CC - Item 7B - Staff Report City Treasurer Position . p� aO A 9 • I 4\ , stafft epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM-: ,YNR_C JUNK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE?H DATE: LY 6, 1999 RE: CITY TREASURER POSITION At the June 22, 1999 Council Meeting, Councilmember,Taylor requested that this item be placed on the Agenda for discussion purposes. Attached are copies of Section 2202 of the Rosemead Municipal Code outlining the duties of the City Treasurer, Ordinance No. 762 relating to the Investment Committee, Minutes of the May 25, 1999 Council Meeting appointing the City Manager as the City Treasurer, Minutes of the October 3, 1995 Adjourned Meeting of the City Council discussing the Investment Committee, and a list of those cities in Los Angeles County that appoint a staff person to handle the duties of City Treasurer. RECOMMENDATION If there is a change in Council Policy, it is recommended that the Council direct staff to take the appropriate action. ' 1 COUNCIL AGENDA JUL 131999 ITEM No. •.,8 i J CHAPTER 2 - OFFICERS 2200 Assessor and Tax Collector . Pursuant to the authority granted by Section 51501 of the Government Code of the State of California , the assessment and tax collection duties performed by the City Assessor and Tax Collector hereby are transferred to the Assessor and Tax Collector of the County of Los Angeles . 1 9-4 -59 2200 . 1 Same . Abolishment of Offices . The offices of City Assessor and Tax Collector hereby are abolished. 1 P-4 -59 2200 . 2 Same . Transfer of Duties . Pursuant to the authority granted by Section 51507 of the Government Code of the State of California , the duties . of the City Assessor, other than assessing of City property and the duties of the Tax Collector, other than the collection of taxes , hereby are transferred to and shall be performed by the City Clerk , or such officer of the County of Los Angeles authorized to perform such duties . 1 8-4-59 2201 City Clerk .Duties . Any applications required to be filed with the City or fees required to be paid to the City , pursuant to the provisions of this Cede , shall he filed with or paid to the City Clerk , unless otherwise by this Code provided. The City Clerk shall also be the • Assistant Treasurer. 1 9-4-59 0 480 12-12-78 2201 . 1 City Clerk Bond . The City Clerk upon the entry to his duties of office shall execute a bond to the City in conformity with bonds of public officers , and in con- formity with the provisions of the Government Code of the State of California relating thereto , in the amount of $5 , 000 . 1 8-4 -59 2202 City Treasurer . The City Treasurer shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the City Council . The City Treasurer shall have the following duties : (a; Receive and have custody of all moneys receivable by the City from any source ; (b) Deposit all moneys received in such de - positories as may be designated by resolution of the City Council ; (c) Disburse moneys on demands properly audited and approved in the manner provided for; (d ) Prepare and submit to the City Clerk monthly written reports of all receipts , dis- bursements and fund balances , conies of which reports shall be filed with the City Manager and City Finance Director and City Council; -13- 2202. (e) Discharge any other financial duties which Cont 'd may from time to time be assigned by the City Manager whether the same pertains to the normal duties of a City Treasurer or not ; (f) Serve as Chairman of the Investment Company (g) Review and sign all investment documents to verify that they are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations . 1 8-4-59 458 10-25- 77 2203 . Removal of Papers or Documents from City Hall . No per- son unless authorized by the City Clerk , Mayor or City Attorney, shall remove any papers or documents from the City Hall . '-204 . Office of Director of Finance and Purchasing Officer . Pursuant to Section 40805 . 5 of the Government Code of the State of California , the Office of Director of Fi- nance is hereby established , and the duties provided for in Government Code Sections 40802 , 40803 , 40804 and 40805 are hereby transferred from the City Clerk to the Director of Finance . The Director of Finance shall also be the Purchasing Officer and shall be ap- pointed by the City Manager on the basis of his pro- fessional and administrative qualifications and ability and shall serve as a Department head at the pleasure of the City Manager . With the approval of the City Council , the City Manager may be appointed the Director of Finance and perform the functions thereof , including the appointment of a deputy or deputies and the delegation to other employees of the functions of the office . 164 S-12-65 458 10- 25- 77 480 12-12-78 2205 . Powers and Duties of Director of Finance . The Director of Finance shall be vested and charged with the following -powers , duties and responsibilities : (a) To have charge of the administration of the financial affairs of the City ; (b) To assist the City Manager in preparing the annual budget for submission to the City Council , and to administer it after adoption ; (c) To keep the City Manager fully informed on the financial condition and needs of the City ; (d) To serve as the Accounting Officer of the City and maintain records readily reflecting the .. financial condition of the City ; (e) To prepare for presentation to the City Council at the end of each fiscal year a summary statement of receipts and disbursements by departments and funds , including opening & closing fund balances in the tree- ORDINANCE NO. 762 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING SECTION 2207 OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO MEETINGS AND REPORTS OF THE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE The City Council of the City of Rosemead does ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 2207 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: - Section 2207. The Investment Committee. There shall be an Investment Committee which shall serve as an advisory body to the City Treasurer and City Council. (a) Duties. The Investment Committee shall meet on a regular basis, not less than once each month, to determine investments, appropriate depository banks, the amount and allocation of active and inactive deposits, the methods of deposit, and all other matters pertinent to the investment and cash-flow of the City of Rosemead. The Investment Committee shall advise the Treasurer and report, from time to time, to the City Council on the status of the investment and cash-flow requirements of the City. (b) Members of Investment Committee. The Investment Committee shall consist of the Treasurer, who shall be its chairman, the City Manager, and the Director of Finance. 1 (c) The Investment Committee shall provide the City Council with a written report of Investment Committee meetings no less than once every three months. Section 2. The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published and posted pursuant to the provisions of law in that regard and this Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this `?d7 day of .r / , 199C, . i / . iewiro IE VASQUEZ, ayor/ ATTEST: `// NANCY VALDERRAMA, City Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. .762 was duly and regularly adopted by the Rosemead City Council at a regular meeting held on the 9th day of January 1996, by the following vote: Yes: Clark, Bruesch, Vasquez, Imperial, Taylor No: None; Absent: None; Abstain: None City Clerk 2 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD FINANCE COMMITTEE MAY 10, 1999 CALL TO ORDER: 10:00 A.M. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: CITY MANAGER FRANK TRIPEPI, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DON WAGNER, FINANCE DIRECTOR KAREN OGAWA APPROVAL OF MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1999 MOTION BY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DON WAGNER, SECOND BY FINANCE DIRECTOR KAREN OGAWA, that the Minutes of the Meeting of May 10, 1999, be approved as submitted. Motion passed by unanimous vote. I. STATUS REPORTS Karen Ogawa, Finance Director, presented the staff report. There has been no change for the months of February and March. Ms. Ogawa continued that the Current Estimate Market Comparison Report reflects a Net Loss of$38,442 as of May 3rd. Ms. Ogawa noted that since Duke Powers has been sold, it is not reflected on the February or March Treasurer's Report. The Current Estimate Market Comparison Report for the Agency reflects an overall net loss for the of 518,454 as of May 3rd. Ms. Ogawa stated that all of the investments, both City and Agency, are within the 5-year investment policy_ Mr. Tripepi requested that as the City's bonds become due, to sell that bond and invest that amount in LAW. Mr. Tripepi recommended that all Fannie Mae's and bonds, as they mature, to sell them at face value_ MOTION BY CITY MANAGER TRIPEPI SECOND BY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DON WAGNER that as the FNMA's become mature, to sell them and invest the proceeds in LAW. Motion passed by unanimous vote. Il. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: 1/4 City ClerfC ity Treasurer APPRO L ; j CITY OF ROSfLllt:E All MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING DATF G,a i/9 9 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL By L7+-cL., t.ti MAY 25, 1999 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Vasquez at 8:00 pm. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Councilman Bruesch The Invocation was delivered by Councilman Taylor ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmembers Bruesch, Imperial, Taylor, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, and Mayor Vasquez Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APRIL 13, 1999 - REGULAR MEETING MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 13, 1999, be approved as submitted_ Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APRIL 27, 1999 - REGULAR MEETING MOTION BY COUNCILMAN EMBERIAL, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM CLARK that the Ivfnutes of the Regular Meeting of April 27, 1999, be approved as corrected- Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: Taylor The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Councilman Bruesch requested that the Minutes include his comments concerning Resolution No. 99-15. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:MAY 11, 1999 - REGULAR MEETING MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL,SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM CLARK that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 11, 1999, be approved as submitted. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: Bruesch, Taylor CC_?25-99 Pzgc st The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. EK. CLOSED SESSION (This item was taken out of order) The Council recessed to a Dosed Session at 8:05 p.m., pursuant to Government Code Section §54957, for purposes of considering a PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT for the position of City Treasurer and City Treasurer Emeritus. The Council reconvened at 8:06 p.m. Frank Tripepi, City Manager, stated that the Council met in a Closed Session to accept the resignation of Hubert Foutz, City Treasurer and for the Council to appoint Mr. Foutz, City Treasurer Emeritus, effective June 1, 1999. