 (b) may not be deemed a special tax for purposes of this 15 article. 16 (d) For purposes of this section "school facilities" 17 include community college district school facilities. 18 Second—That Section 1S of Article XVI thereof is 19 amended to read: 20 SEC. 18. (a) No county city, town, board of 21 education, or school district shall incur any indebtedness 22 or liability, in any manner or for any purpose, exceeding 23 in any year the income and revenue provided for that 24 year, unless both of the following conditions are met: 35 (1) The indebtedness or liability is approved by 26 two-thirds of the voters of the public entity voting at an 27 election to be held for that purpose, except that for any 28 public entity that is authorized to incur indebtedness for 29 public school purposes, any proposition for the 30 incurrence of indebtedness in the form of general 31 obligation bonds for the purpose of repairing, 32 reconstructing or replacing public school buildings 33 determined, in the manner prescribed by law, to be 34 structurally unsafe for school use, shall be adopted upon 35 the approval of a majority of the voters of the public 36 entity voting on the proposition at the election. 37 (2) Before or at the time of incurring the indebtedness 38 provision is made for the collection of an annual tax 39 sufficient to pay the interest on the indebtedness as it falls 40 due and to provide for a sinking fund for the payment of 4S -5— SCA 1 I the principal thereof, on or before maturity, which shall 2 not exceed 40 years from the time of contracting the 3 indebtedness. 4 (b) When two or more propositions for incurring any 5 indebtedness or liability are submitted at the same 6 election, the votes cast for and against each proposition 7 shall be counted separately, and when two-thirds or a 8 majority of the voters, as the case may be, voting on any 9 one of those propositions, vote in favor thereof, the ]0 proposition shall be deemed adopted. 11 (c) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), on or after the 12 effective date of the measure adding this subdivision, in 13 the case of any school district, county office of education, - 14 or community college district, any proposition for the 15 incurrence of indebtedness in the form of general 16 obligation bonds for the construction, reconstruction, or 17 rehabilitation of school facilities, including the furnishing 18 and equipping of school facilities, or the acquisition of real 19 property for school facilities, shall be adopted upon the 20 approval of a majority of the voters of the district or 21 county, as appropriate, voting on the proposition at an 22 election. This subdivision shall apply only to a proposition 23 for the incurrence of indebtedness in the form of general 24 obligation bonds for the purposes specified in this 25 subdivision if the proposition includes all of the following: 26 (1) A requirement that the proceeds from the sale of 27 the bonds be used only for capital expenditures, and not 28 for any other purpose, including school operations er 29 _d.;i..:jtf.,nc.: and teacher and administrator salaries. 30 (2) A list of the specific school facilities projects to be 31 funded. 32 (3) A provision to establish a citizens' advisory 33 committee to review the expenditure of the funds 34 generated by the sale of the bonds. 