CC - Approval of Minutes - 09-28-99 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1999 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Vasquez at 8:03 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Vasquez. The Invocation was delivered by Councilman Bruesch ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmembers Bruesch, Imperial, Taylor, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, and Mayor Vasquez Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: -NONE PRESENTATIONS: NONE Mayor Vasquez, on behalf of the Council, presented plaques to Jeff Stewart, Director of Administrative Services, and Peter Lyons, Planning Director, in recognition and appreciation for their many years of outstanding service to the residents of Rosemead. Both Mr. Stewart and Mr. Lyons will be leaving the City for positions elsewhere. 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mary Jo Maxwell,Executive Director, Rosemead Chamber, extended her farewells on behalf of the Chamber to Mr. Stewart and Mr. Lyons. Ms. Maxwell invited the Council to attend their Business Luncheon on Wednesday which will explore how to do business with our Chinese neighbors, sponsored by the Chinese Yellow Pages. Ms. Maxwell announced the 25th Annual Golf Tournament, which will be held on Monday, October 4, 1999. Patricia Lopez-Stephens, from Congressman Matthew Martinez' office, announced that on October 9, 1999, at E.L.A. Community College, Congressman Martinez is sponsoring a free Sally Mae Workshop for college bound students and their parents on obtaining grants and financial aid. Ms. Lopez-Stephens:reminded everyone that the Congressman's door is always open to offer any assistance they can. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS An explanation of the procedures for the conduct of the public hearing was presented by the City Attorney. A. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (COPS) FUNDS Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager, presented the staff report. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing for those in the audience wishing to speak on this item. There being no one wishing to speak, the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Councilman Taylor requested a breakdown of the $60,000 portion for the purchase of a vehicle and equipment to be used for a commercial vehicle enforcement program. CCI 9Q8-99 Page#1 Jeff Stewart, Director of Administrative Services, responded that the money would be used for portable scales, wheel chalks, and a sport utility vehicle to store the equipment in. Mr. Stewart stated that this will enable the City to deal more effectively with oversized vehicles and semi trucks and trailers parked in the City. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council allocate the necessary Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPS)Funds from unappropriated reserves and approve the law enforcement equipment purchase outlined in the staff report for FY 1999/2000. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. IIL LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 99-40 -CLAIMS AND DEMANDS The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 99-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $482,446.59 NUMBERED 28499 THROUGH 2623. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER BRUESCH, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 99-40. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Councilman Bruesch inquired about Check No. 28535, in the amount of$100 to All Valley Honey&Bee for removal of Bees, and asked where this was located. Michael Burbank, Director of Parks and Recreation, responded that the bee's were in a tree by Garvey Pool, which was sealed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-A AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIM AGAINST CITY—JOHN L. KYBORZ CC-B AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIM AGAINST CITY—ELIZABETH KAILANY BY MARY ACOSTA, PARENT. CC-C REQUEST FOR LARGE BOTTS DOTS ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AT OLNEY STREET MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council approve the foregoing items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: CCI 9-28-99 Page u2 Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Councilman Taylor requested an accident report for the past three years at the Olney Street intersection. Mr. Taylor stated that there are 17,000 cars a day using the freeway on-ramp and that galvanized barriers were installed at Olney Street and at the end.of Loftus Street at the turn to the freeway entrance. Mr. Taylor stated his concern that by installing the flexible delineators, it might cause motorists to panic and jump back into the left hand lane. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager, stated that the City has received a certificate from the California Integrated Waste Management Board that recognizes the City for successfully implementing the programs necessary to achieve the first waste diversion milestone, AB 939. VI. STATUS REPORTS VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS A. COUNCILMAN BRUESCH Stated that at the Walnut Grove off ramp, he observed an 18-wheeler exiting the freeway in which the driver had difficulty negotiating that turn. The truck then blocked traffic in both directions on Hellman Avenue. Mr. Bruesch asked if Caltrans can restrict large trucks from exiting that off ramp due to the tight turning radius. Ken Rukavina, City Engineer, responded that the Traffic Engineer is investingating that problem with Caltrans. B. COUNCILMAN TAYLOR Stated that at the last Council meeting he requested and has since received an explanation of a payment to California Contract Cities for a wine corking fee. Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager, responded that the wine was donated and was for the Installation Dinner, installing Mayor Vasquez as President, and since it was not purchased at the hotel, a corkage fee was charged. Mayor Pro Tem Clark stated that in the future this type of fee should come from donated funds rather than tax payers money. VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE -None IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 12, 1999, at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: City Clerk MAYOR CU 9-28-99 Page d3