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council appoint Ruben Foutz, City Treasurer Emeritus- Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. The Council saluted Mr. Foutz for his many years of dedicated service to the City and expressed their fond memories of past experiences and trips with him. • MOTION BY COUNCILMAN AERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH that the Council appoint Frank Tripepi, City Manager, as City Treasurer, and Karen Ogawa, Finance Director, as Assistant City Treasurer. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None - Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. PRESENTATIONS: None 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Gilbert Villa, Durham Transportation, 3713 River Avenue, Rosemead, stated that he is here tonight on behalf of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce and announced that the Eggs N' Issues Breakfast will be held at Don Bosco Tech School on Thursday, May 27th. Mr. Villa stated that the Chamber's Annual Installation Dinner will be held on June 10th at 6:00 p.m. at the Rosemead Sheraton. IL PUBLIC HEARINGS • An explanation of the procedures for the conduct of the public hearing was presented by the City Attorney_ A. PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE NO 793 -AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE, INCORPORATING THE UNIFORM CODES WITH LOCAL AMENDMENTS. CC: -2S99 Page'.- The following Ordinance was presented to the Council for adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 793 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING BY REFERENCE PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 50022.2, THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE (TITLE 26 LOS ANGELES COUNTY BUILDING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (TITLE 27 LOS ANGELES COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE), THE CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (TITLE 28 LOS ANGELES COUNTY PLUMBING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (TITLE 29 LOS ANGELES COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE) AND ADOPTING LOCAL AMENDMENTS THERETO -ADOPT The Mayor opened the Public Hearing for those in the audience wishing to speak on this item_ There being no one wishing to speak, the Mayor closed the public hearing. Councilman Taylor asked if the new codes will require residential properties to have fire sprinklers. Jim Guerra, Building Official, responded that requirements for fire sprinklers are in the Fire and Building Codes. However, neither of those codes contain a requirement for residential sprinklers. all Councilman Taylor asked if the codes will require'erTerior walls of all buildings to be sheeted with particle board or plywood siding. He stated that this is not'necessary for all walls and can add thousands of dollars to the cost of the house_ Mr. Guerra responded that there are several changes in the seismic requirements of the Building Code. Mr. Guerra stated that one method is to enclose the exterior of the building with plywood and sheer wall nailing. Councilman Bruesch asked ifbreak-away latches on wrought iron windows, and if the automatic cut-off valves on gas meters are now required_ Mn Guerra responded that the break-away on security bars continues to be in the code, and that there are no seismic requirements on as meters. MOTIONBY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH that the Council adopt Ordinance No:793. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial No: Taylor Absent: None Abstain: None Councilman Taylor stated for the record that he is not voting against the Code adoption, but that he has not had a chance to review the code changes. CCS-25.99 Page*3 III. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 99-24 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS The following resolution was presented to the Council for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 99-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS N THE SUM OF $908,576.99 NUMBERED 27046 THROUGH 27177 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council adopt Resolution No. 99-24 Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. RESOLUTION NO. 99-21 - A RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE APPLICATION TO SBC/PAC BELL TO RAISE RATES FOR "411" CALLS The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption:. RESOLUTION NO. 99-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD OPPOSING THE APPLICATION BY SBC/PAC BELL TO RAISE RATES FOR "411'' CALLS Councilman Imperial requested that this item be deferred to the next meeting as a representative from Pac Bell could not be present for tonight's meeting. Councilman Taylor asked what the status of the application is. Councilman Taylor stated that he is opposed to the rate increase. Frank Tripepi, City Manager, stated that a representative from Pac Bell was present at the Chamber Board Meeting and she explained that "411" calls are considered toll free anywhere from Ventura to San Diego. Councilman Taylor stated that his phone bill lists "411" calls; however, it does not list the number that was requested. Councilman Imperial stated that the public is not getting their money's worth regardless of what telephone company is used. Mayor Pro Tern Clark requested that the Councils concerns be readied in the event that this item will be before the CPUC Board before the next Council meeting; and, if the Council has another meeting before the hearing, then the recommendation can be changed. Ms. Clark continued that she has a problem with the section stating that they will have a $1.15 ceiling. However, Pac Bell then states that they have no intention of using that amount, that they will only charge up to S.50. Ms. Clark stated that leaves a "loop hole" allowing them the option or license of charging more. CC:5 25-99 Pagc P4 Councilman Imperial stated that the service from telephone companies is negligent and people on fixed incomes do not need an added expense. However, Mr. Imperial stated that in all fairness, the Pac Bell representative should be heard to present their viewpoint. Councilman Bruesch stated that there is conflicting information regarding the number of free calls per month, and whether or not there will be a charge for local information calls. Mr. Bruesch stated that he needs more information. Mayor Pro Clark requested that the Council approve the Resolution with the insertion of "opposing Pac Bells application to the CPUC to raise their "411" rates higher than 5.50 per call, and that the first 3 calls be at no charge". MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM CLARK that the Council approve Resolution No. 99-21 with the insertion of the Council's opposition of SBC/Pac Bell's application to the CPUC to raise the ceiling for "411" rates higher than 5.50 per call. Vote resulted: Yes: Clark, Bruesch No: Taylor, Imperial Abstain: Vasquez Absent: None Motion failed, no majority. Councilman Imperial stated that he voted No because he does not want to five Pac Bell the impression that it is all right to raise the rates. Councilman Taylor stated that he uses the telephone directories whenever he can; however, he does not have directories for other cities that he does business with or travels to. Mr. Taylor stated again that he is charged for local calls. Councilman Imperial and Taylor both commented on the high rale of international operator assisted calls. Mayor Pro Tern Clark stated that with all the chances in the area codes, it is not possible to know who is in what area code. MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM CLARK, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR that the Council approve Resoltion No- 99-21 as written_ Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: Vasquez - The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR CC_A AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIM AGAINST CITY-MA ET AL CC-B EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT WWITH PEEK TRAFFIC/SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INC. FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CC-C APPROVAL FOR JUNE 1, 1999, FOR BUDGET STUDY SESSION CC:5-25-99 Page 95 CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO RENEW FIVE-YEAR GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH LOS ANGELES COUNTY CC-E AGREEMENT WITH ROSEMEAD'S 4TH OF JULY PARADE COMIMII1EE MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the foregoing items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION - None VL STATUS REPORTS -None VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICLALS - None VIM ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE-None IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m. to June I, 1999, at 6:00 p.m. for an adjourned meeting of the 1999-2000 Budget Study Session. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: ___///g. 7,0 City Clerk (----AAYOR (� ,/ CC:5-25-99 Page 06 APPROVED CITY OE IZO$y�EMEAD DATE /// 2k/SIS MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING" dr, e -1/ ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 3, 1995 The adjourned regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Vasquez at 7:50 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall, 6836 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Councilmember Taylor The Invocation was delivered by Councilmember Bruesch ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmembers Bruesch, Imperial (arrived at 7:55 p.m.), Taylor, Mayor Pro Tern Clark (arrived at 7:55 p.m.), and Mayor Vasquez Absent: None I. A STUDY SESSION TO DISCUSS THE CITY FINANCE COMMITTEE Councilmember Taylor defined the makeup of the current Investment Committee as consisting of the Treasurer, the City Manager, and the Finance Director and asked what has changed since the problem we had after the last bond sale to prevent it from recurring. Frank Tripepi, City Manager, responded that the Council has set a very specific policy that says we will not deal with brokerage houses, get into the stock market, securities, or the long bond market as investment vehicles. Mr. Tripepi stated he believed the purpose of this meeting was to define the proper investments. • Councilmember Taylor asked what caused the problem with the bond proceeds and who will be responsible for understanding the restrictions and regulations to prevent this from happening again. Mr. Tripepi explained that the oversight was caused by a lack of understanding by Merrill Lynch of what were viable and/or legal investment vehicles that the City or Agency could invest in, and that the City Treasurer, working with the Finance Committee members will follow policy set by Council to invest funds at the highest yield rate possible within legal boundaries. Councilmember Taylor inquired if the three members of the Investment Committee were aware or not of the regulations. Mr. Tripepi responded that some were and some weren't. Councilmember Taylor responded that if there was an oversight and it was missed, at that point what protection