35 (4) An annual audit of the proceeds from the sale of 36 the bonds until all of those proceeds have been expended 37 for the school facilities projects. 38 (d) For purposes of this section "school facilities" 39 includes community college district school facilities. 98 SCA 7 — 6- 1 SEC. 2. RLsv,l'crf 5, th,. S.'nu' , d,.. A.,sc»t1,!1 3 8 I;rrt That Sccti u 1 of Article XIIIA :hereof i 9 cmendcd to read: 10 Section 1. (a) The maxim 12 of the fell sash value of that proper:). The--h—per..ant tax 15 _ou„Las' 16 (h) The. limitation impc:cd by :ebdici3ion (a) shall not 19 . .✓ _ .-_- i _ _ . ;,. 20 ( 1.-991-87 22 imfrnertre„t of r.,..l property cpr.oced o=-er ate: Jd� 24 b3) Bended ..tdc`rt dura., incurred by a ,chool district, 25 aaun.f offoc c, education, or community collo., diat:ict 27 s_heol th.. T,tr„14.1,9g—antaluippierg 30 .hr district or roam.), appropri tea, voting on c'ro 31 p_ar..r1C .. 3.. or aft,: the a`fa.t:;a data of the roetar 33 the properi`-. _ ..d 88 . _ • .a._ --- _ - 34 . : caudad :.,dc' ..,... a - .:e. _ - . 36 .:_ c.: c - . tert 37 r ,. _ . - , . • : 38 a - -sem, 39 i^) Afa: cr the specific : h:,ol f ciSlido-b 40 raadad. 98 P - 7— SCA 1 1 . . • t a advisory 2 comm: • - - _ . teee—of flit —math 3 eaters.ed by the:ale of thy beds. 4 7 (c) .An ad valorem Iasi lcsicd pursuant to subdivision 9 ..rL_le. 10 (d) For puniest.) of thin section ".,cheol f ciftios' 11 include c.m..,,un areell_ge distree: school facilities. 12 Second Tha: Section 18 of Article "A7 thereof i 13 amended to read: 14 SEC. IS. (a) No count), city, town, board of IS education, or school district shall incur any indeb'edneas 17 i., an-5—re. r the :.,re,«.. ..,,d rar snit y.ovided for that 18 y-a, unless beth of the feIloss:,,, ,.e,.d;:;ons are,,.et 19 (I) The i-r,3eb:e-d,.cra or liability is ,rr,r,,,v..e ,,y= 20 :sro thirds of the voters of the public cat -ohne at an 2 - 26 .e_enperue:ice er r_p 3eing pub:h school budcli ,_ 27 d_eeniayd, .., :he :canner prererib..d by Lw, to b_ 28 ,::accurally unsafe for school use, shall be adopted upon 79 - _ - c -•-. ., 31 (d; Deer: or a: the : .. _ of , ,ocrrine the ,..debtedrrcc- 32 preyisica--is Mas: for :he collo ia- . , o... .. 33 - _ :eh:da033 as is f.11 34 dee and to provide for a sin15 s fu- re . .. .. _.-. - •. c -_ : , .9 or before ,aa:ur:y; :.'16_h shall 37 i.debtedness. 38 (S) When ty or .co:a y.c csitiens fat-en—care tens 40 _.,,.a.... :be voter for and ataiadt each oroper-:ien 9E 7 SGA 1 - S - 1 sltal] be eount_d sepnratel , and tshen -two thirds--e—a 2 majority of the \.,tLPS, as :he tease may L,., \otinf, on—au} 3 : - 5 (,) Nons't htarrding subdivision (a), on or after the 7 the ease of any school district, county office of education, 17 for 3 a iooerra,_e of indeb.-dn_s:, in :he fo..,i of enera3 I8 ;. 21 the boads be Lei en',y for L..pilal a&pe rL3, and not 22 far any char pu,peee, inelu±np school operations or 23 adrain:stretio:. 24 (2) A ba: of the specific school Lcd;t;3 p:ej..ets to b- 25 rmiddi. 26 (3) A pre :rho,. ad ca:eb13h a -iaza..s' “eborseddj .. • ._ - - - 28 - _ ..:..d b) :hc 3alc a;;he-bands. 29 ., .....-. _ :,. 4om the rale of 30 'Inc banis and', all of :hose proceeds have been cspcn4cd 31 for the school fae11i:;tea projcc.s. 1.- .- .-. •. .. .- 33 .. ... is •.- .,.. .. ,. .,. .•. . .-.. . �C. 34 S,:.C. 3. 35 SEC. 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 36 the constitutional amendment proposed in Section 1 shall 37 be submitted to the voters at the '`4a-eh 7-1-11439 A'ovenzber 38 7, 2000, statewide primary election. 