RAB - Item 4 - Bid for Pool Boilers R R A ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD,ROSEMEAD,CA 91770•(818)288-6671•Teiecopler 8183079218 TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANI, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: JUNE 16, 1999 RE: REJECTION OF BID TO REPLACE POOL BOILERS AT THE ROSEMEAD POOL On Tuesday, June 15, 1999, bids were received to replace the Pool Boilers at Rosemead Pool. One (1) set of bid documents were taken out, and we received one bid. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above, it is recommended that the single bid of California Commercial Pools Inc., be rejected, • that staff be authorized to re-solicit bids for this project and that the funds (3 40,000.00) be carried over • into next fiscal year (FY. 1999/2000). 07-n-b6sdousb AGENCY AGENDA JUN 221999 ITEM No. 474