would we have that that doesn't happen again. Mr. Tripepi responded that there needs to be a better understanding between the Treasurer and the other members as to what those investments will be prior to the time they are made. Councilmember Taylor then asked who would be sure the oversight wouldn't happen again and determined that the Treasurer apparently has that responsibility. Hugh Foutz, City Treasurer, said that he was fully aware that long term bonds were not to be invested in without specific approval, but that since he had been doing it for twenty years, he felt that that was a kind of approval. After some discussion about fluctuating interest rates, he felt that the loss could have been prevented if we had held on to the securities. CC 10-3-95 Page 1 Mr. Tripepi pointed out that the policy which states that purchases more then five years cannot be done without Council approval. Peter Wallin, City Attorney, stated that the problem was that Mr. Foutz had invested in long term securities. Mr. Foutz stated that he did not hold anything long term and always had cash reserve to cover any of the forecast cash flow. Councilmember Imperial stated that there was no use pointing fingers at who was wrong and stated that an investment policy and finance committee needs to be formed in order to prevent future problems from occurring. Mr. Imperial continued that this should never have happened, but that he thought we had a safety system in place and apparently it wasn't good enough and that we need to move forward. Mayor Pro Tern Clark stated that if there is no admission of what went wrong, then we may fall into the same situation again and added that investments longer than five years should require Council approval. She also stated that in addition to the long term investment, another problem was the type of investments which weren't legal anymore. Mr. Wallin affirmed that the legal restrictions applicable to City money were not the same as for Agency money. The Redevelopment Agency did not have a limitation on five year investments as the City did, and Bond Counsel opined that several of the Agency investments, although they may be legal under redevelopment law, they not legal under the bond covenants. Mayor Pro Tern Clark stated that the third problem was the fact of arbitrage -that even if you make more money on your investments than the rate you borrowed the money at, the Federal government says you cannot keep the profit. Mr. Foutz stated that since you are not through with the investment for thirty years, he would want to make a good profit on the investment and that it is after thirty years that you measure whether you made a profit. Mayor Pro Tern Clark repeated her concern that since the government makes you pay back any profit you make, why are we taking the risk of investing in securities that can fluctuate? Mr. Wallin and Mr. Tripepi confirmed that it is not at the end of thirty years, it is every year that bond counsel computes the arbitrage. You cannot invest at a higher yield than you borrowed at. Mr. Tripepi confirmed that this information comes from the Bond Counsel and independent city auditors. Mr. Foutz stated that he has conflicting advice about arbitrage from many sources, but that he must abide by our Bond Counsel. Councilmember Imperial stated that this was "water under the bridge" and we need to move on. Councilmember Bruesch explained that the public is more aware of City's finances,that laws are being changed and tightened and Council needs to move forward and become more knowledgeable and start overseeing Rosemead's finances and investments. Discussion ensued as to who would be on the Finance Committee and receiving quarterly reports from the City Treasurer. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BRUESCH, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM CLARK that the Council receive quarterly reports and Minutes from the Finance Committee meetings. Before vote could occur, more discussion ensued. CC 10-3-95 Page 2 Councilmember Taylor emphasized that this motion does not change anything and what guarantee is there that somebody is keeping current and aware of all state and federal regulations. Mr. Taylor continued that while Mr. Foutz has done a good job, someone else needs to be accountable also, such as the City Manager and Finance Director if they can keep abreast of all the changes and reflect those changes in the minutes. Councilmember Imperial suggested that a Councilmember be involved in the committee. Councilmember Taylor responded that a professional familiar with the rule and changes would be more suitable. Mr. Tripepi stated that the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) publication and the California Municipal Treasurer's Association (CMTA) have meetings and publications discussing guidelines regarding legal investments and that the Finance Committee meetings should consist mainly of making decisions as to what to do with investments rolling over and where should it go to maximize the investments. Councilmember Bruesch stated his motion again that the Council receive quarterly reports and minutes from the City Finance Committee, and that the minutes be placed on the City's Consent Calendar. Before vote could result, more discussion ensued. Mr. Tripepi explained that there may be times when there will not be a meeting, for example, when the money is already invested and does not require any decisions. After discussion, it was agreed that the Finance Committee should meet quarterly regardless. Councilmember Taylor said that his only problem with Mr. Foutz' investments e 'er-tae yeerS iBde been the legal regulations^ regarding long-term investments over 5-years. av Mr. Tripepi stated that other members of the Council did not feel taxpayers dollars should be played in a volatile market such as the bond market. He heard this expressed by Mayor Pro Tern Clark and Councilmember Bruesch. Mayor Pro Tern Clark asked what would happen if there was not a unanimous consent among the Finance Committee members. Peter Wallin, City Attorney, responded that if the committee serves as advisor to the Treasurer, then the Treasurer has the power to do investments. Mayor Pro Tern Clark named the three areas that she considered were wrong; (1) the investments in question had emphasized yield over safety and liquidity and there was no rational basis for such an investment policy, when in any event, yield was limited by arbitrage restrictions; (2) the Agency investments in bonds issued by utility companies did not appear to be authorized by the bond covenants or state law; and (3) the investment of City funds in bonds that matured in more than five years had, as pointed out in the letter from the City auditor, violated legal restraints on City investments. Mayor Pro Tem Clark than asked Mr. Foutz whether the City Manager had pointed out to him what was wrong with these investments. Mr. Foutz stated that no one pointed them out until Frank had the proposal with Structured Finance. Councilmember Bruesch again asked Mr. Foutz that since he had not been attending the Treasurers' meetings whether he was privy to the information concerning these regulations? Mr. Foutz stated that arbitrage is a grey area and that Bond Counsel was unclear about it even at the meeting. CC 10-3-95 Page 3 Mayor Pro Tern Clark disagreed and stated that it had been made very clear. She reiterated her concern that if local governments cannot keep the money they make on higher interest rates, then why are we investing in risky investments. Mr Foutz countered as to why we seek lower borrowing rates in the first place? Mr. Tripepi explained that you borrow at the lowest rate possible, similar to a home buyer, and that the purpose of borrowing the money is to do projects, not to reinvest the money. Councilmember Imperial repeated that he felt we should not be going over this again. Mayor Pro Tern Clark stated again that if there is not an admission of mistakes made, the same problem will occur again, and that is why she is asking for a unanimous agreement among the committee, and if an admission is not made, then we have a serious problem. Mrs. Clark continued that it was her understanding that Mr. Tripepi had warned Mr. Foutz concerning the investments and asked if that was true. Mr. Foutz said that it was over his shoulder, walking into his office", saying he wanted to do...the 3.68% when it first came out Councilmember Taylor commented that it would be the responsibility of the Finance Committee to be aware of the three items that Mrs. Clark mentioned. Mr. Taylor stated that basically it was not a question of poor investment but of not following regulations, such as the TVA. While it was a good investment, it was a violation of utility and long-term investment regulations. Mayor Pro Tem Clark stated that if one member of the committee informs the Treasurer of a violation, then that item would have to go to Council to resolve. Councilmembers Taylor • and Imperial concurred. Councilmember Bruesch requested that a clause be added to the Investment Committee of the RMC, Section 2207, (c) to read that any decision of the Finance Committee be of unanimous consent. Mr. Tripepi stated that he had no problem with taking on an additional duty. He stated that Structured Finance was not new to this City and that when we sold all those long term bonds, Structured Finance had given Mr. Foutz a schedule of investments of all the money. Mr. Foutz had objected to Mr. Tripepi getting involved and stated he would do the investments. Mr. Tripepi stayed out of it with the exception of the escrow fund overage, which stayed with Structured, which has been perfectly legal, not triggered by the audit, and has been a fine investment. Mr. Foutz took the bond proceeds and put them with Merrill Lynch. That was not Mr. Tripepi's choice. He reiterated that Mr. Foutz had meet Structured Finance early on in the bond deal. Mr. Foutz stated that he felt that was an oversimplification of what had taken place. Councilmember Bruesch called for the question. Discussion ensued that that would be a policy change. Mr. Wallin added that a policy change, such as taking away the power of the City Treasurer and investing it in a committee of the three, would require an ordinance. COUNCILMEMBER BRUESCH requested that his MOTION include the unanimous consent clause as part of the Investment Committee section of the Rosemead Municipal Code. COUNCILMEMBER TAYLOR bifurcated that MOTION to vote first on the submittal of quarterly reports and the updating of regulations. Councilmember Bruesch called for the question. CC 10-3-95 Page 4 Mayor Pro Tern Clark requested clarification on the motion and the unanimous consent clause and stated that she does not want to vote on the Investment Committee without that clause as it is germane to the effectiveness of the committee. Mr. Wallin clarified that there is a Motion and a Second on the floor that the Finance Committee provide Council with quarterly reports of their meetings, and there is nothing before the Council at this time on how the committee makes their decisions. