CC - Item 2A - Ordinance No. 978 - Updated Rosemead Municipal Code ORDINANCE NO. 798 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ENACTING AN UPDATED ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE, WHICH REVISES,AMENDS, RESTATES, CODIFIES AND COMPILES THE GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY AND WHICH ADOPTS THE LATEST VERSIONS OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE, TRAFFIC CODE, STREET PERMIT ORDINANCE, PARKS ORDINANCE,AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . The City Council finds and declares: (a) The present general ordinances of the City of Rosemead are incomplete and inadequate in the manner of arrangeement, classification and indexing thereof is insufficient to meet the immediate needs of the City, its residents and business persons; and (b) California State law authorizes the City Council to revise, amend, restate, codify and compile any existing ordinance or ordinances and all new ordinances not heretofore published and to incorporate said ordinances into one Municipal Code book; and (c) Pursuant to Council direction, the City Clerk has contracted with a firm to publish a revised Rosemead Municipal Code. Section 2 . The Rosemead Municipal Code recodification project has been determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines § 15051 (b) (3) as a project that has no potential for causing a COUNCIL AGENDA SEP 141999 - ITEM No. _%L. significant effect on the environment Section 3 . The general ordinances of the City of Rosemead as herein revised, amended, restated, codified and compiled in book form, are hereby adopted as and shall constitute the Rosemead Municipal Code, bearing a copyright date of 1996 . Section 4 . The following County of Los Angeles ordinances, previously adopted by reference by the City of Rosemead, are hereby readopted and incorporated by reference into the Rosemead Municipal Code in their latest versions as follows : 1. Title 7 - Business Licenses of the Los Angeles County Code as amended to and February 10, 1998 . 2 . Title 11 - Health and Safety of the Los Angeles County Code as amended to and in effect on July 1 , 1999 . 3 . Title 15 - Vehicles and Traffic of the Los Angeles County Code as amended to and in effect on July 1, 1999 . 4 . Title 16 - Highways of the Los Angeles County Code as amended to and in effect on July 1, 1999 . 5 . Title 17 - Parks, Beaches and Other Public Areas of the Los Angeles County Code as amended to and in effect on July 1, 1999 . 6 . Title 21 - Subdivisions of the Los Angeles County as amended to and in effect on July 1 , 1999 . 2 Section 5 . All prior ordinances pertaining to the subjects in said Rosemead Municipal Code shall be deemed suspended and of no effect during the time that the revised Rosemead Municipal Code is effective . Such suspension of prior ordinances shall not affect any offense committed or penalty incurred or any right established prior to the effective date of the revised Rosemead Municipal Code, nor shall such suspension affect the provisions of ordinances levying taxes, appropriating money, annexing or detaching territory, establishing franchises or granting special rights to certain persons, authorizing public improvements, authorizing the issuance of bonds or borrowing of money, authorizing the purchase or sale of real or personal property, granting or accepting easements, plat or dedication of land to public use, naming or vacating or setting the boundaries of streets, alleys or other public places, nor to any other ordinance of a temporary or special nature or pertaining to subjects not contained therein. Section 6 . Said Rosemead Municipal Code shall be deemed published as of the day of its adoption and approval by the City Council and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and ordered to file and make available a copy of said Code in the Office of City Clerk. Section 7. Said Code shall be in full force 30 days from the date of its adoption and filing thereof in the Office of the City Clerk. The Rosemead Municipal Code shall be presumptive evidence in all courts and places of the ordinances and all provisions, sections, penalties, and regulations therein contained and of the date of passage, and that the same is 3 properly signed, attested, recorded and approved and that any public hearings and notices thereof as required by law have been given. Section 8 . The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance . * * * * * * * * * * PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 14th day of September, 1999 . Joe Vasquez, Mayor City of Rosemead ATTEST: Nancy Valderrama City Clerk 4