CC - Item 4C - Request for Traffic Controls on Olney St. stageport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER <- DATE: NOVEMBER 3, 1999 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC CONTROLS ON OLNEY STREET DISCUSSION This is a request from resident Gilbert Pedregon for stop controls on Olney Street due to concerns with speeding through the residential street. In 1996, Mr. Pedregon first approached the Traffic Commission with a request for stop sign installations on Olney Street at Marybeth Avenue and Vane Avenue. At that time, staff reported that such installations at both intersections did not meet Caltrans guidelines. Current staff review of the area shows that conditions cited in the 19% report remain the same. Based on the reported accident history of both intersections(dated January 1, 1996 —December 31, 1998), no reported accidents occurred at Olney StreetNane Avenue, and one accident occurred at Olney Street/Marybeth Avenue. Multi-way STOP Sign Warrants worksheets (see attached) completed for both intersections indicate that both locations do not meet the minimum guidelines established by the Caltrans Traffic Manual for multi-way STOP signs. Based on these results, the installation of STOP signs at the intersections of Olney Street at Vane Avenue and Marybeth Avenue was not recommended. Staff did recommend that Olney Street be placed on the City's list for use of the radar trailer, in addition to selective sheriff enforcement for the area. At the October Traffic Commission meeting, further discussion on this item led to an amendment of the recommendation to include the installation of rumble strips on Olney Street (Exhibit B). The Traffic Commission voted 3-0 to approve this amended recommendation. COUNCIL AGENDA I Nov - 91999 ITEM No. 1• cc-G K Rosemead City Council November 9, 1999 Page 2 of 2 Currently, both the radar trailer and selective sheriff enforcement have been in use on Olney Street. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council APPROVE the amended recommendation as follows: 1. Installation of rumble strips on Olney Street; 2. Placement of Olney Street on the City's list for use of the radar trailer; 3. Selective sheriff enforcement. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A—Staff report,dated September 29, 1999. Exhibit B—Figure 1 Exhibit C—Minutes for Traffic Commission meeting on October 7, 1999