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked what procedure is necessary to include that policy decision. Mr. Wallin responded that such a decision could be included in the investment policy, or by adopting a resolution, or by minute action. Mr. Tripepi stated that the committee is already in place and this motion assures that the committee will meet on a regular basis and provide reports. Councilmember Bruesch confirmed that anything that changes the duties of the committee would have to be done by ordinance. Mr. Wallin added that the Council can adopt a motion to instruct staff to return with an ordinance to that effect. Councilmember Bruesch stated that would be the next step. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BRUESCH, to amend the previous motion calling for unanimous consent and directed staff to develop a policy that 2207 (c) of the Rosemead Municipal Code state that the committee will provide Council with quarterly reports and minutes of the meetings. Mayor Pro Tern Clark stated that she will not second the amended motion without the inclusion of the unanimous consent statement. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER BRUESCH to table the previous motion and that the new motion include under 2207 (c) Rosemead Municipal Code that the Finance Committee meet quarterly and provide Council with reports of those meetings. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Vasquez, Imperial, Taylor No: Clark Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared such motion duly carried and so ordered. • MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BRUESCH, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM CLARK that 2207 (d) state that all investment policies be by unanimous consent of the members of the Investment Committee and any non-unanimous decisions be brought before the Council. Before vote could result, more discussion ensued. Mr. Tripepi pointed out that if investments come due after a Finance Committee meeting, would a special meeting of the Council have to be called as to where to invest that money. Mr. Wallin asked if every investment would have to come before the Finance Committee, for example, if on a Friday afternoon and Mr. Foutz is not available, can Mr. Tripepi invest $500,000 available in to a short term fund investment to earn $2,000 over the weekend. CC 10-3-95 Page 5 Councilmember Bruesch suggested a proviso can be added whereby only major decisions regarding the amount and length of investments come before the Council. Mr. Tripepi explained that that would be taking power away from the Treasurer and that the Treasurer has to be given the responsibility to do those short term repurchase investments, with his alternate as backup when he is out of town. Councilmember Taylor stated that there have not been any problems with the investments made by the Treasurer in the past, and with the Finance Committee in place providing quarterly reports, the Council will have a financial overview without having to become involved in the day-by-day operations. Mr. Foutz stated there have not been any disagreements over the years with his investments except this one occasion and this situation came about largely due to the Orange County fiasco. Mayor Pro Tern Clark agreed that the Council should not micro-manage either, but there were investments made in the past that were not proper and wants assurance that this does not occur again. Mrs. Clark stated that she did not feel we had solved the problem. Also discussed and agreed upon was the willingness and ability of the City Treasurer and City Manager to work together on the Finance Committee to follow Council's policy. Councilmember Taylor called for the question. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Clark No: Vasquez, Imperial, Taylor Absent: None Abstain: None The Motion failed to pass. Councilmember Taylor clarified for Mr. Foutz that the Motion was that the committee had to be unanimous in everything it did for the investments and the vote was No; therefore, they are to continue as they have been. The next topic discussed for contextual purposes was the City's Investment Policy. Councilmember Bruesch asked if banks have a local investment policy. Mr. Tripepi responded that that is not necessary because federal banking laws under the Community Reinvestment Act requires local banks to put a percentage of money back into the community that they get by way of investments. Councilmember Taylor inquired about another law or regulation that requires investing our money in banks that earn the highest return for the taxpayers. Mr. Tripepi responded that the City or Agency has to buy the Certificate of Deposits from the bank that has the highest return. Councilmember Bruesch requested that the Investment Policy include investing in local banks as much as possible. Mayor Pro Tern Clark inquired about the Negotiable Certificates of Deposit INCD's) section relating to unsecured obligations. Mr. Foutz responded that the City does not use NCD's and the C.D's invested in has a 110% guarantee, and he will not invest money in a bank without collateral. MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM CLARK, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TAYLOR that the entire paragraph relating to Negotiable Certificates of Deposit of the Investment Policy be deleted. Vote resulted: CC 10-3-95 Page 6 Aye: Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TAYLOR that the entire paragraph relating to Mutual Funds of the Investment Policy be deleted. Vote resulted: Aye: Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Mayor Pro Tern Clark requested confirmation from the City Treasurer, City Manager, and Finance Director that the items remaining in the Investment Policy are safe investments. The response was affirmative. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER IMPERIAL that the Council approve the amended Investment Policy. Vote resulted: Aye: Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. II. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on October 10, 1995, at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: City Clerk %A OR / CC 10-3-95 Page 7 Artesia ] 8747 Clarkdale Avenue MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Artesia, CA 90701 Mayor: Isidro Menezes (3/01) �+ Telephone: 562/865-6262 Mayor Pro Tem: Sally Flowers (3/01) Fax: 562/865-6240 Council Members: John Lyon (3/03) Antonio Mendoza (3/01) Webpage Address: None reported Lam'Nelson (3/03) E-Mail: None reported Modified Work Week: No APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS Ciry Manager: Paul Philips Finance Direelor: Paul Philips .o Assistant City Manager: Maria Dadian Assistant Fire Chief: Albert Bennett City Attorney: Kevin Ennis Human Resources Director: Vacant City Clerk: Barbara Brown Community Services Manager: Natalie Hen-era City Enc./Pub. Works Director: Paul Philips Planning Director .Alicia Ley City Treasurer: Barbara Brown Police Chief: Los Angeles County Community Development: Paul Philips GENERAL INFORMATION ,! Population: 16.594 Mayoral Term Limits: 1 year Area: 1.62 square miles Council Terms: 4 years Employees-Full Time: 32 Part Time: 11 Term Limits: No Charter/General Law: General Law Council Elections: March/odd years Directly Elected Mayor: No Council Meetings: 2nd Monday Televised Council Meetings: Yes STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Public Safety Commission Beautification and Maintenance Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: Paria da Vitoria. Azores City Motto: `Service Builds Tomorrow's Progress" Celebration: 1-4 Bell Gardens - 7100 South Garfield Avenue MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Bell Gardens, CA 90201 Council Members: Pedro Aceituno (03/01) Telephone: 562/806-7700 Teresa Cabrera (03/01) Fax: 562/806-7709 Maria S. Chacon (3/03) - Vrebpaee Address: None reported Ramiro Morales (3/03) Salvador Rios (3/01) E-Mail: None reported Rogelio Rodriguez (03/01) Modified Work Week: M-Th 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m- - APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS - City Manager: Nabar Enrique Martinez Finance Director: Anil Gandhy • City Attorney: Shan K.Thever Fire Chief: Michael Freeman City Clerk: Marta Solano Human Resources Director: Anil Gandhy • City Engineer: Bill Paull Community Services Director: Dennis Moss Ciry Treasurer: Anil Gandhy City Planner: Carmen Morales Community Development: Tony Yharra Police Chief: Fredrick Freeman GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 44,000 Mayoral Term Limits: N/A Area: 2 square miles Council Terms: 4 years - Employees-Full Time: 120 Pan Time: 200 Term Limits: No • Charter/General Law: General Law Council Elections: March odd years Directly Elected Mayor: N/A Council Meetings: 2i° & 4'h Mondays STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Cultural Heritage Board Recreation. Cultural & Youth Commission • Education Commission Traffic Sr Safety Commission Planning Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: None reported Slogar/Tneme: "City of Bell Gardens, Hub of Progress, A City that Works" Celebration: 1-9 Bellflower c 16600 Civic Center Drive MAYORS Sc COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Bellflower, CA 90706-5494 Mayor: Joe Cvetko (3/01) Telephone: 562/804-1424, Extension 2207 Mayor Pro Tern: Randy Bomgaars (3/03) Cr Fax: 562/925-8660 Council Members: Ruth Gilson (3/01) C- John Pratt (3/03) \k ebpaee Address: vrrw.bell flower.ors Ray Smith (3/03) G E-Mail: meganridbellflower.org Modified Work Week: No APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Administrator: Michael J. Egan City Treasurer: Tae Rhee — Assistant City Administrator: Leo L. Mingle,Jr. Finance Director: Tae Rhee City .Attorney: Stephanie R. Scher Fire Chief: Los Angeles County .e City Clerk: Debra D.Bauchop Police Chief: Los Angeles County Community Development: M. Margo Wheeler GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 66.640 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 6.1 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 64 Council Elections: March odd years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 2nd & 4ih Mondays Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No Mayoral Term Limits: No Cable-Cast, yes STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Public Safety & Transportation Commission Public Safery Review Committee CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: Los Mochis, Mexico Slogan:Theme: "The Friendly City", "We Have The Time" Celebration: 1-10 C C Calabasas 26135 Mureau Road, Suite 200 MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Lr Calabasas. CA 91302-3172 Mayor: Robert Sibilia (3/01) Telephone: 8181878-4225 Mayor Pro Tem: Dennis Washburn (3/03) Cr Fax: 818/878-4215 Council Members: James R. Bozajian (3/01) Cr- Webpage Address: www.ci.calahasas.ca.us Lesley Devine (3/01) E-Mail: firstinitiallastname(Z ci_calahasas.ca.us Janice Lee (3/03) Car Modified Work Week: No �+ APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Manager: Charles R. Cate Fire Chief: Los Angeles County City Attorney: Charles S. Vose Community Services Director: Greg Johnson City Clerk'Administrative Services Director: Robin Parker Police Chief Los Angeles County City Eng./Pub. Works Director: Robert Newman Director of Media Operations: Deborah Steller Finance Director/City Treasurer: Cynthia Borchard Transportation/Intergovernmental Relations Director: Planning'Building Svc. Dir.: Mark Persico Robert Yalda yr- v-- GENERAL rGENERAL INFORMATION Council Terms: 4 years .