40 -fp.;: .. _ ..c_ _. . .. - arch 7, 200C, sta:_:ade nF P • —9 — SCA 1 . . -mcndment 2 propooed in Section 2 shall be submitted to the voters at 3 the Nenember 7, 2000, :tatoaide general election. If the 5 .:. . . . -- •. - . .. - 6 primary cicetlon, the constitutions amendment 8 herr. • 0 98 7 S 4":"..' F ] J S � \'� A F F tire,-` moi, �y,W fit.{!..:,, t e';x4 jcil t Y Y.•l i'1' ,-',.i °tu r. e 4:24?-if x • ,a 41,, 1 '''-rr- . Senate C onshtuttonaI Am i vi . t , �x f 3•'N 3 4,9 fi • J/ {.tA ...• ^iii I eve .tT C �I� 1tzt� .z`ix iQ�'36� i4i �t�'( ?a *`, 'MSyr▪ a • rex r.^ { "J Px .k1't,y'I- k i>f'r H"n'rF�9''Sv. id K▪a I > c I 3 . .t x Introduced by Senators Burton and Karnette i L -"z N'k.=z(Pnncipal coauthor Assembly Member Dutra) t: Y,:::•‘:1't (Coauthors Senators Baca, Cosfa, Figueroa, and Speier) i < .: " mi4 (Coautfiors AssemblyMembers;,Calderon Honda Kuehl '? , Ma,_.,..4....-.-..s.-om MlgdenpfRtomrmero,,:Tortakson and Washmgt{on)� -04.'��' � :., �Y r'm."^ �a ,r -s.7.'a n *rsF 1P..ati sa "tit I _ .i a si,�N -T �'-February 8 1999 ',,' 7 `' '� s- S t nI r i .� Senate 'Conshtuhonal AmendmenC No -3=A resolution propose to'the people o>;the State of California an amendment _'to,tl e, Constihttton of the State by'addmg Section 16 to Article >,X[ thereof i.,by ending` Section 4 of Article XIII A thereof and by amending Section 2 of Article. XIIIC thereof relatmg} • .--:.r-"i6-taxation _' LEGISIATNE COUNSELS DIGEST .Y I • r a f SCA 3 asintroduced P1.091?::.).,.Local governntmespecial taxes:•transportation , `-- The ,California Constitution requires a ;2/3 vote• of the . ectorate:.for approval' of special°taxes of ela city,,,bounty, of . ' .special !district; • not;including '.-ad valorem- taxes on.: real 'property or.-a transaction or sales.tax on< the sale of, real • 'po p 'a Thiserty.measure_ would amend the Constitutionto provide that a local,jurisdiction, as'defined, by a majorityvote of its voters ', _voting on the proposition, may impose a special tax, if the tax is imposed exclusively fo fund projects and services: for the purpose of transportation,as provided. Vote: , 2/3. . Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. State-mandated local program: no. 99 1 + 3 ,�I � : � i r a a > .e' ,,t er e 6 �smi is X t , i B $ 1, t@,'f Resolved by the Senate the •Ass?inb4 concurring, Thal Q< �2 the Legtslafure . ee-?- : taliel paLforiva"atxi 999 r2000.� 1� j�I- 'r 3'rR'WeS01'C.Sestont41,3 menctnglton (e seventh dayf, ofLLt �,i? ,�vL h.� - lot �e +-n` .+rs v sv• ;+r- r.-- r Ste!ft .:',..,,,c$1.-4,-.4,57411011 ,- ia4'' Decemberst.1998,ftwothirds `of the membership of each. I 'c Y Yf tF t NM ri e o es :a. 'r.'k. .�-' a„5 khouse concurring, hereb proposes to' thetpeople of th,,V ik..'i(t t7 amendedasfollows tea[ Cet stttu of the S--a[elli`e'fPY , i �r ik � t4b',.-4,6-Sts/ '8 a Fust That SechonlTh 6 rs added ,-,el• icle XI thereof tor` T r: .1' 9 read ` j r-t l `Y�.1 x+,kv r"3� ``rc' a � •v .. st� a } ,� ,10 SEC ,�1'."--- Notwrthstandingt an anther -11rft ,4.7, s x' > . I` ,#",�11.7 law3 a�lo�ai-1 trdtrttotrvkby airmajoniy r.v `e ofttls1yotets ''r , r ^12, vofuig on,t}i pro posmon "may1rmpose y special tax that. r 134:_rt,r} otherwise authoruzd bylaw oto impose eprovided than f(r..,.c,a14 the special, tax3is imposed exciusively toyfund p�rolects nd:; , a �*15riservices for;the purpose;of transportatron'� ;tp,;ic h ` ; �� d. 16 (b) For purposes of this section i , t - ;'�' ' ' r' • 17 (1)> Local lunsdrction," mcludest but is▪not limited€to;dil' .e a '� as +n+ s -� It :: r 18 a;city countyt,ori special district,torja local igovernmenti'G�y. it _ II ` x"„�19 r_defined bys tse,.osion.