CC - Item 5A - Staff Report Left Turn Lane Del Mar �M F ®® ' 0 staf f eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 16, 1999 RE: DEL MAR AVENUE LEFT TURN LANE AT HELLMAN AVENUE This item has been placed on the agenda by Mayor Pro Tem Clark. The item was brought up as a concern by the owner of the bridal shop at 3351 Del Mar Avenue, which used to be the "Mr. Meat" store. As the Council is aware,the County of Los Angeles recently completed a coordination project along Del Mar Avenue. This included the installation of a northbound left turn lane on Del Mar Avenue at Hellman Avenue. To accommodate the northbound left turn lane, the south leg of the intersection was re-striped to align with the new northbound left turn lane. This re-striping required a modification to the parking restrictions on both sides of Del Mar Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street. Property and business owners on both sides of Del Mar Avenue, between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street, were notified by mail regarding the proposed changes in the parking restrictions. The letter stated clearly that the parking restrictions would be modified on both sides of the street in this manner: "The parking restrictions on the west side of Del Mar Avenue will be modified and no parking will be allowed between Hellman Avenue and Hershey street. The parking restrictions on the east side of Del Max Avenue will be removed and parking will be allowed along the majority of the curb." COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 22 1999 ITEM No. ..7E Del Mar/Hellman- Left-Turn Phasing June 16, 1999 Page 2. These letters were sent out on July 20, 1998. Property and business owners were encouraged to attend the August 6, 1998 Traffic Commission meeting or contact staff by telephone with any concerns regarding this parking issue. No responses were received by staff or at the Traffic Commission meeting. The Traffic Commission then approved staffs recommendation to install the "No Parking Any Time"restrictions on the west side of Del Mar Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street and remove parking restrictions on the east side of Del Mar Avenue. th response to Mayor Pro Tern Clark's concerns regarding this matter, staff was requested to review the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Hellman Avenue to determine if the length of the northbound left tum lane (130 feet)could be reduced to provide additional parking on the west side of Del Mar Avenue. Based on traffic volume counts of the intersection dated August 1995, the maximum number of northbound vehicles turning left was approximately 76 during the PM peak hour. Based on those numbers,staff determined that the length of the northbound left turn lane could be reduced to 75 feet. Should the Council choose to pursue that option,it would reduce the need for red curb on the west side of Del Mar Avenue - thus freeing up an additional 50-feet of on-street parking(or,approximately two parking spaces)on the west side of Del Mar Avenue. Staff estimates that the cost of the necessary re-striping and signing would run approximately $1,500.00 Because this is a policy matter of the City Council, staff is not making a recommendation. However, should the Council choose to change the configuration of the left-turn pocket to provide additional parking, staff does recommend that the Council approve one (1) space of"10-minute" parking in front of the bridal shop. RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. «memo ddmar2 fg