� Population: 20,000 Term Limits: No Area: 12.9 square miles Council Elections: March odd years Employees-Full Time: 42 Council Meetings: 1" & 3id Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Charter/General Law: General Law Televised Council Meetings: Yes Directly Elected Mayor: No Cala Vision, Falcon Cablevision,TCI Mayoral Term Limits: Appointed annually by rotation STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Community Policing Commission .-- Traffic and Transportation Commission Environmental Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Tree Board Communications and Technology Commission Library Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: None reported Slogan:Theme: "Last of the Old West" Celebrations: Calabasas Days' Pumpkin Festival 4th of July Splash Parry Let it Snow Eggstravaganza .- - Halloween Carnival 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular • Calabasas Chamber Orchestra • Shakespeare in the Park Series 1-14 • • Cerritos P.O. Box 3130 MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Cerritos, CA 90703-3130 Mayor: Grace Hu (3/01) Telephone: 562/860-0311 Mayor Pro Tern: Robert Hughlett (3/0]) Fax: 562/809-8411 Council Members: Bruce Barrows (3/03) p Webpage Address: www_ci.cerritos.ca.us Gloria Kappe (3/03) E-Mail: City officials may be reached through the Paul Bowlen (3/03) C Webpage Modified Work Week: No C APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Manager: Art Gallucci Finance Manager: Becky Lingad Assistant Cin' Manager: Dennis Davis Fire Chief: Los Angeles County ,. City Attorney: J. Kenneth Broe,t Human Resources Director: Denise Manoogiane. City Clerk: Josephine Triggs Community Services Director: Kurt Swanson • City Eng./Pub-Works Director: Vince Brar Police Chief: Los Angeles County City Treasurer: Josephine Triggs Water Superintendent: Ron Babel Community Development: Dennis Davis GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 53.240 Area: 8.9 square miles Council Terms: 4 years Employees-Full Time: 220 Part Time: 400 Term Limits: Yes, two consecutive 4 year terms v Charter/General Law: Charter Council Elections: March. odd years Directly Elected Mayor: No Council Meetings: 2"d &4'h Thursdays Mayoral Term Limits: No Televised Council Meetings: Yes STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Parks & Recreation Commission Community Safety Committee Property Preservation Commission Let Freedom Ring Committee CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS Slogan'Theme: SISTER CITY: None reported Celebrations: July 4th Celebration �• City Wide Pride Beautification Program and Home Maintenance Expo 1-16 r :a Claremont F. P.O. Box SSO MAYORS Si COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) • Claremont, CA 91711 Mayor: Karen Rosenthal (3/03) Telephone: 909/399-5444 Mayor Pro Tem: Paul Held (3/01) L Council Members: Sandra Baldonado (3/03) >: Fax: 909/399-5492 ,Algird Leiga (3/03) ir Webpaee Address: Nvw v.ci.clarcmont.calls Suzan Smith (3/01) E-Mail: firstinitiallastname(mCLclaremont.ca_us Modified Work Week: No r APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS • • City Manager: Glenn Southard Community Development Director: Anthony Witt • Assistant City Manaer: Bridget Healy Finance Director: Bridget Healy ▪ • City Attorney: Steve Deitsch & Sonia Carvalho Fire Chief: James Sheppard City Clerk: Lynne Palmer human Resources Director: Bridget Healy • City Engineer: Craig Bradshaw Community Services Director: Betty Sheldon • City Treasurer: Bridget Healy City Planner: Lisa Prasse Police Chief: Robert Moody GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 34,722 Mayoral Term Limits: No • Area: 14.14 square miles Council Terms: 4 years - Employees-Full Time: 154 Part Time: 84 Term Limits: No Charter/General Law: General Law Council Elections: March odd years Directly Elected Mayor: No Council Meetings: 2"d & 4"'Tuesday Televised Council Meetings: No • a• STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Architectural Commission Community Services Commission ▪ Planning Commission Traffic &Transportation Commission •' Human Services Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: None reported Slogan'Theme: None Celebration: 4h of July 1-17 c Commerce G 2535 Commerce Way MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) G Commerce. CA 90040 Mayor: Lela Leon (3/01) G Telephone: 323/722-4805 Mayor Pro Tem: Raquel Arriaga (3/01) G Fax: 323/726-6231 Council Members: Hugo Argumedo (3/03) G Rosanna Lopez (3/01) Webpage Address: ci.city-of-commerce ca.us Sylvia Munoz (3/03) G E-Mail: None reported Modified Work Week: split 4/10 G Ge APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS r- City Manager: Raul T. Romero Community Development: Justin McCarthy ‘....- City �City Attorney: Yvette Abich Finance Director: Tom Bachman- C ir/ T r, rue',o C.:- City City Clerk: Linda Kay Olivieri Fire Chief: Los Angeles County G Public Services Director: Robert Sepulveda Human Resources Director: Duane Munson G Deputy City Treasurer: Barbara Perez Community Services Director: Robert Chavez Police Chief: Los Angeles County G- ,- ,--- GENERAL GENERAL INFORMATION C.- Population: Population: 12.500 Council Terms: 4 years r— Area: 6.6 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 160 Part Time: 240 Council Elections: March odd years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 1, &3'Tuesdays Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No G Mayoral Term Limits: No STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Beautification Committee --r Community Services Commission Card Club Advisory Committee Education Commission Community Safety Advisory Committee Library Commission Ad Hoc Fireworks Committee --- Parks & Recreation Commission Housing Committee Senior Citizens Advisory Commission Ad Hoc Recycling Task Force Committee ••••Traff c Commission Youth Advisory Committee CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: Aguascalientes, Mexico V_ Slogan/Theme: "Where Quality Service Is Our Tradition" Celebrations: Tree Lighting City Birthday 1/26 Cinco de Mayo 49 of July September 161" 1-18 W C. Diamond Bar 1660 East Copley Drive, Suite 100 MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4177 Mayor: Wen Chang (11/01) —J Telephone: 909/860-2489 Mayor Pro Tern: Deborah O'Connor (11/01) - Fax: 909/861-3117 Council Members: Eileen Ansari (11/01) Webpage Address: ci.diamond-bar_ca us Robert Huff (11/99) Carol Herrera (11/99) - E-Mail: firstname.lastnameZdiamond-bar.ca.us Modified Work Week: No APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS _ City Manager: Terence L. Belanger Finance Director: Linda G Magnuson i- Deputy City Manager: James DeStefano Fire Chief: Los Angeles County City .Attorney: Michael Jenkins Human Resources Director: Terrence L. Belanger Cin Clerk: Lynda Burgess Police Chief: Los Angeles County City Engineer: George Wentz Director of Public Works: David Liu -. City Treasurer: Terrence L. Belanger Community Services Director: Bob Rose -ti —� GENERAL I,NFORMATION --. Population: 56,659 Council Terms: 4 years - Area: 15 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 37 Part Time: 6 Council Elections: November odd years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 1"& 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. - Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: Yes Mayoral Term Limits: I year Century Communications STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission - Parks& Recreation Committee Traffic &Transportation Committee CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: Sanhsia, Taiwan Slogan Theme: Celebration: Anniversary Celebration - April 123 Downey P.O. Box 7016 MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXI'.) Downey, CA 90241 Mayor: Gary P. McCaughan (11/00) Telephone: 562/904-7274 Mayor Pro Tern: Keith McCarthy (1l/00) Fax: 562/923-6388 Council Members: Meredith Perkins (11/02) Joyce L. Lawrence (11/00) w - Webpage Address: ww.downevca.or� E-Mail: 5/calor'i,dowmevca.ortt Bob Winningham (11/02) Modified Work Week: 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS �. City Manager: Gerald Caton City Engineer: Robert Brace Assistant City Manager: Lee Powell Finance Director: Lowell Williams City Attorney: Charles Vose Fire Chief: Ron Irwin City Clerk: Judith McDonnell Human Resources Director: Chris Birch Public Works Director: Desi Alvarez Community Services Director: Jim Jarren City Treasurer: Judith McDonnell Planning Director: Ron Yoshiki Community Development: Darrell George Police Chief: Greg Caldwell GENERAL INFORMATION — Population: 99,700 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 12 square miles Term Limits: Yes,2 terms — Employees-Full Time: 409 Part Time: 258 Council Elections: November even years _ Charter/General Law: Charter Council Meetings: 2nd& 4'h Tuesdays Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No — Mayoral Term Limits: 1 year STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS `. Planning Commission Parking Place Commission Design Review Board Personnel Advisory Board — Downey Civic Center Corp. Recreation & Community Services Commission Library Advisory Board Water Facilities Corporation Water Advisory Board L.A. County-Downey Regional Public Recreation Area Traffic Committee Citizens Health & Environmental Sanitation Cable TV Citizens Advisory Committee Emergency Preparedness Committee CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITIES: Guadalajara, Mexico SloganTheme: "Future Unlimited" San Quintin, Mexico Celebration: 1-24 Duarte 1600 Huntington Drive MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Duarte, CA 91010 Mayor: Dr. Robert F. Davey (11/99) Telephone: 626/357-7931 Mayor Pro Tem: James D. Kirchner (11/0I) -- Fax: 626/358-0018 Council Members: Margaret E.Finlay (11/01) • Webpage Address: ww.accessduane.com Phillip A.Reyes (11/01) t+ E-Mail: Various John Fasana (11/99) Modified Work Week: M-Th 7:30 a.m.