(b of Sechon;1 of Article XIII C .,,;a .rs” , d .;1 20i-n's�(2) The funding` ofprolects includes,�theservicmg of; M , r . proetednessrissytied forethe ipurpose" o funding those; �ir-; .1 :',9L 4,1-:4'.:4,4.2:1 (94,-.-g-i, 3 }(c)Ins np__ event sh llsh,this"sechon• nba construed to-ia 1, II 1 . 24 authorize a local' jurisdiction to impose 'within.±:7;1`0:4=4::::3,. .;J;': its ,j 1 25f b ndartes an 1 ad valorem 'tax' on'reab p,operTy or a' y l 26 transaction tax or sales taxon the sale of real property ' �_ J- 27 • econd ._That Section- 4 of Article XIII A: thereof rs- 28 amended tread ;- ' + v ,, . 29:-. �,.S�ecnon 4r,`- Cines Countie Frrept as provided; by , 30 -Section 16'.of ArticleXI canes, countaes, and special" + fl districts, b9 a twothirds:vote 'of the qualified 'electors of=' '' 32.-,.;,,m-.‘6' 2 i:'uch district`their,voters voting ori. the, proposition, may .. 33"` impose special taxes on seek the :respective city ,county, Id/'or. district, except ad valorem taxes'.on real property 9.17:.... .::: r a' - ll 3a ' transaction tax or "sales'fax on the:sale of_real property. .. 'J 36 within such -City; Counts the respective city,}'county, or : 37,. special-district - 38..- Third-That Section: 2 of Article XIII C thereof is 39 amended to read: .. - I p 9) -3 SCA 3 1 . SEC 2. « Local Government - Tax Limitation. 2 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution: 3 .-? (a),All taxes imposed by any local government shall be • ,4 deemed to be either general taxes Or special taxes. Special 5 IT,purpose districts or :agencies, including school districts, . . 6 shall have nopower to levy general taxes. 7 `' .(b) Nolocal government, may impose, extend, or ▪ 8. increase any general taxunlessand until that tax is / % 9 submitted to'the electorate and approved by a,majority 10 vote A general tax shall not bedeemed to have been ' 11-. increased- if it is' imposed at a rate not higher than the 12 maximum rate so approved. The election,required by this 13 ` subdivision 's shall be consolidated--with - a ; regularly • 14 scheduled general election for members of the governing 15 ;body of :the.:local government,' -except in cases of 16 emergency declared by a 'unanimous vote of the -:17 governing bodyF 18 (c),Any general tax imposed; extended, or increased, 19 without voter:. approval, by any local government on or 20 after January 1, 1995, and prior to the effective date of this 21 article, shall continue to beimposed only if approved by 22 a majority vote of the voters voting in anelection on the 23 issue of the imposition, whichelection"shall be held within 24 two years of the 'effective date of this articleand in 25 compliance with subdivision (b). 1 26 (d) No Except as provided by Section 16 of Article XI, 27 local government may not impose, extend, or increase 28 any special tax unless and until that tax is submitted to the 29 electorate and approved by a two-thirds vote. A special 30 tax shall not be deemed to have been increased if it is 31. imposed at-a rate not higher than the' maximum rate so _ 32 . approved: - - 0 99