-6:00 pm. ▪ APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS - City Manager: Jesse Duff Director of Community Development: Ed Cox - Assistant City Manager: Mike Yelton Finance Director: Mike Yelton f City Attorney: Clarle Moseley Fire Chief: Los Angeles County City Clerk: Marla Akana Planner: Steve Sizemore • City Engineer: Dominic Milano Police Chief: Los Angeles County City Treasurer: Jesse Duff - GENERAL INFORMATION - Population: 21,600 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 72 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 44 Part Time: 45-60 Council Elections: November odd years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 2n° S 4th Tuesday - Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No — Mayoral Term Limits: Rotate every year STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Parks Si_Recreation Commission Planning Commission Traffic and Safety Commission Economic Development Commission Community Services Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: None reported SlogarvTheme: "The City of Health" — Celebrations: Annual City Picnic Annual Route 66 Parade 1-75 Glendora 116 East Foothill Boulevard MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Glendora. CA 91741-3380 Mayor: Larry Glenn (3/01) Telephone: 626/914-8201 Mayor Pro Tern: Richard Jacobs (3/03) Fax: 626/914-8221 Council Members: Al Fishman (3/01) Web p age Address: www.ci.glendora.ca_us John Harrold (3/03) Marshall Mouw (3/03) E-Mail: 5rstinitial lastnameOci_elendora.ca.us Modified Work Week: No APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Manager: Gary A. Napper Finance Director: Judy Lancaster Deputy City Manager: Culver Heaton Fire Chief Los Angeles County City Attorney: Drew Bridges Human Resources Director: Culver Heaton City Clerk: Jo.4nnn Sharp Community Services Director: Jim Henderson - City Eng./Pub. Works Director: Richard Cantwell Planning Director: Stan Wong City Treasurer: Judy Lancaster Police Chief: Paul Butler Community Development: Dave Davies Water Superintendent: Ted Can-era GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 52.500 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 19.15 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 193 Part Time: 50-100 Council Elections: March odd years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 2nd &4th Tuesdays Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: Yes, delayed tape Mayoral Term Limits: 2 years Century Communications STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Historic Preservation Committee Zoning Review Board Trails Committee Community Services Commission Investment Advisory Committee Library Board of Trustees CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITIES: Merida, Mexico Slogan1lheme: 'Pride of the Foothills" Moka, Japan Celebration: 1-30 r Irwindale 5050 North Irwindale Avenue MAYORS &COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Irwindale, CA 91706 Mayor: Patricio (Pat) S. Miranda (3/03) Telephone: 626/430-2200 Mayor Pro Tern: Donna Castellanos (3/01) Fax: 626/962-4209 Council Members: Manuel E. Almazan (3/01) Web age Address: None reported Mark Breceda (3/03) Webpage F.Tapia (3/03) E-Mail: postoffi ce00irwi ndal e.ca_us Modified Work Week: M-Th/7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Manager: Robert Griego Assistant City Manager: Finance Director: Abe DeDedios Deputy City Manager: Fire Chief: Los Angeles County r-- City City Attorney: David Aleshire Assistant Personnel Director: Kathleen Guerrero City Clerk: Robert Griego Community Services Director: Vacant .� City Eng./Pub. Works Director: Rod Posada Planning Director: Ron Smothers City Treasurer: Abe DeDedios Police Chief: Julian Miranda Community Development: Cm- GENERAL GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 1,054 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 10 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 62 Part Time: 59 Council Elections: March odd yearsr.- Charter/General Law: Charter Council Meetings: 2nd&4th Thursdays Directly Elected Mayor:.No Televised Council Meetings: No Mayoral Term Limits: No - r` STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS -- Planning Commission Park &Recreation Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: Salvatierra,Mexico Slogan Theme: "Jardin de Roca" Celebration: 1-38 ,z La Mirada 13700 La Mirada Boulevard MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) La Mirada,CA 90638 Mayor: Bob Chotiner (3/01) —4 Telephone: 562/943-0131 Mayor Pro Tem: David Peters (3/01) L Fax: 562/943-1464 Council Members: Pete Dames (3/03) Steve Jones (3/03) --.r Webpage Address: www.cerritos.edu/lamirada Hal Malkin (3/03) E-Mail: lamirada&ix.netcom.com "4 Modified Work Week: No —▪ APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Manager: Gary K. Sloan Finance Director: Rich D. Patron Assistant City Manager: Gerald R. Winterhum Fire Chief: Los Angeles County - Ciry Attorney: James Markman Human Resources Director: George Rodericks City Clerk: Marilyn L. Wagner Community Services Director: Rich Pepin CityEn /Pub.Works Director: Gerald R. Winterburn Planning Director: Gerald R. Winterbum -d City Treasurer: Rick D.Patton Police Chief: Los Angeles County -ti Community Development: Rick D. Patton —- GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 48,005 Council Terms: 4 years - Area: 8 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 85 Part Time: 171 Council Elections: March odd years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 2n° &45'Tuesdays - Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No Mayoral Term.Limits: 1 year d - STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS e Historical Heritage Commission Planning Commission T4 Human Services Commission Public Safety Commission d Parks and Recreation Commission Senior Citizens Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS - SISTER CITY: Isehara,Japan Slogan/Theme: "Courtesy Capital of the World" Celebration: _I S 1-41 La Puente 15900 East Main Street MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) La Puente, CA 91744 Mayor: Edward L. Chavez (3/03) ;, Telephone: 626/855-1500 Mayor Pro Tem: Lola R. Storing (3/01) Fax: 626/961-4626 Council Members: Sally Holguin-Fallon (3/03) — — Louis R. Perez (3/03) Webpage Address: www.lanuente.org Edward D. Rodarte (3/01) E-Mail: lanuente(2Dwestconet com — Modified Work Week: No — • APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT.HEADS City Manager: Robert G. Gutierrez Finance Director: William Yeomans — Assistant City Manager: Elaine Aguilar Fire Chief: Los Angeles County — City Attorney: Carol Lynch Human Resources Director: Deborah Fancett City Clerk: Deborah A. Fancett Community Services Director Dan Chadwick City Eng.,Tub. Works Director: Dan Chadwick —planning Director: City Treasurer: Robert G. Gutierrez Police Chief: Los Angeles County Community Development: Mike Poland GENERAL INFORMATION — Population: 41,000 Council Terms: 4 years _ Area: 3.5 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 25 Part Time: 32 Council Elections: March odd years ,! Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 2nd&4th Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No Mayoral Term Limits: No STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Police-Community Relations Committee -- Planning Planning Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: None reported Slogan/Theme: Where the Past Meets the Future . Celebration: .- 142 • Lancaster 44933 North Fern Avenue MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Lancaster, CA 93534 Mayor: Frank Roberts (4/00) Telephone: 661/723-6000 Mayor Pro Tern: Henry W. Reams (4/02) • Fax: 661/723-6141 Council Members: Michelle ldleman (4/02) • Webpage .Address: citvlancaster.ca.us Jim Jeffra (4/00) E-Mail: colccOauet.com Andrew Visokey (4/00) Modified Work Week: No i APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Manager: James C. Gilley Finance Director: Gary Hill /G'' T/_'"f "er Assistant City Manager: Dennis Davenport Fire Chief: Los Angeles County ' City Attorney: David R. McEwen Human Resources Director: Sandi Jensen • City Clerk: Donna M. Grindey Planning Director: Brian Hawley City Eng./Pub. Works Director: Jeff Long Police Chief: Los Angeles County Community Development: Bnan Hawley • GENERAL I.NFORMATION Population: 127,136 Council Terms: 4 years ' Area: 92 square miles Term Limits: No • Employees-Full Time: 195 Part Time: 150 Council Elections: April even years Charter/General Law-: General Law Council Meetings: 2n°&4th Tuesdays • Directly Elected Mayor: Yes Televised Council Meetings: No Mayoral Term Limits: No • STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Mobilehome Rent Arbitration Board • Veteran's Home Comminee Youth Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: None reported • SlogarvTheme: - Celebrations: Annual Poppy Festival—April Aerospace Walk of Honor- October 1-45 Lawndale 14717 Burin Avenue MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Lawndale, CA 90260 Mayor: Harold E. Hofmann (4/00) Telephone: 310/970-2100 Mayor Pro Tern: Neil Roth (4/00) Fax: 310/644-4556 Council Members: Nancy McKee (4/00) W ebpage Address: None reported Larry Rudolph (4/02) Virginia M. Rhodes (4/01) E-Mail: None reported Modified Work Week: No APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Manager: Vangie Schock Interim Community Development Director: Bob Goldin Acting Assistant to the City Manager: Diane Fillman Finance Director: Alan Kreimeier City Attorney: William Wynder Fire Chief: Los Angeles County City Clerk: Stephen Nicolopulos Director of Community Services: Linda Pittman .Acting Assistant City Clerk: Pamela Giamario Police Chief: Los Angeles County Acting Public Works Director: Frank Bigdeli Municipal Services Director: Joe Arranaga City Treasurer: Alan Kreimeier GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 29,900 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 1.9 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 43 Part Time: 50 Council Elections: April even years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 1" & 3id Mondays Directly Elected Mayor: Yes Televised Council Meetings: Yes Mayoral Term Limits: No STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Beautification Committee Lawndale Cable Usage Commission Personnel Board Parks, Recreation & Social Services Commission Planning Commission Senior Citizen Advisory Committee CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: Cagayan de Oro,Republic of Philippines - Slogan(Theme: "Heart of the South Bay" Celebration: • 14617.7 r Lomita P.O. Box 339 MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Lomita, CA 90717 Mayor: Ben Traina (11/01) Telephone: 310/325-7110 Mayor Pro Tem: Tim King (11/01) Fax: 310/325-4024 Council Members: Ken Blackwood (11/01) Webpage Address: lomita.com Margaret Estrada (11/99) E-Mail: lomitacitvhalVielomita.com Bob Hargrave (1]/99) Modified Work Week: No APPOI.NTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Administrator: Michael 0' Connor Community Development Coordinator: Gregory Assistant City Administrator: Gary Irwin McPherron - City Attorney: Vacant Finance Officer: John Gilbert City Clerk: Dawn Tomita Fire Chief: Los Angeles County Public Works Coordinator: Bill McConnell City Planner: Richard Kawasaki - C/t'Y 7f..EaS Le-t: M,&iface. C' CeaaOr- Field Services Supervisor: Chris vanGeest - GENERAL INFORMATION Police Chief: Los Angeles County Population: 20,302 - Area: 1.89 square miles Employees-Full Time: 35 Part Time: 40 _ Charter/General Law: General Law Council Terms: 4 years Directly Elected Mayor: No Term Limits: No - Mayoral Term Limits: may not serve two successive Council Elections: November odd years _ 1 year terms Council Meetings: 1"S:3'0 Mondays 7:00 p.m. Televised Council Meetings: Yes MediaOne STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS - Planning Commission - Traffic Safety Commission - Safety Commission Gangs and Graffiti Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Community Development Advisory Board _- CIIY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS Railroad Museum Board Slogan'Theme: "The Friendly City" - Celebrations: Founders Day Celebration- - last weekend in June SISTER CITY: Takaishi,Japan 147 • Norwalk 12700 Norwalk Boulevard MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Norwalk. CA 90650 Mayor: Michael Mendez (3/01) Telephone: 562/929-5700 Vice Mayor: Cheri Kelley (3/01) Fax: 562/929-5773 Council Members: Rudy Burmudez (3/03) Webpa__e Address: None reported Jesse Luera (3/03) • E-Mail None reported Gordon Stephenhagen (3/03) .D Modified Work Week: M-Th 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., closed alternate Fridays • • APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS • City Manager: Ernie V. Garcia Community Development: Kurt Anderson • Assistant City Manager: Thomas E. Lynch Finance Director: James Weber City.Anomer: Steven Dorsey Fire Chief: Los Angeles County City Clerk: Gail A Vasquez Human Resources Director: Mary Ellen Schubel City Engineer: Frank Yang Recreation &. Park Services: Steve Granillo City Treasurer: James Weber Police Chief: Los Angeles County • GENERAL INFORMATION • Population: 100,948 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 11 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 205 Pan Time: 150 Council Elections: March odd years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 1" & 3'O Tuesdays Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: Yes Mayoral Term Limits: NA Century Communications: I STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS ; Planning Commission International Friendship Commission Bicentennial/American Heritage Commission Parks &Recreation Commission Blue Ribbon Ad Hoc Committee Public Safety Commission Cable TV Advisory Board Senior Citizens Commission Community Promotion Commission Social Services Commission Consumer/Rental Mediation Board - • - �ate:Advisory Ad Hoc Committee • Cultural Arts Commission Youth Commission Historical Heritage Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS Sloganimeme: "On the Move" SISTER CITIES: Fresnillo.Mexico Celebration: Hermosillo,Mexico 1-57 • Palmdale 38300 North Sierra Highway MAYORS &COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Palmdale, CA 93550 Mayor: James C. Ledford,Jr. (11/99) Telephone: 805/267-5100 Mayor Pro Tern: Joseph P. Davies (11/99) Fax: 805/267-5122 Council Members: David J. Myers (11/99) SorsaWebpage Address: citv.palmdale.ca.us Shelley (11/01 al (11/01) E-Mail: None reported Vacant (11/01) Modified Work Week: No APPOINTED O1}JCIALS/DEPT. HEADS c City Manager: Robert W.Toone, Jr. Finance Director: Bill Ramsey Assistant to the City Manager: Carol Seidl Interim Fire Chief: Roy Creel City Attorney: William Ditzhazy Human Resources Director: Marlene Mizanin City Clerk: Victoria Hancock Planning Director: Laurie Lile City Enc./Pub. Works Dir: John Mundweil/Steve Williams Police Chief: Captain Joe Hladky City Treasurer: Bill Ramsey Cony Ctr Gen Manger: Terry Cornell Community Development: Danny Roberts GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 117,300 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 102 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 189 Pan Time: 334 Council Elections: November odd years Charter/Genera] Law: General Law Council Meetings: 2nd &4t" Wednesdays Directly Elected Mayor: Yes Televised Council Meetings: No Mayoral Temp Limits: No, 2 years STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Library Board Mobil Home Rental Review Board CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: Poncitlan, Mexico Slogan/Theme: Palmdale. A Place To Call Home Celebration: Fall Festival 1-58 Paramount 16400 Colorado Avenue MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) c Paramount, CA 90723 Mayor: Gene Daniels (3/01) Telephone: 562/220-2000 Vice Mayor: Manuel E. Guillen (3/03) Fax: 562/630-6731 Council Members: Henry Harkema (3/03) Webpage Address: None reported Peggy Lemons (3/(3/ E-Mail: None reported Diane J. Martinez (3/03) Modified Work Week: 9/50 APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS k. 'City Manager: Patrick H. West Finance Director/Treasurer: Jose Gomez Assistant City Manager: Linda Benedetti-Leal Fire Chief: Skip Bennett City Attorney: John E. Cavanaugh Personnel Director: Mary Wilson City Clerk: Patrick H.West Community Services Sc Recreation Dir.: Vince Tones Public Works Director: Harry Babbitt Police Chief: Marvin Cavanaugh Community&Economic Development: Jess Carbaial .. GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 54,600 Council Terms: 4 years Area: Approximately 5 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 100 Part Time: 80 Council Elections: March odd years vo Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 1" & 3`d Tuesdays Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No Mayoral Term Limits: No STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Parks and Recreation Commission Public Safety Commission Planning Commission Public Works Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: Tepic, Mexico Slogan/Theme: "Positively Paramount' . Celebration: - 1-60 Pico Rivera P.O. Box 1016 MAYORS &COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) r Pico Rivera, CA 90660 Mayor: Carlos Garcia (3/03) Telephone: 562/801-4371 Mayor Pro Tern: E.A. "Pete"Ramirez (3/03) Fax: 562/801-4765 Council Members: Garth G. Gardner (3/01) Webpage Address: wuw.ci.pico-rivera.ca.us Beatrice Proo (3/01) E-Mail: None reported Gregory Salcido (3/03) Modified Work Week: 9/80 APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS C City Manager: Dennis Courtemarche Finance Director: Randy Rassi • Assistant City Manager: Ann Negendank Fire Chief: Los Angeles County ` City Attorney: Scott Nichols Human Resources Director: Christine J. Schaefer City Clerk: Christine J. Schaefer Community Services Director: Cindy-Lu Gans City Eng./Pub. Works Director: Enrique Acevedo Planning Director: David Hertzing r City Treasurer: Randy Rassi Police Chief: Los Angeles County Community Development: David Hertzing C GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 62,591 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 8.4 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 130 Part Time: 270 Council Elections: March odd years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 1" & 3'd Monday Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No Mayoral Term Limits: 1 year STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Arts & Culture Committee Community Resources Advisory Commission Project Area Committee Sister City Committee Relocation Appeals Board CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: San Luis Potosi, Mexico Slogan/Theme: `Together We Grow" Celebration: r r_ 1.62 r • Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EM'.) Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275-5391 Mayor: Tom Hollingsworth (11/99) Telephone: 310/377-0360 Mayor Pro Tern: Lee Byrd (I1/01) Fax: 310/377-4155 Council Members: Barbara Ferraro (11/99) 1/01Webpage Address: n'w.nalosverdes.com/mu Marilyn Lyon (I (11/ E-Mail: rpucomwertsnpalosverdes_com John McTaggart Q 1/99) '^ Modified Work Week: 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon-Thur 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Friday APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEFT. HEADS City Manager: Les Evans Finance Director: Dennis McLean Assistant City Manager: Carolyn Pen-u Fire Chief: Los Angeles County er City Attorney: Carol Lynch City Clerk Jo Purcell Planning Director: Joel Rojas Police Chief: Los Angeles County City Eng./Pub. Works Director: Dean Allison City Treasurer: Dennis McLean GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 42,500 Council Terms: 4 years •-- Area: 13.6 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 40 Part Time: Council Elections: November odd years .� Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 1"&3id Tuesday Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: Yes Mayoral Term Limits: No Cox Communications vd STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Long Point Development Geology/Landslide Abalone Cove Beach Improvement NCCP '-T ... Ocean Trails 4"of July Celebration RHE Economic Development Committee Liaison View Restoration Commission 'Western Avenue Corridor Task Force Equestrian Committee Planning Commission Traffic Committee Recreation and Parks Committee Public Access Cable TV Ad Board Finance Advisory Committee CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: None reported Slogan/Theme: Celebration: P. • C 1-64 ( J ,_D San Dimas 245 East Bonita Avenue MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) San Dimas. CA 9]773 Mayor: Curtis W. Morris (3/03) Telephone: 909/394-6200 Mayor Pro Tern: Denis Bertone (3/01) - Fax: 909/394-6209 Council Members: John Ebiner (3/03) Webpage Address: www.citvofsandimas.com Sandy McHenry (3/03) E-Mail: piacksonnei.san-dimas.com Jeff Templeman (3/01) Modified Work Week: 9/80 APPOINTED OFFICI.ALS/DEPT. HEADS d City Manager: Donald Pruyn Finance Director: Donald Pruyn Assistant City Manager: Ken Duran Fire Chief: Los Angeles County City.Attorney: J. Kenneth Brown Parks & Recreation Director: Sally Duff - City Clerk: Pamela Jackson Planning Director: Larry Stevens City Eng./Pub. Works Director: John Garcia ti City Treasurer: Pamela Jackson Police Chief: Los Angeles County • GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 35,756 Council Terms: 4 years — Area: 15 square miles Tenn Limits: No _ Employees-Full Time: 50 Part Time: 50 Council Elections: March odd years • Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 2"'&4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. ▪ Directly Elected Mayor: Yes Televised Council Meetings: Yes - Mayoral Term Limits: No Century Communications STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Public Safety Commission Planning Commission Senior Citizens Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Equestrian Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS Slogan:Theme: "Preserving the Western Spirit" SISTER CITY: None reported Celebration: - 1-69 4 D • Santa Clarita • 23920 Valencia Boulevard, Suite 300 MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Santa Clarita, CA 91355 Mayor: JoAnne Darcy (4/02) Telephone: 805/259-2489 Mayor Pro Tern: Jill Klajic (4/00) Fax: SO5/259-8125 Council Members: Janice H.Heidt (4/00) Webpaee Address: ww_santa-clarita.com Frank Fen) (4/02) w E-Mail: None reported Laurene Weste (4/02) Modified Work Week: 9/80 • APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Manager: George Caravalho g Finance Director: Steve STarkAg'f A/HJJ scat/J7' r • Assistant City Manager: Ken Pulskamp ”A<eS g Fire Chief: Gene Wolfe Cit• y Attorney: Carl Newton Human Resources Manager. Jenny Roney City Clerk: Sharon Dawson Parks Recreation & Communiry Services Director: • City Engineer: Tony Nisich Rick Putnam Planning Sc. Building Services Director: Jeffrey Police Chief: Don Rodriguez Lambert • GENERAL INFORMATION Council Terms: 4 years Population: 143,836 Term Limits: No Area: 46.7 square miles Council Elections: April even years • Employees-Full Time: 250 Part Time: 200 Council Meetings: 21'd &4th Tuesdays Charter/General Law: General Law Televised Council Meetings: yes Directly Elected Mayor: No Mayoral Term Limits: No STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Community Services Grant Committee Planning Commission Santa Clara River Subcommittee Parks and Recreation Commission Committee on Aging Redevelopment Committee SISTER CITY: None reported CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS Slogan/Theme: Celebration: Cowboy Poetry& Music Festival Santa Clarita Marathon 1-73 F Santa Fe Springs 11710 East Telegraph Road MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Mayor: Albert L. Sharp (3/01) Telephone: 562/868-0511 Mayor Pro Tern: George Minnehan (3/03) Fax: 562/868-7112 Council Members: Louie Gonzalez (3/01) Kees Webpage Address: http://www.santafesprings.ore Ronald S. am (3/ (3/03) E-Mail: citv-council&santafesorin,s-ore Betty Putnam (3/01) .— Modified Work Week: No • — APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPP. HEADS .. City Manager: Donald R. Powell Community Development Commission: Robert Orpin Asst. City Mner/Police Services: Frederick W. Latham Finance/Admin Srvcs Dir: Susan Bergeron-Vance Asst. City Manager/Community Services: Gus Velasco Fire Chief: Norbert Schnabel City Attorney: Steven Skolnik Director of Personnel Services: Kathleen A. Goin City Clerk: Marilyn Jannak Planning/Development Director: Robert G. Orpin City Eng./Pub. Works Director: John R. Price Police Chief: Whittier Police Chief Brad Hoover C City Treasurer: Susan Bergeron-Vance GENERAL I.NFORMATION Population: 16,450 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 9 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 237 Part Time: 211 Council Elections: March odd years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 2n°&4th Thursdays Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No Mayoral Term Limits: No C. STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Traffic Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITIES: Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico Slogan/Theme: "Progress with Pride" Tirschenreuth,Germany Celebration: • i C C C 174 C South El Monte 1415 Santa Anita Avenue MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) South El Monte, CA 91733 Mayor: Art Olmos (3/01) Telephone: 626/579-6540 Vice Mayor: Raul Pardo (3/03) • Fax: 626/579-2107 Council Members: Blanca M. Figueroa (3/01) Webpage Address: cisouth-el-monte.ca.us George J. Lujan (3/01) E-Mail: citvhalleci.south-el-monte.ca.us Albert G. Perez (3/03) Modified Work Week: M-F 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS Finance Director: John Michicoff/Ci'Ty %EEF <<- City Manager: Michael Sorg Fire Chief: Marc McConnell • City Attorney: David J. Olivas Police Captain: Neal Tyler City Clerk: Kathy L. Gonzales General Services Manager: Doyle Smith City Encineer: Shafique Naiyer P.E. Community Development Director: Gary Myrick GENERAL INFORMATION Council Terms: 4 years Population: 21,777Term Limits: No Area: 3.25 square miles Council Elections: March odd years C Employees-Full Time: 44 Part Time: 65 Council Meetings: 2"d&4th Tuesdays C Charter/General Law: General Law Televised Council Meetings: Yes Directly Elected Mayor: No Media One Mayoral Term Limits: No C C STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Community Sen'ices Commission Ca- SISTER SISTER CITIES: Gomez Palacio CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS Peoples Republic of China Slogan/Theme: "City of Achievment" Cojumatb , Michoacan,Mexico Mono: "Hands in Action" Celebration: r r 1-78 • Temple City M .;� P.O. Box 668 MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Temple City, CA 91780 Mayor: Duffy Brook (3/01) _ Telephone: 626/285-217] Mayor Pro Tern: Thomas Breazeal (3/01) • ZS Fax: 626/285-8192 Council Members: Kenneth Gillanders (3/03) Webpage Address: waw.ladir.com.templecity Chuck Souder (3/03) E-Mail: None reported Ca[he Wilson (3/03) - Modified Work Week: M-Th 8:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. —5:00 p.m. • a T, APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS - City Manager: Hugh Riley Community Development: Robert Dawson Acting Assistant City Manager: James Mitsch Finance Director: Francine Maldonado City Attorney: Charles Martin Fire Chief Los Angeles County — City Clerk: Stephanie Rios Community Services Director: Cathy Burroughs City Treasurer: Francine Maldonado Police Chief: Los Angeles County . GENERAL INFORMATION • Population: 33,050 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 3.8 square miles Term Limits: Yes, 2 terms • Employees-Full Time: 35 Part Time: 4+ (seasonal) Council Elections: March odd years Charter/General Law: Chartere Council Meetings: ]"& 3' Tuesdays Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No • Mayoral Tenn Limits: Annual rotation Charter Communications STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Parks Sr Recreation Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITIES: Magdalena,Mexico Slogan/Theme: Home of the Camellias Hawkesbury, Australia Celebrations: Camellia Festival—February Festival & Craft Faire- October 1-81 a Vernon 4305 Santa Fe Avenue MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) Vernon, CA 90058 Mayor: Leonis C. Malburg (4/02) J Telephone: 323/583-8811 Mayor Pro Tern: Thomas A. Ybarra (4/02) J Fax: 323/581-7924 Council Members: William Davis (4/00) W eb a e Address: None reported Larry Gonzales (4/00) p SW. Michael McCormick (4/02) • E-Mail: None reported Modified Work Week: M-Th 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. • •s °• APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS 0. • City Administrator: Bruce V. Malkenhorst Finance Director: Bruce V.Malkenhorst ✓ City Attorney: David B.Brearley Fire Chief: L. Telford a City Clerk: Bruce V. Malkenhorst Community Services Director: S. Kevin Wilson — City Eng./Pub. Works Director: S. Kevin Wilson Planning Director: S.Kevin Wilson '' City Treasurer: Bruce V.Malkenhorst Police Chief: Bruce Olson • Community Development: S. Kevin Wilson Director of Light&Power: Ken DeDau --� GENERAL INFORMATION .-, Population: 100 Council Terms: 4 years _ Area: 5.5 square miles Term Limits: No • Employees-Full Time: 300 Part Time: 2 Council Elections: April even years 5 Charter/General Law: Charter Council Meetings: 1" &31°Tuesdays - Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: No • Mayoral Tenn Limits: No - STANDI.NG COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS -4 • CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: None reported Slogan/Theme: "Exclusively Industrial" - Celebration: • 1-83 Walnut 21201 La Puente Road MAYORS &COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) _ Walnut, CA 91789-2018 Mayor: Joaquin Lim (4/00) tr Telephone: 909/595-7543 Mayor Pro Tern: June Wentworth (4/02) :- Fax: 909/595-6095 Council Members: Bertha (Bert) Ashley (4/00) Don Marostica (4/00) — Web aae .Address: ci.walnut.ca.us a- E-Mail: brussi(lci walnut.ca.us LamWaldie (4/02) '-- Modified Work Week: 9/80 • APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Manager: Jeffrey C. Parker Community Development: Roger Friezen Assistant City Manager: Tony Ramos Finance Director: Christine Londo e" City Attorney: Scott Nichols Fire Chief: Los Angel es County City Clerk: Beverly Sherwood Community Services Director: Don Alien — City Eng./Pub. Works Director: Ron Kramer Planning Director: Roger Friesen City Treasurer: Christine Londo Police Chief: Los Angeles County `y GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 31,977 Council Terms: Four years Area: 8.9 square miles Term Limits: No C- Employees-Full Time: 34 Part Time: 9 Council Elections: April even years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: 2nd &4th Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: Yes �.• Mayoral Term Limits: No Charter Communications STANDING COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS ., Planning Commission Youth Advisory Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Transportation Committee .r Economic Development Commission Cable Advisory Board CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: None reported Slogan/Theme: Celebration: Walnut Family Festival ` C 1-84 • West Hollywood = 8300 Santa Monica Boulevard MAYORS &COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP.) West Hollywood, CA 90069-4314 Mayor: John Heilman (3/03) Telephone: 323/848-6400 Mayor Pro Tern: Jeffrey Prang (3/01) .:- Fax: 323/848-6562 Council Members: Paul Koretz (3/01) Webpage Address: vw.ci.west-hollvwood.ca.us Sal Guarriello (3/03) w "r E-Mail: neho-isdraulci.west-holhwood.ca.us Steve Martin (3/03) Modified Work Week: 9/80 APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS .r City Manager: Charles F.Makinney Finance Director: Paul Avevalo City Attorney: Mike Jenkins Fire Chief: Los Angeles County `p City Clerk: James Thompson Human Resources Manager: Kevin Fridlington br- City Engineer: Sharon Perlstein Planning Manager: Lisa Heep City Treasurer: Paul Arevalo Police Chief: Los Angeles County Community Development: Ray Reynolds Human Services Director: Lloyd Lone Management Services Director: Vivian Love GENERAL INFORMATION :r Population: 36,118 Council Terms: No ,r Area: 1.9 square miles Term Limits: No Employees-Full Time: 143 Part Time: 28 Council Elections: March odd years Charter/General Law: General Law Council Meetings: P &3i°Mondays Directly Elected Mayor: No Televised Council Meetings: Yes Mayoral Term Limits: No Century Communications • STANDI.NG COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Business Licenses Commission Transportation Commission Human Services Commission Public Facilities Commission Planning Commission Cultural Heritage Commission Public Safety Commission Fine Arts Commission --- Rent Stabilization Commission - Project Area Committee CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: St Petersburg Slogan/Iheme: The Creative City" Celebration: • 1-86 Whittier 13230 Penn Street MAYORS & COUNCIL MEMBERS (TERM EXP) Whittier, CA 90602 Mayor: J. Greg Nordbak (4/02) Telephone: 562/945-8200 Mayor Pro Tern: David Butler (4/00) `r Fax: 562/464-3572 Council Members: Janet Henke (4/00) Webpage Address: Bob Henderson (4/02) ww.rh.cc ca.us/whittier/indese-htm Allan Zolnekoff (4/00) w E-Mail: None reported Modified Work Week: No • APPOINTED OFFICIALS/DEPT. HEADS City Manager: Thomas Mauk City Controller: Clara Wong Assistant City Manager: Douglas Chotkevys Fire Chief: Los Angeles County City Attorney: Richard Jones Human Resources Director: Fred Weiner .. City Clerk: Kathryn Marshall Community Services Director: Sal Failla *77 City Ene./Pub. Works Director: Planning Director: Michael Burnham +c City Treasurer: Kathryn Marshall Police Chief: Brad Hoover Redevelopment Manager: Ann O'Donnell Ybarra "r GENERAL INFORMATION Population: 84.292 Council Terms: 4 years Area: 14.8 square miles Term Limits: Yes,4 year terms Employees-Full Time: 400 Part Time: 200 Council Elections: April even years f Charter/General Law: Charter Council Meetings: 2"d&4"Tuesdays DirectlyElected Mayor: No Y Televised Council Meetings: Yes Mayoral Term Limits: 2 years Century Communications w STANDI.NG COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Board of Appeals Historic Resources Commission ..- Design Review Board Parking and Transportation Commission Library Board Parks and Recreation Commission r.• Personnel Board Planning Commission Cultural Arts Commission Social Services Commission CITY SLOGAN/CELEBRATIONS SISTER CITY: Changshu, China Slogan/Theme: Celebration: yr- r- 1-88 1-88 P1